Chapter 730 Divine soldiers descend from the sky, destroying the dead! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Du Yu is so forbearing, he would rather use the summoned beasts and the wolf-eyed team in the early stage to withstand the enemy's fierce fire, but also hide his own wolf-eyed beauty team, kill them at the critical moment, and give the enemy a deadly attack with no chance of resistance. strike!

Yamazaki Ryuji and Shi Guodong, both with their elites, had already shot out from both sides and could not return to help. They could only watch helplessly as this beautiful and dangerous women's army entered the rear of the three strong teams!

Their goal is also aimed at the auxiliary adventurers at the core of the team!
Once these adventurers are all wiped out, the three strong teams will lose their ability to resist and sustain!

Shi Guodong yelled furiously: "Leopard Tail Bow! You lead people to resist!"

The leopard-born bow boy also knew that it was a critical moment. He led the long-range adventurers, roared, drew out his melee weapon, and rushed towards Shi Feixuan and the others.

Although they are not good at melee combat, those supporters are even worse at it!

As long as they can hold back these unbelievably beautiful fairies and witches for a while, they can get back support from Shi Guodong and others, and the three strong teams can still form their fists and shrink back to defend.

Even with the addition of these beauties and masters, the wolf pupil team may still not be able to take down their three strong teams.

Then Hou Xiaobai and Zhao Min's forces will never sit back and watch Du Yu's side grow bigger, maybe they are secretly waiting for the opportunity at this time.

Anything is possible as long as you survive.

The battle was at its worst.

The leopard-born bow boy, with more than 20 long-range adventurers, flashed with various buffs.When they were in an emergency, they also received key buffs from the supporters.They are the only hope for the supporters.

Concubine Shixuan scolded softly, and the Sekong sword drew a brilliant ray of light, stabbing at the leopard-born bow boy who was rushing in front of him.

The young man with the leopard-womb bow let out a roar and used his bow fighting technique. The leopard-womb longbow swung, and with a bang, it hit Shi Feixuan's Sekong sword.

The Sekong sword and the longbow collided with each other!

The leopard-born bow boy turned over and kicked Shi Feixuan.

Concubine Shi Xuanmei's eyes were clear, and she flew back.

Since Shen Luoyan appeared, she has been calculating rapidly. In this large-scale battle, every combat factor has been reconstructed in 3D in her mind.

"Quick battle! Kill their supporter!" Shen Luoyan shouted.

In her mind, it can be clearly reflected.

If these supporters cannot be killed in a short period of time, the battle will inevitably fall into a bitter battle and a tug of war.

In that case, the loss of the wolf pupil team will increase exponentially.

The leopard-born bow boy and Hattori Motomo and others are also aware of this.

Therefore, they must stop these beauties in a short time at all costs.

"Shadow Clone!" Hattori Motomo pinched his handprints, and instantly divided one into four, and then divided into eight. They quickly swept up and shot at the team of beauties who were rushing towards them.

All the long-range adventurers, at all costs, used the most powerful melee skills, trying to stop the beauty team that came in surprise.

As long as it can be delayed for a second, it is a second.

Concubine Shixuan frowned, Sekong sword pierced a big tree in the air, and the tree exploded immediately, Concubine Shixuan turned around and jumped up, darting towards the battle formation again.

Hou Hou appeared like a ghost, and the Heavenly Demon Dafa was pushed to the limit, and the sound of tearing like brocade rang out from the space around her.

These more than 20 long-distance adventurers suddenly fell into the magic of the heavenly demon.

The long-distance adventurers suddenly staggered and turned pale.

"My internal strength is gone!" A powerful Tianyu team adventurer's complexion changed drastically.

"My ninjutsu can't be used!" Hattori Motomo sweated.

"I can't even use magic magic." The leopard-born bow boy's face was bleak.

Houhou's powerful field control skills formed a black hole-like existence. Within this effective range, everyone's internal power, magic, Taoism, and ninjutsu were all frozen and sealed.

These adventurers have never encountered such a strange situation.

No matter how strong the previous BOSS was, there has never been such a situation where even a single move could not be used!
Unable to use skills, forced to act as cannon fodder for close combat with the attributes of long-distance users, and facing such a terrifying army of beauties, the fate of these adventurers is almost doomed.

The Heavenly Demon of Houhou flew towards these long-distance adventurers with white clouds floating, giggling, and rolled up the panicked, pale-faced adventurers one by one, and threw them into the distance.

The three sisters, Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang, had intertwined shadows and sword auras. Wherever they passed, the part-time melee fighters didn't even have the strength to resist, and they were strangled by the three sisters' sword skills.

Xiaolongnv and Shifeixuan fired two swords together, respectively flying Hattori Motomo and Leopard-born Bow Boy, taking away the strongest resistance force of the opponent.

And Li Qinglu drove the alloy warhead, leaped high, and slammed down heavily. The shock wave oscillated and the long-distance fighters swayed to and fro. The iron fists and crushing that followed caused countless bones and tendons to be broken, and they vomited blood and flew back. Not even a second of delay.

Serena's sniper rifle, one by one, called the hostile adventurers who resisted strong resistance, and the adventurers who were killed by long-range sniper died extremely aggrieved.They are also sharpshooters who can penetrate Yang with a hundred steps, but they are forced to do such a promising career as cannon fodder.

