Chapter 695 A battle between good and evil, Shi Guodong takes action! -Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch

What can I buy?
The most valuable thing is to build a team that is absolutely loyal and powerful!

He uses this team to sweep away his enemies, complete difficult tasks, and obtain the security and villain value he really needs!Even rebel in the future!

Gold, pearls and jade are ten times more beneficial, and the benefit of the country will never be inexhaustible!
This is the most MAN and ambitious view of the big picture.

Gougouyingying, counting every penny, calculating and complaining, is naturally the realm of ordinary adventurers.How much extra survival points I have contributed to the team, if you don't give me the corresponding return immediately, I will withdraw my capital and quit, and it will be doomed to be a big deal.

Cao Cao raised his troops without any pay, so he asked his family for money.His father, Cao Song, was a farmer, and instead of giving money, he cursed angrily. When others raised troops, they would send money home, so you can send money outside, and then locked the door and left in anger.Cao Amu searched all over the house, and when he looked up, he saw the big blue bricks under the beams of the roof. He became suspicious and recognized that they were the blue bricks made of gold cast by Cao Song to hide his family wealth. For military pay.The ordinary blue bricks could not bear the weight of the beams, and eventually collapsed.Cao Song wailed among the ruins: "It's hard to guard against house thieves, steal the beams off!"

But what about the results?

What Cao Cao took was the wealth of the small landlord's family, and what he got back was a great empire and an immortal legend!

And Du Yu is different from any adventurer!

His villain attributes and spatial positioning determine that he is someone who will do great things.

Do people who do big things care about the mere interests of the moment with their subordinates?
The richest horseman and his ordinary employees, do you care about how much you reimbursed me for thousands of training fees?

Du Yu didn't regard his teammates as a burden.

Because Du Yu is unique in space.

No other teammate can compare to him.

And this, in fact, is the greatest arrogance.

Shi Guodong witnessed the strong resistance of the wolf pupil team, and finally realized that if this team is given a little more time, let alone Du Yu, even these rookies who have just been promoted to the outer city can ride on top of their team and shit Urine!
"Kill!" Shi Guodong waved his hand.

Team White Tiger, Team Yamazaki Ryuji and Team Tianyu rushed out together.

These are the three strongest teams in the outer city.

The red python team was defeated by the wolf pupil team, which made these three teams have a strong sense of crisis.This time, we must join forces to attack and completely wipe out the wolf pupil team.

On the opposite side, King Yin Ye saw the three support troops of the famous decent sect attacking, and finally waved his hand, and the three troops of the Tianying Sect were also thrown into the battle.

Although he had a disagreement with the Five Elements Flag, at least he understood that the overall situation was the most important thing. If the Five Elements Flag were wiped out in this battle, Guangmingding would not be able to hold it.

But the result surprised King Yinye.

The opponent's three teams charged down like fierce tigers, not to mention the three banners of fire, flood, and sharp gold, and they couldn't resist immediately.Even his well-trained and well-equipped three Tianying teachers were killed and turned on their backs.

King Yinye roared, "Bows and arrows!"

100 elite archers of the Sky Eagle Sect formed a battle formation, and shot hundreds of arrows into the air. The rain of arrows fell on the White Tigers' lineup, but apart from causing a little damage, they couldn't stop these people at all. A wolf-like adventurer.


This is a move that the Sky Eagle Sect is proud of. It can dig a passage in a very short time without anyone noticing it, leading directly to favorable terrain, which is convenient for outflanking and sneak attacking.

But Tianyu just sneered slightly, and with a sideways glance, the big man with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle suddenly raised his head and roared angrily.

His mighty power is like an earthquake!
Even Du Yu and Yang Guo couldn't help but look sideways.

The whole battlefield seemed to have a magnitude 8 earthquake, only to hear landslides and ground cracks, the ground shook, and then a large area collapsed.

The members of the Skyhawk Sect who were digging underground uttered dull screams. They couldn't even escape, and they were all buried alive by the earthquake wave of the vajra descending demon pestle man.

At this moment, even the more than a thousand righteous and evil parties who were desperately fighting could not help but stop and stare at the big man with dumbfounded eyes.

As if nothing had happened to the big man, he swung the vajra subduing magic pestle, and immediately whipped away a congregation of the Raging Fire Banner.

The congregation didn't even have time to let out a scream, the entire upper body was bloody and bloody from the vajra subduing demon pestle, and even the body was gone.

Yang Guo said with emotion: "This person is born with supernatural power, but he is very powerful, it's a pity."

Du Yu knew that Yang Guo regretted that this person was an enemy, but he had more thoughts in his heart.

This Tianyu Aoshi team is indeed a strong team in the outer city. In fact, there are only a few people in the core, but with the reinforcement of many resources, plus their natural talents, Tianyu can be called a strong team that can confront Zhang Sanfeng head-on.Only in this way can this terrifying giant with astonishing divine power be created.

The big man with the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and the young man with the leopard-embroidered bow are each extraordinary, but Tian Yu has not made a move yet, so he must be even more brilliant.

Du Yu felt relieved.

