Chapter 692 A hundred years have passed, the second brother Yang Guo! - Ask for a monthly pass

As expected of a divine sculpture who has cultivated for 200 years, this attack unexpectedly killed Xiao Longnu, who was embarrassed and retreated.One must know that at this time, the Ancient Tomb Sect's martial arts has reached a high level, and the Jade Heart Sutra's power has reached the peak, even if Lin Chaoying was reborn back then, she might not be able to win against Xiaolongnv.But this divine sculpture who has practiced for 200 years is so brave.

Li Mochou frowned, and was about to step forward to confront her, but Du Yu hurriedly grabbed her.

This divine sculpture can be called a sacred object, there must be something strange to be here, maybe the matter of looking for Yang Guo will fall on it.

That divine sculpture is indeed amazing, although it is a beast, it seems to be extremely human, whether it is attacking or defending, it is very organized, and it coincides with martial arts and the way of heaven.Xiao Longnv was also aroused by this divine sculpture to be competitive, Jin Lingsuo struck left and right, split into combined attacks, and fought with the divine sculpture regardless of the outcome.

As if being very angry at being beaten to a tie by this delicate girl, Brother Shendiao unexpectedly resorted to a big move.

Its big move is the sharp beak, which pecks like lightning.It has to be said that this giant eagle, which is as tall as one person, has such a sharp beak, once it hits, the injury is no less than being cut and stabbed by a sword.What's even more frightening is that the divine eagle is conceited of its divine power and has practiced for another 200 years. The power of this blow is actually able to stop the full-strength fight of a master of the world.

Xiao Longnv screamed coquettishly, rolled backwards and flew back, and at the same time stretched out her hand from behind, holding the Gentleman and Lady Sword with both hands, the cold wind is fierce, the beauty is clear, and the fairy belt is fluttering, just like a fairy.

The little dragon girl uses the Jade Girl swordsmanship in the ancient tomb heart method, and fights with the divine carving.

The more the eagle fought, the more excited it became, and it kept making high-pitched neighs. The bird's beak, wings, and giant claws were all powerful weapons, and they greeted the little dragon girl together.

Xiao Longnv went all out, with one move of Lady's Sword of Falling Blossoms, and one move of Gentleman's Sword of Ruthless Flowing Water. This was Lin Chaoying's fantasy of staying and flying together with Wang Chongyang when she created the Jade Girl Sword Art. Wang Chongyang was obsessed with fighting back against the Jin Dynasty, and he had no intention of caring about his children's personal relationships. He had a stubborn personality and refused to admit defeat. Lin Chaoying gradually looked down on love, and integrated the artistic conception of falling flowers, intentional flow, and ruthlessness into his swordsmanship.This move can also be called the portrayal of Lin Chaoying's life, and it is the most powerful final move in the Jade Girl Sword Art.

This little dragon girl was originally in love with Du Yu, and she didn't have the mood of Lin Chaoying back then, so she practiced this move repeatedly, but it never worked.But today, after witnessing this unfeeling abyss and the scene of a hundred years of loneliness, Xiao Longnv's state of mind breaks through, she has an epiphany, and she successfully uses this trick.

Concubine Shixuan was on the side, and she was surprised to see Xiaolongnu girl using the double sword move so gracefully.

She practiced swordsmanship to reach the way of heaven, and her understanding of this move is of course deeper than ordinary people.

"Xiaolongnv's move is equivalent to my sword heart's enlightened state. Unexpectedly, a sudden enlightenment evened the gap between the two sides." Shi Feixuan thought inwardly.

After she and Wan Wan arrived, Shi Feixuan and Wan Wan sat down as the number one master in Du Yu's lineup.After all, both of them have cultivated to the verge of breaking through the void, while Xiao Longnv and Li Mochou, although they are constantly improving, are still a long way from this level.

But Xiao Longnv had a breakthrough under her hard work.

The divine sculpture seemed to be intimidated by this wonderful move, and took two steps back, but it couldn't stop Xiao Longnu's sharp swords, and two wings were swept off.

The divine eagle was furious, and was about to fight with all its strength, but heard an old man's voice: "Brother Diao, please stop!"

An old man slowly walked out from among the flowers.

Du Yu recognized at a glance that this was the second younger brother Yang Guo!
Yang Guo saw the fairy-like little dragon girl, and Du Yu who was watching the battle, the expression of that expert seemed to freeze.

"Unexpectedly, you really have survived to this day?" Du Yu was overwhelmed with surprise, and stepped forward to punch Yang Guo on the shoulder.

Yang Guo had a bitter face and coughed, "Are you really the eldest brother?"

Du Yu straightened his face and said, "Who else is it if it's not me?"

Yang Guo glanced at Xiao Longnu again, smiled wryly, "Gu Gu, can you still recognize her?"

Xiao Longnv came over and saw with distress that Yang Guo's right arm was broken at the root, and exclaimed: "What's going on?"

The divine sculpture seemed unwilling to be lonely, and also uttered two high-pitched chirps, as if protesting Yang Guo's interference in his contest with the enemy.

Yang Guo smiled and said, "Brother Diao, these are all my best friends. I never expected them to come back to find me. You still invite yourself to the stream and catch fish to eat. I want to entertain them."

Although he is over a hundred years old, he still moves vigorously and walks towards the house.

Du Yu and Xiao Longnv were overjoyed.

Just when he thought Yang Guo must be dead, he reappeared.

Yang Guo set up a banquet table.

Du Yu couldn't wait to ask: "What's the matter with you? You haven't contacted Zhang Sanfeng anymore."

Yang Guo let out a long sigh, looked at the young faces of Du Yu and Xiao Longnv, and said bitterly: "Brother, aunt, you are always young, but here I am, I'm about to die."

