Chapter 693 The Great War Begins, Besieging Guangmingding! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

This adventure world with the strength of the outer city, if a strong team of more than a dozen top adventurers is gathered, it is indeed possible to win a fierce man like Dugu Qiubai.

A top adventurer in the outer city is not Yang Guo's opponent, so how about gathering them together?Isn't it?

Caesar sighed: "Although in theory, it is indeed possible, but it is indeed very dangerous for Yang Guo to fight these dead soldiers collectively. I have estimated that with his strength, there is no pressure to send 3-5. Against 6 -8 is evenly matched, and if it reaches more than 10, his life is in danger. The same is true for you, master."

Du Yuxin said that it was no wonder that he had a shocking feeling when he was in Ruyang Prince's Mansion. It turned out that the dozen or so dead warriors and adventurers there really had the strength to kill him.

Fortunately, I have a team of programmers. If it is not possible, I activate the space ability and bring Yang Guo back.

"Very good!" Du Yu stood up and said to Yang Guo, "If you are willing to take risks with me, we brothers will go out together. But hey, you are lucky, you can see a good show as soon as you come up first!"

Yang Guo let out a long breath, as long as his eldest brother and aunt take him, he can go anywhere.

He looked longingly at the tomb of Gongsun Lue in the distance, where the grass was luxuriant and the flowers were fluttering.Yang Guo walked over to say goodbye to Gongsun Lue.This beloved wife has been with him for decades, and the two have a very strong relationship.

In the end, the divine eagle came over and honked a few times, showing a sense of reluctance.

Du Yu's heart moved: "You might as well take this brother God Eagle with you, and let's go on an adventure together. Our enemy is quite strong this time, we have one more master and more strength."

Shen Diao was very dissatisfied with Du Yu treating himself as a thug, and tweeted a few times full of hostility, but Du Yu also had a way, and waved his hand.

Shang Xiuxun stepped out of the void, stepped forward to stroke the feathers of the divine sculpture.

Strange to say, one thing falls one thing.This divine sculpture had a bad temper like no one's bird, but when he met the beautiful and gentle business owner, he retreated almost instantly.After being stroked by Shang Xiuxun for a while, under Du Yu's contemptuous gaze, he shamefully lowered his proud head and let Shang Xiuxun giggle and ride on its neck.

But Yang Guo pulled out a wooden sword from Gongsun Lv'e's tomb and started on his way.

Du Yu knew that Yang Guo's black iron epee had been re-dissolved by Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and recast into Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Sword. Brave, leave a legacy.But Yang Guo is also a generation of heroes, how can he use this wooden sword?

Yang Guo smiled lightly and said, "My skill with swords is the same as that of Dugu Qiubai's predecessors. I don't need to pursue any magical weapon anymore. I only need a wooden sword, which is enough to deal with the youngest in the world."

Du Yu nodded.

At this time, he received a communication from Michelle.

"The Battle of Bright Peak has officially begun. Our Flood Banner has already engaged in battle with the invading famous sect. According to the investigation results, the White Tiger Team and others also came with the Shaolin Temple team in a menacing manner." Mai Shela's voice, with A trace of anxiety.

Du Yu said solemnly: "Okay, don't confront these three strong teams head-on, we are coming in the starry night."

He got on his horse and galloped westward on the far pupil. Yang Guo's sleeves were fluttering, and the sculpture was too heavy to fly, but when he ran, he was faster than an ostrich, and his steps were as fast as flying.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Shen Diao headed west all the way, and traveled nearly [-] miles in just three days, and they were about to arrive at Guangmingding.

In the past three days, Mai Shela kept sending back battle reports to Du Yu.

"Six major sects besieged Guangmingding, and the attack was menacing. We have actively campaigned and carried out guerrilla operations, and we have successfully annihilated three minor sects, earning nearly [-] contribution points. But the three teams of the White Tiger Squad have too many people. They Scattered among the decent characters in the plot, if we want to sneak attack, it will be difficult to work." Mai Shela said helplessly: "Instead, the other flags of the Five Elements Banner were constantly attacked by these three strong teams, causing heavy casualties."

Du Yu nodded.

With the strength of Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, and Yamazaki Ryuuer, they are already regarded as the first-class players in the world, even compared to the Wudang Seven Heroes, they are not far behind.As for Huashan School Xian Yutong, Kongtong Five Elders and others, they are not their opponents.If they stared at the Mingjiao of Guangmingding, even if Michelle had rich experience, it would be difficult to defeat them.

Fortunately, Du Yu was about to reach Guangmingding.

Along the way, the yellow sand is long, the Gobi is red and yellow, and the corpses of Mingjiao disciples and famous and decent people who died tragically together can be seen everywhere.

What worried Du Yu unceasingly was that since a hundred kilometers ago, the signal of Maishela and the wolf pupil team had been lost. The 5G mobile walkie-talkie seemed to be disturbed by someone. It could only hear rustling, but could not talk.

Du Yu was very anxious.

This is clearly a contact signal, a phenomenon that is blocked by a certain space prop.

Wan Wan, who was in charge of the investigation, reported back in time: "One mile to the left in front, there is a fierce battle between the Mingjiao and the six sects."

Du Yu pulled on his horse and went straight to the battlefield.

This battlefield shouted to kill and shake the sky, and it really killed you.

