Chapter 689 Drama, enter the space! -Third watch for subscription

And he is not in the city at this time.Zhang Sanfeng, who has already attained the Tao, can also enter the city and become your teammate.Moreover, he can choose his age arbitrarily, rejuvenate, but maintain the peak strength at this time. "

Du Yu felt excited.

If he can regain the old Taoist Zhang Sanfeng at this time, wouldn't it mean that he has an extra powerful arm in the space?
This Mitutoyo is no ordinary person.The Nine Suns Manual, Wudang Swordsmanship, and Taijiquan are really a generation of great masters who have shone through the ages.

"From a plot character who can enter the space to become a real adventurer full-time, what test does he need?" Du Yu asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple. There are two prerequisites. One is to cultivate one's martial arts to the point where it cannot be further improved in this world. It just so happens that he also meets this requirement."

"The second premise is to kill an adventurer of the same strength or even stronger." Caesar really deserves to be the leader of the programmer, and he knows the rules of space very clearly.

"Adventurers of the same strength? How do you count?" Du Yu asked in confusion.

"This is judged by the space. Let me check." Caesar entered the computer for a while, and said depressedly: "It's a pity. Among the enemy teams that entered the world this time, there is no one who can compare with Zhang Sanfeng."

Du Yu was depressed for a while.

With Zhang Sanfeng's strength, it is indeed against the sky, and it is more than enough to be a hidden boss in the world.Although the strong teams in the outer city claim to have reached the peak of strength in the outer city, and they all clamor to challenge the difficulty of the inner city, but they want to fight Zhang Sanfeng alone, I really don't know how to write it.

But couldn't Zhang Sanfeng be an adventurer?

The regulation of space is not difficult to understand.

To become an adventurer, a plot character must have certain strength, so as not to have the ability to protect himself when entering the bloody city.

But more important than strength is comprehensive ability.

It is no news that a powerful plot character is killed by a weaker adventurer.In fact, every adventurer will defeat countless plot characters stronger than himself in the process of growing up.

This is the norm.

But has anyone ever asked, why?
Why do plot characters of the same strength fight with adventurers, and the adventurers often win?
This involves who has a deeper understanding of the source of power.

In terms of scheming, ruthlessness and experience, the characters in the plot may not lose, at least they may not lose [-]% of the time.

But what they lack is the adventurers' understanding of the nature of power as they travel through various planes.

Adventurers are more flexible in the use of power.

They understand tactics and strategy better.

Therefore, the space stipulates that only when the plot characters kill an adventurer who is stronger than themselves can they replace them and enter the space to become an adventurer.

This setting made Du Yu helpless.

But he turned his eyes and thought of another way: "Can you improve the strength of a certain character in the plot so that he can pass the space evaluation and become Zhang Sanfeng's opponent?"

Caesar began to complicate operations.

Any possible way to improve strength is included in the calculation conditions.Any adventurers who could reach Zhang Sanfeng's strength evaluation by jumping a little bit were also included in the calculation.

Seeing Du Yu groaning silently, Zhang Sanfeng's heart sank, could it be that he really has nothing to do with the fairy world?
But he was indifferent all his life, and now he came here like this, and he could take it easy, laughed, and continued drinking and chatting with Du Yu, talking about the world.

Du Yu finally asked, "Your second brother Yang Guo, do you have any news?"

Zhang Sanfeng sighed and said: "Second brother and I still had news exchanges 70 years ago. He practiced on his own after you and the dragon girl left, and he worked tirelessly. Guard Xiangyang. After you killed Khan’s younger brother Kublai Khan, you beheaded the invading Mongol Khan Mengge, and for a while ruled the world. But this battle was tragic. Mengge was surrounded by strong men, and he also lost One arm, and later retired, even I don't know where he went."

Du Yu felt lost.

70 years have passed, and Yang Guo's hope of being alive is really slim.

When Xiao Longnv heard Yang Guo's name, her delicate body trembled.

She didn't stay with Yang Guo for a long time, but she also cared about Yang Guo from the bottom of her heart.

Before Du Yu could speak, he heard Caesar cheering.

"Found it?" Du Yu was excited.

Caesar scratched his ear and smiled: "Yes. I found out that among the three teams, there is an adventurer named Tianyu, who is the captain of the Tianyu Aoshi team, right? His swordsmanship is superb, and his strength is not low. There is still a big gap. It is estimated that Zhang Sanfeng will kill him within a hundred moves. But adventurers have a certain strength weight, and his strength evaluation is the one closest to Zhang Sanfeng. Of course, except for you, the boss. But there is one This method can make his strength evaluation approach or even surpass Zhang Sanfeng."

"That's Yitian Sword! Dragon Slayer Knife!"

Caesar said solemnly.

"These two legendary weapons scored very high in the space evaluation. Tianyu swordsmanship is extremely high, even reaching the level of Feng Qingyang, but it seems that he was in the novice plot, so he tricked Feng Qingyang Dugu Nine Swords, even killed Ning Zhongze in the world where he lived, got the secret book of Huashan School, went smoothly all the way, and cultivated to the point where he is today."

