Chapter 688 Happy meeting during the banquet competition!Cool! -Second watch for subscription

He was reprimanding his son, Yu Lianzhou pointed down the mountain and said: "The old master is back."

The Wudang Five Heroes regarded Zhang Sanfeng as a heavenly being, and rushed forward to meet him.

But back with Zhang Sanfeng, there is also a young man and two beauties who are as beautiful as heaven.

They thought it was Zhang Sanfeng's action, and they didn't care about the rescued martial arts juniors or passing people.But Song Qingshu's eyes lit up when he saw the beautiful little dragon girl and the enchanting Li Mochou.

Under the Wudang sect, there are naturally many beautiful female disciples.Song Qingshu is almost definitely the third generation heir. Given the great reputation of the Wudang faction in the arena at this time, even if he can't reach the status of the local tyrant Wang XX in later generations, he is still the target of many female disciples.

But after Song Qingshu saw Xiaolongnu, his eyes could not be moved away.

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand: "Yuanqiao, quickly meet this one."

He pondered a little.

If you say that this is your elder brother, Yuan Qiao and others will not believe it. How can such a young man be the elder brother of a master who is over a hundred years old?
But if he said no, he would be a little bit wronged as the eldest brother.

Du Yu could naturally hear Zhang Sanfeng's hesitation, and laughed: "Heroes, I am the son of an old friend, and I have a close relationship with Sanfeng's uncle. It is really a good fortune to meet you this time."

Zhang Sanfeng heaved a sigh of relief, it was much easier for the eldest brother and his disciples to treat each other as equals.

Song Yuanqiao and the others suddenly realized that although the young man seemed to be in his 20s, his master was over a hundred years old, and he seemed to be the grandson of his elder brother.But since the master has no objection, it seems that this is the case.

Everyone hastily stepped forward, saluting as peers.

Song Yuanqiao and others are all top-notch masters in the world, and their realm can be called a state of perfection, but the more they look at it, the more they can't see the martial arts of Du Yu and others, even the little dragon girl and Li Mochou next to them can't tell the depth.This made them wonder, and added a respect.

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand and said: "Tonight's matter has been dealt with by Du Xiaoge and I. You go to clean up a sumptuous banquet first, then go down and rest. I want to have a long talk with my old friend all night long."

He was eager to know the story of Brother Du, so he drove people away without hesitation.

Song Yuanqiao respected his master as a heavenly man, and hurried down to rectify it.

When the table came up, everyone retreated respectfully.

Song Qingshu murmured: "This young man is clearly a person of my generation, but he is arrogant in front of his father, uncle, etc., and dare to call him brother and brother with you? What kind of thing is he?"

Yu Lianzhou, Mo Shenggu and the others also raised their eyebrows. They actually felt the same way.This young man is simply too young.He was about the same age as Song Qingshu, but his master treated him as a peer, even revealing a hint of respect.

Song Yuanqiao scolded with a straight face: "Your master said that he is the son of an old man, and is equal to me. Do you still have any dissatisfaction? Just stay with me honestly. When you see this honored guest in the future, show me respect. Call me uncle. Did you hear me?"

Song Qingshu grew up in Wudang Mountain, and everyone regarded him as the star of the third generation head, holding him in the palm of his hand, used to domineering, seeing that Zhang Sanfeng treated a young man of the same age as him with such respect this time, This young man is accompanied by two stunning fairies, just like fairy companions, why is he not angry?

Du Yu and Zhang Sanfeng exchanged cups, drinking for three rounds.

Zhang Sanfeng was very happy, his face was rosy after drinking, and he said with a smile: "Brother, are you coming to pick up my white-haired elder brother when you come back this time?"

Du Yuxin said ashamed, I'm really sorry, I didn't think of your brother at all, but smiled and said: "That's right. You are also one of the purposes of my trip. But I told you last time that my profession is a An adventurer who travels through various worlds. This time, he comes to your world to take risks again."

Zhang Sanfeng Tanxu smiled and said: "Brother, if it's something in this world, it's not just my old way of bragging, but I can help you with everything you want to do."

Du Yu stabilized his jaw.This Mitutoyo does have the capital to say such big words.

Thinking that with his current status of martial arts, even if he can't command the martial arts, he can influence the martial arts to a great extent.

Du Yu sighed and said, "This time, brother, I have a very heavy task. I almost have to fight against both good and evil. Moreover, there are three old enemies of my brother who have also followed me to this world. You should stay out of it for the time being." , it’s better to protect yourself.”

Zhang Sanfeng was really an old man talking about being a teenager, and he no longer had the indifferent and elegant look of a Taoist immortal. He stared at him and said, "Could it be that this old enemy is really so strong that it cannot be resisted? Even so, I have practiced kung fu for more than 100 years. If you still can't help brother, what kind of Sanfeng immortal are you calling yourself?"

Du Yu chuckled, stretched out his chopsticks, and was about to pick up vegetables, when suddenly he pointed his chopsticks at Zhang Sanfeng's eyes!

