Chapter 676 Rectify Hou Xiaobai and build Wolf Fort! -Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch

No one can resist the emperor's order.

Since the emperor's imperial edict praised Du Yu greatly, he knew with his ass that Du Yu was now a celebrity in front of the emperor's eyes.

For a headhunter, fight with the emperor's celebrity?
forget it.

They all withdrew.

Those captors in the outer city who were beaten half disabled even cried to their father and mother, worrying about how they would get out of this fight between the gods.

How dare he attack Du Yu?
Hou Xiaobai, he was the only one left.

He rolled his eyes and said a few words into the communicator.

Hou Shenjiang was on the other side, listening to the conversation.

Yihou's city mansion naturally understood that Yimei's attack was clearly an idea to find fault, to find fault with his son, and to capture him as a hostage.

Hou Shenjiang was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth.

"Bai'er, this is a miscalculation for my father. Endure the humiliation for a while, and make a lifetime of merit. The most important thing is that you leave the city as soon as possible and return to your father." General Hou Shen said in a deep voice.

Although he scolded Hou Xiaobai on weekdays, at a critical moment, he still put his son's safety first.It also doesn't matter that Hou Xiaobai calls Du Yu grandpa, wouldn't Du Yu become his father Hou Shenjiang?

Hou Xiaobai nodded for a while.At this time, Yimei got involved, most likely with the idea of ​​praying mantis catching cicada and oriole.

Unexpectedly, this time he was looking for Du Yu's bad luck, but Yi Mei seized the opportunity behind him.

He was furious in his heart, but he had to bear it, and he knelt down before Du Yu, shouting three times too fast: "Grandpa!"

In his heart, Hou Xiaobai was swearing viciously: "Today, I have suffered such great shame and humiliation. In the future, I will follow my father and lead an army to attack the city of Chang'an. If I can't find you and Yimei, a bitch, I will cramp and skin you two. What kind of face does Hou Xiaobai have in this world?"

Hearing that Hou Xiaobai was so cooperative that he was called grandpa, Du Yu smiled coldly.

The tens of thousands of spectators around were completely stunned.

Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, Yamazaki Ryuji and others were stunned.

It seems that Hou Xiaobai is a fourth-rank official of the imperial court, right?The six gates always catch the head. For adventurers in the outer city, this is a veritable god!
They, the adventurer captains, were always honored to have a chance to speak to Hou Xiaobai.

Now, Du Yu forced Hou Xiaobai to kneel down and call him Grandpa!

Now that he has lost someone once, Hou Xiaobai has no psychological barriers.

He quickly finished calling grandpa, looked proudly at Yimei and Huang Shilang, and called me, what else can you do?
Both Yimei and Huang Shilang were overwhelmed by Hou Xiaobai's fearless and shameless spirit, and they looked at each other speechlessly.

Only Du Yu applauded and said: "Good! What a good grandson. Let me be a grandfather, and I will have a bright face. Don't say anything else, take the red envelope."

This wretched guy really handed Hou Xiaobai a red envelope.

Hou Xiaobai was so angry that his chest was about to explode.He was originally an arrogant person, so he had to bow his head and knelt down to call him grandpa. He already felt that his life was going to be ruined, so he still accepted Du Yu's red envelope?

He lowered his head and shouted gloomyly: "If you fall into my hands, you will surely live a long life."

Du Yu knew that what he meant was to make his life worse than death forever, so he smiled contemptuously, patted Hou Xiaobai's face and said, "When you were hostile to me, you should have thought of today's humiliation! There will be more such situations in the future!"

Hou Xiaobai screamed wildly in anger, and walked out of the city.

His mouth was trembling, and he secretly thought in his heart that it would not be too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

Unexpectedly, Yi Mei flashed in front of him, and said coldly: "Boss Hou, arresting the boss, where are you going?"

The relationship between the imperial court and God General Hou is so delicate, it would be bad for Hou Xiaobai to leave the capital and return to the Donghai Camp.

Hou Xiaobai sneered and said: "What? Yimei, you still want to restrict my freedom? I have fulfilled my promise. As a fourth-rank member of the imperial court, I need your consent even where I want to go?"

Yimei's beautiful eyes turned cold, but there was really no reason to stop Hou Xiaobai.

Hou Xiaobai left in embarrassment under the eyes of everyone.

Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuer and the others felt chills in their hearts.

When Du Yu's wolf pupil team entered the city, it once again triggered the looting of many merchants.

At this time, when the Tang Empire and the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea were constantly fighting fiercely, the magic cores and materials of the amphibious monsters in the East China Sea were hyped up to sky-high prices.Because the demand is so hot.

The empire and the water monsters are constantly fighting. Water magic cores and materials can greatly increase the resistance to water attacks and increase the chances of survival for soldiers.Both the Weapon Shop and the Enchanting Shop are in high demand.However, due to the outbreak of the East China Sea War, it was too dangerous. This time, many strong teams and collective hunting were sent back by the Dragon Princes of the East China Sea, and they all returned home.The wolf pupil team's big harvest this time is particularly eye-catching.

Merchants from Shinra, Sultan, and Parliament all rushed forward and snapped up the purchases.

Maishela smiled like a flower. The harvest from hunting this time seemed to exceed ten million survival points. Going hunting with Du Yu was faster than robbing a bank.

