Chapter 705 Fantastic idea, undercover! - Ask for a monthly pass

Sure enough, with Du Yu's keen six senses, he quickly discovered that Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuji, Tianyu and Ah Si were returning quickly, but Zhao Min was not alarmed, and they were peeping in the dark.

They had already suspected that Xiao Zhao knew Yang Dingtian's location, and when they left, they also arranged for people to monitor Xiao Zhao and Zhao Min, and when they heard the news, they rushed back immediately.

Xiao Zhao rolled his eyes again, pointed to the wall in front of him, and muttered a few words.

Zhao Min winked, Lu Zhangke snorted coldly, swayed in front of the wall, groped on the wall with a special technique, and found a groove.

His hand then poked in, only to hear a unique cracking sound of the mechanism, and a secret door appeared on the wall.

Lu Zhangke and Zhao Min were overjoyed, this secret door is so hidden, it is probably the place where Yang Dingtian secretly cultivated.

According to Xiao Zhao's prompt, he slowly turned the motor lever, and the secret door slowly turned, revealing a passage.

Zhao Min smiled in satisfaction, and was about to say something when Shi Guodong laughed, and suddenly flew down and rushed into the secret door.

Tianyu's speed is also not slow, with Huashan School's lightness kung fu, he rushed into the door like a celestial being.

This sudden turn of events made Zhao Min's pretty face flushed with anger. The few people who were supposed to be dismissed turned out to be so cunning, even Zhao Min was caught off guard.

And Ryuji Yamazaki came quickly with his manpower.

The dead soldiers also rushed back one after another, and they must not miss this spoils feast.

Zhao Minsheng was afraid that he would be left behind, so he scolded coquettishly, and rushed in with Xuan Ming and his elders.

This group of people, like a dog seeing a bone, rushed into the hole frantically.

Even Ku Toutuo couldn't bear it any longer and rushed in.

As the Bright Right Envoy of the Ming Cult, although he had no choice but to violate the rules of the Ming Cult and come to this top-secret forbidden place, he also wanted to expose the imperial court's conspiracy and protect the followers of the Ming Cult. , may be exposed, how can I still hold back and rush in.

Unexpectedly, the accident happened suddenly.

Seeing everyone rushing in, Xiao Zhao showed a cute and sly smile, and suddenly showed a strange movement from the hands of Ah Er Ah San who followed and guarded her.Those two and three were attracted by the situation where the masters from all over the world rushed in, they were caught off guard, and Xiao Zhao managed to get away.

Xiao Zhao waved his hand, like a little fox who has succeeded in a trick, slipped away from the furious Ah Er Ah San, slipped into another secret door that slowly opened, and disappeared in place immediately.

Ah Er Ah San jumped into a rage, and slammed the King Kong finger on the rock, but there was no secret door switch, presumably there was a special technique.

At this moment, Shi Guodong, Zhao Min and other people who jumped in screamed from the other side of the rock: "There is no body of Yang Dingtian here at all, damn it! I was fooled!"

The so-called hunting geese all day long was finally pecked at the eyes, and Xiao Zhao used a little trick to play with this group of bloodthirsty, brutal, murderous, insidious and cunning adventurers.In the final analysis, it is still the forces of the five parties who do not trust each other, if they do not have the heart to compete, it is impossible for them to be played by Xiao Zhao's simple strategy.

Du Yu was very relieved to see it, and it happened that he had a scout bee who could track Xiao Zhao's whereabouts, and used his IPAD to locate it, so he followed it all the way in secret.

And Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuji, Tianyu, Ah Si and others were furious there, thinking hard about how to escape.

Fan Yao broke out in a cold sweat, almost revealing his identity because of this, but he was Zhao Min's bodyguard, so he was barely able to loyally protect the lord and prevaricate one or two, and he would not give up immediately.

Ah Si quietly approached Fan Yao, threatening in a low voice: "Master Ku, maybe the princess doesn't know who you are? But I do know that you are the bright right envoy of the Ming Cult, and you sneaked into Ruyang Palace precisely to deal with Cheng. Kun, right?"

Ku Toutuo looked angry, but he couldn't speak because he pretended to be dumb.Even gestures and threats can be regarded as expressing his own meaning.

Who knows, Ah Si smiled and said: "Master Ku doesn't have to be like this. Since I, Si, pointed out your identity, I naturally have a way to persuade Princess Shaomin to capture you in one fell swoop and interrogate you. Our Ruyang Palace You know about torture. It’s very easy to tell you to live or die.”

Ku Toutuo remained silent.

How many tortures has he seen in the past few years following Zhao Min?What an eye opener.

But it's impossible for him to rebel!

His eyes showed determination, and he was about to die with Ah Si. Ah Si stole a glance at Zhao Min in the distance, but lowered his voice and said, "But don't worry, Master Ku, I won't expose your identity. Just rest assured." Just be your Kutoutuo master."

Now, even Fan Yao, who has always been an undercover agent and has excellent psychological quality, lost his voice: "What?"

You know, in order to win King Ruyang's trust, he even blatantly beat to death three incense masters of the Ming Sect on Dadu Street in Yuan Dynasty.He still knows these three incense masters, they are all good brothers of Mingjiao.

To be an undercover agent for this purpose is enough dedication and deep throat.

Who would have thought that what happened today was so strange and unreal that even Fan Yao couldn't calm down.

