Chapter 725 Do You Have The Heavenly Sword?I am Zhang Sanfeng! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Du Yu smiled and watched Zhang Sanfeng's sword fight with Tian Yu.He has absolute confidence in Zhang Sanfeng.This person is also wretched, holding a trump card in his hand, it is Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, but he keeps Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, Shan Qi and other powerful enemies in the dark, and when the other party finds out, he has already suffered a big loss.

Tianyu's confidence was getting stronger and stronger, and one move was faster than the other. After the Yitian sword was thrust out, it was crooked and there was no trace to be found.Only Zhang Sanfeng can see through his moves, all of them contain powerful backhands.As long as you dodge according to Tianyu's calculation, you will definitely fall into Tianyu's calculation.

Zhang Sanfeng admired in a low voice: "What a move! It is similar to Kunlun's Tianshan Liancui, and it is more advanced than Liancui. This move is one sword to transform into three swords, and it is also quite similar to my Taoist one Qi Transforming Three Purities, not bad. Good! This move is the best, and it has the charm and sword intent of the Huashan School's unique skill [horizontally viewed as a mountain and sideways as a peak]. Your talent is really good."

He praised repeatedly, but Tianyu became more and more unpleasant.

How does this look like a duel between swordsman masters?

This is clearly the master of swordsmanship, feeding the apprentice, and testing the progress and realm of the apprentice!

My God, who do I need to look up to when it comes to sword moves?

Who is worthy to be my master and comment on my moves?
With a roar, he changed his sword technique, opened and closed, and stabbed Zhang Sanfeng with the invincible sharpness of Yitian Sword.

But Zhang Sanfeng was dissatisfied: "Oh! I said you kid, you played well just now, why did you mess up your routine when you praised you? This is relying on the sharp weapon of a magic weapon to chop and kill. How can a master be disdainful? The series of three emerald greens that you started with this move should obviously set aside three points of strength. After I use Dai Zongfu to suppress it, I will suddenly change my move and use a sudden killer move. It will have a miraculous effect. Such a big slash, Obviously Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit, it's tasteless."

Shi Feixuan, Ning Zhongze and other beauties of swordsmanship heard Tianyu being commented on by Zhang Sanfeng, they immediately covered their mouths and laughed.

Tianyu was furious.

"Old man! Who are you? How dare you point out my swordsmanship?" Tianyu's swordsmanship became more and more fierce, causing Zhang Sanfeng to retreat step by step: "Since the beginning of the war, you have been suppressed by me. How many moves have you made? How dare you criticize me?" isn't it?"

Yamazaki laughed wildly and said, "Don't waste time on Tianyu, kill the old man with the white beard quickly. After our morale is boosted, we will besiege Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team. Today, there is no one alive in the Wolf Tong team!"

Zhang Sanfeng heard Yamazaki's clamor, and then looked behind Yamazaki, the eyes of the five unconscious apprentices flashed a murderous intent.

Tianyu's Yitian sword pierced his chest with lightning speed.

"Die! Let's go!" Tianyu thought he had made the most terrifying one-hit kill move ever, and a cruel joy appeared in his pupils.

When his sword pierced deeply into the opponent's heart, the despair in his opponent's eyes was his most unstoppable desire.

He was addicted to killing, and even developed killing into an art.

This old man with white beard is so talkative, kill him to stand up!

Who knew, the moment Tianyu's Yitian sword was about to pierce Zhang Sanfeng's chest, Zhang Sanfeng, who had been squinting his eyes, suddenly opened them!
His eyes are shining brightly, where is there any turbidity and stagnation of a centenarian?

Those are clearly a pair of young eyes, full of love for life and desire for adventure!
Zhang Sanfeng, who was already depressed, saw his eldest brother and sister-in-law, and he returned to his youthful years 100 years ago as if in an instant.

At that time, he was still very young and innocent.

Even if he had a secret love for Guo Xiang, he didn't dare to reveal it easily, for fear that Master Jue Yuan would be unhappy.

In his life, although he was famous, he was lonely and lonely. Although he had achieved great success, he was lonely and empty. If he still had a choice, he would definitely not let the Yiren who had been turning around in his dream again and again miss him!

He wants to defeat this Tianyu and pursue everything he has missed!
Go back to 20 years old and find your dream!

This is what the elder brother promised himself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes burst out with dazzling light!
When Tian Yu's bloodthirsty gaze met Zhang Sanfeng's bright eyes, his heart trembled and he yelled that it's not good!

Zhang Sanfeng's unremarkable sword met head-on with Tianyu's Yitian sword!

The roar of the tiger and the roar of the dragon are unstoppable!
Tianyu's Yitian sword suddenly flew up in his unbelievable eyes!
Zhang Sanfeng's white beard fluttered like a fairy, and he made a natural Tai Chi Single Whip, and the long sword was placed on Tian Yu's neck.

"How is it possible?" Tian Yu's face was dull, and only murmuring remained.

The young man with bow in leopard body and the big man with subduing magic pestle, who had been laughing and shouting wildly, were consciously sure of everything, but unexpectedly, Tian Yu, who had always had the absolute upper hand, was defeated in an instant.

"This..." the big man with the magic pestle was stunned.

The leopard-womb bow boy reacted extremely quickly, made a decisive decision, and shot at the old man with the white beard in a series of nine stars, trying to save Tianyu.

In space, the friendship of many adventurers is deeper than brothers in reality.