Du Yu handed over the more than 700 million survival points he snatched from the red python to Maishela.It is useless for him to survive by himself, it is justified to give it to the team and strengthen his own control.

These strong teams in the outer city area turned pale with anger when they saw that the wolf pupil team was besieged by various wealthy businessmen and made a lot of money.

Tian Yu's face was livid, and he was the first to leave.

Wuren took the girl away in a calm manner.

Yamazaki Ryuji stared at Shi Guodong, and said with a smirk: "Captain Shi, if I remember correctly, you are the first person to chase and kill Du Yu. I don't know if Du Yu's heart is open enough to laugh it off." However, judging from the tragic death of Red Python and what happened to Hou Xiaobai, he is not a person who will not take revenge. Hehe."

Shi Guodong said coldly: "Am I someone who accepts provocations? Besides, you Yamazaki Ryuji fought openly with him on the street, the hatred seems to be not small, right?"

Yamazaki Ryuji smiled disdainfully, turned and left.

Shi Guodong looked coldly at Du Yu who had a good chat with Yi Mei and Huang Shilang, with murderous intent.

The third master persuaded from the side: "Boss Shi, at this time, the wolf pupil team has been greatly favored. It is not a good opportunity to do it. Not to mention that their headquarters now owns a large piece of land, which can be built for defensive facilities. It is even more difficult to defend." Attack. In the bloody city, it is impossible to attack them."

Shi Guodong let go of his fist, and said with a ruthless face: "The troubles in the heart must be eliminated early!"

"The next world" Shi Guodong's eyes swept towards the direction where Yamazaki Ryuji and Tianyu left.

Du Yu pulled up the happy-faced Michelle, who was asking the price loudly, and walked into a cafe on the side of the street.

"You are also a local tyrant with tens of millions of survival points, can you pay attention to your image?"

"If Tiantian makes such a fortune, we will become the number one team in the outer city sooner or later."

"Now that the imperial court has approved the land, we can build the headquarters. Isn't it time to build the headquarters of our wolf pupil team?" Du Yu looked at the white tiger team, Tianyu team and other old enemies who had gone far away: "You saw it too, Our big harvest this time is simply ridicule and hatred. If this continues, a few strong teams in the outer city will attack us openly and secretly."

Michelle also calmed down from the frenzy and happiness: "You are right. Today I saw Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuji and the others, all of whom were ashen-faced, and they might be planning something. The construction of the headquarters is urgent. At least when you leave Finally, we can withstand the sneak attacks of several companies."

Du Yu invited Wang Yuyan.

As Master Lu's proud closed disciple, Wang Yuyan inherited Master Lu's architecture and institutions, which Du Yu attached great importance to.

This time building the headquarters fortress of the wolf pupil team, Wang Yuyan will naturally take on the big responsibility.

Wang Yuyan smiled and said, "Sister Luoyan and I went to inspect the piece of land you just bought, cousin. To be honest, 20 hectares is just enough for construction. I drew a design."

She unfolded a large sheet of paper.

Du Yu and Maishela looked at it and were amazed.

On this design drawing, a complete defense system has been outlined.The heart of Du Yu's castle, the wide moat, the complex love flowers, the arrow tower, the city wall, the defense cover of the fairy world, the small building for listening to the rain, the smelling perfume pavilion, the water pavilion for returning water, and the Penglai fairyland are all presented.

What attracted Du Yu's attention even more was that not only the location of the castle heart was designed, but also a circle of exquisitely designed fortresses was added around it, which was the residence of the ordinary adventurers of the wolf pupil team.

Wang Yuyan explained: "Because cousin, you have always been alone and not with the team. We have to be careful that you take the heart of the castle with you when you leave. The wolf pupil team must still have the ability to protect itself. The concept of my design, In order to have no cousin, the wolf pupil team must persist for more than 24 hours under the siege that is three times stronger. I have designed dozens of master Lu's traps for this wolf pupil team's fortress, and based on the current space technology , to be further improved. For example, the Yin-Yang Lock of Heaven and Earth”

She explained in detail.

The more Michelle listened, the more excited she became.

Wang Yuyan is extremely talented, and has learned 6% to 7% of Master Lu's organ learning stunts. She has also developed her own ingenuity, using a large number of cutting-edge technologies such as lasers, electromagnetics, sound waves, and nanometers in space, pushing organ learning to a new height.

If all these mechanisms are used in the fortress of the wolf pupil team, Mai Shela is confident that relying on the strength of the wolf pupil team, she can independently persist for a few days and nights under the siege of several powerful teams in the outer city.

Although the space is chaotic, it is not so chaotic that the strong teams can openly fight in the city.As long as they survive the toughest raid stage and enter a stalemate, ordinary invaders will be severely punished by the space authorities.

What's more, at this time Captain Du Yu is already an official of the imperial court, and the idle generation really dare not risk the disapproval of the world.

Du Yu said in a deep voice, "Such high-tech technology requires such a large amount of construction work. The investment must be sky-high, right?"

Wang Yuyan smiled wryly: "This is the only problem I am worried about. These materials and weapons must be purchased from space. Although large quantities can be tendered, it is conservatively estimated that at least 3000 million survival points are required to complete such a large-scale fortress. construction."

Michelle was taken aback: "3000 million survival points? So much money?"

 Five more, please support!Thanks to Langhua Feiyun, xlyson, Baobaoni, Butterfly Dream and others for their enthusiastic support.

(End of this chapter)

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