Chapter 715 The secret path has changed!unexpected! - Ask for a monthly pass

Seeing Zhao Min coming out, Shaolin Temple, Emei Sect and other famous sects and Mingjiao people suddenly realized at the same time.

It turned out that the battle between Zheng and Evil was actually used by the court forces, and now they have become grasshoppers on a rope, unable to escape you or me.

The two sides stared wide-eyed, and for a while they put aside the century-old enmity, and felt a sense of sympathy and hatred.

Zhao Min stepped over the heroes one by one, walked up to Shi Guodong, kicked Shi Guodong, and kicked Tianyu again, with a sweet smile on his pretty face: "I'm sorry. I knew it a long time ago." You have other arrangements, so I will start first."

Shi Guodong rolled his eyes, and shouted sharply: "Si! You bastard, you betrayed us! How can I feel wronged by Mr. Hou? Tell me!"

Tianyu also reacted.

Relying on his own strength, it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Min to guess the conspiracy of his third team. Ah Si, representing Hou Xiaobai, must have secretly contacted Zhao Min to attack his third team.

Ah Si walked out slowly, but Hou Xiaobai's voice came out of his mouth.

"You three teams, there is nothing wrong with it. But you three, each have their own ulterior motives, think I don't know? Since I can rely on my own strength to eliminate the wolf pupil team and Du Yu, why rely on you? Your asking price is extremely high , and there are big bosses supporting them, so they can’t be used by me.”

Shi Guodong was furious and said, "You bastard! They crossed the river to demolish bridges, unload mills and kill donkeys. Are you going to kill your own family before crossing the river or even seeing Du Yu?"

In Ah Si's mouth, Hou Xiaobai's voice continued to linger: "I have captured all the wolf pupils. Du Yu can run away from the monk and the temple? A joke! Don't go too far. I only ask you three. May I If you don’t want to, follow me Hou Xiaobai from now on? If you say yes, I can give you the antidote and leave here alive. If you don’t want to, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, and Yamazaki Ryuji looked at each other. Unexpectedly, Hou Xiaobai had such a cruel method. On the surface, he trusted the three of them and paid a lot of money, but secretly sent his dead men to collude with Zhao Min to set him up.

Now he has made it clear that he has united with Zhao Min and controlled the overall situation, and he wants to be loyal to himself.

Although it is a well-known secret that space vows are useless, the piles of pills in Ah Si's hands are of great use!

After eating, if you want to regret it, just wait for Hou Xiaobai to clean you up.

Tianyu winked at Shi Guodong and Yamazaki, and moaned, "Don't! Don't!"

He secretly slammed down the controller in his hand.

From the dark place, Ten Fragrance Ruanjin Powder was sprayed continuously, and sprayed towards Zhao Min, Ah Si and others.

This poison is colorless and tasteless, but it has a certain scope of application. Tianyu estimated that Zhao Min and others just hid outside the effective area to prevent poisoning, so as not to be poisoned.But at this time, if he puts poison on himself again, it is nothing more than making the poison stronger.But these guys like Ah Si are not immune to poisoning either.

If everyone is poisoned together, they all fall down, so don't think about it.

Ah Si took a deep breath, relaxed and happy, looked at Tian Yu with a happy mood, and said, "Shixiang Ruanjin Powder is really a good poison. Tian Yu, the moment you borrowed the poison from Princess Zhao Min, I knew it You can use it. Unfortunately, we are undead physiques who have undergone biochemical surgery!"

When he said this, a group of biochemical adventurers in his team laughed wildly in unison.

In that laughter, although there was pride, it was more desolate.

Even the body is not human anymore, this adventurer did


He is also a slave driven by Hou Xiaobai and his son's enslavement, without any personal freedom.When the Hou family needed them, they were cannon fodder.

Who told them to easily sign an agreement with the Hou family and his son in order to survive and survive in the bloody city, allowing them to undergo biochemical surgery?

Hearing Ah Si and others' wild laughter, Tian Yu's face turned pale.

These dead soldiers are no longer human bodies. After undergoing transformation, they no longer need breathing, heartbeat, blood flow, and are naturally invulnerable to all poisons.

Ah Si smiled slightly and said, "This Shixiang Ruanjin powder is very poisonous. The first time I was poisoned, I just lost my internal strength and my body became soft, but if I was poisoned for the second time, it will produce a very strong toxicity. Look."

He pointed.

That Xian Yutong, who was closest to the poisonous gas injection port, let out a loud roar and died.

He was consecutively hit by Zhao Min and Tian Yu's Shixiang Ruanjin Powder, and died of the poison immediately.

"Idiot!" Shi Guodong yelled, "If you don't close the nozzle quickly, you might die here?"

He naturally knew that this was a trap arranged by Tianyu himself later, and he was not notified. He had sinister intentions, so he knew it without asking.

Tian Yu turned pale with fright, and hastily closed the poison gas launch port.

Since Ah Si and the others don't take the poison, spraying it again is courting death.

Yamazaki Ryuji's wolf eyes glared fiercely at Ah Si.

Ah Si smiled: "Similarly, the vicious biochemical weapon researched by your Black Dragon Society has no effect on me and other dead soldiers. It is only you who killed you."

Ryuji Yamazaki immediately wilted the eggplant like frost.

