Chapter 701 Convincing the crowd!Mingjiao internal strife! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Du Yu sneered, and unfolded the Jue of Longevity at full speed, crossing the air in mid-air, as if walking on flat ground, and rushed towards Wei Yixiao.

His longevity formula, which allowed Du Yu to enter the body of a semi-immortal, was able to walk in the air in a short period of time when it was running at full speed.

The faces of Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng and others changed.

With their advanced martial arts, they can't walk in the void like this, obviously compared to the internal strength, they are not as good as this unknown Zeng Aniu.

Who is Zeng Aniu?With his kung fu, he will definitely not be unknown or famous in Mingjiao.

Du Yu quickly approached Wei Yixiao.

Wei Yixiao let out a shriek, his skills were activated, and he ran away at full speed.

Although holding Zhou Zhiruo in her arms, the little beauty weighs no more than a hundred catties. Wei Yixiao prides himself on being invincible in lightness kung fu, and will never lose to a young man with a green head. I can't afford to lose face.

But the truth is relentless.

No matter how Wei Yixiao tried his best to divert his skills and try to speed up his escape, Du Yu was still not in a hurry, pressing on him, and teasing him from time to time: "Senior Bat King, I can't hold on any longer. Can you send Miss Zhou back?" Give me, I'll find another decent enemy for you, okay?"

Wei Yi couldn't help being angry with a smile, and said in a strange voice: "Today, my old bat's bad temper came up, and I must suck this girl's blood. Other people's blood is too smelly, so I don't want it."

He wanted to compete with Du Yu, and the speed was suddenly faster.

At this moment, Wei Yixiao had exhausted all his skills and exerted the strength of breastfeeding.He was already in the battle and spent a huge amount of real energy, otherwise he would not have sucked blood in public, and now he was at the end of his strength and ran away.

Who knows, Du Yu was not in a hurry, and followed Wei Yixiao all the way.

It seems that his true energy has no limit at all, no matter how fast Wei Yixiao speeds up, he can't get rid of him.

Under Wei Yixiao's green and sharp claws, Zhou Zhiruo's face was also frightened to the point of turning pale, and with the addition of terror and fear of heights, her face was even more bleak, and she almost fainted.But when he saw Zeng Aniu, the weird and extremely smelly man, always by his side, for some reason, whenever he saw him, his heart felt safe and magnanimous.

Although he and his master were captured by this person, but at this time he made a move to save himself, Zhou Zhiruomei stared at Du Yu without turning her eyes.

Her young life and hope for the future rest on Du Yu.

Finally, Wei Yixiao screamed, and couldn't bear the icy coldness of the exercises anymore, bit Zhou Zhiruo's neck, trying to support the war with war.

Zhou Zhiruo screamed, looking sadly at Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, life and death talismans flew towards Wei Yixiao who was not far ahead.

Wei Yixiao was about to kill Zhou Zhiruo, but was shot into the body by the life and death talisman, which immediately made the situation worse, became even more icy, and immediately lost his balance, and fell down with a strange cry.

The Mingjiao people below all exclaimed in unison, for fear that Wei Yixiao, the green-winged bat king, would fall from the sky and be smashed into meat sauce.

Du Yu grabbed the screaming Zhou Zhiruo and Wei Yixiao, who was out of control, strode down from the air and slowly fell.

When he was on the ground, Wei Yixiao and Zhou Zhiruo had already passed out.

Wei Yixiao is a icy cold internal force, with a bad luck upwards, his complexion is frosty, his teeth are clenched, almost frozen into a popsicle.And Zhou Zhiruo was just overly frightened, lying in Du Yu's arms, trembling.

Although Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng and the others knew that it was Wei Yixiao's physical defect, and no one had harmed him, after all, Wei Yixiao was an old buddy who had been with him all his life, so he was naturally concerned about such a big trouble.

But everyone was helpless.

In other words, if Mingjiao had a way to cure Wei Yixiao, it would have been cured long ago, why wait until today?
Seeing that Wei Yixiao's life was hanging by a thread, Du Yu sighed, this was not the time to start a showdown with the Mingjiao people, he shot like lightning, injected the formula of longevity into Wei Yixiao's body.

The Longevity Jue is the supreme exercise of Taoism, taken from the Tao Te Ching, the exercise is the most gentle and peaceful, without any conflicts or violations.This skill was poured into Wei Yixiao's acupuncture points continuously, coupled with Du Yu's deep internal energy, the blue color on Wei Yixiao's face gradually receded, and was rescued by Du Yu!
He groaned and shouted: "What a warm exercise. Who saved my old bat?"

He opened his eyes and saw that it was Zeng Aniu who had just seen Hongshui Qi.

Wei Yi blushed with a smile, what happened to him today was due to a flaw in his bloodline technique, and had nothing to do with Zeng Aniu.This Zeng A Niu not only saved himself, but also expended his skills to save the living.A member of the Ming Cult, with a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, he got up, saluted Du Yu, and sighed: "Your Excellency's qinggong is like a god, the old bat is convinced."

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "Although I have temporarily relieved the illness of Senior Bat King, but the root cause has not yet been eradicated. You will still be icy cold when you practice the exercises in the future."

The Green Winged Bat King Jie Jie smiled: "I knew that my life was not long. Well, it's just a death, let's repel the attacks of those famous and decent families first."

Although Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng and the others admire Zeng Aniu's kung fu even more, they also know that Zeng Aniu is so miraculous that even if Master Yang is resurrected, they are no match for him. How could it be a flood? An unknown person in the Qi district?He is clearly an expert in the world, and he came to help Mingjiao under a pseudonym.

