Chapter 673 Director Programmer, Raising Eastern Sea Salamanders in Captivity! - Ask for a monthly ticket
"I have a good place to go, and I have a suggestion for you. The programmer director in charge of space maintenance in the space was punished by the emperor to be vacant a few days ago due to constant bugs in the space. It just so happens that this is a sixth-rank official, why don't you do it?" This location?"

Du Yu was puzzled for a while: "Director Programmer, what kind of official is this? Don't bully me for being uneducated."

Yimei suppressed her smile and said solemnly: "Program Manager, as the name suggests, manages a large group of programmers. You have a lot of authority, you can enter the backstage of the space, and have access to many secrets. You are also in charge of various Maintenance of the world interface. How is it? Great, isn’t it?”

The more Du Yu listened, the more he scratched his head: "What's the relationship between the program manager and Bi Mawen?"

Yi Mei could hardly hold back her smile, but thinking that it must be very interesting to put this official fan in the position of the chief programmer, and to see him scratching his head, she immediately smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, since the imperial court dared to say that the official promotion At the third level, of course, there are already calculations. The city gate officer is the best position. But I think you have a lot of skill, so I can advise you. If you are not interested, then you can do the city gate to collect taxes. One Standing guard in the world, how can you get some money to survive in the account! I am warning you as the supervisory censor, if you get too much money, I will personally arrest you!"

She endured the hard work on her face, and she was already laughing in her belly.

The program manager, whose real name is the technical director of the imperial court, was originally a high-ranking position among the top three chief engineers, but since the rise of the space collapse empire, what can this official position do?

The space is gone.

As a result, the status of this position declined rapidly, and it was first changed to a fourth-rank space supervisor, which was tied with Guozijian and Qintianjian.Later, the name was not worthy of the name, so he was simply reduced to a sixth-rank official, and he didn't bother to have a very elegant name, so he was called Program Manager.

It is not entirely true that Yimei lied to Du Yu.Although the rank of the programmer manager has slipped, the structure contained in it has not been reduced too much.In fact, there are many programmers under his command, who are responsible for debugging the details of each world and fixing various bugs.

This position sounds very difficult.You know, after the collapse of the space, powerful people like Hou Xiaobai are rampant and wanton, how hard are the programmers?
Needless to say.

The former program manager couldn't do it any more, so he chose to resign voluntarily.

The emperor didn't care much about this position either.

There are too many bugs and loopholes in the space.

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "You are obviously waiting to see me get embarrassed. How do I know what a programmer is? But since I have such a position, I can give it a try."

Yi Mei held back her laughter, imagining how unlucky this official fan would be, completely messed up and lost amid various system bugs and the emperor's roar, and couldn't help laughing again, took the dragon girl Qinglian with her, and left with a smile.

Shen Luoyan frowned and said, "I don't quite understand this programmer, system administrator or something. Why do you want to fight for this position?"

Du Yu smiled without saying a word, and when Shen Luoyan forced him to question him, he laughed and said, "Everyone thinks that space is dead, and the powerful can do whatever they want with various props. So the official program ape of the imperial court has been reduced to tinkering, expert The wage earners who wipe their asses are even less valued. But this position falls into my hands, and I have spatial abilities, so from now on hehe"

Du Yu laughed sinisterly: "Bastards like Hou Xiaobai, if you dare to use the space ability, wait for me to fix the space bug, and kill them one by one by accident! Hehe"

Shen Luoyan, Shi Feixuan, Xiao Longnv and others looked at each other, only then did they know what this guy was up to.

Shen Luoyan said unhappily: "If you say so, due to the collapse of the space, all the big powers have used props and acted recklessly, but even so, the space program ape should be valued by all parties and the court. After all, the emperor can't let it go It's a mess from below."

Du Yu analyzed: "Judging from the previous adventures, the royal family is the biggest beneficiary. It's not that the emperor doesn't want to manage the space well, but the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, and what he says is not hard. It has become a decoration. In short, go and see these programmers and the backstage first, and then we will talk about it.”

His communicator suddenly rang.

It was Michelle, who proudly said in the channel: "We are back. It's a pity you didn't see it this time, tsk tsk. What a bumper harvest!"

Du Yu smiled and said nothing.

Maishela couldn't hold back her excitement, and before Du Yu could say anything, she quickly reported her results: "This time, taking advantage of the entanglement between the Three Swords and other teams and the Dongming Salamander, I killed more than 130 C-level monsters Dongming Salamander , and caught more than 130. Most of them are pregnant females, and we are sending them back. Hurry up and contact the big merchants on the side of Shinra to save our harvest, and we are hit by black-hearted forces in the outer city to suppress prices. "

Du Yu put away the communicator, smiled at Shang Xiuxun, "You have work to do this time. You have to tame more than 130 Eastern sea salamanders, can you be busy?"

Shang Xiuxun gave Du Yu a blank look: "Nonsense, of course not. If you want to help, you also need to send some adventurers to help. Besides, do we only domesticate the Eastern Sea Salamander?"

