Chapter 690 Wolf pupil team, flood flag! -Four more subscriptions

Shen Luoyan sighed: "It's not difficult to predict the whereabouts of these three teams. Your weather compass is still effective now, my lord. You might as well take a look."

Du Yu turned on the compass and saw that Shi Guodong's location was still on Mount Song.

"After this guy started the battle, within 5 minutes, he rushed straight to Shaolin Temple to see it." Shen Luoyan analyzed: "It seems that their Henan Baihumen has a deep connection with Shaolin Temple. Otherwise, no matter how daring a team of adventurers would dare He straightened the tiger's beard when he came up. This is also the reason why he fixed the identity of the lord on Cheng Kun. He is confident that with the help of his connections, he can tear apart Cheng Kun's disguise."

Du Yu nodded.

Shen Luoyan continued to analyze: "Talk about the enemy's advantages. Three teams, with a large number of people, and there may be reinforcements in ambush. If we work hard, we will suffer great losses."

Du Yu nodded.

With Hou Xiaobai's despicable personality, it is not uncommon for reinforcements to ambush.

"Fortunately, the space is basically fair. Both the identity of Chengkun given to the lord and the identity of the Mingjiao members of the wolf pupil team have a certain degree of concealment. At least the weaker side can win some breathing time, and the identity will be discovered if they don't come up. Raid." Shen Luoyan continued: "But sooner or later, this well-known and decent enemy will find out."

"My lord, you have three major villain missions, the second one is not going to talk about it. The first and third ones determine that you are basically enemies with the Mingjiao and the six sects. And you have the deepest hatred with the protagonist. Whether it is Zhang Wuji It’s still Xie Xun, who has a blood feud with you. It means that you have to deal with the protagonist, the six sects, Mingjiao, and adventurers at the same time. This is a well-thought-out position by the other party, and it will definitely put you to death.”

"However, this position is only a test for you, who is the head of the program and has extraordinary strength." Shen Luoyan said with a smile: "From my little girl's point of view, my lord's most urgent task is to use the previous tactics of taking advantage of the situation. Pull one side to fight the other side The current timeline should be when Zhang Wuji came out of the mountain at the age of 20, and when he achieved great feats, the six sects besieged Guangmingding, which will be staged soon. At this time, the more chaos is in our interests. The lord may as well use the six sects to besiege Guangming this time Go ahead, wipe out both the good and the evil! And take advantage of the situation to get a huge amount of villain value."

"The plan will be released?" Du Yu asked.

"Besides righteousness and evil, there is another powerful force. My lord has already seen it." Shen Luoyan smiled and said, "That is the power of the imperial court held by Princess Zhao Min. My lord, as I expected, the six sects besieged Guangmingding. It has already started. This is the golden time for the wolf pupil team to show their talents and collect contribution points. But even if the lord goes, it will only be one more strong person. It is better to find another way. Maishela and others will collect contribution points and complete them as soon as possible. All Mingjiao tasks, and you, my lord, must hurry up and go to Ruyang Wang’s mansion to recover Zhao Min. With the help of all the forces under her, deal with Mingjiao and the famous decent sect.”

Du Yu pondered for a while, and finally nodded.

Michelle's three missions were all done against the Six Schools.Even if he went to such a large-scale battle as the siege of Guangmingding, he would only have one more helper.

The most important thing is to jump out of the existing power structure and find your own reliable power.

Of course the Wudang Sect is its own faction, but as one of the six sects, it has its own position.It's okay for Zhang Sanfeng to help him secretly, but it's really nonsensical to ask him to openly side with the villain Cheng Kun.

Only the protagonist and Zhao Min are left with the power to leverage on.

The protagonist Zhang Wuji's party, well, pass directly.The only hope is that Zhang Wuji, who has achieved great feats at this time, is still so innocent, and continues to be an unprincipled abuser.

If Zhao Min can be obtained, it would be a good move.It is indeed much more convenient to master the first-class masters in Zhao Min's hands, especially those in the army.By the way, let's create some unacceptable losses for the Mongols.

While looking at the weather compass relaxedly and comfortably, Du Yu monitored Shi Guodong's actions, while changing direction, and quickly swept towards Zhao Min's team that was marching back in the night.

This Princess Zhao Min is as bright as a rose, charming, clever, resourceful, shrewd and capable, forthright, and possesses great talents, but she doesn't know that because of all the forces under her, she is targeted by Cheng Kun with ulterior motives, and instead becomes a Cheng Kun's first goal.

Du Yu's communicator rang, and Maishela's voice came: "I just got information that the six sects will formally form an alliance in ten days, and then send disciples from all walks of life to march towards Guangmingding. We have a chance to collect contribution points. gone."

Du Yu thought for a while: "You can swipe, but remember to keep a low profile. Try to delay the time to be recognized by the three strong teams to prevent being besieged by the superior enemy. After all, the power of Mingjiao is at its lowest ebb right now. Dafa kings are not on the mountain."

Maishela said helplessly: "Yes! Right now, the five scattered people can't get together. Our Five Elements Banner can only adopt some guerrilla warfare to delay time. The Wolf Tong team is not afraid of any Kongtong faction, Kunlun faction, or Huashan faction. , I am afraid that we are sneak attacking a decent strongman, but we will be targeted by the White Tiger Team and others, and give us a counter-ambush."

