Chapter 727 One-on-one victory, the decisive battle begins! - Ask for a monthly pass!

He took a sword to kill Yu Wei of Tianyu, so cold as a sword fairy, he looked at Yamazaki.Even Yamazaki, who has always been defiant, felt a chill in the back of his head.

This is Zhang Sanfeng!

Tian Yu was so against the sky, but was beheaded by Zhang Sanfeng with a single sword.

Du Yu smiled at Zhang Sanfeng and said, "Third brother, you did a good job. Congratulations on becoming an adventurer."

Hearing this, Shi Guodong, Yamazaki, and even all the hostile adventurers were blinded.

What is this guy's name Zhang Sanfeng?
"Third brother?"

They always believed that although Zhang Sanfeng attacked Tianyu, it was because Du Yu was good at deceiving, and tricked Zhang Sanfeng to his side to act as a thug. Who would have thought of this; "Zhang Sanfeng is actually Du Yu's younger brother?

What's more, Zhang Sanfeng turned around and smiled at Du Yu, "Brother, I was lucky enough to succeed, thanks to your slap in the face. We will fight side by side in the future, and we need your support. Although I am more than a hundred years old, my younger brother, the matter of the Bloody City , I'm really at a loss."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng say these words so modestly, Shi Guodong and Yamazaki's eyes became even darker.

Dare to feel that this Sanfeng fierce man is actually Du Yu's younger brother, and it doesn't sound like he just met him, so he obviously accepted it a long time ago!

This Du Yu, why is he so against the heavens?

Actually accepted Zhang Sanfeng as a younger brother?

If the two of them had known about this situation earlier, they would have dared not to attack Du Yu even if they had the guts to do so.

Who is Zhang Sanfeng?
At this time, the only leader in the martial arts world is the boss!

With a single word from him, countless people can be mobilized to die for it.

The two looked at each other helplessly.

This Mitutoyo, despite his age, actually thinks of Du Yu as his elder brother, how capricious he is.

The young man with bow in leopard body and the big man with subduing demon pestle were the quickest to wake up from Zhang Sanfeng's explosive news, roared furiously, and attacked Zhang Sanfeng back and forth.

Shi Guodong also woke up in time.At this time, regardless of whether the opponent is Zhang Sanfeng or not, it is too late to regret it, so we can only strike ahead of time, and kill him while Zhang Sanfeng and Tian Yu have not regained their vigor in the fierce battle.

Otherwise, even if they have a large number of people, they cannot stop the combination of Zhang Sanfeng + Wolf Eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, the Yitian sword raised his eyebrows and pulled out of its sheath, and with one strike cut off the Nine Stars Lianzhu crazily shot by the leopard-womb bow boy.

The Jiangmochu of the big man was also flashed by Zhang Sanfeng's seemingly slow, but in fact exquisite movement.

That Yamazaki was also decisive, he made a quick decision, grabbed Yu Lianzhou, and shouted: "Old man Sanfeng! Do you still want the five disciples to live?"

If this mind-disturbing tactic was placed before Du Yu sticks to drink Zhang Sanfeng, it might make Zhang Sanfeng a little scruples, but at this time Zhang Sanfeng has been fighting faster and faster, and he has killed the big man with a single move. .

But Du Yu pouted at Yang Guo.

Yang Guo soared into the sky and threw himself at the Yamazaki team, aiming at the trapped Five Heroes of Song Yuanqiao.

The divine eagle also ran wildly, rushing towards the Yamazaki team.

The Yamazaki team saw a man and a bird and rushed towards them, but they didn't dare to neglect.

Although this person looks older than Zhang Sanfeng, who knows what a hermit is?
"Ghost Hattori" Hattori Motomo stabbed the ugly big eagle with a shuriken, trying to take his eyes away.

His shuriken is a unique skill.After throwing it, not only is it extremely accurate, but it can also spin around and injure the enemy.