The place he asked Ghost Hattori to set up was indeed a biochemical weapon developed by the Black Dragon Society with countless space adventurers—the neuromuson virus.This virus can directly penetrate into the body of a digitalized adventurer, causing paralysis of the body, and the priority is extremely high.The Black Dragon Society has secretly captured so many adventurers, and Nagai Kenji, as the main person in charge, is to study such vicious gas bombs.

Speaking of team battles in space, using this gas bomb in closed terrain such as caves is indeed an incomparable trump card.

But at this time, he couldn't move, so naturally he couldn't talk about poisoning.

He also thought about leading a team to follow the Wudang faction, pretending to attack Tiger Leaping Stream, and secretly releasing poisonous gas.

But it's a pity that it would be too eye-catching if he didn't come in. Among other things, the other two teams, Shi Guodong and Tianyu, would not let him wander outside.Besides, how did he know that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind?There are so many enemies waiting to be poisoned?

In short, it was a mess, and it was all messed up.

In the face of a biochemical engineer who has undergone comprehensive body modification, how effective can this biochemical virus be?
This time, Hou Xiaobai tricked him.

He was furious in his heart, but he didn't explode immediately, and said with a smile: "They don't know the current affairs, but I do! I am willing to swear allegiance to Mr. Hou Xiaobai"

At this moment, a startled voice suddenly came: "Huh? Why are everyone down? Miss Zhou, are you okay?"

Zhou Zhiruo, who was being lifted up, looked at the visitor in surprise and joy.

It turned out to be Zhang Wuji whom I had seen once since I was a child!
Zhang Wuji mixed among the female heroes of the Emei School, but was mistaken for a person with no kung fu.Juejue Shitai did not allow him to participate in this battle, so he sneaked in secretly.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and escaped the disaster of exchanging drugs and poisonous gas by all parties before, and became a strange soldier.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was observing secretly, saw Zhang Wuji: "It's my Wuji child, haha. He's still alive."

Du Yu said unhappily: "Your Wuji boy, why did you come out suddenly? Couldn't he be killed by Zhao Min and Ah Si?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and remained silent.

Zhang Wuji looked around, but he didn't find the heroes of the Wudang faction, presumably they were on the top of the peak, attacking Tiger Leaping Stream, but escaped the catastrophe.But he can't ignore the six sects and the people of Mingjiao here.

He supported Zhou Zhiruo, glared at Zhao Min and said, "Miss Zhao, your Ruyang Palace is too domineering, right? Where are you imprisoning so many martial arts masters?"

Zhao Min swung his long sword coldly and said with a smile, "Who are you?"

At this time, Zhang Wuji was still an unknown junior in the world, but he had achieved great achievements in Jiuyang.He puffed out his chest and shouted, "I am"

He suddenly remembered that his status was embarrassing at this time, he was especially afraid that Mingjiao grandpa and the upright Wudang master would scold him at the same time, making himself embarrassed, so he temporarily changed his words: "I am Zeng Aniu."

"Another Zeng Aniu?" Mingjiao people clamored and scolded: "A traitor just went to rape Zeng Aniu, another one? How much do you guys like the pseudonym Zeng Aniu?"

Zhang Wuji couldn't figure it out for a while.

On the contrary, the leaders of the three strong teams who were about to be forced to swallow the poison exchanged winks and were overjoyed.

As long as Zhang Wuji attracts the attention of Zhao Min, Ah Si and others, he can take the opportunity to escape.As long as you get rid of the toxicity of the Ten Fragrance Ruanjin Powder, with your own strength, you won't be afraid of Ah Si's team at all.

Zhang Wuji simply waved his palms and shouted: "Miss Zhao, you'd better give me the antidote of Shixiangruanjin powder quickly. Otherwise"

Zhao Min said with a half-smile, "Otherwise what?"

Zhang Wuji said: "Otherwise I will have no choice but to be impolite."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and said: "My Wuji boy, I am so honest."

Zhao Min burst out laughing, and swung his long sword: "Kill him for me."

Xuanming and Elder rushed out, rushing towards Zhang Wuji.

At this moment, Zhang Wuji had achieved great Nine Suns magical skills, and he was not afraid of Xuanming and Elder Xuanming at all.

The Xuanming Divine Palm of the Elder Xuanming hit Zhang Wuji's shoulder just like 15 years ago, and a burst of cold internal force entered Zhang Wuji's body, but Zhang Wuji turned around with a breath of true energy.

He is self-improvement, he is self-defeating, I am only full of true spirit!

The Xuanming Divine Palm didn't work, and the Xuanming elders were a little startled.

Zhang Wuji showed his supernatural power, he forced him to be strong, and the breeze blew the hills. Although he didn't have any moves at this time, how is the Nine Suns magical skill unusual?Any serious injury, hitting Zhang Wuji's body, is like a breeze blowing on his face, and he will dissolve it with a breath of true energy.

Of course, with Zhang Wuji's kung fu at this time, it would be too unreal to defeat the two elders Xuanming. He can only remain undefeated, but he cannot obtain the antidote.

All the people present were the No. [-] masters in the martial arts world, but at this time they watched Zhang Wuji, a junior, fighting fiercely with the two elders Xuanming to decide their own fate, but they did nothing at all.

Only one person is the exception.

Yang Xiao, the Left Envoy of the Ming Cult!
(End of this chapter)

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