Chapter 716 Fight openly and secretly, Du Yu makes a move! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

He is resourceful and knows the timing.

The sudden appearance of Zhang Wuji attracted the attention of Zhao Min, Ah Si and others. At this time, it was the moment when the real undercover agent came into play.

Yang Xiao winked at Ku Toutuo Fan Yao.

Fan Yao, who has always been by Zhao Min's side, is the only hope for everyone in Mingjiao.

Fan Yao moved immediately!

He is the only active master of the Ming Cult right now.

He pounced on the deer stick guest who had the antidote!

With Zhang Wuji in the front and Fan Yao in the back, no matter how strong Lu Zhang Ke is, he can't stop the two from joining forces.Lu Zhangke's face suddenly changed.

Ah Si naturally knew Fan Yao's real identity, but firstly, he needed Fan Yao before he came here, to pass on information and frame Du Yu, and secondly, because of the fierce fighting just now, he didn't care about Fan Yao.Therefore, this Ku Toutuo has survived until now, and his identity has not been exposed by Ah Si and the others.

As soon as he saw Fan Yao move, Ah Si's eyes flashed fiercely, and he winked to the side.

A dead warrior adventurer of Hou Xiaobai immediately intercepted Fan Yao.

But I didn't expect that Fan Yao's strength is very strong, and the right envoy of Guangming is the number three figure in Mingjiao.Fan Yao was able to sit in this position, and his martial arts were already proud of Guangmingding at that time.For so many years, he has been holding back and working hard in secret, making great progress in martial arts.

With a swing of his long sword, he pierced the dead man's body!
Ah Si and Zhao Min had no idea that Master Ku's swordsmanship was so brilliant.

Fan Yao pushed the dead adventurer away, and handed the long sword to the vest of the deer sticker.

The deer stick guest had no choice but to wave the deer stick to protect himself.

Crane Biweng let out a loud shout, and tapped the crane's pen on Zhang Wuji's chest.

Zhang Wuji spat out a mouthful of blood, but the recovery speed of Jiuyang Divine Art was really fast, and he was safe and sound in an instant.

Fan Yao grabs Luzhangke's deer stick, but he sees through Luzhangke's martial arts and is forced to throw away the stick to protect himself.

At this time, Lu Zhang Ke was besieged by Zhang Wuji and Fan Yao, two peerless masters at the same time. Self-protection was already the limit, and he could no longer care about the antidote.

Fan Yao was skillful, and took off the deer stick head of the deer stick guest, and there really was an antidote inside.

He hid in Zhao Min Ruyang Palace for ten years, enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens in order to save Mingjiao.

At this time, he really got what he wanted, and took out the antidote for Mingjiao.

Zhang Wuji was overjoyed.Mingjiao people, everyone is happy.

Guangming's right envoy, Fan Yao, really worked.

Zhao Min saw that something was wrong, so he exchanged glances with Ah Si, and the two stepped forward to attack together, making sure that Fan Yao was not allowed to detoxify everyone.

If there were only Zhang Wuji and Fan Yao, even if they could catch the antidote by surprise, they would not be able to give it to everyone to detoxify.

But at this time, both good and evil, and adventurers are united as one, to overcome difficulties and fight against the evil Zhao Min, Ah Si and others, all foreshadowing and ambush will come in handy.

Ryuji Yamazaki shouted loudly: "Where is Song Qingshu?"

It turned out that he already knew that after Song Qingshu poisoned the Wudang heroes, he followed Zhou Zhiruo all the way to the depths of the secret path.This Song Qingshu was infatuated with Zhou Zhiruo, and knew that today's Guangmingding Tunnel must be a strange and dangerous slaughter field, so he sneaked over, trying to save Zhou Zhiruo from the battlefield.

This painstaking effort really came in handy.

When Song Qingshu heard Yamazaki calling him, he didn't dare to neglect, and came out from the dark.

When he saw his sweetheart Zhou Zhiruo being supported by Zhang Wuji, jealousy flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Min saw more and more martial arts practitioners who were not poisoned, appearing from everywhere, a trace of panic flashed in his usually calm beautiful eyes.

If Song Qingshu brought the Wudang faction in, his plan would be in vain today.

Yamazaki Ryuuji pointed at the antidote: "Take it for me quickly."

He didn't want to be controlled by Hou Xiaobai.

Song Qingshu agreed, and rushed towards Zhao Min who was intercepting Fan Yao.

The two clinked and fought for dozens of rounds.

Song Qingshu's martial arts is not too high, nor is it too low.At this time, Zhao Min was worried that the heroes of Wudang sent a large number of heroes to come to help, and he was impetuous. He was caught by Song Qingshu and shouted anxiously: "Ah Da! Ah Er! Hurry up to meet the enemy!"

Ah Da, known as the eight-armed sword, let out a low growl, and stretched out his long sword, stabbing at Song Qingshu.

But it was already a step too late.

Fan Yao's pressure suddenly eased, he no longer cared about how to use it, and threw out the antidote!
The unique stimulating smell of the antidote permeates the cave

Disciples of the famous upright sect and Mingjiao coughed one after another.

It's strange to say, as long as I smell this breath, although I cough and cry, the powerlessness in my body will gradually melt away.

The body's original feeling of being frozen and paralyzed gradually regained consciousness.

"Brother, you still haven't activated the explosives?"

Second brother Yang Guo smiled.

He is a person who is both righteous and evil, not pedantic.Since these guys are going against big brother, they should be damned.