Hundreds of people from both sides participated in the battle, and together there were as many as a thousand people. Under the bright moon, with swords shining and swords shadowing, everyone was fighting fiercely without risking their lives.

But seeing swords flying and blood spattering, the scene was horrible.

Houhou watched the battle, and said: "The Mingjiao side has the three banners of Ruijin, Flood, and Raging Fire, and the six sects are the Kongtong School, Huashan School, and Kunlun School. On the Mingjiao side, there are also three teams of Tianyingjiao. Wait and move."

Du Yu followed her finger and looked towards the east, and he saw three teams of troops standing in a dense array tens of feet away from the battlefield, each team had more than a hundred people.On the battlefield, the three factions fight the Three Banners, and the situation is evenly matched, but if the three demon sects join the battle, the Kongtong, Huashan, and Kunlun factions are bound to be defeated, but for some reason, the three Tianying sects remain on the sidelines.

And the leader of Tianying Sect is a man in white shirt, holding a folding fan. On the left breast of the white shirt, there is a little black eagle embroidered with wings spread. This man is Yin Yewang, the son of Yin Tianzheng, the leader of Tianying Sect.

Du Yu saw the sign of the flood flag and knew that Mai Shela and others were fighting inside.

On the opposite side, there are three teams of characters who obviously do not belong to this world.

White Tiger Team, Tianyu Team, and Yamazaki Dragon Team.

Shi Guodong, the third master, Baihu, Tianyu, the boy with bow in leopard fetus, the man with Jiangma pestle, the girl in white, Yamazaki Ryuer and others are all there.

These people's faces were indifferent, and it was obvious that they had the chance to win.

Shi Guodong held a small antenna in his hand, which should be this thing, sending out a shielding signal, preventing Mai Shela and others from calling for help.

The white tiger was triumphant, and shouted: "Wolf pupils, listen, your news won't get out. No one will come to save you! Surrender quickly, lest the uncle do anything. What the bosses want is Du Yu and a few The head of a leader, ordinary team members kneel down and beg for mercy, we hold our hands high, you still have a way to survive!"

A fighter from Yamazaki Ryuji's team, who looked like Nikaido Benimaru, jumped out of the team and shouted, "We are going to kill your leader, Du Yu. Whoever tells his location, not only Guaranteed to survive, there is still a chance to join our strong team!"

This is the heart attack.

Clearly occupying a three-to-one advantage, but still want to divide and disintegrate the wolf pupil team.The wolf pupil team is a newly upgraded and newly formed team. If someone sees that the situation is not good and wants to survive, it will save the third team a lot of money.

Du Yu thought to himself, "So that's how it is. The opponent has clearly grasped our position, but he didn't kill him suddenly. He wanted to lure me out and catch me all at once."

As for King Yinye's reinforcements, the Tianying faction was already at odds with the Five Elements Banner. They wished that the Five Elements Banner would be killed by the famous decent faction in this battle. How could they easily send troops to rescue them?Besides, even if Mingjiao works together, they are not opponents of strong teams such as the White Tigers.

Du Yu looked around, and there was only one Yang Guo and one Divine Condor, although he could still take out a team composed of Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou and other strong men.But to fight head-on with these three strong teams, the outcome is unpredictable, not to mention there is a team of dead soldiers of Hou Xiaobai watching in the dark.

Du Yu said in his heart: "For the present strategy, the only way is to let the Hongshui Banner, Liehuo Banner, and Ruijin Banner hold on longer, forcing the White Tiger Team and others to move first. I will win the battle easily with Yang Guo."

He was not far from the battlefield at this time, and looked up.

I only saw the backbone of Mai Shela, Li Tang, Le Qun, Rourou, Hu Yijun, etc., leading the wolf pupil team, risking their lives, fighting with famous and decent plot characters.

Among the famous and decent schools, there are Kunlun School He Taichong, Ban Shuxian, Kongtong Wulao, Huashan Xianyutong, Liangsulao, etc., as well as ordinary miscellaneous soldiers.At this time, everyone in the wolf pupil team has a poisonous water sprayer on their bodies, and they spray it on everyone they see, but they are very stable.

With a heavy sniper in hand, Michela performed a gun fighting technique, and the dazzling moves were mixed with a crisp gunshot from time to time.Even if this is an ancient plot, the effect of the firearm has been greatly weakened, and it can be regarded as a powerful hidden weapon at best, but every time a heavy snipe is fired, it will inevitably cause serious injuries to a strong person.

Li Tang looked like a mad tiger, using his large shield to resist the onslaught of many strong men, and led the melee team to firmly defend the camp's defense line.

As the pastor and medical doctor of the team, Rourou could not stand it any longer, so she put medicine on her body.As long as you don't die immediately, no matter how serious your injury is, you will recover quickly.

As Maishela's master, Le Qun brought a few space veterans to play the role of Dinghaishenzhen, helping the flustered wolf pupil team to quickly stabilize the situation.

Although the Kongtong and other three factions have a large number of people, they can't do anything for a while under the excellent performance of Hongshuiqi.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Mai Sheila's Wolf Eyes team kept killing the characters of the three factions, killing everyone's blood-stained robes, fighting with evil spirits on their faces.

On the faces of the White Tigers and the others, seeing the wolf pupils so brave, they showed a look of impatience.

(End of this chapter)

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