Chapter 674 Arrogant yamen, threatened by enemies! - Ask for a monthly pass

Of course, in order to regain an ambitious and powerful queen like Catherine, in addition to the fiery relationship between lovers, Du Yu's strength must be used as a backing. Otherwise, even if Du Yu wants to remove the stumbling block for his mistress, no one will look at you seriously.This really frustrates Du Yu's man's vanity.

But when Du Yu led the wolf pupil team into the city triumphantly, they bumped into the White Tiger Team, Tianyu Team, Bladeless Team and Yamazaki Dragon II Team who were returning to the bloody city on a teleporter.At the same time, Hou Xiaobai also walked out slowly from the city gate.

The eyes of the four strong teams and Hou Xiaobai were all focused on Du Yu.

Hou Xiaobai was a heavy soldier who was killed and ambushed because of Hou Xiaofeng. He was killed by Du Yu, his hatred value exploded, his eyes were extremely unfriendly, and he stared at Du Yu coldly.

Behind him, the dog legs of the six doors all sneered, holding shackles and instruments of torture, waiting to give Du Yu a hard blow.

Du Yu's eyes turned cold, but he saw Hou Xiaobai's cold eyes head on.

Hou Xiaobai is also a bachelor, since playing dirty tricks is not good, then play power with you!
He walked slowly towards Du Yu, gritted his back molars with a voice that only the two of them could hear, and said with a smile: "It's so majestic. He managed to escape from the East China Sea alive and return with his prey. But it's also It's your last supper. Tonight's dinner, I invite you to go to the prison with six doors and have a prison meal!"

In the end, Hou Xiaobai's handsome face twisted with anger.

Du Yu looked past Hou Xiaobai, and said calmly: "It turned out that Mr. Hou arrested the head, but he didn't know what crime I committed. Why did he arrest me? You know, I am a volunteer soldier who responded to the court's call and went to relieve the court's worries."

Hou Xiaobai sneered in Zhongsen on the channel: "Rebels? Warriors? I am! You deserve it! You don't even look in the mirror to see what you are? A senior official crushes people to death! With so many arrests in my hand, I just want to Arrest you openly, and put you in a prison with six doors. I will let you live or die! Where is my brother? Tell me!"

He said that later, he was already hysterical and hoarse.

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "Your brother? I don't know. I've never seen Mr. Hou in the world of Tang Dynasty. There is a clown who is known as a wise multi-star, but I was cramped and skinned, and his mind and soul were completely wiped out. Could it be Is that your brother?"

The more calm and indifferent he said, the more he could arouse Hou Xiaobai's anger, and the more he could make these six sects arrest their heads and lose their minds.

Du Yu had already had wisdom pearls in his hands, and he looked at Hou Xiaobai and the many strong teams with a smile.

The captains of these strong teams, looking at Du Yu, have long been upset.

None of these teams achieved anything, and it was in stark contrast to the 54 members of the wolf pupil team, who came out happily carrying materials, magic cores, and the captured Dongming salamander.

At this time, they saw Hou Xiaobai, the master of the six doors, blatantly looking for Du Yu's misfortune, and they were naturally very happy.

Shi Guodong clenched his fists: "Boss Hou arrested the head, it's a pleasure to meet you. I want to report one thing. This time, we will go to the East China Sea with us, and there is another team that will contribute to the court, the Red Python team. I think you know it too. "

Hou Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat.Of course, he knew about the Red Python team. He was the one who arranged for the more than 30 captured adventurers of the Red Python team to kill and throw their corpses into the Endless East Sea.

Shi Guodong pointed to Du Yu in a deep voice and said, "The red python and I are inseparable. I once took the red python team and the wolf pupil team to go hunting in the Liaoyuan beach. As a result, the wolf pupil team came back, but the red python team was attacked by strangers. The casualties were heavy. The wolf pupil team has serious suspicions, you should arrest Du Yu and interrogate him."

Hou Xiaobai was overjoyed!
He was worrying about suppressing Du Yu for no justifiable reason. Unexpectedly, Shi Guodong offered one, raised his eyebrows, and Hou Xiaobai was surprised and said: "There is such a thing of harming the court's justice? As the chief arrester of the six sects, I decided to You can’t just sit back and watch! Come on! Take the captain Du Yu and vice-captain Maishela of the wolf pupil team for me, put them in a prison with six doors, and interrogate them overnight!"

With a promise, the wolves and tigers rushed forward with grinning grins, and were about to catch Du Yu and put him in prison.

The faces of Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuji, Tian Yu and others showed joy at the same time.

They can't wait to be caught and tortured.

People are more mad than people!

This time the hunting was over, they were messing around in the wind, licking their wounds alone, but they had reaped a lot, booming, earning a lot of money.

The difference in being a human being can't be that big, can it?

What shocked everyone even more was that the Red Python team was clearly chasing the Wolf Tong team.It's not good at all.But this time the Red Python team followed the Wolf pupil team and tried to sneak up and retaliate, but the final result

But it was the boss of the Red Python team, and the Red Python died!
The Red Python team went from a strong team with more than a hundred people to pieces, and only a mere 30 people were able to escape.

The Red Python team, from the top teams in the outer city, is obliterated!

