Chapter 704 You fight over me, the universe shifts! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Shi Guodong looked at the leader of the dead man, it turned out that this spineless guy was actually regarded as the fourth servant by Zhao Min and named Ah Si.

Although Ah Da is the elder of the Beggar Gang and the eight-armed sword Fang Dongbai, and Ah Er and Ah San are the descendants of the Shaolin Temple traitor Huogong Toutuo, who know Shaolin Vajra Finger and are not weak in martial arts, and later killed the empty monk, but From the adventurer team, the leader of the famous army of dead soldiers is called Ah Si by Zhao Min. Doesn't this sound very frustrating?
Unexpectedly, Ah Si didn't care about it, nodded in agreement, and said in a deep voice: "The princess is wise. This leader of the Henan White Tiger Gang, Shi Gang, is not only good at martial arts, but also has many unexpected moves. This time he planted black explosives. It is his idea to wipe out Mingjiao."

Zhao Min's beautiful eyes turned around Shi Guodong strangely, and then landed on Xiao Zhao in Shi Guodong's hands, and said with a smile: "What a beautiful and lovely little maid, why are you holding on to her?"

Before Shi Guodong could speak in the future, Ah Si said again: "Princess Qi, this maid is not an ordinary person, but the daughter of Zishan Dragon King, who sneaked into Guangmingding to investigate Yang Dingtian's lost mentality after his death. Yes! She has sneaked into the secret path of Mingjiao many times, so she must know where Yang Dingtian's corpse is."

When Shi Guodong and the others saw Ah Si, they were so unscrupulous that they told Zhao Min Yang Dingtian's secret, and they flew into a rage.

How can you be reconciled to the benefits that were originally shared by three people, but suddenly there is an extra powerful enemy to share?
Besides, Shi Guodong and others, who are numerous and powerful, are not afraid of Zhao Min's masters of the rivers and lakes.

He sneered: "Princess Shaomin, right? You Mongol Tartar, entered the Central Plains, and I have no intention of dealing with Mingjiao now. But you better understand that we are not running dogs, we can let you call and drink whatever you want Go! You'd better go down the mountain and leave now, otherwise don't blame me for killing and silence."

Tian Yu and Yamazaki Ryuji also knew this well, and stood up one after another.

In the dictionary of adventurers, there is no plot character that cannot be killed, as long as the benefits are sufficient, the risks are controllable.

If Zhao Min dared to reveal their secrets and obstruct major events, he would be killed.

Zhao Min giggled.

Ah Si took a step forward: "My son has an order, Boss Shi and your three teams, cooperate with Princess Zhao Min to completely eradicate that Du Yu boy!"

Zhao Min said with a smile: "I know from Si's mouth that the three of you are not honest men, and that Cheng Kun is just a servant of my family! I want to kill him, and I can easily capture him. You are a lot of people. Relying on these weak black powders to destroy Mingjiao’s century-old foundation is too child’s play. If we cooperate, you first find the remains of Yang Dingtian and obtain the Great Movement of Heaven and Earth. Then activate the black powder, Blow down the Guangmingding, create chaos, and lead the six sects to attack the Guangmingding. After killing all the people of the Mingjiao in Guangmingding, they will secretly poison the food of the six sects."

She took out a pack of medicine from her belt around her waist: "This is Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, which is the ultimate product for dealing with martial arts people. Just put it in the wine of their celebration banquet, and it will take effect. I will bring many medicines with me." Master, wipe out the six sects in one fell swoop."

Shi Guodong said indifferently: "How does this benefit us?"

Zhao Min stared at Shi Guodong with beautiful eyes and said: "To be honest, after I kill these martial arts people, I can give you all the secrets of these famous and decent skills. It will save you from secretly attacking, stealing, and wasting a lot of time." ,how?"

Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuji, and Tian Yu's complexions improved after hearing the martial arts secret books of various factions.As bigwigs in the outer city, how could they not know that a complete book of martial arts in Yitian Slaying Dragon World is at least above C-level skills, and there are also B-level skills.If these exercises fall into the hands, whether it is practicing by oneself or making a move, it will benefit a lot.

But it is not an easy task to obtain these secret books of exercises that are regarded as life by each sect.Regardless of the leaders of the various sects, it seems that their strength is limited, but each sect and sect has hidden masters.For example, the three hidden monks of Shaolin Temple and Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang sect, these hidden masters are much stronger than the head of the sect.Who knew if he wanted to kill the Kongtong Sect, Huashan Sect and other sects, would he provoke hidden senior experts from these sects?
Therefore, if Zhao Min's plan can succeed, it would be a shortcut.

Even if he can't get the martial arts secrets, in the original plot, Zhao Min captured the six sects to Yuandadu. , but learned a lot.

The three of them looked at each other, although their camp belonged to the Six Great Sects, but for betraying the Six Great Sects, for these space veterans, they didn't feel the slightest sense of guilt.

"Okay!" Shi Guodong finally nodded in agreement: "Let's do it together! Both benefits will be shared."

Tianyu also agreed: "It's very good, the bigger the structure, the bigger the benefits."

