Chapter 722 Cheng Kun Xiesun!Master and apprentice bloody battle!Four more monthly tickets-
Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng saw Chen Youliang's move, but their eyes flashed and their expressions were indifferent.

Only Elizabeth, who had no intentions, exclaimed in a low voice: "This man is so powerful. In the words of you Datang people, he is a hero."

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Look carefully, this Chen Youliang speaks nicely, what action did he make?"

Elizabeth wondered: "He seems to have hugged the elder, didn't he use his body to cover it?"

Yang Guo said coldly: "This person is really a natural traitor. He picked up the elder, but he was ready to abandon him at any time. Once Xie Xun came over, he would throw the elder away immediately. To Xie Xun, he got into the grass and escaped."

Zhang Sanfeng continued: "In addition, he secretly prepared barbed wire and sprinkled it on the ground in front of him silently. Once he turns around and runs away, Xie Xun chases after him. Because of his blindness, he may suffer a big loss."

Elizabeth was dumbfounded, and only then did she know the dangers of people in the world.

Shi Feixuan looked at Chen Youliang, raised her eyebrows and said: "I am proficient in the art of matching people. This person has narrow brows and sharp eagle eyes. He has such a deep scheming in the city, but there is a trace of white luck lingering above his head, so that he can Turn bad luck into good luck, and you will definitely be the leader of disasters in the world in the future."

Elizabeth said angrily: "This person really deserves death, just wait for him to be hacked to death by Xie Xun."

Du Yu smiled slightly and said, "No! We want to save him!"

Elizabeth lost her voice: "You want to save such a person? What does he have to do with you?"

Du Yu smiled: "I am Cheng Kun. He is Cheng Kun's apprentice, Chen Youliang. Do you understand? Although Chen Youliang's character and moral integrity are contemptible from a human point of view, but if he is used properly, this guy is also a scourge of the Central Plains martial arts Sharp weapon."

Du Yu knew that after the explosion of Guangmingding, he killed countless people.At this time, he has become the public enemy of the Mingjiao and the six sects of martial arts, no matter who wants to hunt him down.Although Du Yu is powerful and not afraid, why not be able to divide and disintegrate this group of martial arts masters?

The villain is destined to be the villain.

Hearing Chen Youliang's generous statement, Xie Xun pondered for a while, but sighed softly: "I, Xie Xun, have killed countless people in my life, but no one has ever been able to make someone Xie not want to do it with just one word."

Chen Youliang showed joy.

His plan really worked.

If he can get away from Xie Xun and return to the middle land, he can invite a large number of martial arts masters to attack him again.

Unexpectedly, Xie Xun's next words made Chen Youliang fall into the ice cave.

"You, Chen Youliang, with your penetrating tongue, made me shake a bit. You are a great person. It's a pity." Xie Xun smiled: "I have been blind for 20 years, but my ears are better. You are wrong. Now, I shouldn't add another thing to the snake and put the barbed wire on the ground. Although the sound is small, it still falls in my ears."

Chen Youliang's expression changed drastically.

How could he have imagined that someone could train their ears to such an extent?

Xie Xun showed his white teeth, and charged towards him with a dragon-slaying knife: "You villain! You will most likely be a treacherous thief like Cheng Kun in the future! Die!"

With a ferocious expression on his face, Chen Youliang threw the elder of the Beggar Clan towards him, turned around and ran away, his movements were as quick as a rabbit.

Only the elder screamed in pain, Xie Xun's Dragon Slaying Saber had cut him in half.

The poor elder of the Beggar Sect hadn't died for a while, but his upper body was still crawling on the ground, with a line of blood protruding from it.

Xie Xun was like a raging lion, wrapped in a strong wind, and the bloody dragon-slaying knife in his hand, which had just been stained with dozens of lives, was like sharp teeth in the lion's mouth, and rushed towards Chen Youliang who was running away with all his strength.

In the air, Xie Xun's dragon-slaying saber had already swept across Chen Youliang's body, sticking him firmly, as if stepping on glue, making it impossible to move an inch.

Chen Youliang is truly a talent. Under such a huge disparity in strength, he was able to be quick-witted and shouted: "Zhang Wuji! Suffer!"

He knew that the person Xie Xun cared about most in his life was Zhang Wuji.If someone else's name is mentioned, shouting Potian can't make Xie Xun raise his eyebrows.But as soon as Zhang Wuji's name was called out, Xie Xun couldn't help but turned his head to the side of the sea, as if he was thinking that my Wuji child really came back with Granny Jinhua?
Chen Youliang rolled and scrambled, forced his way out of the grass, and rolled down the slope.

After listening for a while, Xie Xun knew that Chen Youliang had lied to him, furious in his heart, and said with a sneer, "It's really a [-]-year-old woman. My golden-haired lion king has been shrewd all my life, and I was deceived twice by you kid. If I can't cut it this time Get your head off, I'm really blind as a lion king!"

He walks in stride.

The barbed wire that Chen Youliang placed on the ground couldn't stop the Golden Retriever Lion King's footsteps at all.Even if you stepped on it, under the powerful internal force of the golden lion king, it would also turn into a piece of iron without any damage.

Seeing how powerful Xie Xun was, Du Yu couldn't help but smile wryly.