Unexpectedly, the big eagle didn't pay attention to Hattori's main body at all, and with a wave of its big wings, it whipped up gusts of wind.As soon as the sharp shurikens flew into a distance of tens of meters around the eagle, they were swept up by the wind one after another, and a few hit the wings and fell off one after another.

The loss of the big eagle is just a few feathers.

But the other party was so ignorant that he angered Da Diao.

The big eagle screamed excitedly and rushed over.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yamazaki Ryuji was about to order to kill Song Yuanqiao and the others, but Yang Guo descended from the sky, his empty right arm sleeve danced strangely, and slapped Yamazaki Ryuji on the face!
Yamazaki Ryuji screamed and flew backwards.

How skillful is Yang Guo?With one move, Yamazaki Ryuji was sent flying, and with another move, he hit the face of Benimaru Nikaido, who was rushing towards him.

Hearing a crisp sound, Nikaido had already been crushed by Yang Guo's ecstasy palm, his nose was broken, he passed out as soon as he met his face, and flew away at an even faster speed.

Yang Guo showed his skills lightly, and shocked the entire Yamazaki team.

That arrogant and disdainful Yamazaki Ryuji, who looked down on Tang martial arts, flew upside down while looking at Yang Guo in horror.

Where did Du Yu get so many old men with high martial arts skills?
A Zhang Sanfeng has already made them walk around endlessly, who is it this time?

It was the third master next to Shi Guodong who was eye-catching, seeing Yang Guo's empty one-arm and the ugly statue, trembling with trembling spirit, said: "Could it be that this is Yang Guo?"

"Fart! Yang Guo has been dead for decades, right?" Shi Guodong yelled, "Guo Xiang, who is younger than Yang Guo, has changed three generations. How is it possible for Yang Guo?"

Before he finished speaking, another strongman of the Yamazaki team, "Tsunade", was slapped by Yang Guo's broken arm sleeve, which was full of energy, and made it spin like a small spinning top.Tsunade, who weighed hundreds of kilograms, finally collapsed to the ground.

Yang Guo lightly opened the acupoints of Song Yuanqiao and the others, Song Yuanqiao and the others stared dumbfounded, as if they were in a dream.

It wasn't until Yang Guo sent the Four Heroes of Wudang to Zhang Sanfeng's side with fluttering sleeves that Song Yuanqiao woke up like a dream and said, "Thank you for saving my life, senior hero. I don't know how to call it?"

Zhang Sanfeng cut off the weapon of the big man with the magic pestle with a single sword, but he smiled indifferently: "You just call this hero uncle! He is Yang Guo, the famous Condor Hero a hundred years ago! He is my senior brother. "

Hearing this, not only the Four Heroes of Wudang bowed to each other, but everyone in the Yamazaki team who was whipped around by Yang Guo cried bitterly.

Oh shit!

And let no one live?
A Zhang Sanfeng already made everyone feel miserable, and killed Tian Yu directly.

Then popped out a white beard Yang Guo?

This guy has more than 140, right?

To live up to now, still in Yitian Tulongji, embarrassing us?

Where did Du Yu find so many hidden experts?
Shi Guodong's eyes almost shot out with anger, looking at Du Yu.

Du Yu said indifferently: "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you. This is my second brother Yang Guo, and that is my third brother Zhang Sanfeng. We are all members of our own family, so we should get close to each other."

Yamazaki got up from the ground and screamed wildly: "Zhang Sanfeng, do you think it's over after you get back? Those precious disciples of yours have all eaten my special poison."

Before he finished speaking, Li Mochou sneered, and said with a wave of his life-defying whisk: "People from Dongying! The poison you are talking about should be the snake venom Orochi pill prepared in space, right? This thing can be considered powerful in space. It's a pity that I met my Chilian Fairy Li Mochou. This bit of poison is not enough to see."

She calmly walked in front of Song Yuanqiao and the others, and popped five pills with her fingers.

