Chapter 677 A low-key programmer director! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Wang Yuyan nodded: "But the defensive power will also reach an unprecedented level. As far as I know, at least in the outer city, no team has such a complete defense system. I am confident that the fortress of the wolf pupil team can resist the infiltration of the inner city team." and assassination."

Du Yu and Michelle looked at each other.

"Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the empire to allow non-government groups to build such a large-scale defense system in the city. This time, you made an exception and granted permission because you offered Hou Xiaofeng and Qinglian face." Maishela Shen Sheng said: "In this case, once our fortress is completed, it will become the number one strong team in the outer city. It will attract countless strong players to join them one after another. The value is incomparable! Vote!"

Du Yu closed his eyes and thought for a while: "Okay! Although the investment is huge, safety is priceless in this chaotic and dangerous environment. I authorize you and Wang Yuyan to start building the fortress of the wolf pupil team."

"This fortress, can you name it?" Myshea laughed.

"It's called Wolf Castle" Du Yu made the final decision.

Maishela, Wang Yuyan and Shen Luoyan went to the construction site to investigate together.

Du Yu went to his new office alone - General Administration of Programmers.

Du Yu didn't even know what this programmer was.

This General Administration is really high-end and elegant!
Actually, in the alley of a residential area, Du Yu turned left and right according to the address sent by Yimei. After searching for a long time, he finally found a small house.

small house!
"Fuck me, even if the space collapses and system maintenance is not taken seriously, this is a sixth-rank office of the imperial court. How can it not be so low-key and luxurious with connotations?" Du Yu complained wildly in his heart.

There was a faint premonition in his heart.

No wonder the emperor and Yimei gave themselves sixth-rank officials so readily.

This program director looks like the same thing as Bi Mawen of Monkey King.

Who let him, a rebel, fight against the emperor all day long, finally recruited, and rewarded you with a fat and oily position?Go dreaming.

With a gloomy expression on Du Yu's face, he walked into this lofty place known as a sixth-rank official.

As soon as he entered the door, Du Yu sprayed it completely.

I could only hear chattering inside, as if I had arrived at the monkey mountain in the zoo, where a monkey king contest was in progress.

Two ape-like robots fought fiercely, flying high and low, monkey fists like the wind, and the surroundings were like a rising planet of apes. More than a hundred mechanical apes gathered, roaring and cheering.

Du Yu petrified, in the wind and chaos

What the hell, this programmer director really lives up to his name, the management is really all programmers!
These mechanical apes are really unrestrained, western-style and deep. They are crazy and cool, not to mention chasing and fighting. There are actually two program apes intersecting on a bundle of thick server cables above Du Yu's head. , doing the mating behavior of that ape instinct.

Du Yu complained wildly in his heart!

Nima!Are you mechanical apes?In doing so, besides wasting electricity and creating wear and tear, is there any practical significance?

He finally understood why Yimei couldn't help laughing suspiciously when she heard that she promised to be the program manager.

This bastard!
He clearly wanted to see his own smile haha.

As Du expected, Yi Mei's smile suddenly appeared on the TV video.The little bitch smiled brightly, staring at the chaotic team of programmers, laughing so hard that he couldn't see his eyes.

"Master Programmer Director, you are working on the first day, are you okay?" Yi Mei leaned forward and back, and there was Princess Yuli next to her, and she also smiled so much that her teeth showed, and she looked at Du Yu.

The anger in Du Yu's heart.

He said with a tiger face, "I need an explanation."

Yimei asked strangely: "What explanation do you need? This programmer was inherited from the previous dynasty, before the collapse of space. They are all self-replicated by space, responsible for self-correction and repair. Not only rely on space to use Kinetic energy, and can shuttle between various spaces, repairing loopholes everywhere. It can be said to have unlimited functions, and there is absolutely no overtime pay. You should be proud of being able to lead such a capable team of programmers."

Du Yu said with a serious face: "But can you tell me why these programmers are panicking all day long, fighting and mating, but not working?"

