Chapter 703 Conspiracies are intertwined, and the Bright Dome is blown up! - Ask for a monthly pass at the sixth shift

That day Yu also said in a strange way: "That's right! Where are your White Tigers now?"

Shi Guodong sneered and said, "You all ate with me anyway. Don't tell me I let the White Tigers do all the work?"

Yamazaki Ryuji interrupted him: "Your White Tiger Team is clearly going to explore the remains of Yang Dingtian in the secret path of Mingjiao, and wants to get the mind method of moving the universe! Isn't it?"

Shi Guodong was taken aback, but quickly calmed down: "Who are you listening to nonsense? I sent the White Tiger Team to patrol around to prevent Du Yu from breaking in and smashing our plan. Stop it, don't make random guesses!"

Yamazaki Ryuji said viciously: "Shi Guodong! You are also a strong team leader in the outer city, can you not take us for fools? Only you are smart? Let me tell you, this operation is carried out by our three teams, and everyone will share the risk. Naturally, the income should be shared equally! Tian Yusang, what do you mean?"

Tianyu smiled coldly: "I can't agree more."

The two teams, because of Qiankun's great shift of mind, actually fought with the White Tiger team.

Du Yu secretly smiled.

Sure enough, it is a temporary combination, which can share adversity, but not wealth.Seeing an incomplete version of the Great Teleportation of the Universe, he was already excited to fight among himself.

He secretly expected that the three strong teams would best fight among themselves.

Waiting for the opportunity in secret, he summoned the army of beauties and took down the three teams in one fell swoop.

Shi Guodong saw that Yamazaki Ryuji and Tianyu formed an alliance to fight against him, and he couldn't help but become angry from embarrassment, but he was still clear-headed, knowing that it would be of no benefit to fall out with the two teams at this time, and sighed: "How do you divide the matter?" Right? But now is not the time to share the spoils, and besides, my search team has not found Yang Dingtian's remains. So, let's work first and get it later, are you still afraid that I will fly?"

Yamazaki Ryuji and Tianyu looked at each other, then nodded in satisfaction, and ordered the team to continue working.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from a distance.

Du Yu's heart sank.

Hearing the voice, it turned out to be Xiao Zhao's.

This little girl, in a panic in the secret passage, will inevitably be discovered by the patrol team of the White Tiger Squad.

Sure enough, I heard Shi Guodong's voice: "Not good! There are people in this secret passage. The patrol team I sent found the trace, and quickly chased it!"

He took the lead.

Tianyu and Yamazaki Ryuji followed suit.

At the scene of the explosion, only a dozen adventurers were left, continuing to assemble and transport.

Du Yu smiled coldly in his heart.

Since you have a plan to blast the light into the sky, it is not impossible to use it.

He used the longevity formula to the extreme, his breath was completely covered, he sneaked down from a high place, sneaked all the way, and entered the scene where the explosives were laid.

After checking the explosives, Du Yu contacted Wang Yuyan in the Heart of the Castle.

Wang Yuyan is most proficient in mechanics and calculations, and has the most say in these matters.

She frowned and said with a smile: "The White Tiger Team really took great pains. Just like laser guns and anti-tank guns cannot be used in the ancient plot world, high-strength explosives are also regarded as contraband and are strictly prohibited. Due to Caesar and other programmers, further The rules of the game have been standardized. In the past, the space explosives that could be used at the edge of the world were completely banned in this world. Shi Guodong had no choice but to use the black powder of this world. It was the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. In the process of the Yuan army's conquest of the world, it was widely used, and it was not difficult to obtain. But the difficulty lies in that the power of this black powder is very poor, and even if the calculation is accurate, it is difficult to do it without hundreds of tons. "

"The White Tigers have spent a lot of time and energy getting these hundreds of tons of black powder, and it took a lot of time to transport them here. If it weren't for the three teams, the space for the more than 100 adventurers would be used for explosives. Our wolf pupil team really can't do it."

Du Yu asked, "Is it possible to blow up the Bright Summit?"

Wang Yuyan shook her head and said: "According to my calculations, because the black powder is too backward, its power is not enough to blow up the Bright Summit and wipe out the entire Ming Cult, but it is very sure that it will destroy all the buildings of the Bright Summit by surprise and cause serious casualties. Cooperate It is indeed possible to destroy Mingjiao with a frontal offensive."

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "The result of this matter is probably that the White Tigers were able to eliminate the Ming Cult and increase their contribution to a high level. It's a pity that we found out and it didn't work."

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Of course. Caesar, how can we give the credit for the kill to me instead of Shi Guodong?"

Caesar clicked twice on the computer with a smile, and replied: "Master, it's very simple. Whoever installed the space anti-black gunpowder is not included in the calculation of killing, but who will launch the gunpowder. You just need to put the trigger device, Replace it with your own, and then use remote control to ignite the explosives and kill the Mingjiao. The credit will be yours. Master, I have the authority to sell you the most advanced trigger in the space, which can block other types of signals, as long as 10 Wan survive."

Du Yu smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, Wan Hou, Shi Feixuan, Xiao Longnv, and Li Mochou flew out from the void, holding the controller that Du Yu temporarily wholesaled from Caesar, and flew everywhere.