"As long as you give him the Yitian Sword, can the triggering condition be met?" Du Yu didn't care about the rumors of Tianyu.All he cared about was how to get Zhang Sanfeng out.

"I guess so." Caesar said in a deep voice: "Space is given to adventurers, and the weighting coefficient of strength is very high. For example, Tianyu's evaluation is currently only 79 points, while Zhang Sanfeng's is 112 points. However, Tianyu's comprehensive strength evaluation has reached He scored 96 points, which is not much different from Zhang Sanfeng. After being given the Yitian Sword, he is even stronger."

Du Yu pondered for a while.

It has to be said that it is a very tempting idea to give Tianyu the Yitian Sword, and let Zhang Sanfeng take action to get rid of him.

But the problem is

Can Zhang Sanfeng beat Tianyu who got the Yitian sword?
If this doesn't work, wouldn't it be shooting yourself in the foot?
He looked at Zhang Sanfeng: "If you want to leave this world, first, your strength must reach the peak of this world. You have already met this condition. But there is a second condition, which is to defeat an old enemy that our world has chased. His strength The evaluation is similar to yours, if you want to pass, you need to give him the Yitian Sword. Are you sure?"

Zhang Sanfeng proudly said: "Just relying on the Heavenly Sword, what's the point? The knowledge of martial arts and the way of heaven is the most important thing. Brother, it's okay for you. If I lose to defeat and die, I'm willing."

Du Yu nodded.

Space to act, no risk, no reward.

Zhang Sanfeng wished he could take risks with Du Yu and others, but Du Yu's identity was Cheng Kun at this time, if Zhang Sanfeng had a close relationship with him, it might affect his reputation.Du Yu was even more afraid that the three following teams would recognize Zhang Sanfeng's identity, so he urged Zhang Sanfeng to keep his affairs secret and keep his mouth shut.Zhang Sanfeng reminded himself seeing his elder brother being so serious about the matter, and he also understood that this is a big deal and should not be underestimated, so he nodded in agreement.

He would naturally remind his disciples not to tell what happened tonight.In fact, since Du Yu usually shows others with Cheng Kun's face, Song Yuanqiao and others will not be able to see through his identity.

Zhang Sanfeng asked Du Yu again what his identity was at this time and what he was going to do?
Du Yu sighed and said, "I was framed by the enemy. At this time, I am the heinous Cheng Kun. He is the villain who killed the golden lion king Xie Xun's family, and framed your third apprentice Yu Daiyan and fifth apprentice Zhang Cuishan!"

Zhang Sanfeng's body trembled.

Since the incidents of the third apprentice and the fifth apprentice, he has been paying attention to the changes in the martial arts all the time, trying to find the culprit behind it.Unexpectedly, the culprit was Cheng Kun.Cheng Kun's soul was actually replaced by his elder brother.

Du Yu told Zhang Sanfeng the whole story of Cheng Kun's misfortune to the world, and said with a wry smile, "Do you know why my brother won't let you tell others about our relationship? There are enemies chasing me, so sooner or later my identity and secret will be revealed." It will be revealed to the world. At that time, not only will you not be able to help me, but you must also make a gesture to deal with me, otherwise, even if you are a martial artist, you will not be able to convince the public."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally understood his brother's painstaking efforts, and sighed: "The test in the fairy world is really different. This matter is indeed extremely difficult. Brother, you are enemies of both good and evil at the same time, you need to take care."

Let's enjoy the wine, the music ends, and finally it's time to leave.

Xiao Longnu couldn't help asking: "Where was the last time you saw Er?"

Zhang Sanfeng pondered and said: "The last time I saw Second Brother Yang was in the Valley of Unrequited Love. But 20 years later, the Valley of Unrequited Love was completely deserted. I went to look for Second Brother twice, but I couldn't see him."

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Ordinarily, Yang Guo should be dead at this time, but that may not be the case. You should go to the Valley of Unrequited Love to comfort Xiaolongnv on the one hand, and on the other hand, if he is still alive, you might as well take him away like Zhang Sanfeng and make it your own space A great boost to the rebellion.

At this time Yang Guo, if he was still alive, his kung fu would have already passed the mystery, at least he would be better than Dugu Qiubai back then.

It's ridiculous to say that his black iron epee, which was cast into Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber, has become the key for the third brother Zhang Sanfeng to become a space adventurer.

If Yang Guo wanted to be promoted to space adventurer, wouldn't he also have to deal with one of the few strong teams following him?

Du Yu secretly smiled.

These few teams would never have imagined in their dreams that when they came to this world, they would become the coveted targets of several hidden level bosses.

Du Yu said goodbye to Zhang Sanfeng and gave him a terminal of the communicator so that he could contact him at any time.

Zhang Sanfeng personally sent Du Yu and others out of the mountain gate, and watched Du Yu and others disappear into the night.

While flying over, Du Yu asked Shen Luoyan, "What should we do now?"

Shen Luoyan smiled and said, "My lord, you are a great adventurer yourself, why do you ask me?"

Du Yu said: "How can the world of team battles be the same as the world of normal adventures?"

(End of this chapter)

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