Chapter 714 Cicada Mantis and Oriole! - thanks hee hee hee
Thank you Xihehada for the support of the Shuangmeng yesterday!Thank you for your company and support over the past year!Laozhu wishes you all a happy new year, all the best and all wishes come true!I also look forward to sharing more beautiful and exciting stories with you in the new year.In the morning, a family member had eye problems, and Laozhu's family went to visit. The update was late, and 5 updates were released in one go!Let everyone look cool.I hope everyone will support the monthly ticket.

The captains of the three teams Shi Guodong, Tian Yu and Yamazaki Ryuji looked at each other.

At this time, there is no winner between good and evil, and all three of them have weird hearts, so why are they so eager to help?

Then, something strange happened.

The three of them gave in to each other, and none of them was willing to step forward to help in the fight. They all went up to fight in the name of others, and they wanted to reap the benefits themselves.

Seeing this, Master Nakong was furious, and shouted: "You three are also disciples of the famous sect, but you are afraid of the enemy, do you want me to invite you in person?"

He was usually arrogant and refused to ask for help like this, but this was a critical moment in the battle between good and evil, and he needed the support of the third team no matter what.

When Shi Guodong saw that Du Yu didn't appear around, he secretly scolded Mingjiao for being useless, and he couldn't even hold Du Yu.However, seeing the wolf pupil team and others being besieged in the core by the six sects, fighting endlessly, he smiled coldly.

"There is the wolf pupil team, I'm not afraid that you won't come out." He roared angrily, without hesitation, he led the white tiger team and charged towards the wolf pupil team.

The wolf pupil team was on the rise, the morale of the whole team was high, they kept changing their formation, crushed the Kongtong faction in front of them, and killed a lot of people.

Maishela saw that her contribution rate was rising rapidly, and she was about to reach the contribution standard of 54000. She was pleasantly surprised, but she found Shi Guodong rushing in front of her in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, the wolf pupil team is well-trained, and they are not afraid of the impact of the White Tiger team.Li Tang blocked the sharp arrow, and the melee group, the long-range group, the magic group and the support group in the back formed an echelon, a complete formation, and blocked the attack of the White Tigers.

But without Du Yu, a peerless master, Shi Guodong's Shaolin Fuhu Fist was very powerful. Although Li Tang was also a master, he was not enough in front of Shi Guodong.

Du Yu was able to blow Shi Guodong away with one palm, and Li Tang and the others were extremely relieved to see it, but when it was their turn to fight, they felt unstoppable when encountering Shi Guodong's internal punch.Li Tang was angry in his heart, but kept silent, using all his experience and strength to resist Shi Guodong's onslaught with all his strength.

Shi Guodong laughed wildly and said, "It's up to you? You can't stop me!"

In addition to his extraordinary strength and internal strength, he also has astonishing skills. With a sweeping kick, followed by Wu Song's stunt of Yuhuan stepping mandarin duck kick, he even broke Li Tang's defense line in one fell swoop!
Li Tang, a big man weighing more than 200 kilograms, was strangled by Shi Guodong's jade ring, and his throat was tightly locked.He was also stubborn, although his face was flushed, but he didn't say a word, and fought back fiercely.

The third master waved his crutches, rushed in from the gap, and fought against the wolf pupil team's inside line.

Le Qun snorted coldly, and Zhao Zilong's spear technique, Lihuayu, stabbed the third master's arm numb, forcing him to retreat.

Le Qun stabbed Shi Guodong with every move, forcing Shi Guodong to let Li Tang go.The white tiger led a flank attack, and was forced to retreat after being shot dead by Michelle's sniper rifle.

The two sides fought desperately, and both sides lost.

Du Yu was shocked to see it.

This battle also taught him a lesson.

That is the adventurer in the outer city, it is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Although his wolf pupil team performed amazingly, but the other four teams also had strong players emerging one after another, which made him secretly startled.

In the space, no one should be underestimated.

Shi Guodong showed great power and let out the anger of being blown up by Du Yu yesterday, but when he looked back, he was surprised that Tian Yu and Yamazaki Ryuji were as stable as Mount Tai.

"These two bastards, are they planning something?" Shi Guodong was experienced, and immediately sensed something was wrong.

If the strength of the three teams is gathered and swarmed up, the wolf pupil team is strong, but they can't stop this wave of offensive, and they will definitely collapse.

But these two teams, why do not move.

Don't they want to share the bounty promised by Hou Xiaobai?

In order to invite these three teams, Hou Xiaobai gave a generous deposit to each team, and also agreed on a good reward.As long as the wolf pupil team is destroyed, it can be fulfilled.

Since he was suspicious, of course Shi Guodong would not fight the wolf pupil team again, and he ordered several big fighters to retreat.

The White Tigers slowly withdrew from the battle and retreated.

With a gloomy expression, Shi Guodong walked up to Tian Yu and Yamazaki Ryuji: "You two, do you want to paddle through?"

Tianyu laughed: "I just watched Boss Shi show off his supernatural power, and I was afraid that I would go up and steal your boss's limelight. Don't worry, I will do it right away."

With a cold smile, he led the Tianyu team and rushed towards the wolf pupil team.

Even if you do a gesture, you have to hit it.

Mai Shela and the others were happy and fearless, and the two sides fought for another quarter of an hour. After several people fell down, Tian Yu slowly retreated.

