Chapter 721 Golden Retriever Lion King, Dragon Slaying Knife! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

"He must have aimed at the dragon-slaying knife!" Shi Guodong was furious: "He defeated Miejue Shitai, got the Yitian sword, and then got the dragon-slaying knife, the Nine Yin Manual is his. Don't let him succeed! Speed ​​me up."

"I can't catch up," the white tiger tried desperately to urge his companions, but after a long time, the white tiger team still had no choice but to watch Du Yu's Piaoxiang, which gradually disappeared far away on the sea level.

"He knows how to get to Spirit Snake Island?" Yamazaki reacted: "Let's catch up!"

The three of them tried their best to keep up with Du Yu, but they didn't know that it was Du Yu's arrangement.

Spirit Snake Island is where the three strong teams died.

Du Yu looked back at the three fleets and raised his middle finger high.

Seeing Du Yu's open provocation, Shi Guodong's face became even more gloomy.

"Since Du Yu committed suicide, it's no wonder we are." Tian Yu's eyes were even colder.

Originally they planned to practice overseas for a period of time, but since Du Yu was determined to fight a decisive battle, he decided to destroy the wolf pupil team first.

Du Yu walked to the middle of the wolf pupil team, and Mai Shela came up to him and said, "The team lost a total of 7 people in the fierce battle. This is the world's largest casualty since the formation of our wolf pupil team. The three wolves behind are chasing , there is still a fierce battle waiting for us."

Du Yu pointed to Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng: "Do you know who those two are?"

The wolf pupil team lost 7 people, and their morale is low. No matter how strong the team is, they will not be in a good mood when they see their teammates die in front of them one by one.But Du Yu was very famous in the wolf pupil team, and they looked up.

Not to mention Zhang Sanfeng, who wouldn't recognize Yang Guo's iconic one-armed + big eagle?

What's more, the wolf pupil team are all people who know the goods, and Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng's aura of super masters cannot be faked at all.

"Is this Zhang Zhenren? That is Yang Guo, the Condor Hero?"

Li Tang trembled.

Even if there are countless adventurers in the world of vertical and horizontal adventures, facing such two great gods, it is inevitable that they will feel a little nervous.


Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "The two of them will be teammates of my wolf pupil team from now on."

"Zhang Sanfeng? Yang Guo?" Mai Shela was dazzled for a while.

These two are your teammates?

Everyone looked at each other.

When will our wolf pupil team have such a great master in charge?

Not to mention two, just one of them can make the wolf pupil team become a strong team in space immediately!
Compared with Zhang Sanfeng and Yang Guo's prestige, the White Tiger Team and Tianyu Team in the outer city are nothing!
Depressed Ecstasy Palm, Tai Chi, beat them out!
"Boss, don't you think we have no confidence, you deliberately lied to us, cheer up?" Hu Yijun said with a smirk.

He didn't believe it at all.

Du Yu smiled lightly.

These two great gods, wherever they say, are god-level existences!
The wolf pupil team is all from the grassroots, so it is understandable not to believe it.

He waved his hand: "Second brother, third brother, come down."

Seeing Du Yu's call, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng landed in the middle of the wolf pupil team.

The blazing gazes of everyone's admiration immediately focused on the two of them.

"Some people doubt whether you are willing to follow me and venture into space?" Du Yu said carelessly.

"Brother!" Yang Guo smiled, "Are these your disciples, or companions?"

Hearing the title of big brother, Mai Shela, Li Tang and other wolf pupils only felt their heads buzzing, and they couldn't hear anything behind Yang Guo!
What is his name Captain Du Yu?
big brother?

What the hell!

Everyone had never followed Du Yu before, and when they entered the world of the divine sculpture, they naturally didn't know that Du Yu had taken in two awesome brothers among the divine sculptures, namely Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.

Seeing these adventurers, Zhang Sanfeng was stunned. Knowing the reason, he said with a smile: "You are all my elder brother's companions, right? You are experienced and polite. It is said that there is a priority in learning, and specialization in skills. You entered before me and the second brother. Space, speaking of it, the old Taoist has to ask you a lot for help."

Zhang Sanfeng is so modest, but Di Maishela and the others felt uncomfortable, so they hurriedly said modestly: "Don't! Zhang Zhenren. You are an existence like a fairy, and it is too late for us to climb up to you. How dare you be worthy of the word "please" ? By the way, Zhang Zhenzhen, you and our captain, are you and our captain a year-old friend?"

Maishela and the others thought that it must be Du Yu's special eloquence or fortuitous encounter after he came to this world that he got in touch with these two legendary old guys.If this is the case, it can be regarded as preventing it.

Who would have thought that Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, "What year-end friendship? I knew my elder brother when I was a teenager. The elder brother really taught me a lot. He taught me martial arts, which made me useless. My second brother and I were both elder brothers at the time." Little brother!"

Speaking of the word "little brother", Maishela, Li Tang and others are petrified again

Accepting Zhang Sanfeng and Yang Guo as younger brothers is such an extravagant thing, I dare not even think about it!

Captain Du Yu actually did it so confidently.

The admiration for Du Yu by Maishela and the other wolf pupils was almost beyond measure.

You old man lied to eat, drink, and lie to Zhengtai, and you managed to trick Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng into being your little brothers!