This is not to say that the adventurers are all righteous, but driven by profit.

There are not many people in the Tianyu team, and everyone is useful.Although Tian Yu has an arrogant personality, his accomplishments in swordsmanship are unparalleled, and he is an excellent captain.If he falls here, the strength of the Tianyu Aoshi team will be greatly reduced, and they will never regain their former glory.

Maishela snorted coldly, took out her magic sniper rifle, and shot three times in a row. Jiuxing Lianzhu was hit by Maishela's miraculous three shots and collided with each other, and they were annihilated in midair.

The leopard-born bow boy, with fierce eyes, glared at Michela furiously.The big man with the Demon Subduing Pestle beside him has already waved the golden Subduing Demon Pestle and rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng crazily.

Zhang Sanfeng received a reminder from Space Precious: "You defeated Tianyu, an adventurer in the outer city who possessed the Heavenly Sword! You have to kill him and obtain his weather power to replace him and enter the Bloody City of Space."

Zhang Sanfeng actually hesitated for a moment.

He is the founder of a sect and is already a master of martial arts. He has not fought with anyone for decades, let alone killed anyone.

Du Yu was in a hurry when he saw this.

In space, the most important thing is not the level of martial arts, the strength of strength, but the

Have a resolute heart.

Kill decisively without mercy.

This piece of Sanfeng's martial arts is supernatural. With an ordinary iron sword, he can defeat Tianyu holding the Yitian sword. He is worthy of being a great master of a generation.

But at a critical moment, this slight hesitation can have serious consequences.

He rushed towards Zhang Sanfeng.

Sure enough, Zhang Sanfeng's hesitation, Tianyu has seen the advantage.As the captain of adventurers killed in a bloody storm, he is very familiar with people's eyes.

Tianyu suddenly flashed back.

If it was the ruthless and ruthless Du Yu, as soon as the words of heaven moved, the sword would be thrown straight at him, killing him instantly.

But Tianyu saw that Zhang Sanfeng was hesitant and might not be able to make up his mind to take his life, so he took the risk.

Sure enough, Zhang Sanfeng didn't raise his long sword, he was a little slower.

While retreating, Tianyu rolled over, caught the Yitian sword that fell from the sky, and stabbed Zhang Sanfeng with a backhand move that killed both.

Zhang Sanfeng had a kind heart and chose to give in again.In fact, with his swordsmanship, if he ruthlessly kills at this time, he can still kill Tian Yu.But people are so strange, once they choose to let the enemy's life go, they will do so subconsciously.

Tian Yu let out a long laugh: "Old man! Die!"

He pierced Zhang Sanfeng's abdomen with one stroke, and Zhang Sanfeng's blood flowed profusely, staining Zhengyi red.

Du Yu's lightning-like fury swept over him, and with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he split mountains and cracked rocks, and blasted Tian Yu's shoulders.

Tianyu let out a shrill scream, only to hear a bang, his right arm had been shattered by Du Yu's beating, and he flew up high and hit the opposite stone!
Shi Guodong felt cold in his heart.

He remembered the situation when he was hit by the same move by Du Yu, and the ground was simply broken.

This Du Yu is really fierce!

Du Yu pulled Zhang Sanfeng up and shouted, "Remember, you are no longer that cowardly Zhang Junbao! I named you Zhang Sanfeng because I hope you will not be bound by the rules and become a truly free, roaming People of heaven and earth! If you want to enter the space with me, your martial arts are definitely enough, but if you are not ruthless, killing people like hemp will only become a burden! Today you have only one choice, and that is to kill this bastard for me!"

Zhou Zhiruo stared blankly at Zhang Sanfeng, a hundred-year-old grand master, and being reprimanded by Du Yu, Fang felt a sense of absurdity in her heart.

Who in the world can reprimand Zhang Sanfeng like this?
Who is this Du Yu?

Tianyu struggled up from the stone, held the Yitian sword, and laughed ferociously: "Old man, if Du Yu hadn't come to save you, you would already be a dead man. What's the use of being better than me in swordsmanship? You and I have no one to fight alone. It must be you!"

He laughed loudly, turned around and ran towards the big man with the subduing magic pestle.

Although his words are beautiful, but Zhang Sanfeng's swordsmanship is superb, beating him is like teasing his grandson, how can we not let him feel chilled?
Who is this bastard?
At this moment, Song Yuanqiao, who was overwhelmed, suddenly opened his eyes in a daze, looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and shouted: "Master! Your old man actually came to rescue us in person?"

Hearing the word master, Shi Guodong, Yamazaki and others petrified collectively.

Tianyu, who was running back, staggered when he heard the word "master", and almost fell to the ground.

Isn't Song Yuanqiao's master?
Zhang Sanfeng?
I rub!

Thinking of how they had uttered nonsense to Zhang Sanfeng, the three of them immediately felt that they were too fateful.

Especially Tianyu.

Thinking of how he was bragging just now, saying that even if Zhang Sanfeng came, he couldn't stop the Yitian sword in his hand, Tianyu was sweating profusely.

But his ordeal had only just begun.

Zhang Sanfeng was scolded by Du Yu, like a mad lion completely enraged.

He remembered the time when he passed Guo Xiang by mistake.

Back then, I must be as indecisive as I am today, right?
Guo Xiang likes the legendary Condor Hero Yang Guo.

Life and death are boundless, do not think about it, never forget it, there is nowhere to say it is desolate!

(End of this chapter)

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