Seeing that he was angry, Yimei was also afraid that the guy who was not afraid of the sky would make something wrong again, and sighed: "It's a pity. In the space age, they are all existences that adventurers are in awe of. Those who try to use BUG The outlaws who cheat with props are even more afraid of these programmers. But now the space has collapsed, the energy of the space has been greatly reduced, and the rules of the space have been completely destroyed. These programmers can only stay here bored and refuse Obey any order. We have sent several technical directors successively to try to master their core codes, repair them, and make them serve the empire. Unfortunately, their core codes are locked by the ancients, using cloud atomic computing technology to Our technical means cannot be cracked. We can only abandon it."

"Who will maintain the loopholes that appear in that space?" Du Yu asked.

Yi Mei smiled wryly and said: "These programmers are not completely idle. Otherwise, they would have been retrained by the court. They will also be in a conscious state, and occasionally maintain, especially the maintenance of the Scarlet City Gate. Diligent. This is why the Scarlet City Gate can maintain the basic rules and fairness. But at other times, they would rather be idle here than obey orders and go to work."

Du Yu was very angry and laughed back: "Then throw me here and play with them, right?"

Yimei laughed wildly: "You still have to be responsible for managing and looking after them. Don't let these strong guys run out of the small house. It is your sin to rush into the street and hurt the residents. Besides, once the emperor gives the order, you must punish To maintain a certain local plot, you have to find a way to please these big men, ask them to work hard, and maintain it for you. Otherwise, you will be scolded by the emperor for being incompetent, and you will be blamed or something."

Du Yu wiped your uncle and turned off the communication.

What kind of program manager is this? It's clearly the program's keeper.

To be responsible for their daily life and diet, to take care of them

Du Yu could hardly bear to resign immediately and go home. This kind of errand is not as good as Sun Wukong's Bi Mawen.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, a figure with a big grin suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was shocked.

It turned out to be a real monk.

Du Yu gasped and said, "What are you doing here?"

Monk Yizhen smiled and said, "Well, you Du Yu, you are promoted to an official, and you don't invite me to do a general health care or something. It's really meaningless. It really is a powerful official, and you are ruthless."

Du Yu said unhappily: "If you dare to tell me about being an official, I will be impatient with you. Have these programmers seen it? No one will accept it! Be careful of being beaten."

Monk Yizhen built a pergola with his hands, looked at those lawless, high-spirited programmers, grinned and said: "It seems that they don't work well? I know a little technology. Why don't you let me try?"

Du Yu was taken aback.

"Don't you claim to be the number one traveler in space? Street stalls also know technology?"

Monk Yizhen glared and said: "In these days, can you live without technology? I invented a program that can monitor urban management in real time, and it can be used after downloading the APP. Can you make it?"

Talking nonsense, he came to a programmer.

In Yizhen's pocket, there is a small talking machine.

At the other end, it links to a mysterious place.

When they saw that these programmers were safe and sound, Lu in a white dress, and the three space administrators GM Hongxuan, Lan Lei, and Qianfangyuan beside him felt extremely excited!
Lan Lei's blue eyes flashed with excitement, and he almost couldn't help touching the screen, and said in a low voice, "Thank God, these foolish adventurers haven't destroyed these cute programmers yet."

Hongxuan laughed and said: "The most fortunate thing is that our chosen one has become the manager of the programmers. We can get close to these programmers. Lan Lei, your technology is the best among our three GMs. Can you repair these programs? ape?"

Lan Lei sighed and said, "Although these programmers are a little worn out, the number is only about [-]% of that in their heyday. In the heyday, those who ran on the outer space shells were all these programmers! Sigh. But fortunately, their conditions It looks pretty good. And I have the unlocked core cloud atomic code, as long as I follow my prompts step by step, these programmers can be reactivated."

Qianfangyuan clapped his hands and laughed: "As long as the programmer is activated, our efforts to restore the space can be implemented. The restoration of space order is just around the corner."

Lu Qinglie's beautiful eyes are watery, but full of sadness: "You think it's that simple? It's impossible."

She smiled wryly and said: "The specific reason for the collapse of the space is still a mystery, but the biggest problem at this time is that the four empires have taken shape. As long as those in power do not want to abide by the past space rules, even if we manipulate the programmers, we can restore some space order .As long as people are aware of it and those in power say a word, these programmers will be destroyed. Power is not something that can be restricted by systems and tools.”

