Chapter 675 Xiaobai takes the top!Kneel down and call grandpa! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

This is not over yet, the one who brought the welcome ceremony to its climax was Na Yimei, who took out a license from her arms with a smile.It was stamped with the emperor's Heshi jade seal (of course it was fake, only Du Yu knew it), and announced in public: "This time, the emperor personally issued an order. In order to commend the volunteers who responded to the court and reward loyalty and bravery, the court generously decided to send the wolf pupil team to the palace. The current temporary residence, together with a total of 20 hectares of land in the city up to the city wall, will be given to the wolf pupil team free of charge, with special permission to build defense facilities that do not exceed the height of the city wall. The market value exceeds 3500 million survival points!"

The whole space was shocked!
Hou Xiaobai was almost blown away.

In the city where every inch of land is expensive, it is getting more and more difficult to get a mansion, but this time the wolf pupil team just went out of the city to hunt, and they actually got 3500 million survival points and a headquarters land with an area of ​​20 hectares?

Fuck, when did the court become so generous?
This kind of favor made other strong teams returning from the outer city, such as the White Tigers, Tianyu, Wubla, and Yamazaki Ryuji, stare dumbfounded.Not to mention the Red Python team that was almost wiped out.

I and the others walked out of the portal miserably with scars all over their bodies, but what was greeted was only the biting cold wind, and no one paid any attention to them.

But people are so good, the imperial court supervises the censor on the opposite side, and welcomes them out of the city gate. They are rewards and awards, and they are promoted to three ranks. Well, he became a big hit all of a sudden!

All eyes of the audience were instantly focused on Du Yu.

Du Yu was also polite, and he accepted the imperial edict and land deed, and handed them over to Maishela.

That Huang Shilang winked and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Director Du for his promotion! The team of programmers is extremely important. In the future, we will be ministers of the same dynasty, so we can get closer."

As a servant of the Ministry of Officials, how could he not be aware of his words?

This time, the emperor issued an order overnight, and the officials hurriedly produced the edict and official seal, allowing a former imperial prisoner to jump three ranks in an unprecedented manner and become a sixth-rank official of the imperial court. This in itself shows the emperor's attitude.

This person is very holy.

Flattery is always good.

Du Yu smiled and chatted with Huang Shilang and Yimei, and they had a good time.

Hou Xiaobai's face turned blue and white.

Unexpectedly, this absolutely impossible thing really happened.

Du Yu became the official of the imperial court!
Court officials of the sixth rank or above, not to mention his six doors, even Yimei, the supervisory censor, had to report to the emperor if he wanted to move.

Gritting his teeth, he turned his head and was about to leave.

Who would have thought that Du Yu flashed in front of him, and said with a smile, "Hurry up, Mr. Hou, don't rush away. Haven't finished the funeral here yet?"

Hou Xiaobai gritted his molars and said, "Congratulations to Director Du Yu for his promotion. These blind men with six doors and no eyesight dare to attack Mr. Director. They really deserve death. I will deal with it severely when I go back, okay?"

His mind was in a mess right now, what he was most concerned about was not Du Yu's rise, but how could Princess Qinglian be obtained by Du Yu, a bastard?How could it be dedicated to the court?
Wasn't the Red Python team who got Qinglian?

He needed to report this matter to his father as soon as possible, not daring to entangle with Du Yu any more.

Unfortunately, even if he wanted to leave at this time, Du Yu would not agree!
Anyone who tried to step on his face would be stepped back ten times harder by Du Yu.

Du Yu said leisurely: "If you have a good memory, the witnesses of tens of thousands of people present can prove it. You, Mr. Hou, said quickly that if you can't catch me today, you will stand on your hands, hold your big head through the city gate, and kneel down. Acknowledge my mistake and call me grandpa three times. The so-called gentleman is hard to follow. I don’t know if Mr. Hou’s arrest will be fulfilled?”

Hou Xiaobai was so angry that he said viciously: "Director Du, even if you are promoted, there is still a gap of two grades with me. Don't let the villain succeed and then go crazy. I dare to call you grandpa, do you dare to accept it?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "It's okay. If there is a chance, let the arrogant young master who is well-known in the capital kneel down in public and call him grandpa, even if his life is shortened by three years, I will admit it!"

Michelle jumped up and shouted excitedly, "Grandpa!"

How could the crowd watching closely around let go of this good opportunity to embarrass a scum like Hou Xiaobai?Anyway, there are a lot of people, and they are also very courageous. Fearing that the world will not be chaotic, they shouted: "Yes, what you say must not be ignored!"

Hou Xiaobai's face was pale, and he, who was so proud and arrogant, knelt down to Du Yu in public, calling Grandpa, it would be better to kill him.

He looked at Yi Mei viciously, and said angrily: "This low-ranking official has humiliated me so much, don't you care?"

Yi Mei frowned. Although she didn't like Hou Xiaobai, the court still wanted to be respectable.This made a fourth-rank official kneel down in public and call him grandpa. It doesn't sound good to spread the word.

She was about to persuade Du Yu to let Hou Xiaobai go.But Du Yu took the initiative to send a voice transmission: "With the testimony of Hou Xiaofeng and Princess Qinglian, the court and the emperor should already know about Hou Shenjiang's ambitious plan, right? If Hou Shenjiang keeps forbearing, will it be very detrimental to the court? I asked Hou Xiaobai to kneel down and call him grandpa, which is a way to stimulate. It is enough to make the Hou family mess up, and then there is an opportunity to take advantage of it. To the court, it is also possible to vent the evil spirit of being plotted by the God General Hou and causing heavy losses from the beast horde! how?"

