Chapter 720 Du Yu's younger brother, shocking the past and the present! - Ask for a monthly pass

Du Yu smiled slightly, and took out the Heart of the Castle from his bosom.

There is a real big ship in it.

That is Fragrance.

Shan Wanjing floated out of the heart of the castle, scolded coquettishly, and the Piaoxiang immediately flew out of the heart of the castle and landed on the sea.

Seeing that his elder brother Du Yu could easily turn into such a mighty and domineering giant ship, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng looked at each other, and the reverence in their hearts couldn't be overstated.

Du Yu jumped up: "Hurry up, we don't have time to lose. The Dragon Slaying Saber must not fall into Shi Guodong's hands."

He has not forgotten that his Nine Yin Manual has not been completely completed.Due to the incomplete version, the Nine Yin Manual has not been practiced to the highest level so far.

If it reaches the highest level, the Nine Yin Manual is extremely powerful, not inferior to the Taoist formula for longevity.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng landed on the big boat one after another.On the other hand, the big eagle couldn't fly up due to its weight, and screamed anxiously, but Yang Guo could only let Yang Guo throw a belt to let the big eagle pass.

Miejue Shitai, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao were also brought to the Piaoxiang.

Mai Shela and the others of the wolf pupil team also boarded the boat one after another.They have already completed several missions in the Battle of Bright Peak, and they have gained a lot.But only after the grievances with the three strong teams are over, can they return smoothly.

"In the vast ocean, if you want to find Spirit Snake Island, where do you start?" Zhou Zhiruo resigned herself to fate at this time, and simply cooperated.

Du Yu patted Xiao Zhao on the shoulder: "Although your mother, Dai Qisi, doesn't take you often. But you should know where Spirit Snake Island is?"

In the entire world of Yitian Tulongji, the one who is best at navigating is the beauty Dai Qisi who was born in Persia.She can even sail and find the Isle of Fire and Ice in the Far North.

As Dai Qisi's daughter, Xiao Zhao naturally knows nothing about sailing.

She got the secret book of the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and she was anxious to go back and bring it to her mother, for fear that someone from the Persian Mingjiao General Altar would find her mother first and burn her to death.

The Piaoxiang quickly sailed to the depths of the sea, and the speed of the ship was extremely fast.

Such a huge ship, relying on Shan Wanjing alone, naturally cannot start it, but in Du Yu's hands, there is no shortage of sailing talents.

Elizabeth, who has a hot figure, is wearing a pirate captain's tricorne hat, standing tall on the bow of the ship, constantly asking Xiao Zhao's specific location and adjusting the course.

And beauties such as Shi Feixuan, Wan Wan, Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnu, etc., are around to help.Everyone in the wolf pupil team also acted as sailors and boatmen one after another, constantly accelerating.

Yang Guo touched Du Yu's shoulder and teased, "Brother, you are really extraordinary. Besides my aunt, you can get so many beautiful people beside you to steer the boat and oars for you. How can you do that?" A blessing from Shixiu?"

Du Yu retorted angrily: "Have you ever heard a famous saying? Once you met Yang Guo, you missed your life. How many good women have you harmed?"

Yang Guo was taken aback: "I only have Lue. Why are you bothering?"

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently: "At least there are Guo Xiang and Guo Heroes who fall in love with you, and even don't hesitate to leave my sister-in-law alone and never marry. How dare you say that you didn't provoke me?"

Du Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard Sanfeng's vinegary words, and then saw two white-bearded old men who were over a hundred years old talking about love here.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng also looked at each other and smiled.

The love, hatred, and hatred of that year are all gone with the wind.

I am now a hundred years old.

If there is still a dream, it is only in my heart.

This hard work is just to prove that the blood is not cold and the heart is not dead!

Yang Guo said with a smile: "I only consider Guo Xiang's little girl as my sister. I was really afraid that she fell in love with me wrongly, so I avoided her. I didn't expect to delay other girls. Thinking about it, I'm really sorry for Guo Xiang's sister, as well as Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo. .”

Du Yu was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he provoked: "You mean, you are so handsome that you have reached the point of disastrous to the country and the people. You hide from other girls like this, and you are chased all over the world. You say that, let us fall in love with Guo Xiang bitterly." Zhang Sanfeng, how can you be so emotional?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled wryly and said: "There are Miejue Shitai and Zhou Zhiruo on this boat, can you show me some favors in front of the juniors? I am at least a master of the martial arts school at this time."

The three laughed.

Miejue Shitai, Zhou Zhiruo, and Xiao Zhao heard the three of them chatting like this, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Miejue Shitai snorted coldly: "What kind of master of martial arts, it turns out that he is infatuated with my Patriarch Guo Xiang, he is so old!"

Having said that, for a grand master like Zhang Sanfeng to be able to fall in love with Patriarch Guo Xiang, Miejue Shitai also feels slightly proud.

Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao felt a little shocked while listening to it with gusto!
They looked into Du Yu's eyes with even more reverence.

Apart from the legendary hero Du Yu and the Condor Hero Yang Guo who once fought against the Mongolian army, who else could make Sanfeng real person call him "big brother" and "second brother"?
This is a legend from a hundred years ago.Legend has it that when the Southern Song Dynasty was still alive, Mongolia continued to move southward. At that time, the martial arts, all heroes fought together to fight against the Hulu invasion.

