Chapter 696 Face-to-face duel, blast Shi Guodong! - Ask for a monthly pass at the sixth shift

It's just that Shi Guoliang, who died tragically in the novice plot, compared with Shi Guodong's kung fu, is nothing compared to Haoyue.

Shi Guodong notified Shi Guoliang with a secret signal, ordering him to bring in the map of the Caribbean Sea in space reality. Unexpectedly, Shi Guoliang was greedy for treasures, so he had a head-on conflict with Du Yu in the novice plot.What's more, Du Yu was able to turn defeat into victory and kill Shi Guoliang who had kung fu.

Shi Guodong has always kept this hatred in his heart, and finally, this time in the world of Yitian Tulongji, he besieged Du Yu here and killed him in one fell swoop!

"Kill my brother! Die for me!" Shi Guodong roared furiously. On his chest, a majestic white tiger suddenly jumped out of his body and howled wildly at Du Yu.

This white tiger's weather has actually reached the fourth stage of Taoism, which is the same as Du Yu's. I really don't know how many adventurers Shi Guodong killed and devoured his weather before he grew to where he is today.The body of this white tiger is as big as a Siberian tiger, exuding the aura of the king of beasts.Needless to say, with the addition of such a mighty momentum, Shi Guodong's hard-line Shaolin Kungfu will be even more incisive and fierce.

Seeing that Shi Guodong was so mighty, don't accept everyone in the wolf pupil team, he felt tsk tsk in his heart, and even Tianyu and Yamazaki Ryuji, who were in the alliance, couldn't help but look at each other, with coldness flickering in their eyes.

In the space, it is common for the strong to be jealous and plot against each other.

This Shi Guodong was so brave, but he accidentally touched the vigilance of Tian Yu and Yamazaki Ryuji.

After killing Du Yu, sooner or later, he and the White Tiger Team will run into each other?

Who is willing to back down?
Therefore, instead of stepping forward and attacking Du Yu with Shi Guodong, the two turned their targets to the followers of the Ming Cult.While flexing his fists, massacring wantonly, and earning decent contribution points, he watched with cold eyes, watching the success or failure of Du Yu and Shi Guodong's fight.

Du Yu sneered when he saw the future of Tian Yu and the two of them.

If the three strong teams cooperate seamlessly, they will not be powerless against themselves, Yang Guo and the Wolf Tong team.Even gain the upper hand.

After all, to be able to reach the ranks of powerful enemies in space, every adventurer is not a sham, and his subordinates are all very hardworking.The three teams cooperate with each other, the offensive is fierce, and the defense is solid. Even if you have the best hands and eyes, and the best kung fu, you still have to spend a lot of effort and pay a lot of money.

But unfortunately, human nature is destined to be human nature.

The three teams were reluctantly brought together because they sniped and killed themselves. They were destined to be unable to form a common alliance and truly cooperate seamlessly.

Here's your chance for revenge!

He and Shi Guodong already had an account, so they had to settle it carefully.

Du Yu roared angrily, and the Kungfu of Changsheng Jue instantly turned his whole body, and his spirit doubled!

Yang Guo, with fluttering sleeves beside him, glanced at his elder brother in surprise.

He clearly felt that the aura of this big brother was constantly improving, improving, improving

Before Yang Guo had always been proud of his great achievements, even if he couldn't beat his elder brother, he would not give up.But at this time, seeing the big brother and the enemy fighting, the face of the world changed, and the vision of the four-color aura condensing and converging, only then did I know that my kung fu might still be inferior to the big brother.At least the elder brother's skill is deep, and he didn't see it.

Shi Guodong is obviously also a hero who has experienced wind and rain and is used to wind and waves. Seeing Du Yu's momentum, he faintly overwhelmed himself, his face changed, and he roared!
The third master, who was fighting, looked up in surprise, and lost his voice: "White tiger three transformations? Boss is going to perform his stunt so soon?"

Baihu was also surprised, and shouted: "That boy, how can he use the three transformations of the white tiger? I think he is very common."

Tianyu was on the side, and wiped Tang Yang's neck coldly with a sword, and said with a smile: "Don't you need to use a big move? You will be killed directly!"

As the supervisor of Hongshui Banner, Tang Yang was defeated by Tianyu's Dugu Nine Swords after just a few moves.

Maishela snatched Tang Yang back, Rourou tried to rescue him, but Tang Yang's neck was cut off, blood gushed out like a fountain, hehe twice, pointing to Maishela, indicating to the deputy envoy to hold the flag temporarily Make duty.Seeing the Mingjiao people in Hongshui Banner around him, he nodded in agreement with tears in his eyes, tilted his head, and died forever.

Mai Shela was reminded that since Tang Yang died in battle, she temporarily acted as Hung Hung's envoy.The female adventurer was also resolute and resolute, shouting: "Flood Banner! Revenge for the envoy in charge of the Tang Banner!"

Everyone in Hongshui Banner echoed in unison. Mingjiao followers were very united and more loyal, holding the flag to fight to the death, all members would rather fight to the death than back down a step.Under the command of Michela, the battle of Hongshui Banner became more fierce and sharp. Cooperating with the wolf pupil team, they fought back the opponent's constant pressing momentum.

Tianyu, however, had no intention of doing anything else for the time being, looking at Shi Guodong and Du Yu who had used the White Tiger Three Transformations, and fell silent.

