Chapter 678 Activating the programmer, the golden finger is slightly bigger! - Ask for a monthly pass

Lu's beautiful eyes looked at Du Yu who was bargaining with a narrow smile, and Tankou said lightly: "In this case, let our chosen one do a voluntary blood donation."

Yizhen was instructed by the deer, slapped his forehead and said: "I almost forgot. The reason why these programmers don't move is because they need luck!"

"Luck?" Du Yu asked suspiciously, "What luck?"

Yizhen laughed and said: "Tao can be Tao, very Tao, name can be named, very famous. Of course, there is no specific reason for such invisible and intangible things. But I think, if you can put your hands on On the heads of these programmers, they will obey the orders of you, the Monkey King."

Du Yu was skeptical.

Yizhen has appeared several times and has helped him a lot, and he has given a lot of generosity, which made Du Yu very grateful.

Since he said so, let's try it for the time being, anyway, he won't die from the shock, right?
He stroked a programmer ape with his hand.

This programmer has already been activated by Yizhen with the activation code, but the energy is insufficient, so he can only maintain the beast form.

But when Du Yu's hand was placed on its head, the scarlet eyes of this programmer suddenly lit up!

Du Yu suddenly felt that the innate qi in his body began to leak out crazily.

"Damn it, these programmers can actually absorb star magic?" Du Yu said angrily, trying to take his hand back.

But the programmer grabbed his hand, as if the orangutan saw the banana, clucked, and kept absorbing his internal energy.

Du Yu cursed while trying to escape.

The man and the ape, after a fight, the program ape meekly lowered his head and squatted in front of Du Yu, and stretched out his hand for Du Yu to kiss.

Du Yu knew that this was the body language of apes. He stretched out his hand to indicate that he did not have a weapon in his hand, and also expressed his submission, which probably meant that humans raised their hands and surrendered.

Du Yu felt very amused, and took the programmer's hand.

The programmer happily jumped up and down, surrounding Du Yu, as if Du Yu was its master.

Although Du Yu lost some internal energy, he could make up for it overnight through practice.

He looked at this obedient programmer, and his heart moved.

Although these programmers are looked down upon by the imperial court, Yi Mei and others, they are actually very powerful.

Yimei also said that in ancient times, these programmers were like death to adventurers.

Wherever they went, as long as someone was found to be cheating, that person would be dead.

A funny guy like Hou Xiaobai who likes to break the rules of space at every turn, encounters a programmer, it is a dead end.

Now that I am the manager of the programmer, and I can successfully activate the programmer, the more the better.

Every time there is an additional programmer, one's strength will grow by one point.

Don't underestimate these guys.

As long as they are put into a certain world without anyone noticing, the other adventurers who entered the world together will feel like crying without tears.

I will become the plot world, the real God.

omnipotent existence.

Programmers can change programs!

For example, things like space rules, they stand on their own side, so what do they want to do, don't they just do it?
Du Yu's heart was so hot that he couldn't help but pull another programmer.

The programmer was activated again.

Feeling weak for a while, Du Yu sat down cross-legged and began to adjust his breath and meditate.

After a while, he stood up again and activated another programmer.

In this way, Du Yu completed the activation and charging procedure with a bunch of programmers after his qi was exhausted again and again.

These programmers who had recovered their energy were tame and obedient, standing beside Du Yu with piercing eyes, like Du Yu's personal guard.

Du Yu's heart blossomed with joy.

Yimei, Yimei, you have miscalculated this time.

The emperor will never know that he has mastered the power of space rules in his hands.

These programmers who maintain the rules of space fell into my hands this time, it is God's will.

I have the power of rules, and I have a team of programmers, so I am afraid of hanging hair?

Yizhen watched with a smile as Du Yu tried his best to activate the energy for the programmer, and there was a trace of solemnity that had never been seen in his wretched eyes.

"This programmer, I'll leave it to you, kid" Yizhen disappeared in place.

Du Yu worked hard all day, and finally activated 8 programmers, and had already collapsed from exhaustion several times.The charging of the program ape consumes a huge amount of true energy.But fortune and misfortune depend on each other. He consumes a huge amount of zhenqi, and while activating these programmers, the zhenqi in his body is also continuously exercised. After exhaustion, he then meditates, breaths and supplements, and the total amount is steadily increased.

After finally taking a rest, Du Yu wiped off his sweat: "I just don't know what these programmers can do?"

He called one of the most majestic programmers: "What's your name?"

The programmer of "Caesar" actually spoke human language.

Du Yu was speechless for a while.

The joke is getting bigger, this is really the rhythm of the rise of the planet of the apes.