But the most terrifying woman is Li Mochou, who used poison on a large scale.

A long-distance user who was desperately resisting was inexplicably hit by the killing whisk, his face was dark and his body stiffened, and he couldn't believe that he was killed in such a humiliating and humiliating manner.

Li Mochou is really like a fish in water. The various space poisons she developed showed their prowess in this battle, and they were more effective than any beauty's moves.Her life-killing whisk has become a prop for poisoning. Every time she swipes it, it can bring out a large wave of poison, invincible to those who block it.

Yilin was in the rear, constantly using various Buddhist methods to bless and assist her teammates to benefit her teammates who were charging forward.

And the most frightening thing is that these assault beauties are all riding the same terrifying beast mounts on their crotches.

The mount of Dongming salamander who is good at amphibious warfare and has infinite strength!
This is the Dongming salamander successfully raised in large-scale captivity in Shang Xiuxun Ranch!

These Eastern sea salamanders were the first to be included in the beauty team, and they were used for the first time in this bloody battle.

Even A'Zhu, Elizabeth and the others, who are not as good at martial arts, rode the Eastern Sea Salamander to charge into the battle, even if it was just to make up for it, they still wanted to attract the enemy's firepower and enhance their own momentum.

Participating in this kind of war together, the beauties of the wolf pupil team share life and death together, which is the best way to enhance friendship and understanding and achieve blood connection.

The wolf-eyed beauty team, riding Dongming salamanders, made a surprise attack and broke through the barely put together temporary defense line in one fell swoop.These long-distance adventurers who were reluctant to serve as cannon fodder were killed in pieces and died tragically on the spot, but they failed to hold the wolf pupil team for a long time.

Then came the turn of the important but fragile supporters.

Frightened and desperate, they ushered in the murderous beauty team and broke into the line of defense in one fell swoop.

And then there's the one-sided carnage.

The beauties knew very well that these strong men were the mortal enemies of their husband, Du Yu, and they wanted to put Du Yu to death many times, so they were merciless and ruthless in their attacks.

Serena's sniper rifle and Li Qinglu's shoulder-mounted main gun opened fire one after another, bombarding the fleeing enemies, causing the adventurers to be smashed to pieces.

Shen Luoyan commanded calmly: "The most important thing is not to let the enemy slip through the net. You, you, landed into the enemy's core by air. Feixuan, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, and Ning Zhongze rushed into the enemy's camp from different directions and separated them! Others charge with me, don't hesitate to kill someone!"

The beauties acted according to their plan and quickly broke into the chaotic camp of supporters.

They have never tried to kill so frantically in front of an invincible adventurer so readily.

Everything is to prevent this beloved person.

Even Shi Feixuan and Yilin, who have always been soft-hearted, ruthlessly killed and attacked the hostile adventurers.

The leopard-born bow boy and Hattori Motomo and other strong men knew that it was a critical moment. If Du Yu's team of strange soldiers and beauties killed all the supporters, they would definitely lose the battle.And in the closed environment of Spirit Snake Island, even if he was defeated and fled, where could he escape?In the face of the pressure of survival, the three strong teams united as one and broke out a powerful combat force.

The leopard-born bow boy flipped over with a beautiful kite, killed the little dragon girl from the air, and intercepted the little dragon girl. The bow fighting technique was activated with lightning, and cut a bloody bloodstain on the little dragon girl's thigh.

The 8 shadow clones of Hattori Motomo fell from the sky into the attacking beauty team, and the ninja famous sword Manganmaru stabbed the beauties of Shan Wanjing and Li Xiuning separately, trying to block the impact of the beauties.

And behind him, there was a Chunin who looked like Galford, and a handsome ninja dog rushed towards him together.

The long-range adventurers are not lambs to be slaughtered, all kinds of long-range firepower are poured over for free, trying to block the impact of these deadly beauties.

A bandit from the Tianyu team with a crossbow in hand shot the poisoned crossbow at Dugufeng who was rushing forward.

Holding a sharp sword, Dugufeng was slashing and killing a shadow clone of Hattori Motomo, but was accidentally pierced through the back by the poisonous crossbow, and screamed in pain, the sharp sword pierced the shadow clone.

The shadow clone shattered, but Dugufeng also fell down.

Li Mochou swung the whisk, and beat the thief who was trying to assassinate Dugufeng until his skull was shattered, and he rolled backwards in pain, but the ice soul silver needle that Li Mochou added made his whole body convulse and was poisoned , was killed on the spot.

Li Mochou fed Dugufeng the best antidote, but the thief's poison was so powerful that it could only be temporarily suppressed.She entrusted Dugufeng to Yilin, who was good at medical treatment, she gritted her teeth and rushed to the group of stubborn adventurers.

This is a real bloody battle.

In order to survive, the adventurers have brought out all the hidden skills, and the best skills in each world are constantly appearing gorgeously.

If it weren't for Du Yu's forbearance, and his ability to seize the opportunity, he would put the wolf pupil beauty team in the most unexpected position when the opponent's defense was weakest, break into the defense line, and the beauty team's casualties would increase exponentially.

(End of this chapter)

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