She explained: "My Pegasus Ranch has a great chance of being able to breed mutated species. That is, the Eastern Sea Salamander is used as a mount, which can develop various rare attributes. For example, the Eastern Sea Salamander's [Water Avoidance]. Only one-tenth of the Dongming salamander can have this attribute, but the punishment of water battles has been further reduced from 35% of the ordinary Dongming salamander to a terrifying 65%. There is also [Fierce Beast], which greatly increases the The attacking desire and attack power of the salamander. Once these precious attributes appear in the bred new eastern sea salamander, the value is not comparable to that of a C-level monster, and it is at least the price of a C+, C++ or even a B-level monster!"

Du Yu nodded. He had known for a long time that Shang Xiuxun's ability to tame monsters was against the sky. It could not only increase the growth rate and slaughter rate by 70%, but also improve the basic attributes of monsters, as well as the chance of rare attributes of monsters appearing.

According to Wang Yuyan's information, the amphibious beast of the East Sea Salamander can develop dozens of rare attributes, such as [Water Avoidance] that further strengthens water combat, and [Good Horse] that enhances riding attributes. There is [Wild Beast] that enhances the desire to attack, and [Gong Gong] that enhances the natural magic of the water system.

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "Don't forget, the imperial court and the East China Sea Dragon Clan are absolutely mortal enemies at this time! The battlefield has been fighting in the coastal land. The amphibious riding monster like the Dongming salamander is definitely something that the imperial court can't ask for. Treasures. If they can be raised on a large scale and sold to the imperial court at a high price, will they not be reused?"

Du Yu patted his thigh: "That's right."

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "You, you clearly planned everything, but you didn't say anything for a long time, and you didn't say anything on purpose. You didn't pretend to realize it until I said it. In fact, you deliberately went to the shore of the East China Sea to arrest Dongming Salamander, you've already thought about your next move, right?"

Du Yu hugged Shen Luoyan's charming snake waist, kissed the beauty hard on the cheek and said: "The one who knows me is also Luoyan."

He immediately picked up the communicator and contacted Catherine.

Catherine appeared on the screen coquettishly, still glamorous and charming.It seems that she has become a queen at this time, with great power in her hands, and she often meets with Du Yu in trysts, so she is nourished and becomes more feminine.

"What's the matter? Little lover?" Queen Catherine smiled softly.

Du Yu coughed: "It's a business matter. Do you want a batch of materials for Dongming salamander?"

Catherine looked at her red nails, nodded and said: "It's not a big deal. You can contact my royal supplier directly. At this time, the East China Sea monsters are raging and have shaken the four countries. Everyone is buying all kinds of furs and crystals of water-type monsters." Nuclear and materials, you don’t have to worry about selling your stuff. But I am very curious about how you can step on the right track every time and get the materials that are urgently needed by various countries. How on earth can you hunt so efficiently?”

Du Yu smiled and said, "I have all the military maps of the Tang Dynasty, do you believe it or not?"

Catherine dismissively said: "You are bragging. That is the core secret of the country. Even I haven't read the military map of the entire Shenluo Empire. What else do you want?"

Du Yu said sternly: "Didn't you say that some bosses of the dark council always trouble you? I can also work as a killer."

Catherine rolled her eyes, glanced at Du Yu, then sighed and shook her head and said, "My lover, although I am very touched by your sincerity and love, your current strength is only in the outer city. Even if you have a good team, you can't Compared with those bosses of the Dark Council who have lived for countless years, you are obviously too young. I don’t want my lover to die for love in a youthful impulsive, blind self-confidence. In short, first raise your strength to the inner city Right. I will consider using you as a surprise soldier."

Du Yu smiled wryly.

How should he explain it to convince Catherine that he is by no means an ordinary adventurer in the outer city.But in 2 minutes, he can kill a terrifying monster from a strong team of adventurers in the outer city?

But Catherine obviously didn't want Du Yu to take risks for her, so she told Du Yu stubbornly that she would rather buy professional assassins to do this kind of thing.

Du Yu had no choice but to give up.Anyway, waiting for Catherine is really not going well, and I will be a hero to save the beauty, and it will not be too late to save her place.

Catherine was so passionate that she begged Du Yu charmingly that she would have another tryst tomorrow night.Du Yu also coveted Catherine, the mature female body of the beautiful and noble queen, and naturally agreed.

He turned off the communication and thought about it carefully. Although he and Catherine used each other at the beginning, as the physical relationship continued to be harmonious, and the friendship of helping each other several times, the relationship became closer and closer.In addition to the mutual attraction of body hormones, the two hearts are gradually getting closer.

What a man's vanity to have a queen lover like Catherine who is both capable and beautiful.What a cool!

 Thanks to Mao Huihui, Undulating Waves, Wuma Here, volt002, Yuxin, Tianjinghuntian Baojian,!The big enthusiastic rewards from Heaven Demon and others, Lao Zhu will continue to work hard.Tonight is Christmas Eve!Laozhu presents the queen's Christmas Eve gift package, wishing all the judges a happy night.Ho Ho.

(End of this chapter)

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