At this time, the wolf pupil team was beaten by wheels, and they were a little exhausted and unable to cope.Fortunately, there were assistants such as Rourou, and Du Yu and Maishela paid attention to supplies and medicines, so they were able to hold on without falling.

But the test of the Yamazaki Ryuji team followed.

Yamazaki Ryuji was like a wolf, leading the Japanese adventurers to attack the wolf pupil team's defense.

At this time, the wolf pupil team almost exhausted all their hole cards and counterattacked with all their strength, only then was it possible to hold back the impact of the Yamazaki team.

"Damn it!" Michelle shot bloody, furiously hit the enemy's vitals with a single shot, commanding the long-range team to continue to attack, ignoring that she was too forward and was set fire by Yamazaki Ryu's second team.

Seeing the comrades of the wolf pupil team suffer casualties under the wheel of the three strong teams, and seeing these bastards, bullying the few with more, and the faces of the little people proud of each other, Michelle was almost blown away.

She was high-spirited, showing the style of a big sister, and commanded decisively. Where the situation was most critical, she would rush there with her backbone.

But she was also physically and mentally exhausted, especially after seeing the casualties, the members of the regiment kept looking at her expectantly, as if they were asking, "Where is our captain?"

Michelle bandaged the wound, like a female leopard completely irritated, licking the wound, staring fiercely at the Yamazaki team who also paid a lot of money, but muttering in her heart: "Yes. Captain, come back soon Come on! We're about to give up."

"Hey, is it really okay if you don't go to help?" Yang Guo looked at the Wolf Tong team who was beaten into a mess.

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "For a peerless famous knife to be born out of nowhere, it must go through tempering. The training conditions and equipment of the wolf pupil team are already up to the standard of a strong team in the outer city, but the combat experience and bloody brutality are far behind. It is not as good as three teams. I just want to use the three teams as a sharpening stone to strengthen the wolf pupil team. Let them see the world. Otherwise, I will not be able to do missions with them all the time. Next time without me, I will encounter a strong enemy. Do you all surrender?"

Yang Guo nodded.

Although Du Yu said it lightly, he was filled with resentment when he saw that the wolf pupil team kept falling, and he was thinking about how to fight back.

In the heart of the castle, Shen Luoyan kept asking him to calm down: "Calm down, my lord. This is the strategy of the third team, and you need to show up early. They are trying to divert trouble, and let both good and evil attack you at the same time. If you don't show up, Mai Xue La and others are just accepting the test, with the support of the other four banners beside them, they will never be destroyed."

Du Yu nodded: "You know the art of war very well, in your opinion, when is the opportunity?"

Shen Luoyan said in a deep voice: "On the battlefield, patience and calmness are more important than fury and impulsiveness. You must wait for the best opportunity, attack decisively, and slap these enemies to death in one blow. The way to use troops. The three strong teams lack trust with each other, their face and heart are not in harmony, and they have different plans. This is their fatal injury. My lord, just wait, the opportunity will come."

The opportunity didn't take long, and it really came.

Just when the good and evil sides were fighting hoarsely, and they were about to give up, He Taichong suddenly shouted: "What's going on? My internal strength"

He dropped the long sword in his hand, staggered, and nearly knelt on the ground.

Among the six major sects, there are many people who understand medicine and pharmacy, and they said with horror: "This is Shixiang Ruanjin Powder? You Mingjiao actually uses poison!"

Like dominoes, the six sects collapsed to the ground one by one as the poison spread.

The three masters of Shaolin Kongwen, Kongzhi, and Kongxing were fighting with the masters of the Ming Cult with their robes fluttering. They also noticed the abnormality in their bodies, and put their hands together in a hurry to resist.Their skills are deeper and they can fight for a longer time.

But others such as He Taichong, Ban Shuxian, Kongtong Wulao, and Xian Yutong were all limp and kneeled decisively.

As for the decent disciples who were besieging the Five Elements Flag, they had already fallen to the ground.

The people of the Ming Cult were stunned to see the six sects, all fell to the ground for no apparent reason.Unbelievably, the master suddenly laughed out loud, stepped on the elder of the Kongtong sect, and said with a smile: "You are so old, and you have a bad day, why am I dizzy?"

He was also drunk while talking, and fell to the ground.

Yang Xiao, the left envoy of the Ming Cult, was startled, and shouted decisively: "Cover your mouth and nose, retreat!"

But it was all too late.

Even Shi Guodong's team, Tianyu's team, Yamazaki Ryuer's team and other adventurer teams and the wolf pupil team also followed Zhao Min's way.

They looked horrified, and fell limply one by one.

Originally, these guys with ulterior motives were thinking about how to plot against each other, and they didn't pay attention to Zhao Min, Ah Si and others at all.Just when they were figuring out how to be orioles, they found out sadly that they are actually all orioles. These people, they can't even do praying mantises, and directly become cicadas at the bottom of the food chain.

He took great pains, set up so many traps, and didn't even give a chance to activate them, so he was preempted by others

With a chuckle, Zhao Min walked out of the hiding place slowly.

This Zhao Min was so witty that he actually arranged for the two elders Xuanming and different subordinates to guard against the virus in different places, and put all the good and evil parties present.

Shi Guodong, Tian Yu and Yamazaki Ryuji's attention was always on Du Yu, the wolf pupil team and each other. They didn't even pay attention to it. They were knocked down by Princess Shaomin's preemptive attack. They were like thirty old women Falling child.

(End of this chapter)

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