"Dynamite?" Du Yu said bitterly.

He had long intended to use explosives to wipe out both the good and the evil, but when he was about to launch the trigger of the explosives, he suddenly received a spatial prompt: "You will launch the explosives, causing the death of a large number of martial arts people. However, due to the ten Xiangruanjin powder poison, most of the plot characters are in a weak and poisoned state at this time (the internal force value is zero, and the combat power is only 5%). Due to the obvious effect of external factors, completing the killing of the plot characters at this time will greatly increase Deduct the villain value you should get. Only 5% can be credited to your account."

"Bastard!" Du Yu yelled in his heart, "The trap I set up has something to do with Zhao Min? How can you only get 5% of the profit by blowing up these plot characters who are hit by Shixiangruanjinsan?"

It was also the hint of space that made Du Yu not press the blast button.

What he wanted was a large amount of villain value, and 5% obviously couldn't meet his requirements.

With Du Yu's strength at this time, he can already run amok in this world.Even if you don't kill these martial arts figures at this time, there are plenty of opportunities to kill them slowly in the future to earn villain points.There is no rush.

"But if these martial artists regain their strength, is it okay?" Du Yu asked Caesar.

Caesar answered in the affirmative.

"Because of Shixiangruanjinsan, these martial arts characters can't use normal skills to resist, so they can't count your normal kills. But if you use black powder to frame normal plot characters, you can fully calculate the kill contribution." Caesar explained.

Du Yu saw more and more martial arts professionals and adventurers recovering from the poison of Shixiang Ruanjin powder, and tightened the button of the explosive in his hand.

Zhang Wuji snatched the Luzhangke's deer stick again, grabbed the Shixiang Ruanjin Sanjie medicine, and sprinkled it on the Mingjiao people in an instant.

More antidotes spread in the cave.

The Mingjiao people recovered slowly, jumped up immediately, and rushed towards Zhao Min, Ah Si and others who were fighting.

They have bitter hatred for Zhao Min, Ah Si and others, and their hatred is beyond the charts.As a top expert, he was almost captured alive by the imperial court. After being captured, not only his fame for the rest of his life will go to waste, but he may even be severely tortured by the imperial court, which is unspeakable.

Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao, White-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng, Zishan Dragon King Dai Qisi, Bright Left Envoy Yang Xiao, Bright Right Envoy Fan Yao, all at the same time!

This wave is equal to the most quintessential power of Mingjiao, Han Fen makes a full blow!
Even Zhao Min, who owns the court eagle dog, still has a scalp!
Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Min and the others stabbed the hornet's nest and steadily attracted the hatred of both good and evil. What else could they do besides withdrawing immediately?
And Shi Guodong and others turned their eyes of hatred on Ah Si and other dead soldiers.

Ah Si and the others also panicked and retreated.

Although he is a dead man, he cannot die here for no reason.The anger of the three strong teams cannot be tolerated by a single team of the Death Warriors.

"These bastards!" Shi Guodong's eyes were red, and he shouted suddenly: "Die to me!"

He suddenly pressed the remote control.

At this time, Shi Guodong, who was in a rage, didn't think clearly. He only had one thought in his mind, which was revenge.

The black powder is so powerful that it can blow up the entire passage and collapse it. Shi Guodong didn't think about it clearly.

Let's kill these bastards first.

Yamazaki Ryuji saw Shi Guodong impulsively, pressed the blasting button, and screamed: "Are you so crazy? You want to die, but I don't want to die yet."

That Shi Guodong was impulsive, and after pressing the button, he also woke up.

He felt annoyed.

What's wrong with yourself?
To die together with Ah Si, a group of dead soldiers who are at most cannon fodder?
He broke into a cold sweat.

But thankfully, although the button was pressed, the black powder did not respond.

There was no explosion.

Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, and Yamazaki Ryuu were afraid for a while, dripping with cold sweat, and looked at each other, feeling very grateful.

Knowing that Du Yu had indeed controlled the black powder, Tian Yu was frightened in his heart and shouted, "Be careful of Du Yu!"

While Shi Guodong was rejoicing, how could he not know that he was being followed by Du Yu Huang Que?Hastily ordered: "Go!"

Leave this place of right and wrong first, before it's too late.

Several people led the team and fled in a hurry.

Du Yu could only watch these guys escape, but he couldn't launch the explosion due to the limitation of space on the poisoning state of the characters in the plot.

Finally, with the help of Fan Yao, the members of Mingjiao recovered from the poisoned state and became healthy.But the two envoys of the left and right light, Dragon King, Eagle King, Bat King and other masters recovered faster, and they had already chased and killed Zhao Min and others, and rushed out of the cave.

Although Zhao Min and the others were defeated, Xuanming Erlao, Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, Ba Da Shen Jian and others desperately resisted the pursuit of the masters, guarding Zhao Min and retreating slowly.

With the help of Zhang Wuji, the six sects also got rid of the poison one after another and recovered their combat power.

Du Yu finally waited for Caesar's belated reminder: "Master, now detonate the explosives, and you can get full villain value benefits!"

"It's finally here." Du Yu's mouth revealed an evil smile: "How can I, Cheng Kun, do a loss-making business?"

In the team channel, he ordered Myshela to lead the wolf pupil team to retreat quickly, and then resolutely pressed the detonation button!

Mai Shela led the wolf pupil team, and the moment he recovered his combat power, he rushed towards the entrance of the cave frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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