Chapter 706 Delicate Xiao Zhao, looking for cheats! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

When Ah Si saw Fan Yao was greatly moved, he was shaken and said, "Fan Youshi, what's more worrying is that this Chengkun traitor is really old and cunning. identity, appeared on the battlefield, openly rescued our Three Banners, and deliberately made great contributions to defraud the trust of our sect. As far as I know, he is now regarded as a hero on the top of the light. From Yang Xiao to Eagle King, Bat King Wang, you have a lot of love for him, and you trust him very much. Fan Youshi, think about it, if this continues, how will you succeed?"

Fan Yao said angrily: "Could it be that people like Yang Xiao don't have brains? Just trust someone after making some contributions?"

Ah Si provocatively said: "Now Guangmingding is besieged by six sects, and everyone is helpless, not to mention Cheng Kun's great credit for capturing Miejue Shitai, even an ordinary person should be treated as a life-saving straw and hold on tightly. "

Of course, Fan Yao knew that Mingjiao was in a difficult situation at this time, and since he was in Yang Xiao's place, he probably trusted Cheng Kun even more than Yang Xiao did.The more he thought about it, the more terrified he became. Cheng Kun was so vicious, sneaking into the Ming Cult, the consequences would be disastrous, and he couldn't help but said, "In your opinion, what should we do?"

Ah Si smiled lightly and said, "Fan Youshi, I intend to join you. It's up to you to think about it. You are the Mingjiao's Guangming Youshi. Even if you haven't contacted the old guys for more than ten years, there must be something special about you." How about reminding all masters that this is Cheng Kun's true face? Why don't I block Princess Zhao Min for you now, and you go to Guangmingding, and tell the heroes whether Du Yu is Cheng Kun's true face, how about it?"

Fan Yao endured humiliation, destroyed his face, and even sacrificed three innocent Xiangzhu brothers to sneak into the Ruyang Palace. The only goal was to deal with the villain Cheng Kun.Now that he had heard the news about Cheng Kun, Ah Si had a good sense of what he said, especially if he was not exposed, there was absolutely no reason not to inform the Mingjiao members so that they would be wary of Cheng Kun.

Thinking of this, Fan Yao didn't care about the danger of being exposed, he cupped his hands to Ah Siyi, and said, "In that case, brother, I'll go back as soon as I go. Cover me for me."

He immediately swept out of the cave and rushed to the tunnel exit.

Although he hadn't walked through this tunnel very much, Fan Yao was after all the right envoy of the light, and he could clearly distinguish the south, east, north, and west. He quickly walked out of the tunnel and climbed up to the top of the light.

As for how to notify Yang Xiao and the others, it was naturally not a problem for Fan Yao.

Seeing Fan Yao's looting figure, Ah Si showed a gloomy smile.

He takes off his earphones.

On the other side of the earphone, Hou Xiaobai took off the microphone with satisfaction.In fact, it was his own words to convince Fan Yao just now.Ah Si is just a mouthpiece.

Hou Xiaobai looked at Fan Yao's figure, and said bitterly: "Hahaha, I want to see, Du Yu, you villain Cheng Kun, how to deal with the consequences of being exposed by Fan Yao. Let's see how the Mingjiao people deal with it. You are the enemy of Ming Cult."

Ah Si glanced at Shi Guodong.

Shi Guodong's face appeared on Hou Xiaobai's camera, and he was puzzled: "Why do you want Fan Yao to live? His existence will inevitably make Mingjiao take precautions against us. It is a dangerous X factor."

Hou Xiaobai sneered and said, "Is there anyone more suitable than him to kick out Du Yu's identity to the Mingjiao? A mere Fan Yao, whose identity is known to us again, and we hold the handle. A channel to communicate with Mingjiao, and even turn against Zhao Min in the future, he will become a very good accomplice. Why should I sell this good move for the mere reward and contribution of Zhao Min?"

Shi Guodong was silent.

Hou Xiaobai's scheming is much deeper than his own.

Fan Yao made good use of this person, he was a more powerful counter-insurgency than any spy, and anyone who knew Jiang Gan of the Three Kingdoms knew the power of counter-information.

Hou Xiaobai's cleverness lies in the fact that the news he asked Fan Yao to pass on is true!
Did Cheng Kun kill Yang Dingtian?yes.

Is Cheng Kun plotting against Mingjiao?yes.

It just so happened that Cheng Kun's news was true, so no one would doubt what he said.Fan Yao became Hou Xiaobai's pawn, sending news to Mingjiao, contacting Mingjiao, and together they dealt with Du Yu's pawn.

Du Yu was in big trouble this time.

Shi Guodong was amazed and nodded in admiration.Dealing with Fan Yao in this way is indeed ten times better than betraying Zhao Min to Zhao Min.

This is the level of top conspirators in space.

While admiring Shi Guodong, he thought to himself.

Du Yu was with Xiao Zhao at this time, even though he was very capable, he never expected that Hou Xiaobai would use Fan Yao to set him up with a great murderous plan.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Du Yu no matter what, Xiao Zhao glared at Du Yu angrily.

Du Yu smiled and said: "The best way for you now is to take me to find Yang Dingtian's body. Maybe I will give you the idea of ​​moving the universe once I pity you and your mother Dai Qisi." Woolen cloth."