Ryuji Yamazaki laughed strangely: "I am a Japanese adventurer, and I have always liked Chinese martial arts cheats, but unfortunately I don't collect many. If I can get back some C-level and B-level exercises this time, it will be a great achievement."

Du Yu secretly spat hard.In Ryuji Yamazaki's team, the martial arts of Street Fighter, Tekken, and SNK King of Fighters are the main ones. Most of the adventurers have learned fighting skills from these game characters, but they have learned very incompletely. 3, 5 strokes, already claiming to be a master.These people can still shake their prestige in front of ordinary adventurers, but when they encounter Tang adventurers who have systematically learned martial arts, they are immediately beaten back to their original forms, and all they have to do is to be beaten.

Last time, Kuxinsai of the Shinto Association hired himself as cannon fodder because he coveted the skills of the divine sculpture. Unexpectedly, Yamazaki Ryuji had the same idea this time.

Now that everyone has reached an agreement on sharing the spoils, they look at Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhaolang said: "Since you know my identity, I will tell you the truth. Although I have indeed entered twice, but the time is short, and Miss Yang is always watching, I can only be like a headless chicken. After searching for hours, I have never found the location of Yang Dingtian's leader's body. Otherwise, I would have slipped down the mountain with the cheat book of the Great Teleportation of the Universe. Scold abuse?"

Everyone thought about it, yes.This Xiao Zhao came in lurking for the great shift of the universe. If she had found Yang Dingtian's body early, she would have escaped with the cheat book, why would she stay in Guangmingding?

For a while, everyone sighed and annoyed.

Ryuji Yamazaki shouted: "Since Miss Xiaozhao is useless, I might as well accept her! Haha"

With a wave of his snake whip, he wrapped Xiao Zhaorou's boneless slender waist, and brought him to his side, laughing loudly, with a lewd expression on his face.

Tianyu shouted: "Even if she doesn't know about the Great Shift of the Universe, after all, she is the future saint of the Persian Ming Cult, the daughter of the Zishan Dragon King, how can she just take it away if you tell me?"

With a wave of his hand, a strange internal force erupted, and even brought Xiao Zhao back.

Zhao Min saw that this group of people was about to fight among themselves because of their interests, and angrily said: "Who dares to rob again? I will attack immediately."

Shi Guodong also yelled with a sullen face: "Stop it! You are bandits? Do you know that you are fighting among yourself and wasting time? This Xiao Zhao, since none of us can trust it, temporarily deposit it in the hands of Princess Shaomin."

Du Yu sneaked a peek, only to see that although Xiao Zhao had a look of panic on her face, her two beautiful light blue eyes were spinning around like a little fox, scanning the surrounding environment, obviously this little girl was not without resistance , just biding their time.

He secretly laughed in his heart, it seems that finding clues to the Great Teleportation of the Universe still falls on Xiao Zhao.

Zhao Min looked at Shi Guodong: "Why don't we search separately, Yang Dingtian's body should be around."

Shi Guodong nodded in agreement.

But he looked up at Ah Si, and suddenly smiled strangely.

Ah Si's face was a bit ugly, and he winked.The two, together with Shan Qi and Tian Yu, came together and muttered something to Ku Toutuo, not knowing what they were talking about.

Seeing the four of them like this, Ku Toutuo's expression changed drastically.

Could it be that the four of them discovered that he was lurking in Zhao Min's camp?

This was impossible, I was very careful, and never showed anything abnormal in front of Ah Si.

But the result made him relieved.

Although Ah Si and the others clearly saw his problem, they did not expose him to Zhao Min.

Fan Yao felt both strange and frightened, and did not speak.

Shi Guodong and Ah Si started searching separately.

Yamazaki Ryuji and Tian Yu didn't wait for a few people to speak, then they split up and led the team to start searching.

All the forces in the four parties understand that the so-called spoils sharing agreement is just a dead letter.

As a secret book of space, this Heaven and Earth Teleportation Mind Method cannot be duplicated and can only be cultivated as it is.There is no possibility of joint ownership by several parties.And the more advanced martial arts cheats, the number of readings is also limited.Once read, the characters on it will gradually fade, and eventually disappear into a blank sheet of paper.

As a result of this search, in the best case, one party found it and four parties bid for it.In the end, dividends will be distributed according to the contribution share.

But that's all wishful thinking.

It's more likely that the one who found it stayed behind privately without mentioning it at all.

For example, Shi Guodong sent other teams to work at the beginning, but he let the White Tiger Team disperse the search, although they found nothing.

Seeing the teams in all directions scattered like wolves, exploring the surroundings, while the number of adventurers gathered in the center was dwindling, Xiao Zhao rolled his eyes and finally started to act.

She whispered in Zhao Min's ear and said a few words.

Zhao Min's expression was indifferent, but after hearing this, his face changed, and then he took out a dagger that was cut like clay, pressed it against Xiao Zhao's back, and ordered her to drive away.

Xiao Zhao made a frightened expression and led the way ahead.

Master Xuanming, Ku Toutuo and other masters also followed suit.

But Du Yu knew that although the four major teams had left, they were not completely at ease with Zhao Min, and there must be eyeliners around.

(End of this chapter)

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