Chapter 700 Bat King Races, Save Zhiruo! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Seeing that a large number of Mingjiao reinforcements came behind him, especially seeing Mijue Shitai being captured, Master Kongwen of Shaolin Temple put his hands together, and discussed with Song Yuanqiao, not daring to force him, temporarily withdrawing the siege, and letting the Mingjiao believers, Go up the hill through the suspension bridge.

Mingjiao believers are also very organized, I am afraid that Shaolin Temple and Wudang sect will give way in the open, and secretly plan to take advantage of the Mingjiao to take advantage of the situation to snatch the suspension bridge and take Miejue Shitai as a hostage. pass.

Not long after, Song Qingshu, Yin Liting, He Taichong, Kongtong Wulao, Xian Yutong and others rushed from the foot of the mountain with many strong fighters from the Emei Sect and other four sects.

But today the two sides fought each other, both sides won and lost, both casualties were heavy, and they had no intention of fighting again. After letting the Ming Cult slowly retreat into the Tiger Leaping Stream, they sealed the natural barrier with bows and arrows again.

Du Yu followed the Hongshui Banner to the top of the Guangming Peak, and King Yinye went in to report the battle situation to the leaders of the Ming Cult.

Not long after, a middle-aged man with an unrestrained and elegant demeanor led a group of masters out of the palace.This middle-aged man is Yang Xiao, who makes people feel like a good son of Zhuo Shijia at a glance, but there is a hint of playfulness in the corner of his mouth, which makes it difficult to distinguish the majestic Guangming Temple from the Mingjiao General Altar and this Guangming Zuoshi. get in touch.

He was romantic all his life, had a love affair with Ji Xiaofu, and finally Ji Xiaofu was killed by Miejue Shitai, leaving behind a daughter, Yang Buhui.

Behind him was an old man with white eyebrows and white hair, with sharp eagle eyes and bulging temples. Just by giving him a glance, one felt that his soul was pierced by his sharp eyes.And when he was walking, he was more calm and majestic. It should be Yin Tianzheng, the white-browed eagle king.

The third is a pale old man with a morbid paleness on his face, but where his gaze passes, it is chilling, as if he is being targeted by a vampire.Behind him, wearing a blue robe and cloak, is obviously the green-winged bat king Wei Yixiao.

Behind the three, Zhou Dian, Shubu, Tieguan Taoist and other five scattered people followed.

The Bright Left Envoy, the White-Browed Eagle King, the Blue-Winged Bat King, and the Wusanren are the strongest masters on the Bright Peak at this time, and they are also the backbone of the resistance against the six sects.

Du foreseeing several people, his mind was spinning rapidly.

The siege of Guangmingding must be won in order to complete the task of the wolf pupil team.

Yang Xiao obviously heard about Du Yu and Mai Laxue's outstanding performance in this battle against the three sects from Yin Ye Wang, so he walked up to Du Yu's side, cupped his hands and said, "What's your name for this brother?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "My name is Zeng A Niu, and I am a nobody."

King Yin Ye whispered a few words, and Yang Xiao glanced at Miejue Shitai who was captured alive and unconscious, his face changed, and his smile became more prosperous: "Brother Zeng is a master of martial arts, and he is also a member of my flood banner. In the battle, I showed my talents. I teach that there is no leader at this time, and I, the left envoy of the light, will take care of everything in the church. If you can perform better in this battle, I will naturally promote you."

As soon as these words came out, the Blue Winged Bat King and the White-browed Eagle King snorted at the same time, obviously not taking it seriously.

Du Yu sighed inwardly.This Ming Cult was originally extremely strong, and it had been fighting against the six major sects for hundreds of years, but after Yang Dingtian hanged, the dragons had no leader, and there was no holy fire order, and they kept fighting among themselves for the position of leader.The four guardian dharma kings fell apart one after another and left Guangmingding, which caused the power in the sect to drop drastically and brought about the catastrophe of extinction.

Although I have the villain task of destroying the Mingjiao, it must be launched after the wolf pupil team's task is completed. At this time, I have to cooperate sincerely with the Mingjiao.

Yang Xiao praised Mai Shela again, and marveled at the death of Tang Yang, the flag envoy of Hongshui Banner, and finally walked in front of Miejue Shitai.

Miejue Shitai had already woken up leisurely. Seeing that she and Zhou Zhiruo were captured alive by that little thief, she couldn't help feeling angry, and shouted: "Devil Cult traitor, if you want to kill it, kill it. Why ask more questions."

Yang Xiao was furious in his heart, and said bitterly: "Old thief! Do you know who I am?"

Miejue Shitai said indifferently: "I have killed a lot of heretics, how do I know which friend and relative you are? It fell into your hands anyway."

Yang Xiao raised his hand, slapped Miejue Shitai across the face.His martial arts skills are so high, this slap made Miejue Shitai's face swell up.

With a wave of Yang Xiao's hand, a pretty girl walked out of the palace.It was Yang Buhui, the daughter of him and Ji Xiaofu.

When Yang Buhui saw Miejue Shitai, his face turned frosty, and he said bitterly: "Father! That's right, it was this old thief who forced Mom to kill you, but Mom would rather die than obey, so she beat you to death with a single blow." Mom woo woo woo."

Miejue Shitai also squinted at Yang Buhui, and said with a sneer, "It turns out that you are the son of that bitch Ji Xiaofu, who was born with Yang Xiao. Back then, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to search, otherwise I would kill you with one palm. , and avoid staying in the world, embarrassing the Emei faction!"