The program ape named Caesar is really like Caesar, the protagonist of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, quite charismatic and charismatic. The beasts of the same kind also stood up one after another, looking at Du Yu in an orderly manner.

Caesar said in a deep voice: "I was implanted with the personality of Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes by the space manager. Is there anything I can do for you? My master?"

Du Yu was elated, coughed and said, "What are you going to do?"

Caesar pondered for a while: "Since the beginning of our birth, we have been given the highest modification authority by space, and we are the hands that implement spatial awareness. We can freely run on the shells of various planes and modify the rules of the planes."

"Revise the rules?" Du Yu was most interested in this: "Tell me specifically."

"Every world has rules." Caesar waved his slender arms, signaling the programmers to sit down, and sat down himself: "For example, the direction of gravity on the earth is downward. This is the reason why apples fall to the ground. But Who would have thought that the direction of gravity can also be upward, even relative like in "Inverse World". The shape of the planet is not necessarily elliptical, but also cylindrical like in "Interstellar". Even if If we have a deeper understanding of the space rules, we can even break through the space rules that can only be modified, and if there are no bugs, the world can run, and the modification can be successful."

"That sounds a bit complicated?"

"You have played the Heroes Editor, right?" Caesar said carelessly: "We are equivalent to editors. You just need to tell us the function you want to achieve, and we can complete the mission world within the limits of our energy and ability. to edit."

"Damn it, the golden finger is a bit wide?" Du Yu was dumbfounded.

"But don't expect too much from us now." Caesar's orangutan showed an anthropomorphic expression on his face: "I just used a tool to detect. I found that the current space is almost full of loopholes and bugs. I want to A world can be restored to its original state. According to the calculations made by the eight of us, it will take, well, not too long, more than 8 years."

"" Du Yu was speechless for a while: "I'm already dead, right?"

Caesar showed a slight smile: "But since you can recharge us. Our numbers will continue to recover, and this time will be greatly advanced. There are a total of more than 300 programmers here. After you recover, it will only take a few decades. It's time. For space, this is really a blink of an eye."

Du Yu said with a cold face: "Don't think about it. I gave you 8 charges, and all of them have exhausted your internal energy. It doesn't take a month, don't even think about recovering. Besides, I have a lot of enemies. With strong enemies around, I dare not exhaust them easily. Internal strength. It is impossible for the number of programmers to increase quickly. Besides, I don’t see any benefits for me?”

Caesar smiled obscenely: "Master, don't be short-sighted. Don't forget what we do? In the age of the ancients, when people mentioned the Lord God, it was actually us programmers! We space maintainers, all of us Standing on your side, even if the current strength is limited, it is still an extremely powerful force. For example, change the difficulty of your mission, increase the reward rate a little, or simply change the difficulty of your opponent's mission, peek at their progress, That's nothing!"

Du Yu's spirit is on the rise!

He knew that people in the imperial court were not completely exempt from the obligation to take risks.People like Hou Xiaobai also have to venture into space regularly.

Although he is difficult in the inner city and cannot be touched by himself, these programmers can do it!
Wouldn't it be okay to sneak into Hou Xiaobai's world secretly, to add some embarrassment to him, or to give him a little surprise at a critical moment?
Du Yu smiled like a fox stealing a chicken.

Hou Xiaobai had long been his must-kill.

This time, you've hit the jackpot.

He comforted Caesar a few words, thought for a while, and ordered Michelle to mobilize some experts from the wolf pupil team to form a day and night patrol team, and secretly guard the house of the programmer director.

The resurrection of these program apes like Caesar must not be known to anyone.

Otherwise, Du Yu will have unforeseen disasters.

Fortunately, Du Yu has a strong team at this time, with a lot of people.Michelle was very caring, and organized 10 of the most reliable brothers to form two groups, who guarded the General Administration of Programmers in the next room day and night, preventing any unknown persons from entering.

At the same time, he told Caesar to continue pretending to be an ape and not to show intelligence.This is not difficult. Anyone who tries to enter the programmer's office will be "warmly welcomed" by the programmers, and will eventually be scared or beaten away.

After making arrangements, Du Yu returned to the wolf pupil team headquarters.

At this time, the wolf pupil team's resident has become a fiery large construction site.There are players busy everywhere.

A complete defense system is being built, layer by layer.

And the heart of the castle has already stood tall in the city, almost as high as the city wall.In the heart of the castle, only Du Yu and the beauty can enter, and the ordinary wolf pupil team members do not have permission to enter.Unless it is an emergency, the gate will be opened to allow them to enter and defend.

(End of this chapter)

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