Yimei suddenly realized.

This time, due to the active provocation of General Hou, the imperial court lost troops and generals in the East China Sea beast tide, causing heavy casualties.The emperor simply hated the Hou family.

But suffering from lack of excuses and opportunities, instead of destroying the Hou family, the emperor wanted to reward God General Hou for his "victory", holding his breath in his heart, not to mention how disgusting it was.

What's more worth pondering is that God General Hou is ready to move in the East China Sea. Although the emperor has Hou Xiaofeng's soul, if he can find an excuse to control Hou Xiaobai, and both sons are in the hands of the emperor, what else God General Hou can do? ?
Although this Du Yu was messing around, this opportunity was also once in a thousand years.

Anyway, Hou Xiaobai said it himself, no one forced him.Hou Shenjiang couldn't even speak a half of nonsense.

As the supervisory censor, Yimei knows these secrets in detail, and is the emperor's confidant, who can peel cocoons from these complicated chaos.Turning his eyes, he actually smiled and said: "No one can stand without faith. Boss Hou is arresting you. Since you have said something, you should abide by it."

That Huang Shilang is used to seeing the wind and steering the rudder, since Yi Mei, as the supervisory censor, dared to torment Hou Xiaobai like this, it shows that the court has already moved to kill the Hou family, so naturally he also coughed and said with a subterranean smile: "As an official of the Ministry of Officials, the lower officials will also make a certificate. Mr. Hou, if you are a gentleman, please."

Hou Xiaobai was furious.

The surroundings were silent.

Du Yu was ruthless.

Anyway, he has an official position to protect him now, and no six doors can move him, so Hou Xiaobai can only rely on himself.

It was Du Yu's plan to fight Hou Xiaobai face to face.

Under the eyes of Yimei and Huang Shilang, Hou Xiaobai was almost blown away.

He looked at Du Yu with hatred.

Everything is caused by this bastard.

Du Yu stepped forward calmly, and smiled: "Young Master Hou, let's start with the handstand and the big head?"

Hou Xiaobai let out a roar, and Du Yu paid all his attention to him, preventing him from making a sudden move.

But Hou Xiaobai made a move that surprised everyone.

Damn, he really went all out!

This suave and suave Mr. Hou actually held the big cap, turned his head down, and walked backwards in the gate tower, quickly walking inward.

This time, it was really a wonder in the world.

It was beyond Du's expectations.

He thought that this arrogant bastard would definitely explode and attack him.

That's the best.

Beating himself, a celebrity, in public, even if he is the son of Hou Shenjiang, just passed a handle in front of the emperor who had already secretly established hatred.

For the emperor who was eager to find excuses and opportunities to get rid of Hou Shenjiang, it was really sleepy and someone gave him a pillow.

Hou Shenjiang's other son, Hou Xiaofeng, has been controlled by the emperor.If Hou Xiaobai's fault is found and he is arrested, then all the sons of the God General Hou will be controlled by the emperor.

Are you afraid that Hou Shen will turn out of the sky?

With this in mind, Hou Shenjiang always instructs Hou Xiaobai recently to stay in the East China Sea often and not to return to the capital.

Hou Xiaobai is not a fool either.

After witnessing Yimei's malicious gaze, he made up his mind!
In the past, Han Xin could bear the humiliation of his crotch.Today, I, Hou Xiaobai, can too!

With this spirit, he abruptly picked up the cauldron at the Vermilion Bird Gate under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of spectators!

back out.

Everyone burst into earth-shattering laughter.

"It's a worthwhile trip to be able to witness Mr. Hou's head-hunting Nada Ding."

"Three lives are lucky, three lives are lucky!"

"Young Master Hou is indeed a master, this cauldron is really a standard."

"Is it time to kneel on the ground and kowtow to call grandpa?"

"Keep working hard, it's wonderful!"

Hou Xiaobai was so angry that he almost exploded.

He turned over and stood up, and said coldly: "Yi Mei! Are you really planning to force and humiliate me?"

Yi Mei said strangely: "I didn't do anything. This is between you and Du Yu."

Hou Xiaobai looked at Du Yu fiercely and shouted, "How dare you?"

Du Yu walked over nonchalantly, patted Hou Xiaobai's face, and said coldly, "You'd better fulfill this promise today. Otherwise, I promise you won't be able to leave alive!"

He lowered his voice, and said coldly: "Otherwise, the Dark Elf team will be a lesson for you!"

Mentioning the Dark Elf team, Hou Xiaobai's face twitched.

It was the first time he was threatened face to face, but the Dark Elf team was wiped out by Du Yu in just 2 minutes.And his wolf pupil team is still thousands of miles away.

He must have hidden powers that he doesn't know about.

Although Hou Xiaobai is very confident, it is clear at this time that the power of the six doors cannot be used.Under the emperor's edict and Yimei's official authority, the troops of the six gates at the top of the city had already retreated quietly.

After all, this is the bloody city!The capital of the Tang Empire!
The authority of the emperor is the strongest here!

Hou Xiaobai was confused.

(End of this chapter)

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