Seeing Fan Yao lost his composure, Ah Si hurriedly covered his mouth, as if he didn't want Fan Yao to show his feet more than he did, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I have something that I failed to tell Master Ku. The eagle dog of the imperial court. Although I am not yet a brother of the Mingjiao, I have longed for the Benjiao for a long time. I have long wanted to do something big. It has not changed. This time I took refuge in Zhao Min, and I also wanted to help the Benjiao with the idea of ​​saving the country. .”

Fan Yao was suspicious for a while.

Where are there so many brothers and comrades in this world?
He sneered in his heart, Zhao Min, Zhao Min, you are clearly a bait, trying to lure me into revealing my organization, revealing my accomplices, and killing me all at once?

Will I be fooled?
He even gestured and guessed, and began to pretend to be crazy.

Unexpectedly, Ah Si didn't reveal it, but just smiled and said a word, which made Fan Yao lose his composure again.

"Master Ku, I know empty words are useless, and you won't believe me when I tell them. How about this, I'll tell you a shocking secret in exchange for your trust." That Ah Si took the time off and vowed.

Fan Yao didn't speak, let's talk about how he said it.

Ah Si's eyes revealed a gloomy and cold light unique to dead soldiers, and he said in a low voice: "Master Fan, haven't you been tracking down the biggest enemy of our sect—Cheng Kun? Do you want to know what Cheng Kun looks like now and where he is?" place?"

Fan Yao's sad expression finally changed drastically.

Du Yu chased after Xiao Zhao and advanced quickly in the secret path.

He made an internal force imprint on Xiao Zhao's body in advance, which can be easily traced.

Xiao Zhao is very familiar with the terrain of the secret passage, and has never entered it twice. No wonder she can applaud adventurers like Shi Guodong, and the advantage of the location really takes advantage of it.

Xiao Zhao ran thousands of meters in one breath, passed through at least three secret tunnels, turned around and then stopped panting.

"Now, are you finally getting rid of those villains?" Xiao Zhao stroked her chest, gasping for breath.

What worries her the most is that she is wearing shackles made of meteoric iron alloy, which are indestructible and cannot be cut off. When running, there will always be clanging noises, making it easy to track.

But with so many hidden door traps, they can always stop these villains.

It seems that tonight, I must take away the mind method of the great movement of heaven and earth, and immediately go down the mountain and leave to find my mother Zishan Dragon King.

Unexpectedly, when Xiao Zhao turned around, he suddenly saw Du Yu who was smiling behind him, his face turned pale with fright, and he almost screamed.

But Du Yu didn't realize it, and said with a smile: "Miss Xiao Zhao, I don't see that you are wearing shackles, but you run very fast."

Xiao Zhao was still in shock, and gave Du Yu a hard look.

At this time, she hadn't met Zhang Wuji yet, but she didn't have any affection for the men in the world. She just felt that it was too much for Du Yu, an old bastard dressed like a monk, to follow her like a little girl.

Of course, Xiao Zhao knew that Du Yu's purpose in coming here was absolutely not pure.

But since the Zishan Dragon King has lost his virginity, in the future, once someone from the Persian Mingjiao General Altar comes to look for the trace of one of the former three saintesses, Dai Qisi, and sees that his mother Zishan Dragon King has lost her virginity, she will definitely be sent to the stake. .

The only way to save my mother's life is to take the meritorious service and steal the lost Great Teleportation of Heaven and Earth from the Mingjiao Persia General Altar, and dedicate it to the envoys of the Main Altar, or perhaps forgive one or two.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhao's face was determined, and he suddenly shouted: "Then who is here?"

When Du Yu turned his head, Xiao Zhao had disappeared like a little fox.

She used her familiarity with the terrain to flash again.

Du Yu smiled, as if he was chasing the little loli, and immediately chased after her.

Xiao Zhao was panting from running, and couldn't run anymore, so she reluctantly stopped.This time she escaped through ten secret doors and changed three paths. Presumably, this maze-like path will surely make the old monk she was following faint.

Who would have thought that when she turned around, Du Yu would appear behind the beautiful Xiao Zhao again like a ghost hanging on his feet, and Xiao Zhao finally screamed in fright.

At this moment, Fan Yao was in shock.

"You mean?" He couldn't pretend any longer, and now that Ah Si had seen through, he simply said in a low voice: "Today, help Hongshui Banner, Ruijin Banner and Raging Fire Banner to defeat the strange sects of Kongtong, Huashan, Emei and so on." Monk, is that villain Cheng Kun?"

Ah Si looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "Yes! Brother, although I am not a member of the Ming Cult, I have always agreed with the Ming Cult's doctrine of expelling the Tartars, and inadvertently heard that the Ruyang Palace and Cheng Kun were plotting to deal with my Ming Cult, so I secretly I have been investigating. But ten years ago, that villain Chengkun suddenly disappeared from the Ruyang Palace. Recently, I finally got the news. Chengkun has secretly worshiped Kongjian God and Hate as his teacher, and entered the Shaolin Temple under the pseudonym Yuanzhen. He was the one who instigated and instigated the second siege of Guangmingding by the six major sects. This person's vicious intentions and vicious schemes are really a serious problem for my sect!"

Although Fan Yao didn't completely believe Ah Si's words, the information he had had coincided with Ah Si's. This statement was reasonable and he couldn't help but believe it.

Ah Si saw Fan Yao's movement, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hou Xiaobai smiled wickedly in the Donghai camp: "Du Yu, are you still alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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