Among them, there have been countless epic heroes.Among them, the heroes Guo Jing and Huang Rong, the parents of Guo Xiang, the founder of the Emei School, are the most famous guards of Xiangyang.

But more famous than heroes Guo and Huang Rong are the legendary heroes Du Yu and Yang Guo!

At the most critical juncture of the Mongolian invasion, the hero Du Yu turned out to kill Kublai Khan, the most outstanding commander of Mongolia at that time, and Jinlun Fawang, the Mongolian national teacher, in one fell swoop!The little dragon girl, Li Mochou and other chivalrous girls beside him even assisted the hero Du Yu to complete the most beautiful counterattack against Mongolia in the Southern Song Dynasty.

And hero Yang Guo is the younger brother who was taught martial arts by hero Du Yu himself and accepted.After Du Yu and Xiaolongnv were successful and retreated, they turned out again, from which Wanjun successfully assassinated the Mongolian Great Khan Mengge who avenged his brother's murder and was personally conquered by the royal driver!

Mongolia lost the Great Khan and the number one heir in a row. After several years of civil strife, its vitality was severely damaged, and it went south again, which made the Southern Song Dynasty's national fortune increase by ten years.

The prestige of these two heroes, even a hundred years later in the martial arts world, will still be like thunder.

They are sworn brothers with Zhang Sanfeng's brother, and they have been interpreted in countless versions, and people love to talk about it.

Who would have thought that the real Zhang Sanfeng, who had been around for a hundred years, would actually give up the titles of eldest brother and second brother.

Is it

Miejue Shitai, Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao and others, as well as Song Qingshu who was tied to the mast, stared at the faces of Du Yu and Yang Guo at the same time.

Are these two really the legendary heroes Du Yu and Yang Guo?

"Hero Yang Guo! It's really him!" Miejue Shitai shouted out of composure.

Ordinarily, with her resolute personality, even if she saw her master resurrected, she would not lose her composure like this, but the hero Yang Guo is the dream lover of Guo Xiang and the heroine Guo!
She double-checked, yes.One-armed + Divine Condor is Yang Guo Yang Daxia.

It's just that I didn't expect that Yang Guo, the hero, could live for more than a hundred years!
Although he looks old-fashioned, but with pure internal strength and divine swordsmanship, Miejue Shitai has never seen a master more powerful than Yang Guo in the world!
Even Zhang Sanfeng is slightly inferior to Yang Guo!
And Na Chengkun

Exterminator is too petrified.

Could it be that the notorious Cheng Kun is the hero Du Yu?
The two girls, Zhou Zhiruo and Xiao Zhao, remembered that they had been rescued several times by the hero Du Yu, and Fang couldn't help feeling a little sweet in her heart.

Although the age gap is there, the girl has great respect for the legendary hero, and the details of this age can be completely ignored.

How did Du Yu know that a mere name would cause such an uproar in the hearts of Miejue Shitai and the two young girls?
At this time, he was explaining things to Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.

"When you meet those two test opponents, don't be careless." Du Yu said solemnly: "I know that you two have supernatural powers, but if it's an easy task, it's still called a test? The other party has at least half the chance to win You guys, especially the various strange skills in space, emerge in endlessly, making it hard to guard against. You must not use common sense to count adventurers."

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng nodded.

At this moment, Elizabeth, who was in charge of looking out, suddenly shouted: "The fleet of three teams is ahead! Prepare to fight!"

Yang Guo was surprised: "Didn't these three fleets leave earlier than us? Didn't they surpass them so quickly?"

Du Yu smiled: "I have a professional captain and an excellent sea-going ship. It would be strange if I couldn't catch up with them."

Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, Shan Qi and others beside them watched Du Yu's ship getting closer and closer, but they were helpless.

"Obviously destroyed all the boats, where did he find the boats? Why is it so fast?" Shi Guodong said angrily.

"This person is good at naval battles in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean." Baihu said bitterly, pointing to Elizabeth standing proudly on the Du Yu Piaoxiang: "How do I see, this woman looks like Elizabeth? She is the daughter of Pirates of the Caribbean." main character?"

Shi Guodong was startled and looked carefully.

Sure enough, it was Elizabeth, with her iconic beauty and flying demeanor, who else could it be?
"This bastard, how did he manage to subdue Elizabeth, the Angel of the Thunderbolt?" Shi Guodong was puzzled for a while.

"By the way, I've seen heroines from other worlds in his lineup. It was definitely a slum difficulty at that time!" Bai Hu hurriedly said.

"Could it be that someone is actually in a slum, and can accept these heroines?"

Shi Guodong, Tianyu and Yamazaki looked at each other in disbelief!

The reason why they saw the heroine next to Du Yu was not surprised at first, because in the outer city, the plot characters can enter the space and become adventurers.

This is a secret known to everyone in space.

But later, when they heard that Du Yu was difficult in the slums, he took the heroine all over the world, and the three bosses were extremely surprised!

Where the hell is this Du Yu?
Why are there always impossible things happening in him?
The three of them almost went mad with jealousy.

Under the command of Elizabeth, the speed of Piaoxiang continued to increase, and soon the fleets of the three teams were left behind.

"He doesn't intend to fight with us?" Tianyu wondered, "Since this person has an advantage in sea battles and has a female pirate captain like Elizabeth as his assistant, why doesn't he fight us here?"

(End of this chapter)

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