These chivalrous women, fairies, and witches with high martial arts skills are superb. At this time, the sound of fighting was constantly coming from a distance, attracting more than a dozen people left behind, and they hardly attracted any attention. They followed Wang Yuyan's instructions and set the trigger, one after another. Strategically placed, the shield replaces the White Tiger's trigger.

Du Yu chuckled, imagining Shi Guodong making a wedding dress for himself, his distraught face disappearing into the darkness.

Not long after, Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuji, and Tianyu came in cursing and bringing a little beauty, it was Xiao Zhao.

Tianyu shouted: "This girl is not very capable, but she runs fast and is more familiar with the terrain here. If I hadn't used my skills to mark her far away, she would have escaped."

Shi Guodong knew that Tianyu was showing merit, and said with a smile: "This Xiao Zhao is not an ordinary person, but the daughter of the Zishan Dragon King Dai Qisi, the future saint of the Persian sect leader. It is also a big deal to catch her this time." Credit. Besides, I remember that she knows where Yang Dingtian’s remains are, right? The cave extends in all directions and is shaped like a maze. My search team searched for half a day, but I couldn’t find Yang Dingtian’s body. Why don’t you ask her.”

Although Du Yu successfully replaced the black powder with his own, but Xiao Zhao fell into the hands of others, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

If Xiao Zhao couldn't stand the torture and leaked Yang Dingtian's body, what should he do?

And save this beautiful little girl.

At this moment, a clear laughter was suddenly heard: "Master Shi, you have a good plan!"

Du Yu was startled, and Shi Guodong and the others even jumped up.

This time sneaking into the Guangmingding Cave was originally a very confidential matter, why did it happen five times and three times, and people kept coming?

A slender beauty walked into the big cave gracefully, without paying attention to the hundreds of adventurers who were staring at her around her, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she looked at Shi Guodong.

Du Yu watched from a distance, but it was Zhao Min!
The Princess Shaomin, who was in charge of the people in the Yuan Dynasty, was still dressed in a man's attire, looking elegant and suave, but she couldn't hide the beauty of that peerless beauty.

Beside Zhao Min, the elders Xuanming, Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San were all there, and there were also hundreds of martial arts high-powered gangsters, all of whom surrendered to the Mongolian court.

What caught Du Yu's attention the most was a Ku Toutuo who was covered with skin sores and disfigured.

He had a bitter look on his face, as if there was nothing in the world that could stir him up, but seeing his wandering eyes, suppressed and excited expression, Du Yu knew it well.

This is Fan Yao, the former Mingjiao Guangming Right Envoy lurking in Ruyang Palace!
Ever since Yang Dingtian disappeared and the Ming Cult had internal strife, he went down the mountain alone and wandered the rivers and lakes. He accidentally heard the news that Cheng Kun was going to deal with the Ming Cult, so he sneaked into the Ruyang Palace where Cheng Kun lived. Lurk down, ready to play Infernal Affairs.

When he entered this top-secret passage that only the leader of the Ming Cult could enter, he was naturally excited, but by Zhao Min's side, he didn't dare to reveal his traces, so he forced himself to endure.

Du Yu sees the fire clearly.

It is not unusual for Zhao Min to come.As the court's chief of dealing with people in the Jianghu, she used the six sects to besiege Mingjiao, trying to kill two birds with one stone and eradicate them together.This is something that existed in the original plot, and now it is nothing more than a step ahead, personally coming to the top of the Bright Summit.

As for how Zhao Min knew about this secret path, the answer is ready to come out.

A group of expressionless adventurers walked out slowly from the light of the torches.

It was Hou Xiaobai's Legion of Dead Soldiers.

Seeing these unfamiliar adventurers, Yamazaki Ryuji and Tianyu's expressions changed, and they drew out their weapons to fight.

Shi Guodong waved his hand: "This is the hole card that Hou Xiaobai told us about."

The three of them looked at each other, feeling uncomfortable at the same time.

Since you spent a lot of money and hired us to take care of Du Yu, why did you send the dead guards? Don't you trust us?

A dead soldier opened his mouth, but Hou Xiaobai's voice came out, which spread on the adventurer channel: "I saw you, you did a good job! You even used the tunnel here to blow up the Guangmingding. This time Zhao Min Waiting for someone to bring it is also to help you. She has a lot of people in her hands, which is more secure."

Shi Guodong secretly scolded Hou Xiaobai in his heart, didn't he hear that soldiers are more expensive than elites, these six sects and three strong teams are already chaotic enough, plus a Zhao Min with ulterior motives, who would know that this beautiful princess who is as gorgeous as peaches and plums What the hell are you thinking in your heart?

Don't underestimate the wisdom and understanding of the characters in the plot. Once they find out that your interests do not overlap with theirs, they can bite back at any time.

Zhao Min is famous for his wisdom and cunning, and his cunning is not inferior to Huang Rong in the slightest.

This Princess Shaomin walked up to the tons of black powder with a smile, glanced around, nodded at Shi Guodong and said, "Ah Si is right, you are a talent!"

(End of this chapter)

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