Lan Lei slammed his fist on the control panel, and said bitterly: "Are we just watching the space continue to slide into the abyss of destruction?"

The beautiful eyes of the deer were placed on Du Yu on the screen.

"Our hope is still on him. The chosen one of the space." Deer said softly.

"He's just a mere sixth-rank official. As long as our act of repairing the programmer is exposed, he will be beheaded by the emperor immediately. This kind of repairing the space rules directly violates the interests of the empire. No matter what connections he has, he can't save his life." "Lan Lei was discouraged.

Lu smiled slightly: "Although many reforms in history have failed, the so-called human effort is the so-called fact. The conditions for Zhang Juzheng's reform were not good, but he worked hard to eliminate all unfavorable factors, using power and conspiracy one by one. It has been carried out for decades. Although the reform method was abolished after his death, from his own point of view, it is a success. Our chosen one is still weak at this time, but he can create a sliver of possibility out of many impossibilities , It has exceeded our expectations. We powerless spirits can only rely on him. Let’s not talk about anything else, Lan Lei, you guys, let’s activate the programmer first.”

Du Yu looked at Monk Yizhen coldly, stroking the programmer's head here and there, rubbing his dirty monk's robe on the parts from time to time, muttering, "Suspicious monk! , don't break these programmers. Although they are troublemakers"

Yizhen said casually: "Don't worry, the poor monk is a master of programming. It's done!"

After messing around, he really followed the prompts of Lan Lei and other former managers of the space, and entered the activation command of the programmer.

The programmers, who were playing and playing, seemed to have a little spirituality, but they didn't stop playing.

Du Yu saw that there was no change at all after Yizhen was done, and said angrily, "Are you done messing around?"

Yizhen scratched his head: "Strange, when I wholesale inflatable dolls, I fiddled with them like this, they can stand up and provide super-class services like AV actresses."

Du Yu was speechless for a while, and kicked Yizhen's ass: "Get lost!"

Yizhen had a playful smile on his face: "You haven't bought anything yet? I have a new item here." He opened the monk's robe.

Du Yu was quickly attracted by Yizhen's inventory and began to bargain.

When two wretched guys meet together, it's really sparks hitting the earth, spit stars flying around.

Lu and the others are anxiously discussing

"What's going on?" Lu looked at Lan Lei, the chief technical expert.

Lan Lei said dejectedly, "It's an energy issue."

He smiled bitterly and said: "Since the collapse of the space, these programmers have not been maintained for too long. Although the activation code has been entered, their energy can only maintain the instinct of the beast program. It is still unable to work. I need energy, and It's not ordinary energy, but the energy that has mastered the rules of space."

"The energy of space rules? That thing?" Deer hesitated: "How much do we have?"

"There's not much left, and we have to maintain the operation of the Bloody City Gate, otherwise it will be completely finished." Lan Lei smiled bitterly: "In addition, we have also injected some of the chosen one in the world of Heroes Invincible, which cost a lot of money."

Lu's beautiful eyes looked at Du Yu, and pondered: "But his strength at this time is several times stronger than what we saw last time! The energy of the rules of space has also increased a lot, right?"

Lan Lei leaned over and said in amazement: "Really. After he entered a world, his energy actually increased by 4 times. How did he do it?"

Hongxuan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "I will tell you that this guy has already learned to cheat. In the world of Tang Dynasty, using the power of space rules to leave behind his golden core avatar, is he cultivating infinitely? I will tell you, if not He separated the golden core, and his strength increased by eight times?"

Lu, Lan Lei, and Qianfangyuan were shocked at the same time.

Lan Lei smiled wryly: "It seems that your decision, Lu, seems to be right. The growth rate of this guy's strength is far from what I expected. The power of space rules in his body has also grown a lot. I guess His energy can supply at least 8 programmers, and these programmers are enough to maintain some world rules."

 Thank you for the 10000 tip that I am not a little apple, and thanks to Shiliang, Wuma here, Tianjinghuntianbaojian, Tianwaixiaozai, Baobaoni, Banruoweiyang, Chixing Mars, LIPESH, volt002 and other brothers for their enthusiastic rewards!Merry Christmas to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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