Yang Xiao was even more furious, he slapped his backhand, and slapped Miejue Shitai again, causing his blades to swell.

But Juejueshi was too happy to be afraid, as if it was someone else who hit him in the face, he just looked at Yang Xiao with mocking eyes.

On the other hand, Zhou Zhiruo threw herself on Miejue Shitai and cried, "You devil cult leaders, don't hurt my master!"

Miejue Shitai touched Zhou Zhiruo in relief, and said with a smile, "Silly boy, don't be sad, I can hold on."

This Miejue Shitai, holding the Yitian sword, has killed countless Mingjiao disciples, and many Mingjiao people have blood feuds with her. When they heard that the old nun was so stubborn, they all yelled and wanted to kill Miejue Shitai .

Du Yu was indifferent, and was thinking about how to exchange the 8000 villain points he got from Miejue Shitai and Yitianjian?Whether to unlock the three sisters Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang first to form the Yijian formation, or to unlock the three beauties Dugufeng, Song Yuzhi and Li Xiuning, did not take Miejue Shitai seriously.In his opinion, this old nun really deserved her death.

Zhou Dian laughed and said: "I have an idea. Kill the old thief like this, and make him cheaper. Why don't you feed her a special aphrodisiac and hang her in front of the tiger leaping stream, so that the six sects can see her?" Look, the ugly appearance of that old nun in Emei. Haha, this extinct life, ruthless and desireless, let her run naked once when she is about to die, it is not bad!"

These members of the Demon Cult are all lawless, disregarding ethics, and hate Miejue Shi too much, what moves can't they think of?Hearing Zhou Dian's bad idea, he immediately applauded loudly and strongly urged Yang Xiao to carry it out.

Yang Xiao was not a person who did anything wrong, but this Miejue Shitai personally killed Ji Xiaofu and ruined his life's happiness. He is the person he hates the most in his life.Seeing that the brothers were agitated and demanded that Miejue Shitai be punished, he looked back at the Green Winged Bat King and the White-browed Eagle King, and nodded in agreement as they had no objections.

That Miejue Shitai regards death as her home, but this time the Demon Cult's moves are too vicious. Once she is fed with aphrodisiacs, naked in front of the six sects, and doing all the ugly things, it is a trivial matter for her to lose her reputation all her life. The century-old reputation is all destroyed.This iron lady-like teacher finally trembled and cursed angrily: "You have no conscience, and you will go to the eighteen hells after death! Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha will not spare you lightly!"

Yang Xiao laughed evilly: "We Zunjiao disciples are going to see Mingzun, what kind of Laozi's hell? Come, give it to me!"

The green-winged bat king Wei smiled, and with a fierce smile, he passed by Miejue Shitai, grabbed Zhou Zhiruo, and laughed wildly: "The old bat just happened to fight with the heroes of Wudang, and its body is so cold. This little girl The skin is tender and the meat is tender, the blood must be delicious too, it's dead anyway. Why don't you let me suck it dry and warm up your body before talking."

Zhou Zhiruo screamed and fought with fists, but she was quickly drawn into the sky because she was the opponent of the Blue Winged Bat King.

Although everyone didn't feel bad for Zhou Zhiruo, Yang Xiao and the others couldn't bear that little beauty's imminent death, but everyone also knew that something went wrong with the Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao's practice. It's cold, if you don't drink human blood, your body will become stiff, or even freeze to death.This time, thanks to his great efforts against the heroes of the Wudang faction, he was able to preserve the result of this great victory.

Miejue Shitai saw that her favorite disciple Zhou Zhiruo was about to be sucked dry by the Blue Winged Bat King, even though she had a hard heart, she couldn't help crying out in pain: "You demons! Demons!"

Du Yu looked up and saw that Zhou Zhiruo was about to die, with tears in her beautiful eyes, she looked at herself in despair.At this time, I was wearing an old-fashioned disguise, so I couldn't get into the eyes of this beauty.But at this moment, that Zhou Zhiruo was being hugged by the Blue Winged Bat King, and she was about to be sucked into jerky by piercing her swan-like slender, snow-white neck with her sharp teeth.

He couldn't help feeling pity in his heart.

For such a beauty, is it really possible to be cruel and abandon her?
Du Yu sighed, raised his head and said to the Blue Winged Bat King flying in the sky: "Senior Bat King, I have a merciless request. Can you hand over this little beauty to me? At any rate, I will be the master of Juejue Taihe." If she was captured alive, if she was killed in front of my eyes, I would not bear it in my heart."

Blue Winged Bat King Wei Yi smiled fiercely and said, "I'm so cold right now that I'm about to freeze, let alone you, even if the king of heaven comes, I won't let me spit out the delicious food in my mouth."

He is as fast as lightning, flying in the sky, and the green wings on his back are like the wings of a glider, adding even more speed.

Yang Xiao sighed: "Brother Zeng, the Bat King sucks human blood, it's not because he is evil by nature, he has a special technique, and he hurt his tendons, so he has no choice but to do it."

Du Yu smiled coldly.

He didn't care about the life or death of the Blue Winged Bat King, but Zhou Zhiruo, he was definitely saved!
Du Yu dodges, spreads his Lingbo micro-steps, and rushes towards Wei Yixiao who is soaring in the sky.

Seeing Du Yu's speed, Wei Yixiao yelled strangely: "Are you going to snatch food from the old bat's mouth? Fine. As long as you are faster than me and can snatch this little girl away, I will never do it again. "

He stretched out his bat's green wings, his speed increased sharply, and he accelerated again.

(End of this chapter)

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