Chapter 672 Officially promoted to the third level, official fan Du Yu!Ask for a monthly ticket

Du Yu was originally a lone ranger. Since he was not in the wolf pupil team, openly besieging the wolf pupil team not only failed to avenge him, but also aroused the hatred of the court.It's absolutely not worth it.

In other words, Hou Xiaobai could only watch helplessly as Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team wandered around their own territory and returned to the Bloody City safe and sound.

Du Yu was galloping across the field. Although his chest and abdomen were in severe pain, he yelled, "Happy! Happy!"

He had never tried to be so elated.

Although every time he fights against the enemy, he can not suffer a loss, and even take advantage of it, letting the enemy shoot him in the foot, but this time with beauties such as Shen Luoyan, Shi Feixuan, and Wan Wan, the result is very different!
That's total annihilation!

Except for Lao Yue, the entire dark elf team couldn't die anymore.

An old enemy who had a major quarrel with him was ambushed and killed by him in turn, within 2 minutes. With the strong team having allies by his side, how could Du Yu be unhappy?

He picked up Shen Luoyan and kissed her fiercely.

Then he hugged concubine Xuan and Wanwan, embraced from left to right, and kissed fiercely together.

The other beauties who participated in the battle also failed to escape his clutches, they were caught by him giggling, and kissed fiercely one by one.

Shen Luoyan said dissatisfied: "So you're getting carried away? This is just the beginning."

She pondered and said: "This time Hou Xiaobai organized such an intense siege just after you came back. It should be an extremely crazy counterattack against you for killing Hou Xiaofeng. But we were completely blown away by a chance meeting. But Hou Xiaobai will not stop .”

Zhongmei nodded.

Yilin worried: "Will Maishela and the others be in danger?"

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "No! As long as Hou Shenjiang does not rebel for a day, he will not dare to openly slaughter the adventurers who came in response to the imperial court's order. Besides, our lord is not in the team, but it has reduced a lot of hatred. They should Nothing will happen. Instead, we should figure out how to maximize the value of this East China Sea Dragon Girl."

"What maximizes value?" Du Yu wondered.

"Of course it's an official promotion to the third level. What kind of official do you want to be?" Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "The court is actually playing with words. Qin Tianzheng, Qin Tianzheng, is a serious fourth-rank official, are you going to be one? "

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "The emperor won't be relieved either."

Shen Luoyan smiled beautifully and said: "Then when we ask for an official, we must also know the direction, otherwise we will be very passive."

"Ask Yimei." Shi Feixuan gave advice and said: "As a high-ranking official in the imperial court, Yimei must know the depth of the officialdom."

Du Yu nodded, took out the interspatial walkie-talkie and called Yimei.

Yimei's voice came: "I happened to be looking for you. What's the matter?"

The two parties agreed to meet at a training ground in the outer city.

Du Yu left in a hurry.

Seeing Du Yu, Yi Mei smiled and said, "You boy, this time the harvest is not small!"

Du Yu was taken aback: "What gain?"

Yimei stared at her beautiful eyes, and her towering breasts suddenly squeezed out: "You still want to hide it from me? Your wolf pupil team, on the coast of the East China Sea, launched a massacre of Dongming salamanders. They killed more than 200. I The spies placed in General Houshen have already told me."

Du Yu really didn't talk to Michelle on the phone, and he was overjoyed when he heard it.

Yimei nodded and said: "You responded to the imperial court's call this time and killed more than 200 East China Sea C-level monsters. This contribution alone is not a small contribution. The rare thing is that although other teams went to East China Sea, Donghai You Xizhuan, not only failed to find the gathering place of monsters, but also a team encountered the Princess Rescue Team led by Ao Guang and Ao You, the dragon prince of the East China Sea. I'm back. Only your wolf pupil team can achieve something. Although the imperial court doesn't like your small team's gains, but for the sake of the imperial court's dignity, they can only publicize your achievements, and we must focus on commending them."

Du Yu snickered.

Yimei frowned and said: "By the way, after your wolf pupil team was established, every time you go hunting, you have gained a lot. The last time you killed the chisel-toothed beast, this time you killed the Dongming salamander. Why are you so accurate in finding it?"

Du Yu coughed twice. How could he tell Yi Mei that he had the military map of the Tang Dynasty?
Yi Mei thought that he was an expert in intelligence work, and there was no way to guess such things, so she raised her eyebrows and said, "You've made a fortune again this time. In addition to the profit from selling Dongming salamanders, there are also rewards issued by the imperial court according to the reward standards. You The wolf pupil team has secured its position as a strong team in the outer city, and will definitely enter the fast lane. By the way, there is another piece of good news."

Yimei smiled and said in a low voice: "Because you presented Hou Xiaofeng as an important witness, Long Live the Emperor attaches great importance to it, and interrogated him in person overnight. He was the only one, and even Master Zhuge Xiaohua and I were not allowed in. This time it is another example The land is to share the concerns of the imperial court. I invite the emperor to approve the piece of land you fancy. You don’t even need the cost price, how about 1000 million survival points? Why don’t you invite me to dinner quickly?”

Du Yu was taken aback, and said angrily, "I've worked so hard for the court to cut off the traitors, but I still need money?"

