Chapter 726 It's a hit!Kill Tianyu! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

In the eyes of Guo Xiang back then, Zhang Sanfeng himself was just a poor kid.

A hundred years have passed, although I have mastered martial arts and been admired by the world, but in terms of being a human being, I am no different from Zhang Junbao back then.

The angry words of Du Yu and Tian Yu echoed in his ears over and over again.

"If you enter the bloody city like this, you will only become a burden!"

"You and I have no one to single out, you must be the one who dies!"

"Ah!" Zhang Sanfeng swung his long sword, his sleeves fluttering, and rushed towards the fleeing Tianyu.

At this time, Tianyu had no fighting spirit at all.


You actually asked me to single out Zhang Sanfeng?

Doesn't he hide the boss level?
Why would you appear in front of me so richly and willfully, and even take the initiative to challenge me one-on-one?

Tian Yu only hated that he had lost two legs, and had no sense of being a master, so he ran away crazily under Zhang Sanfeng's pursuit.

Zhang Sanfeng's internal energy was strong, the old man was talking about being a teenager, he caught up with Tian Yu in one fell swoop, and cut him off with a single blow!
"Death to me!"

He is like Xie Xun, the golden lion king at this time, how can he still have the pedantic spirit of immortality, benevolence and righteousness before?
Du Yu looked at the old Daoist Zhang Sanfeng who had to be furious, and said with a slight smile, "That's right! If you want to be an adventurer, how can you be less ruthless?"

Song Yuanqiao stared blankly at his calm and stable teacher, but now he is like a young and Dangerous boy, chasing and beheading people all over the world, with his mouth open enough to swallow eggs.

Yu Lianzhou on the side woke up and saw Senior Brother shouting: "Why is Senior Brother so surprised?"

Song Yuanqiao dully pointed not far away.

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Tianyu yelled wildly: "So what if you are Zhang Sanfeng? Look at the trick!"

He repeated his old trick, and once again resorted to the tactic of killing each other, trying to force Zhang Sanfeng to make a move.

At this time, the support of Tianyu's teammates, such as the boy with the leopard-womb bow and the big man with the magic pestle, was already close at hand. As long as Tianyu withstood Zhang Sanfeng's blow, he would be in a situation where Zhang Sanfeng was attacked from the front and back.At that time, with the strength of the Tianyu team's main core players, even Zhang Sanfeng would inevitably have to back away or take revenge on the spot.

Unexpectedly, when Tianyu saw Zhang Sanfeng again, his heart skipped a beat!
Previously, when Zhang Sanfeng fought against him, he had killer moves but no killing intent. Although the moves were subtle enough to crack the Dugu Nine Swords, they lacked killing intent, which made Tian Yu confident.

At this time, Tianyu only saw one thing in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes.

That's mania!
Centenarians, unique fanaticism!

After being scolded by Du Yu, this picture of Sanfeng is exactly the same as the bloodthirsty and cruel light in Du Yu's eyes!
That is the desire for victory and contempt for the life of the enemy!
In the bloody city, everything is scarce, props, survival points, friends, but the only thing that is redundant is unnecessary kindness!

Instead of bringing you a competitive advantage, this thing will tie you back and put you in a situation where you abuse good people and bully everyone.

After Zhang Sanfeng realized this point, he would never hold back his ultimate moves, one move would kill him!
Tianyu's heart was shocked, but at the moment of life and death, there was no time to regret provoking Zhang Sanfeng. With a loud roar, he condensed all his life's skills on the Yitian sword, and stabbed Zhang Sanfeng with one move!


He seems to be blessed to the soul, in the past when Feng Qingyang taught Dugu Nine Swords, some points that he couldn't figure out, in the moment of life and death, he was enlightened and understood all of them.This trick has hit a new height that has never been reached in his life!

Tianyu is confident that if he uses this move at the gate of the Scarlet City, he will definitely be able to advance to the difficulty level of the inner city.

His confidence in himself had never reached such a high level.

At this moment, Tianyu is full of confidence!
This move made Ning Zhongze, Xiao Longnv and Shi Feixuan three master swordsmen exclaim at the same time!
Concubine Shi Xuanmei's eyes sparkled: "This move has come out of its own accord and created a new pattern. This heavenly language is really extraordinary!"

Ning Zhong looked at Zhang Sanfeng worriedly.

Tianyu's near-death sword, whether it's internal strength, moves or even more terrifying sword intent, has reached a height that Shi Feixuan has never seen in space.

Even if Shi Feixuan and Tianyu are asked to confront each other at this time, Shi Feixuan is not sure that she will win.

To die and then to live.

This is Tianyu's way of swordsmanship.

It has to be said that this talented Tianyu, holding the Yitian sword, has comprehended a new realm, and when there is a huge breakthrough, the test Zhang Sanfeng faces is definitely not easy.

Zhang Sanfeng had only two choices, either retreating temporarily, or facing the test of life and death, when Tianyu and Yitianjian's aura reached its peak, he would fight to the death with Tianyu!

The former will undoubtedly give Tianyu a chance to breathe, his reinforcements are already close at hand, the leopard embryo bow and long arrow have already whizzed and shone and flew to Zhang Sanfeng's throat a few meters away, the big man's golden long magic pestle has also swung to Zhang Sanfeng's back.

Backing down is tantamount to giving up the best chance to kill Tianyu.

Tianyu had this epiphany, plus he got the Yitian Sword offered by Du Yu on his own initiative, his strength was equal to several times, and it would be even more difficult to kill him in the future.