Although their team has always been at odds with the Red Python team, and it is common for them to intrigue with the Red Python team, but Shi Guodong, Tian Yu and others witnessed the tragic death of the Red Python team at the hands of Du Yu for no apparent reason. For some reason, there was a chill in my heart!
The death of the rabbit and the fox hurt its kind!

They would rather that the red python is still alive at this time, and hate Du Yu together with them.

Shi Guodong felt even more deeply that the rapid increase in strength of Du Yu, who killed his younger brother, greatly exceeded the highest expectations of his old strong team in the outer city.

Shi Guodong clenched his fists and grinned grimly.

Openly framed Du Yu this time, it will definitely succeed!
Hou Xiaobai jumped up and down, laughing loudly: "Du Yu, you can resist if you have the ability. Resist these tolerances? I know you are wronged, but so what? I just want to wrong you! Kill you!" "

Under his yelling, Tolerance pounced on him.

At this time, the crowds near the city gate were at their peak, and there were probably no less than tens of thousands of people gathered, and even those with good intentions, seeing Hou Xiaobai blatantly suppressing the strong teams in the outer city, calling for friends, dared to come and watch the fun.It was so crowded here that the traffic at the city gate was blocked.

Seeing how domineering Hou Xiaobai was, even the crowd watching from afar sighed.

From everyone's point of view, Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team must suffer unjust injustice, and were arrested by Hou Xiaobai and tortured in an unjust prison.

Mai Shela of the wolf pupil team has a cannon temper, and immediately jumped up and said angrily: "Hou Xiaobai! You are clearly avenging your own personal revenge! This far-fetched reason can also arrest the adventurer captain? I must appeal."

Behind her, 55 wolf pupil team members were filled with righteous indignation, ready to reach out to fight Tolerance.

Fei Lang, the leader of a wolf-like police officer, shouted: "The six gates handle the case, whoever dares to interfere with official duties will be punished as the same crime!"

These six doors have a very fierce reputation, causing many onlookers to feel fear.

Inside the wolf pupil team, everyone is united.

Du Yu, his captain, has benefited the team countless times, and this time he captured so many hunting harvests. If he doesn't stand with him, is he still human?

Seeing that the conflict between the two sides is imminent.

But Du Yu stepped forward step by step.

He smiled and walked forward, approaching Flying Wolf.

Frightened by his aura, Flying Wolf took a step back and said angrily, "What do you want? Do you want to beat Tolerance?"

There was a sinister smile on his fat face: "Hit me if you have the ability. Hit me here! Hit me here! You're welcome. Otherwise, I will despise you."

While mocking Du Yu, he looked back at Hou Xiaobai.

As expected, Hou Xiaobai nodded approvingly to him, with the look of admiration for him.

This made Flying Wolf even more arrogant.

He has long been used to the helplessness and concessions faced by the masters of all walks of life in space.No matter who you are, in front of the six-door imperial court and official authority, there are only two ways to obey obediently or resist and be killed.

Who would have thought that Du Yu made a sudden move, slapped that flying wolf hard on the face!
How powerful is his attack power at this time?

Flying Wolf was very proud of himself, he never thought that Du Yu would dare to attack him so viciously in front of tens of thousands of spectators!
He choked with sobs, and was forced to fly up, fell heavily into the city gate, and couldn't get up after struggling for a long time.

Hou Xiaobai was stunned.

Shi Guodong was stunned.

Ryuji Yamazaki and the others were stunned!
Flying Wolf was beaten so badly that his bones were broken and his tendons were broken. His two cheeks, in particular, were so red and swollen by Du Yu's heavy hand that he almost lost consciousness.

Hou Xiaobai's face turned pale!
Du Yu dared to beat up his people in front of his face, which was clearly a slap in the face.

He said gloomyly: "How dare you attack a public official? Do you want to die? I can order you to be killed on the spot right now!"

Du Yu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "He asked me to slap him in the face, and I just did it. Otherwise he would despise me."

The tens of thousands of people watching burst into bursts of wild laughter.

Du Yu was not the only one who couldn't see the domineering behavior of the Six Doors, everyone dared to be angry and dare not speak out. Today, Du Yu stepped forward and beat up the flying wolf catcher.There is only a sense of happiness in everyone's heart, and there is absolutely no resentment.

But they also knew that this would probably be bad luck.

Has the six doors suffered such a big loss in public?
Sure enough, Hou Xiaobai looked up to the sky and yelled, and said ruthlessly: "Okay! He told you to fight, but you dare to fight? What are you? If I can't take you down today, I will hold the big head with my head and walk out of the city gate upside down." , Kneel on the ground again, and call you Grandpa three times! How about it?"

There was so much ferocity in this voice, Hou Xiaobai really gritted his back molars to speak such decisive words.

Du Yu was not surprised when he heard the words, but instead he said with a smile: "What you said counts? Everyone has heard it."

Tens of thousands of spectators around were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and all of them said in unison: "We have all heard it!"

Du Yu grinned and said, "Then, Mr. Hou, hurry up and order the arrest?"

Hou Xiaobai roared angrily: "Give it to me! Let's see if he dares to resist?"

Many catchers rushed forward.

Du Yu ordered Maishela, who was eager to try, not to do it without authorization.

And what would he do?

(End of this chapter)

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