Yimei's almond-shaped eyes widened, and she scolded: "You bought such a large piece of land for 1000 million, how dare you think it's expensive? It's clearly worth more than 3000 million, okay? Not to mention that large-scale construction in the city requires the emperor's special approval. You Don't be satisfied. Don't pull it down!"

Du Yu sighed and said, "Since the imperial court has treated such a peerless hero so badly, I really have nothing to say."

Yimei chuckled and said, "Don't say you're like a savior, you just caught Hou Xiaofeng by coincidence, what great credit do you have for the court?"

Du Yu lazily said, "Then, arresting the princess of the Dragon Clan is a great contribution?"

Yimei was really shocked this time!
She stood up against the desk, her beautiful eyes widened, staring at Du Yu for a long time without saying a word.

When she saw Du Yu last time, due to the distance, the capital had not received the news that Lord Hou was searching for the dragon princess. The earth was turned upside down, and she, the supervisory censor, was too dereliction of duty.

Du Yu coughed and said, "Don't look at him like that, I won't agree to your unreasonable thoughts."

Yi Mei punched Du Yu hard on the head, and said angrily, "Are you amusing me?"

Du Yu cried out in pain: "Okay, when the supervisory censor beats the heroes of the court and sees me facing the saint, I don't want to play you a good one."

Yi Mei was not in the mood to joke with Du Yu, and scolded in a trembling voice: "You said you captured the Dragon Princess? Why don't you show me quickly?"

Du Yu grinned and said, "Don't be too busy. With the lesson of being stared at by the court last time and throwing it away after use, I have to negotiate a deal first. Otherwise, if you give it to God General Hou, maybe the price will be higher?"

Yi Mei said coldly: "General Hou? How dare you give him the dragon princess? Do you know why he wanted the dragon princess?"

Du Yu smiled and said: "Of course, rare goods can live. He wants to control the Dragon Palace, control the rhythm of the beast swarm, and then save and save, and make a flood of beast swarms that never happens in a century. With a cry, this bloody city and the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed." They all rushed away. He watched the fire from the other side, and finally came to clean up the mess, don't you think it's good?"

Yimei didn't expect Du Yu to be so insightful, to explain Hou Shenjiang's conspiracy in such detail, and remained silent for a long time.

She pondered: "What about people?"

Du Yu didn't tease her this time, and waved his hand.

The fake Qinglian walked out slowly and sat beside Du Yu.

Yi Mei studied it for a long time, she had seen the Dragon Clan several times, although it was not Qinglian, the aura of the Dragon Clan could not be faked at all.

Yimei sighed, with a worried look on her face.

Du Yuqi said, "Even if you didn't catch the dragon girl, if you offered it through your hands, the emperor would reward you, right? You, the supervisory censor, can be regarded as an official."

Yi Mei sighed: "You really think I'm calculating rewards? I'm worried about this day."

She stood up and looked at the sky in the distance, and said disappointedly: "Finally, there is order in the space, and it is no longer the bloody wind. I didn't expect that the national thief like Hou Shenjiang would secretly plot again. Being in a high position, civil strife will break out if the court is not careful, which will give Shenluo and other countries an opportunity. The emperor is also worried about state affairs recently, and can't sleep at night."

Du Yuxin said that it would be considered vulgar to lie to Yimei with a dummy, but Yimei laughed again.

"Finally, God blesses you. By accident, you got this dragon princess in the sphere of influence of God General Hou." Yi Mei patted her chest: "Tell me, what do you want?"

Of course Du Yu would not be polite to Yimei: "First, you can't ask me for the land payment of 1000 million?"

Yi Mei also simply said this time: "I can make the decision, don't want it!"

Du Yu laughed and said, "Then can I have some restrictions on building a house?"

Yimei frowned and said, "What do you want to do? Building military facilities in the city is not acceptable."

Du Yu coughed and said, "This is not a military facility, but a mansion."

Yimei also said helplessly to this tired figure: "Okay."

Du Yu suddenly asked: "In the imperial court, which official is the most affordable? Or the most suitable for me?"

Yimei glanced at him angrily, and only then did she realize why this guy wanted to find her. He was simply a fan of officials and was going to discuss matters of being an official.

"I think you are most suitable to be a city gate officer?"

Du Yu said listlessly: "What can the officials do? It's boring!"

Yi Mei narrowly said: "You can fill your own pocket and take some bribes?"

Du Yu said with a dissatisfied expression on his face, "A mere thousand or eight hundred survival points is also called bribery?"

Yi Mei snorted coldly: "I don't want to do this, and I don't want to do that, do you want to be the emperor?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "I don't dare. But is there any job that can manage a lot of things?"

Yimei pondered for a while, this Du Yu was obviously an official fan, and he made great contributions to the empire one after another, so it's not good to blame him blindly.

Suddenly a thought flashed in her mind, and she said with a smile: "You have made meritorious service this time, and the imperial court will promote you to three ranks. According to the nine-rank Zhongzheng system, you have never been a commoner, and you have been promoted to a sixth-rank official. A sixth-rank official It’s not too big, it’s not too small.”

(End of this chapter)

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