He greeted: "Everyone eat."

Yang Guo opened his mouth slowly, telling his own story.

It turned out that after Du Yu killed Kublai Khan, the danger in Xiangyang eased for a while.But what should come will come after all.After Du Yu left, the Mongolian army, led by Meng Ge, invaded the Central Plains and attacked Xiangyang.

The situation in Xiangyang was once endangered.

At this time, Yang Guo, with great achievements in martial arts, resolutely fought on the basis of Guo Jing and Huang Rong's sentiment of defending Xiangyang. Alone, he successfully assassinated the Mongolian Great Khan Meng Ge.

Of course, there are so many masters in the Mongolian army, Yang Guo also paid the price of a right arm and became a one-armed man.

The crisis in Xiangyang was lifted immediately.

After Yang Guo made this great contribution, he and Gongsun Lue lived happily in this unfeeling valley, and never cared about the world again.

But in the happy time, only 20 years later, Gongsun Lue unfortunately contracted a disease and died.

Saddened by grief, Yang Guo accidentally followed Jade Feng and discovered the hidden paradise at the bottom of the Valley of Unfeelingness.It was even accidentally discovered that a giant eagle of a divine horse had already lived here.

He placed Gongsun Lue's tomb here, and he himself lived there.

The divine eagle didn't talk to Yang Guo very much, until he was rescued by Yang Guo after eating a poisonous python, he brought Yang Guo to the sword mound where Dugu Qiubai was, and taught him the moves of Dugu Qiubai.

So, for the rest of the long years, Yang Guo lived with this divine sculpture at the bottom of the Unfeeling Valley.

Yang Guo smiled bitterly and said, "I know my third younger brother, Junbao, has been in Wudang Mountain for more than a hundred years. Since Lu'er died, I have been disheartened, and I have no intention of asking about world affairs. On Junbao's [-]th birthday, I went out to give him a gift. Birthday. It's just that he doesn't know."

Li Mochou was puzzled, "Zhang Sanfeng is able to live until now because he is still a boy, and he has practiced the Taoist method of health preservation. You are older than him, why did you live so long?"

Yang Guo pointed at the table: "These are the honey wine made by Jade Bee and the flowers and fruits here. I only eat the cold water fish, jade honey and flowers and fruits here. Accompanied by him, he practiced the swordsmanship of senior Dugu Qiubai, and his skills continued to improve. The deeper the cultivation base, the fewer diseases and longer life expectancy."

The crowd nodded.

A hundred years ago, Yang Guo was able to assassinate Meng Ge at a price. Now that he has practiced for so long, how far has his skill reached?
No one knows.

Yang Guo looked at Du Yu and Xiao Longnv, and said proudly: "Brother Diao can't speak, but after a competition, he pecked at Senior Dugu's memorial tablet with his bird's beak, to show that my skill is no longer below Dugu's seeking defeat."

Du Yu couldn't help but laugh.

Yang Guo's hard work for a hundred years was not in vain.

At the same time, this also made Du Yu look forward to the cultivation results of his Tang avatar even more.

If I leave Zhang Junbao and Yang Guo in this world of divine sculptures for a hundred years, I can harvest two peerless masters.

Then my golden core avatar has a higher cultivation level than the second and third younger brothers at that time.

After a hundred years, how far should it evolve?

Du Yu was full of expectations.

Yang Guo took a sip of the brewed Baihua mead, and said to Du Yu, "Brother, you came to see me this time, but you want to take me away?"

Du Yu nodded: "Are you intending to leave here?"

Yang Guo's eyes fell on Du Yu and Xiao Longnv clearly, nodded and said: "Lv'e has been gone for too long, I just feel that life is hopeless, I have nothing else to do except to practice swords with Brother Diao. If I can enter the space , rejuvenate, continue to take risks, it is very interesting."

Du Yu sweated profusely.

A Zhang Sanfeng at the level of a grandmaster, and a Yang Guo who is comparable to Dugu Qiubai, what kind of bloody storm will happen when these two enter the space?
However, it seems that for me, there is no harm at all.

Du Yu nodded, and told Yang Guo the way to enter the space, and at the same time ordered Caesar to continue to solve Yang Guo's assessment method.

Caesar looked troubled.

Yang Guo's skill at this time is even stronger than Zhang Sanfeng's!

This is not surprising.

Back then, when Zhang Junbao knew nothing but the Nine Suns Divine Art, Yang Guo already had kung fu all over him.

In the past hundred years of practice, Zhang Sanfeng had many adventures and epiphanies, but Yang Guo practiced with the divine sculpture, with the divine sculpture's feeding moves + Dugu training method, plus the nourishment of the unfeeling jade bee at the bottom of the valley.It is not surprising that he is stronger than Zhang Sanfeng.

But Du Yu expected that a group of powerful soldiers who had just jumped out of the Ruyang Palace just now.

The evaluation of these dead men should be higher than that of ordinary adventurers.

Maybe there is a play.

Caesar searched for a long time, and finally sighed: "Master, no. There is no opponent in this world like Yang Guo. His strength, in fact, is the same as Zhang Sanfeng, and he is about to enter the difficulty of the inner city. If a strong team from the inner city comes, maybe he can find it." his opponent."

"But those dead soldiers, together, isn't there a Dugu Qiubai strong?" Du Yu didn't believe it.

Don't underestimate space adventurers.

Although it sounds like cats and dogs, or even other people's cannon fodder stepping stones, these adventurers are indeed the masters of the space.

Whether Dugu Qiubai or Dongfang Bubai, to put it mildly, they are the touchstones for these adventurers, and to put it bluntly, they are the targets.

(End of this chapter)

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