This happened suddenly, almost without warning, and the chopsticks were perfectly round and uniform, almost instantaneously, before Zhang Sanfeng's eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng had long wanted to make gestures with his elder brother, seeing his elder brother take the lead in probing, Le's white beard smiled, and his bony right hand moved like lightning!
Don't look at Zhang Sanfeng who is usually slow, but he is as quiet as a virgin, and his chopsticks block Du Yu's attack in an instant.

Both Li Mochou and Xiao Longnv are great masters in martial arts, they have even stepped on the edge of heaven, they are not surprised at this time, but they are looking at this black-haired and white-headed brother with a smile, testing each other.

There were several crackling sounds, but Du Yu's and Zhang Sanfeng's chopsticks were already separated, each took a bite of food, and ate it slowly.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said: "Brother, you really are still a kung fu master. I, Zhang Sanfeng, have devoted myself to research for 100 years, and I am still one step behind you in the end."

Having said that, Zhang Sanfeng still smiled.

Because a hundred years ago, in front of Du Yu, he didn't even have the qualifications to be a younger brother.It was Du Yuwang who accepted him as a younger brother for his future achievements, passed on his skills, and took good care of him.

But at this time, through testing, Zhang Sanfeng is confident that although there is still a difference in realm between himself and Brother Du Yu, the difference is not too big.Just now the chopsticks crossed and exchanged several times, but he didn't let Du Yu succeed.

Du Yu slowly pulled out the chopsticks from his mouth, and said calmly, "Oh? Is that so? Just take a step back? What are you eating?"

Zhang Sanfeng chewed a mouthful of vegetarian food, his face suddenly changed.

He clearly remembered that what he picked up was a chopstick of vegetables, but what he ate was tofu!

There is only one reason.

Eldest brother Du Yu, without anyone noticing, dropped his bag with tofu.

He was still unaware.

You know, the tofu is so soft that it is difficult for ordinary people to pick it up quickly with chopsticks. What's more, the eldest brother is simply changing the bag so that he doesn't know it, and eats the tofu with chopsticks?
The eldest brother's martial arts practice is already supernatural.

Zhang Sanfeng's gaze was full of respect and admiration.

Just like Zhang Junbao a hundred years ago.

He has practiced hard for a hundred years and realized epiphanies again and again. He has rarely met opponents in this world.Originally, I heard my elder brother say that it is best to protect myself, and I was confident that showing my skills would be enough to deter my elder brother and let me join.

Unexpectedly, no matter how hard he tried, the result was that his eldest brother's skills were always much higher than his!

Big brother is big brother.

It is precisely because Zhang Sanfeng has a deep understanding of his own cultivation, that he can better appreciate the strength of his elder brother.

Du Yu secretly felt ashamed.

If he hadn't been in the world of the Tang Dynasty and had many adventures, this time he might really have fallen in front of his third brother Zhang Junbao, who had more than a hundred years of skill.

Using the kung fu of the Longevity Jue, his hands and eyes were open to the sky, and he picked up the green vegetables in Zhang Sanfeng's chopsticks in an instant and replaced them with tofu.

However, he also admired Zhang Sanfeng's military strength.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng had a higher level of cultivation than the four beauties under him.

Compared with myself, it is really only a line away.

With him as the backup of his own world, Du Yu has a better chance of winning against Shi Guodong and others.

He pondered.

Such talents should be brought into the space.

But he didn't know how to bring a plot character into the space.

If it was an ordinary adventurer, he would have been blinded at this time, but Du Yu was different.

He has the identity of the program director.

Even if Caesar and others consume more than half of their energy, it is always okay to consult.

Caesar quickly replied: "According to the supplementary APO-02 provisions of the space regulations, plot characters can enter the space and become adventurers after passing a series of reviews."

"What exactly?" Du Yu asked.

"First of all, there must be a team of adventurers who are willing to accept this story character. Second, this story character must be willing to leave this world. Third, the story character must have certain strength and will not enter the world of adventurers to send vegetable."

"Can you send this Zhang Sanfeng to the bloody city of adventurers?"

"No problem, boss."

"So refreshing?" Du Yu was startled.Isn't this Caesar too powerful?To be able to solve the population index of a bloody city so against the sky?
"I have a condition. In the next world, at least 20 of our brothers will be activated, can you be the boss?"

"As long as you have more conditions! Good! I am willing to die of exhaustion." Du Yu is also a bachelor: "But you have to tell me, how do you do it?"

Caesar laughed badly: "Because he already has the qualifications to enter the space city! Do you still remember Master Jueyuan and Zhang Junbao in Hanshan Temple?"

Du Yu vomited blood on the spot.

He actually forgot about it, and he was cheated by Caesar to activate 20 program apes for no apparent reason, so he probably vomited blood from exhaustion.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Caesar hastily confessed: "But there is actually a problem. That is how to replace plot adventurers in parallel spaces. If Zhang Junbao has become an adventurer, no matter how hard Zhang Sanfeng works in this world, he can only Waiting for Zhang Junbao in the bloody city to be killed before he can be replaced. Fortunately, that Zhang Junbao, just following his master, monk Jueyuan, has the qualifications to enter the city, which is equivalent to the right of abode, but he failed the assessment and got the adventurer status green card.”

(End of this chapter)

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