Since he didn't want to tell the truth, it was not a good time to investigate the matter carefully as the enemy was approaching and soldiers were approaching the city.Anyway, with this Zeng Aniu's martial arts, if he wants to harm the Mingjiao, he doesn't need to be a traitor at all, as long as he follows the six sects and attacks together.Just because of his shocking volleying kung fu just now, the tiger leaping over the gorge is impossible to stop.

In this way, this person joined the Mingjiao forces because he was blessed by the Mingjiao Mingzun, and Mingjiao is immortal.

But Zhou Zhiruo made such a fuss, and Du Yu showed such skill, Zhou Dian and others wanted to shelve the plan of exterminating Shitai's revenge.The Ming Cult captured Miejue Shitai into a dungeon and kept him under strict watch. As for Zhou Zhiruo, he naturally became Du Yu's possession and was left to Du Yu's disposal.

Du Yu followed the crowd to the Guangmingding Palace, and everyone sat down.

Originally, as Du Yu Zeng A Niu, it was impossible to sit at the same table with Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao, Wu Sanren, etc., but now who dares to treat him as an unknown person.He didn't tell the truth, and everyone didn't dare to tell the truth.

When Du Yu entered the temple, he saw Mingzun's holy fire burning in the center of the temple.That is the holy fire of the Mingjiao General Altar, representing the holy fire to warm the world.It is also the ultimate target of the attacks of the six sects.Once the holy flame is extinguished by the six sects, the Guangmingding will fall.Even if the Ming Cult recovers the Guangming Peak in the future, it will not be able to erase the shame and humiliation of extinguishing the holy fire.

Yang Xiao and several others sat in a group and began to discuss how to retreat from the enemy.

Yang Xiaodao: "Today I, Hongshui Banner and the Three Banners, have defeated the Six Great Sects, but the enemy is powerful. In a frontal battle, we lost to Commander Kong Wen's Shaolin Temple, and we couldn't defeat Song Yuanqiao and other Wudang heroes. What is going on? Okay? I'm still looking forward to your suggestions."

Yin Tianzheng raised his eyebrows: "Yang Zuoshi, you have been in charge of the main altar of the Mingjiao for the past few years. My Mingjiao's power is not as good as before. Even cats and dogs like the Giant Whale Gang and the Haisha Gang dare to climb up to our Bright Summit. Show off your might. In my opinion, the top priority in order to retreat from the enemy is to elect a Ming Cult leader, and it will be much easier for everyone to unite."

Yang Xiao smiled coldly.Back then, Yin Tianzheng left angrily because he looked down on him being in charge of the general altar, and went to Jiangnan to establish the Tianying Sect.Now that the enemy is at hand, he actually brought up the old matter again, taking this opportunity to force himself to step down.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yixiao, the green-winged bat king, confronted Yin Tianzheng: "I said, King Ying, you have been away from Mingjiao for so long, and went to the south of the Yangtze River to become addicted to the leader. What qualifications do you have now to criticize Mingjiao? Isn't it all?"

King Yin Ye suddenly stood up and shouted: "Yes! We are not members of the Ming Cult, why do we have to come to this muddy water to live and die with you guys? Father, let's go!"

Zhou Dian stood up and said, "You're all nonsense! Is it time for internal strife when the enemy is at hand? If I were elected as the leader of the Ming Cult back then, wouldn't everything be fine?"

Unable to say, he waved his hands and smiled: "No! You became the leader, and I was the first to rebel."

The place was in chaos again.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Shen Diao drank in silence.As the flag envoy of the Flood Banner of the Five Elements Banner, Mai Shela also smiled wryly.

The most ridiculous thing is that divine sculpture, which is obviously a big bird, but looks like a human being. He kept lowering his head on the seat, picked up the wine cup and drank it down in one gulp, which made everyone look sideways.

Du Yu waited until everyone was arguing, and then said calmly: "I see, second brother, junior sister, brother Diao, let's go down the mountain tonight after drinking. There is no hope for this Mingjiao."

Yang Guo smiled lightly: "That's right! The so-called God helps those who help themselves. This Ming taught himself to die, no wonder others."

Although he knew that Du Yu and Yang Guo were super powerful, Yin Tianzheng still couldn't help shouting, "What did you two say?"

Du Yu said with a smile: "Nowadays the enemy's soldiers are overwhelming the country. I really admire all the masters of Mingjiao. They are still engaged in internal strife. If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle the inside. At this time tomorrow, it is estimated that everyone's heads will be put together. If the famous family is upright and scolded, everyone is happy."

What he said made Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao and others feel embarrassed, and everyone sat down one after another.

Yin Tianzheng said in a deep voice: "Those six sects are indeed slightly stronger than us, but I, the Eagle King, are not afraid of him! In short, it is absolutely impossible for me to obey Yang Xiao's order."

Du Yu shook his head inwardly and remained silent.

At this time, since I am Cheng Kun, there is no plot in the original plot where Cheng Kun framed the strong men and beat you to death.These masters of the Ming Cult boasted of their military strength, and they would not admit defeat, so it was difficult to adjust.

But Du Yu didn't think about how to mediate the internal strife of these Mingjiao.

He wanted to wipe out Ming Cult in the end, so naturally he didn't care much about the lives of these people.

That night, Du Yu was placed in the guest room of Mingjiao Guangmingding.

The people of the Mingjiao were polite to him on the surface, but they were actually wary of him secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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