Song Yuanqiao and the others recognized that the person in the middle was the master who was highly respected by the master, and the people around the master would naturally not harm them, so they could safely swallow the antidote.Not long after, I felt abdominal pain like colic, and then I was covered in stinky sweat, and the toxins were gone.

Song Yuanqiao was the first to jump up, relaxed but with an angry face, and walked towards Song Qingshu behind the wolf pupil team.

After thinking about it, why didn't he know that it was Song Qingshu, a rebellious traitor, who caused the heroes of Wudang School to be like this?
Song Qingshu saw his father approaching with a sharp sword in his hand, his face turned pale with fright, and he shouted, "Master! Master! Help me. I was confused for a moment. Miss Zhou, help me!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a puff!
The long sword passed through the chest.

Song Qingshu immediately agreed.

With tears in his eyes, Song Yuanqiao pulled out the long sword from Aizi's chest, looked up to the sky and sighed, "Seventh brother Mo Shenggu, I have no way to teach my son, and I killed you. Senior brother has already executed Nizi, so I will come down to make amends to you!"

In his anger, he wiped his neck with his sword.

Zhang Sanfeng flicked Song Yuanqiao's long sword away with a stone, and shouted: "Yuanqiao! You have no way to teach your son, of course you have done it before, but the one who killed Mo Shenggu was from Dongying! You don't have to hurry to kill this beast!" Death, to avenge Shenggu?"

Song Yuanqiao nodded vigorously, and rushed towards Ryuji Yamazaki with his eyes wide open.

Yu Lianzhou, Yin Liting and other four people also got up from the ground and rushed towards Yamazaki Ryuji.

Along the way, they were humiliated by Yamazaki in every possible way, and Mo Shenggu's vengeance was even more serious. How could they not avenge them?

Seeing more and more enemies and getting stronger, Shi Guodong and Yamazaki Ryuji looked at each other, and both wanted to retreat.

Totally miscalculated this time.

Before Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team could move a finger, they kicked Zhang Sanfeng's iron plate, making Yang Guo and the Four Heroes of Wudang even more formidable enemies.

In such a desperate situation, they couldn't help but escape.

Who knows, Du Yu waved his hand.

Maishela of the wolf pupil team laughed loudly, and led the wolf pupil team members, blocking the retreat of the three strong teams with a murderous aura.

This time, after a bloody battle with three teams, the wolf pupil team tragically killed 7 team members. It can be said that there is no room for reconciliation.

Mai Sheila proudly said: "You three teams, don't you always claim to be a strong team? If we let you go out alive this time, wouldn't we be too useless?"

Shi Guodong, Shan Qi, and the young man with a leopard-shaped bow looked at each other, knowing that there was no way out today, but to fight to the death!

"Listen to my orders, shrink!" Shi Guodong roared angrily.

They faced the three masters Zhang Sanfeng, Yang Guo, and Du Yu, if they still fought on their own, they would only die.

He could only shrink the battle line, shrink into a fist, and fight against Du Yu and the Langtong team.

The total number of three strong teams is around 170.Following Shi Guodong's order, more than 60 close-combat adventurers formed two lines in front, sticking close to each other, holding shields and sharp knives, forming a solid line of defense.

The Tianyu team's demon-subduing man was replaced by a pair of short halberds, and together with Yamazaki's sumo Tsunade and the White Tiger team's Baihu, they formed the first melee camp.Although this wave of camp was the most inconspicuous in terms of quality, there were as many as 60 people, and they were all defensive adventurers. Their defense was high and their health was strong enough to delay the attacking sharpness of Du Yu and the wolf pupil team.

 Thank you for the reward of 5888!Thanks to book friend 150103234953152, book friend 150103234953152, volt002, so cold ice, innocent thoughts, frog fairy, ☆昜渁寒☆, luoke000, Wuma here, the train speeds up, how about you?, mom told me to eat , One water, one sky, book friends 150101175721166, and Mo Xingxing's enthusiastic support.The old pig will work hard.Today is the fourth watch outbreak.Ask for double monthly pass and subscription.

(End of this chapter)

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