Everyone looked in astonishment.

Du Yu was very modest: "Actually, it's nothing. At that time, I passed by the world of heroes in the temple. After I took the beautiful little dragon girl away, I saw that Xiao Yang Guo had no relatives and no reason. It was really pitiful. I also saw Zhang Junbao, a young man beside me. What the hell?" I don’t understand, and I was deceived by others. I suddenly felt kindness in my heart, so I took the two of them as younger brothers and gave me some pointers. Unexpectedly, these two boys have become masters of a generation now.”

After he finished speaking, he was unanimously despised by the wolf pupil team.

What do you mean by unintentionally inserting willows along the way?

You bullied someone who was young, didn't read much, didn't understand the plot, took someone's aunt into the house, but kicked Xiao Yang Guo to Gongsun Lu'e, this is a mess, understand?
Seeing that Yang Guo will come to the bloody city in the future, and if he has the opportunity to read the original plot of Mr. Jin Yong, what will happen to you?

The crowd gave serious contempt to Du Yu pretending to be coercive.

Who would have thought that Yang Guo and Zhang Junbao really look like younger brothers.Du Yu planted the shadow of a master in their young hearts back then, which was too deep.Even if they are now a generation of grandmasters, they can only look up to Brother Du Yu.

"Spirit Snake Island is ahead!" Elizabeth shouted.

The reason why Du Yu didn't deal with the three groups of enemies at sea was because he wanted to rush to Spirit Snake Island as soon as possible and take away the Dragon Slaying Saber from Xie Xun's hand.

The three strong teams, relying on their force, are stronger than Du Yu and others, and they also rushed over quickly.

In the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber, there are treasures of the Nine Yin Mantra, the essence of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and Wu Mu's suicide note. If it falls into their hands, even if only one person can read it, it will bring the strength of the team to another level.

Du Yu's Piaoxiang is indeed a huge ocean-going ship of the Dongming School. Under Elizabeth's command and buffs, the speed is extremely fast. Under Xiao Zhao's guidance, after a day and a night of sailing, it arrived at Spirit Snake Island.

This Spirit Snake Island is the residence of Mr. Yinye and Granny Jinhua. It is located in the far sea of ​​the East China Sea. wonderland.

Du Yu jumped off the Piaoxiang with the wolf pupil team, stowed away the huge ship, and was about to look for Xie Xun, but heard the little dragon girl say: "There is the sound of fighting on the hillside."

Du Yu looked up, and as expected, there were dozens of beggars in ragged clothes and high martial arts skills on the hillside, besieging a tall, blond warrior.The warrior wielded a sharp sword in his hand, and his hair was disheveled, like a raging lion.

Sure enough, the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun was here.

Du Yu looked from a distance, and saw a disciple of the Eight Pockets of the Beggar Clan, commanding the crowd to encircle Xie Xun with dog beating formations.These beggar gang disciples can be regarded as masters in the world, but they are not enough to look at in front of Xie Xun who is holding the invincible Dragon Slaying Saber.

Not long after, Xie Xun's knife drew a white light.

A 6-bag disciple of the beggar gang screamed and his head was in a different place.

Xie Xun was born with supernatural power, and after the tragic change, he practiced harder. Even though he did not reach Zhang Sanfeng's level of transformation, he was still a top player in the world.Although he is blind in both eyes, his superb internal energy is concentrated in his ears, and he can also listen to the sound to distinguish his position, which is almost indistinguishable from the presence of both eyes.

Although the disciples of the beggar gang were brave, they were chopped down by Xie Xun with a single knife, causing their heads to roll around, and finally their morale collapsed.A disciple yelled, turned around and ran.

Xie Xun sneered: "Beggar gang beggar, since you dare to come, don't blame me, Xie Xun, for killing people today!"

He is well aware that in order to avenge Cheng Kun, he did not hesitate to slaughter innocent people in the rivers and lakes, which made the rivers and lakes furious.Middle-earth does not know how many people are waiting to take his head.Although these Beggar Clan disciples found out their whereabouts, as long as they were killed, they would be able to delay the exposure of their location no matter what.

When the Golden Flower Granny came to Binghuo Island to pick him up, she had clearly promised to bring back his adopted son Zhang Wuji.What he was waiting for at Spirit Snake Island was Zhang Wuji, otherwise he would never have returned to the vicinity of Middle Earth and came to Spirit Snake Island.

After Xie Xun slashed and killed, all the disciples of the beggar gang fell down one after another, leaving only a eight-pocket disciple of the beggar gang and an elder of the beggar gang.

Anyone who fled to the seaside was hit by Xie Xun's profound internal strength, and the stones that were thrown out precisely hit the legs and knees, and were beaten to death. No one survived.

The elder of the beggar gang had been hacked to death.

The eight-pocket disciple looked resolute, picked up the fallen elder, and sternly shouted: "Thank you senior, today my beggar gang disciples are inferior to others, and you are all wiped out here. I, Chen Youliang, have nothing to say. Fear of death is not a hero. But An elder, but he is my benefactor. If you want to kill or cut, come at me alone, and let this elder go for a while. He is kind to me. I am willing to die in his place."

Hearing that Chen Youliang was so righteous, even Xie Xun, who had never relented in killing people, couldn't help but ponder.

(End of this chapter)

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