His identity is Xie Xun's teacher and his sworn enemy, Cheng Kun.A battle against Xie Xun was inevitable.

Chen Youliang kept rolling and crawling, and was chased by Xie Xun and ran all over the place, but Xie Xun didn't rush, like a cat playing with a mouse, followed behind Chen Youliang.The island hangs alone in the sea, and the boats are concentrated at the pier. Chen Youliang can't run faster than him.

Chen Youliang was crying secretly, when he suddenly looked up and saw a group of people coming from the direction of the beach, rushing towards him as if he had received an amnesty.

Given that his city is insidious, as long as someone is available to use, it is a good opportunity to escape, and it is better than a real sword with Xie Xun.

Xie Xun also heard footsteps in the distance, and his face gradually became serious.

Chen Youliang ran up to see Du Yu's face clearly. Suddenly, he was overjoyed, knelt down on the ground with a plop, kowtowed and said, "Master! My apprentice Chen Youliang has seen you, old man!"

He kowtowed fast and hard. On the one hand, he was grateful to God, and he deserved his life. On the other hand, he was more aware of the deep blood feud between Cheng Kun and Xie Xun. With Master Cheng Kun's hatred, he could escape .

Du Yu was naturally aware of Chen Youliang's innocence, so he smiled and said, "Young disciple, get up quickly. How do you know Xie Xun's whereabouts?"

Chen Youliang saw that there were still many people around Master Cheng Kun, so he suddenly became bolder, bowed and smiled and said: "Master! I have always been taught martial arts by you, and I always think about how to repay Master's kindness. Master, you The old man usually sees the head and sees the end, and I don't have the fortune to serve him. After thinking about it, only your villain, Xie Xun, murdered and set fire everywhere, and left your name after committing crimes, blaming Soochow Such a heartless villain is simply intolerable. I paid attention to where Xie Xun was hiding. A few days ago, I got news by chance at the seaside. Help the disciples, come and attack. I didn't expect that Xie Xun is holding a dragon-slaying knife, it is really powerful."

He was eloquent and was about to show off his merits, but Xie Xun had already walked to the left, frowned and shouted: "Chen Youliang, who are you talking about? Master? Who is your master?"

Chen Youliang laughed: "Brother Xie, I'm really embarrassed to say it. You and I are brothers from the same school! My master is naturally your master too! Why don't you hurry up and kneel down and kowtow, have you seen the master?"

When Xie Xun heard the word "master", his face changed drastically, his chest rose and fell sharply, and his mood set off a huge wave like a raging wave: "You are the villain Cheng Kun?"

Du Yu sighed, what should come will eventually come.

He received a reminder: "You have activated the villain task [Master-Apprentice Blood Feud]. Your once beloved disciple, the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, has become your destined enemy. As a villain, you don't need to feel guilty for hurting Xie Xun in the previous revenge. Show your heart and send Xie Xun to the west. Xie Xun's death will reward you with an additional 2000 villain points. The total is 5000."

Du Yu sighed lightly.

Playing as Cheng Kun this time, it is necessary to carry out the villain to the end.

He smiled softly and said, "That's right. My good apprentice. I am your master Cheng Kun. Didn't you always try to force me out? Now I'm in front of you. Come on! The chance for revenge has come."

Elizabeth tugged at Du Yu's sleeve and said in a low voice, "Are you crazy? Why do you want to stand up for the scum?"

Du Yu smiled wryly: "Even if it's not for Chen Youliang, it's inevitable to fight Xie Xun. This is a fateful battle and it's inevitable."

He had a reason for not telling Elizabeth.

For a vicious dog like Chen Youliang, of course you have to be careful of his backlash, but if you keep it in captivity, you can use it to the best of your ability if you bite others!

He wants to use Chen Youliang to control the Beggar Gang, and then use the Beggar Gang to deal with the Ming Cult and the Six Great Sects!
Taking advantage of the plot was originally Du Yu's strong point.

When Xie Xun heard Cheng Kun's familiar voice, he was still in a dream for a while.

That night, my mentor, whom I respected like my father, actually turned into a demon, trying to molest my beloved wife. After being called out, he went berserk and beheaded his parents, wife and children, the whole family, young and old. !

Even Xie Wuji's baby, who was under the full moon, was thrown into a pulp by this villain with a human face and a beast heart in his infancy.

This hatred is endless!
In order to get revenge, he tried every means, practiced, practiced, and forced Cheng Kun to come out.

But Cheng Kun is like a yellow crane, gone forever.No matter how he creates the bloody case, he will never show up.

Just when he thought he would never be able to avenge this revenge, today's villain Cheng Kun took the initiative to come to the opposite side of him, waiting for him to take revenge.

This is the only chance for revenge.

Xie Xun roared furiously: "Chengkun villain, take your life!"

He swung the dragon-slaying knife like a gust of wind, and slashed over.

Even the moves are useless, just slashed down like that.

All moves are redundant.Only anger, monstrous anger, such a furious and fierce slash can express Xie Xun's raging mood at this time.

He is going to kill!

Du Yu's face sank like water, and with a wave of his hand, he ordered the Wolf Tong team and others to back off.

His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms clashed with Xie Xun.

The two sides were fierce against fierce, and with one move, there was an impact effect that dazzled everyone present!
(End of this chapter)

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