These strong teams in the outer city can call the wind and call the rain, and it is by no means a vain name.Is it too much for me to be an enemy at the same time with four of their powerful enemies with different styles?

But it's too late to regret now.Besides, Du Yu had absolute confidence in his own strength.

His experience cannot be copied or imagined by these geniuses.

Even if you are a genius, what can you do if you meet me?

If it's a dragon, you have to coil it; if it's a tiger, you have to nest for me!

Otherwise, you will be destroyed!
He glanced at Yang Guo beside him, and smiled slightly: "The Condor Hero who has not been seen for a hundred years, are you interested in killing together with me, meeting these rookies in the world for a while?"

Yang Guo smiled and said: "That's exactly what I meant. After I achieved great feats, I only fought with Brother Diao, and never tested the power of moves in front of outsiders, so I don't know my true strength. This time I will use these juniors to attack Right? But it’s embarrassing to bully the small with the big.”

Du Yu laughed and said, "Don't brag about yourself and call yourself a senior. These guys are your opponents who have passed the test and followed me into the space! Do you understand? If you fail, you will be beaten back. With an old face, there is no place to put it."

When Yang Guo heard the words "Assess the opponent", his old eyes flashed sharply.

It is his ultimate long-cherished wish to enter the space and take risks with his eldest brother and aunt.

Whoever stood in his way was his enemy.

Yang Guo smiled lightly, with a broken arm and fluttering sleeves, he swooped down from the heights of the Gobi towards the battlefield where they were fighting.

The divine eagle also gave a high-pitched cry, stepped on the yellow sand, waved its wings, and galloped forward.

One person, one eagle, rushed to the battlefield, but there was an incomparably brutal murderous aura.

Du Yu smiled lightly.

In this world, although Hou Xiaobai's lineup is stronger than he expected and there are many variables, but he also has unexpected gains.

That is Zhang Sanfeng and Hidden Figure Yang Guo.

These two brothers, who haven't seen each other for a hundred years, join hands with him. The world is so big, who else can stop him?

Du Yu's chest was full of pride, and he roared with joy that shook the world: "Shi Guodong! Tianyu! Yamazaki Ryuji! You fools have been fooled! Du Yu is already here, take your life!"

He tossed and rushed to the battlefield.

Seeing Du Yu descending from the sky with such power, and beside him a one-armed old man with a white beard and an ugly statue, both the righteous and the evil who were fighting were stunned.

Michelle's sniper rifle never stops shooting, and can choose the right magic bullet every time to shoot into the most vulnerable enemy's vitals.The key is that she has a good view of the overall situation. The magic bullet attack can always take into account the needs of the battlefield and kill acupuncture points. Just 5 minutes into the battle, the enemy has already had two adventurers who died tragically under her pervasive and precise sniping.

But because of this, Michelle has also become a thorn in the side of the three strong teams, and has been targeted wave after wave.If it weren't for Li Tangshe's desperate and frequent emergency rescue and cover, Mai Shela would have been blown away.

Even though Maishela, Li Tang, Le Qun, Rou Rou and others resisted desperately, under the siege of three powerful adventure teams from the outer city, the situation took a turn for the worse, and they were in danger immediately.Even the haughty and arrogant King Yin Ye led the Tianying Cult to fight fiercely, but Shi Guodong personally shot him, and the continuous Shaolin Fuhu Fist broke his bones and tendons.

Yin Yewang is a first-class martial arts master, the only son of Yin Tianzheng, the white-browed eagle king, and the inner altar master of Tianying Sect. It saved the life of King Yin Ye.

But on the side of Mingjiao, the failure is a foregone conclusion.

The powerful members of the White Tiger Team, the Yamazaki Dragon Team, and the Tianyu Team mercilessly slaughtered the Hongshui Banner, the Ruijin Banner, the Raging Fire Banner, and the Tianying Cult.The vajra subduing demon pestle big man, Baihu, Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuer and others took the lead and charged into the battle. All the Ming Cultists who stood in front of them died tragically after they couldn't even take three moves.

Their intention is also very obvious, which is to wipe out the little minions of Mingjiao first, isolate the wolf pupil team, and finally launch a general attack to wipe out the wolf pupil team in one go.

Although Maishela and other long-range adventurers of the wolf pupil team can cause some trouble, but under the precautions of the three teams, even Maishela can't make another contribution and kill in one fell swoop.

The wolf pupil team and Mingjiao were at an absolute disadvantage, losing ground steadily.

Seeing Du Yu's magical soldiers descending from the sky, appearing suddenly when the team was most in danger, the whole wolf pupil team cheered in unison.Michelle burst into tears.

At the last moment, we still have to rely on the captain.

However, what happened to the old man with the white beard and the big strange bird?

Seeing Du Yu charging down, Shi Guodong showed a sinister smile on his face: "You are finally here."

He stomped his feet suddenly, and a fierce and helpless momentum suddenly rose from his body.

"It's time to die! Du Yu!"

This long-established strongman in the outer city was already a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple before he entered the space, and he even won the National Sanda Fighting Championship.His younger brother Shi Guoliang's kung fu is all learned from him.

(End of this chapter)

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