Xiao Zhao pursed her mouth and said, "Don't try to lie to me. After you get that mental method, the first thing you want to kill is me, a little girl. Besides, I don't even know who Dai Qisi is?"

Du Yu laughed and said: "Your mother Zishan Dragon King is Dai Qisi, one of the three saints of the Persian Mingjiao. She hasn't told you yet? That's right, you were fostered in other people's homes when you were young, and she only came to see you in a year or two." You once, because you are afraid that your identity will be exposed, which will bring danger to you and her."

Xiao Zhao was silent for a while, big and big crystal clear teardrops fell on the ground.

Du Yu couldn't bear it, so he patted her shoulder, and said softly, "Son, I know it's not easy for you. Don't worry, I won't bully you. Trust me."

Xiao Zhao really wanted to reprimand you, you traitor, don't try to lie, I stopped doing this when I was three years old, but when she raised her beautiful eyes and looked at Du Yu's, she saw a pair of extraordinarily clear eyes .

Those eyes were full of tenderness and trust, which prevented Xiao Zhao from having any suspicion or hostility.

Xiao Zhao has never experienced much maternal love since she was a child. When she came to Mingjiao, Yang Xiao and Yang Buhui only gave her suspicion and precaution, as well as malicious abuse and punishment. No one treats this miserable girl like this. It's okay, my heart trembled suddenly.

Only sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity.

Although Xiao Zhao is not very old, he has already experienced a lot of wind and rain, otherwise he would not have been sent to steal the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

She could tell who was lying and who was telling the truth.

Xiao Zhao couldn't help but feel convinced by Du Yu's attitude of not shifting the universe and taking it to heart.

In fact, Du Yu really didn't take the Great Teleportation of the Universe seriously.

Ever since he learned the Taoist treasure of longevity, he has lost his original interest in ordinary martial arts. The so-called seas were too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud.He has already practiced the body of a half-immortal, the shocking Taoist magical skills, and stepped into the realm of cultivating immortals with one foot. How can he take the great shift of the universe of Huo Shan, the old man in the mountain, to heart?
Although this Great Teleportation of the Universe is indeed the top level of martial arts kung fu, after practice, it can not only penetrate the essence of martial arts in the world, but also can flip the opponent's skills, flip them, and pop them out at will.

But Du Yu's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi has also been practiced to the full level, and he will not lose to Qian Kun Da Nuo Yi, so he really doesn't have much demand for this mental method.

But as a collection addict, this Great Teleportation should also be collected.

If Xiao Zhao really needs this thing to save his life, it is not impossible to give it.

Seeing that Du Yu's attitude was very reliable, since he couldn't fall anyway, Xiao Zhao simply turned around and left, going straight to the place where Yang Dingtian died.

Du Yu took his time and followed.

Xiao Zhao opened a door and finally saw Yang Dingtian's remains.

He leaned against a female corpse that had also turned into a skeleton.

Du Yu knew that the female corpse was his childhood sweetheart, who later married Yang Dingtian's Mrs. Yang.

"I" had an affair with Mrs. Yang in the secret way, and was discovered by Yang Dingtian who was practicing the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

Mrs. Yang was so ashamed that she committed suicide and died for her husband.

Cheng Kun lost his lover, vented his anger on Mingjiao, and vowed to uproot Mingjiao.

The body of Yang Dingtian's corpse is the goal of Du Yu's trip - the Great Teleportation of the Universe.

Xiao Zhao exclaimed joyfully, went up to move the universe, took it off, and said to Du Yu overjoyed, "Really give it to me? You keep your word!"

Du Yu said disapprovingly, "Since you are useful, I will give it to you."

Xiao Zhao said strangely: "Since you really don't want to move your mind like this, what's the use of sneaking into this tunnel? I thought you were planning to frame you because you were robbing me of this treasure."

Du Yu put on a straight face and said, "Since that's the case, why don't you kiss my old man and apologize?"

Xiao Zhao stuck out his tongue, made a grimace, and said with a smile, "Who wants to kiss you? A stinky old monk, hehe."

Du Yu said displeased: "I'm upset now, I want to grab something. Don't regret it."

Xiao Zhao stuck out her tongue cutely.But she also knew that Du Yu's martial arts were so unpredictable that she could not resist.Besides, Du Yu gave her this thing, which is like saving the lives of her mother and daughter. Seeing Du Yu's firm attitude, the little girl refused, walked up, and lightly kissed Du Yu's cheek. .

Du Yu is in a good mood.

Although this Xiao Zhao is not as secluded as Shi Feixuan, nor as seductive and enchanting as Wan Hou, but she is full of the vigor of a well-behaved maid, which can arouse a man's desire to protect.

Some people say that among the four Zhang Wuji women, Xiao Zhao is the one who is the man's dream lover the most.

Du Yu's eccentric psychology was satisfied and he let Xiao Zhao go.

Xiao Zhao smiled and wanted to leave.

Who would have thought that at the moment when Xiao Zhao's hand pulled the universe away from Yang Dingtian's skeleton hand, the door that was originally opened suddenly fell down!

This gate weighs more than a thousand catties, and it immediately cuts off the entire room completely!

Xiao Zhao panicked and shouted, "What's going on here?"

She threw herself into Du Yu's arms, trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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