Shi Guodong's Three Transformations of the White Tiger is his life-saving skill, and he will definitely not use it until the critical moment.All witnesses were killed, so Tianyu and Yamazaki Ryuji have never seen the true power of this move.

Shi Guodong used the first layer of transformation, and layers of white hair grew all over his body, like tiger skin. Boom to Du Yu!
This momentum, not to mention fighting, just watching, is enough to shake the hearts of ordinary adventurers in the outer city.

Du Yu's expression was indifferent, as if he didn't see the incomparably mighty White Tiger Three Changes and Shaolin Fuhu Fist. He continued to float down, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms resounded and attacked Shi Guodong.

Shi Guodong's Shaolin Fuhu Fist and Du Yu's Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, a tiger's roar and a dragon's chant, are simply fierce battles between dragons and tigers.
The palms of both sides collided viciously.

Everyone waits and sees.

This is the first time that the master captains of two strong teams in the outer city collided openly.

Shi Guodong roared wildly, pushing his aura to the extreme.

He only felt that although Du Yu was understatement, but the aura of volleying down was like a real dragon, appearing from the clouds, flying dragons, unpretentious, and the threat to him was trembling from the depths of his soul. and trembling.

Shi Guoliang killed countless people. Even if he met a big boss in the inner city who was stronger than himself, he had never seen such a scene.

He can only push his aura to the highest level and keep pushing it higher to resist the all-pervasive fear in his heart.

In the eyes of everyone, Shi Guodong's aura was like a raging tiger, crushing the Jiaolong Du Yu who was jumping down from above.

Team members of the White Tiger Team, cheers!

"Good job! Boss Shi! Kill that kid."

"The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, I think before the Boss's Shaolin Fuhu Fist, it's just a little snake, waiting to be chopped to death by the Boss White Tiger's palm!"

"What wolf pupil team, in front of our White Tiger team, is simply a stinky dog!"

These clamors are extremely exciting.

However, after the palms of Du Yu and Shi Guodong clashed.

All the clamor of the White Tigers disappeared in an instant.


The one who flew out was Shi Guodong who was even more powerful!
His face was bloodless, he slumped, and flew upside down in the air, spurting mouthfuls of blood.

Everyone in the White Tiger Team petrified collectively.

Tianyu and Yamazaki Ryuji looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

The reason why they didn't flank Du Yu was because they saw Shi Guodong's toughness, they were afraid, and they hoped that both sides would be hurt.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly insignificant Du Yu could hit Shi Guodong hard in one fell swoop.

Yang Guo watched the battle between Du Yu and Shi Guodong, and looked at the astonished members of the White Tiger Team. He only had one sentence: "The dog of Shu barks at the sun! You can't control yourself!"

The fundamental reason why the White Tigers are so optimistic about Shi Guodong, who is more powerful, is that their realm is too far away from Du Yu and Yang Guo.

Only Yang Guo, who is equally proficient in martial arts, could see that Du Yu didn't try his best to crack Shi Guodong's Shaolin Fuhu Fist.But afterwards, Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms erupted with all their strength, rushing the supreme pure internal force into Shi Guodong's body, causing Shi Guodong to be seriously injured.

Shi Guodong made one move and was defeated.

The result was so ugly that he almost vomited blood.

Although he knew that Du Yu was growing fast, as expected, there was always a gap between him and his incomparably powerful self.

But the result came out. This psychological gap made Shi Guodong vomit blood, and he was extremely upset.

He raised his head and shouted: "You are all dead? Why don't you come up!"

The White Tigers were stunned by the scene in front of them, and then they came to their senses, rushed up and rushed towards Du Yu.

"Hang him up!"

"What's so great about him alone? With so many of us, we killed this kid with one punch."

"Everyone don't have to be scruples, use the strongest moves to greet you."

The White Tigers rushed towards Du Yu aggressively.

Yang Guo raised his eyebrows, and was about to show off his might when he saw his elder brother wave his hand lightly.

Shi Feixuan, Wan Hou, Shang Xiuxun, Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv, Li Mochou, Shan Wanjing, Shen Luoyan, Selina and other beauties capable of conquering battles all appeared from the void, leaped into the battlefield, and The White Tigers launched a surprise attack on both sides!
Standing on a high place, Yilin chanted Sanskrit to bless all the warriors on her side.

The White Tigers, who were coming up to attack Du Yu together, were immediately entangled by these beauties, and the two sides fought together.

They thought that they were bullying the few by relying on the strong to bully the weak, but they didn't expect Du Yu to make a move.This numerical advantage is gone.

The beauty army's victory lies in its strong combat power and strict formation. Under Shen Luoyan's arrangement, it is impeccable.What's more, the suppression of ordinary adventurers by Houhou, Shifeixuan, and Xiaolongnv is hard to guard against.

Houhou is like a ghost, Tianma Dafa's field control skills and the strange skill of absorbing the surrounding internal energy caused the internal energy of the White Tiger members to disappear one after another, stumbling around, and even the formation was scattered.

The wolf pupil team was overjoyed by Du Yu's slap in the face of Shi Guodong's record. They all jumped for joy and played even more resolutely and fiercely.The Tianyu team and the Yamazaki Ryuer team encountered strong resistance, and the two sides fought bloody and bloody, but the Wolf Tong team refused to back down.

(End of this chapter)

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