Du Yu smiled: "According to the original book, various small sects attached to the six major sects have also sent people out to support the suzerain. It is also good to find them. In short, dodge when things happen. Earn as much contribution as you can. If there are not enough of them, wait for me to come back, and you can save the Mingjiao once, that’s enough.”

Suddenly there was a light of a team marching in front of him, and he immediately whispered: "Stop talking. Just play by ear. I'm about to carry out a mission."

He lurked quickly.The team in front is exactly the group of masters led by Zhao Min.

Who would have thought that in just a few hours, the two sides would change their positions on offense and defense, and it would be the turn of Princess Zhao Min to be unlucky.

But obviously, as Zhao Min is the heroine, it is very difficult for Du Yu to capture her alive.

"Minmin!" With a shout of surprise, a group of people rushed from the opposite side.

Minmin Temu'er is Zhao Min's Mongolian name.

Zhao Min swung the saddle off the horse and said handsomely, "Brother? What are you doing here?"

The person who came was King Ruyang's eldest son, Kukutmu'er, whose Han name was Wang Baobao.He led a group of Mongolian cavalry and galloped over quickly.

Du foresaw that Wang Baobao and Zhao Min would meet, and that Zhao Min would have more people around him, but he didn't plan to withdraw his troops just yet.

It is also good to take the opportunity to listen to the intelligence of the Yuan Dynasty.

Following Zhao Min and others, when they entered Ruyang Palace in the city, the sky was already bright.

Myshela's voice sounded: "The siege of Guangmingding by the six sects has officially begun."

"How is the situation?"

"It's very bad." Mai Shela sighed: "Mingjiao really fell apart. Yang Xiao, Wusanren, Wuxingqi, Tianyingjiao and others fought on their own, and they couldn't form a fist at all. Master Kongwen, the master of Shaolin, led his juniors in person. Kongzhi, Konghe and hundreds of Shaolin monks, Wudang Five Heroes led the disciples of the Wudang School, the Kongtong School, the Emei School, the Kunlun School and the Huashan School. , the total number may not be thousands of people, flocking to Guangmingding from all directions. These Mingjiao people are hard-headed, and they intercepted them separately, but they did not form a system. We followed the flood flag and took several actions, killing many decent enemies. But the encirclement network of the six sects is gradually shrinking, and guerrilla warfare is losing space."

"Did Zhang Wuji see it?"

"Zhang Wuji has arrived, and Zhu'er is pretending to be a passerby with Zhou Dian," Myshela said with a curled lip.

"Did the three strong teams follow?" Du Yu asked.

"I didn't see it. That's what worries me the most." Michelle seemed a little unconfident about leading the Wolverines team against the three strong teams: "If you complete the task, come to help quickly. I'm a little Worry."

Du Yu took a deep breath.

This is exactly the calculation of Shi Guodong and Hou Xiaobai.

With the help of the six sects besieging Guangmingding, he forced himself out step by step.

Although they didn't know that the wolf pupil team was in Mingjiao.But after a day and night of spying, there was no large-scale personnel change in the famous decent sect, and the possibility of joining the wolf pupil team could be basically ruled out, so the possibility of being assigned to the Mingjiao camp greatly increased.

Master Kongwen and other leaders of the six sects, with such a strong lineup, can indeed be used as a boost.

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that there is no time to wait for Zhao Min to be regained.

There is no time to wait.

Tonight, let's do it.

But how to do it specifically, Du Yu turned his attention to Li Mochou.

Li Mochou, Rourou and Yilin formed the invincible Poison Research Institute, researching all kinds of weird potions.

To make Zhao Min bow his head and obey his ears in a short time, he had to use medicine.

But Zhao Min is a ghostly girl, with big ambitions and firm will. It is really naive to imagine that if you get her with medicine, you can order her masters.

other possibilities

Only by pretending to be Kun, she became evil.

Du Yu glanced at Lu Zhang Ke and He Bi Weng.

These two guys can take advantage of it.

Create a civil strife in Ruyang Palace.

This is Du Yu's strategy.

As the night gradually darkened, the lights in the Ruyang Palace gradually went out.

Li Mochou smiled and took out an imitation Jiuxiaoyunwai Pill, ready to give it to Lu Zhang's customer service.This guy is a lustful person. After taking this potion, he will only become a beast.Regardless of whether Zhao Min or other female relatives attacked, Ruyang Palace must fall into internal strife.

But at this moment, Du Yu grabbed Li Mochou.

Li Mochou wondered, "What's wrong?"

Du Yu frowned, looked at the Ruyang palace, his face became serious: "My dragon and wolf appearance actually has a faint warning to this palace. There are other secrets in this palace."

"Is there any hidden master?" Li Mochou knew Du Yu's dragon-wolf aura, and would never warn her for no reason.

"Let's wait."

The ominous omen in Du Yu's heart became more and more obvious.

As soon as he winked, Houhou floated up like a ghost and fell into Ruyang Palace.When it's the turn of agile probing, no one is more suitable than her.

(End of this chapter)

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