Zhang Sanfeng's white beard is windless and automatic, and the unique light of young people radiates from his pupils!

It was the light of adventure and passion.

Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou and other Wudang second-generation disciples could hardly recognize their master's face with such a heroic spirit!

And Zhang Sanfeng did not disappoint Du Yu either.

The Wudang sword in his hand stabs out!
Seeing the sword, Shi Feixuan cried out.

If Tianyu's kendo surprised her, Zhang Sanfeng's sword contained the way of heaven and earth, which made her feel incomparable admiration!

Admiration from the bottom of my heart.

If this sword still can't take Tianyu, Shi Feixuan feels that it is an insult to Tiandao.

It is true that there are people beyond human beings, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Tianyu's amazing blow, but met Zhang Sanfeng's truly shocking sword!
In Tian Yu's eyes, the calmness and self-confidence disappeared quickly, and after witnessing Zhang Sanfeng's exquisite sky-breaking sword, all he was left with was inferiority complex and panic!
"No!" Tianyu yelled in despair.

Only a crisp sound was heard!
Zhang Sanfeng's sword was sliced ​​into two by Yitian Sword's peerless sharpness, and split from the middle!
The big man with the demon pestle was overjoyed and laughed wildly: "Old man Zhang, although your sword moves are better than Tianyu, but who made you have a pig teammate and give the Yitian sword to Tianyu? You die!"

His subduing magic pestle was shot in the air, intending to put Zhang Sanfeng to death.

Who would have thought that Zhang Sanfeng's Taijiquan, with a breezy Tai Chi movement, and the white crane spread its wings, would block the thundering strike of the Subduing Demon Pestle on his arm!
The big man's eyes almost popped out.

His strength has already exceeded 90, even among the adventurers in the inner city, he is considered a powerful attacker.This golden demon-subduing pestle is a weapon that flows out of the A-level difficulty world. It has a strong attack power and a high-priority knockback effect.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanfeng took the blow so easily and freehand, and skillfully released the force, all the force was released to the ground, and the big bluestone under his feet cracked.

Taking advantage of the situation, Zhang Sanfeng snatched the Jiangmo pestle with six seals and four seals, and used three consecutive strokes to flash his palms, causing the big man to vomit blood and back away.

The leopard-born bow boy rushed to Tian Yu like lightning, and supported Tian Yu.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's long sword cut off by Tianyu's Yitian sword, the leopard-born bow boy was determined and smiled: "Tianyu, with this battle, you can already become one of the strongest in the inner city."

But Tianyu didn't respond.

Shi Guodong looked at Du Yu with a sneer and said, "This Sanfeng obviously has the real martial arts sword of the Wudang sect, which can cut gold and cut jade, but he refuses to use it. This time he lost to Tianyu, and he deserved it!"

Yamazaki belittled Zhang Sanfeng's Wudang Kungfu the most, and sneered: "This is just pretending to be forceful, but being stepped on by others! I am obviously not good at it, but I pretend to be a master. This time you lost to Tianyu, let's see how you Zhang Sanfeng can gain a foothold in the Jianghu! You Wudang knights! Are you convinced? You have practiced Wudang Kungfu, and you still refuse to hand it over?"

Song Yuanqiao looked up to the sky and laughed, Nikaido behind Yamazaki said angrily: "What are you laughing at, you idiot?"

Yu Lianzhou said coldly: "My master laughs at you for being so blind that you can't even tell the outcome! My master's ordinary iron sword is certainly not as powerful as the Yitian sword. But that day's words have long been severed by my master's sword energy. If you break your heart, you will die!"

Yamazaki and Shi Guodong looked at Tianyu in disbelief.

From Tian Yu's mouth, a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, staring fixedly at Zhang Sanfeng with a calm face, the Yitian sword in his hand fell off slowly, and fell to the ground with a plop, unable to struggle anymore.

Between his eyebrows, the aura of the peerless long sword turned into thousands of stars and particles, flew into the center of Zhang Sanfeng's forehead, and gradually condensed into a new aura.

That is the real martial arts sword of the Wudang sect!
This real martial arts atmosphere can not only greatly enhance Zhang Sanfeng's combat power, but also the sword's brilliance and Longquan Hongguang are Zhang Sanfeng's constant reliance on climbing to the heaven.In the future, when Zhang Sanfeng cultivates into a real sword fairy who roams the world, this sword will become his natal magic weapon.

After Zhang Sanfeng's weather was condensed, he waved his sleeves and said to Tian Yu's eyes that were gradually turning cold: "The reason why I don't use a real martial arts sword is because I want to sharpen and hone the real swordsmanship. When martial arts arrive, flying flowers and leaves can also become peerless Sharp weapon, if you hold the Yitian sword like this, you will think that you are invincible in the world, which is the taboo of practicing kung fu! Do you all remember?"

Finally, he faced Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou and others.

The Four Heroes of Wudang immediately struggled up and knelt down on the ground: "The master teaches by example, and reminds the disciples, and the disciples will follow the teachings."

Yamazaki looked furious, kicked Yu Lianzhou between the ribs, and kicked Yu Lianzhou to the ground: "You guys are so brave? Who told you to get up?"

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand blankly.

The Yitian sword that fell on the ground was automatically absorbed in his hand by his profound internal force.

Yitian sword pulled out a few sword flowers, Zhang Sanfeng looked even more immortal, elegant and dusty, Feng Qingyun said with a smile: "This Dongying swordsman, my disciples don't know how to offend you, but I am an old man on behalf of them." Please, please let them go now?"

(End of this chapter)

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