Chapter 731 The powerful enemy is killed, falling like rain! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Even so, under the desperate resistance of the long-range team and supporters of the Baihu, Tianyu, and Yamazaki teams, the wolf pupil beauty team still paid a big price.

Following Dugufeng, Shang Xiuxun was also slashed by Hattori Motomo, also known as Oni Hattori, with a slash by a ghost, and was seriously injured, but her merchant's swordsmanship also severely injured Oni Hattori's thigh.

The latter endured the severe pain, and with a lightning shuriken move, Shang Xiuxun's chest was pierced with two blood holes.

The concubine Xuan Dai frowned, scolded coquettishly, pierced Ghost Fubu's neck with a sword lightly, and decapitated him with the sword!
The head of Oni Hattori flew up in the air unbelievably, unwilling to be reconciled to his tragic death by such a powerful beauty sword.

Concubine Shixuan supported Shang Xiuxun, and shouted: "Yilin!"

Yilin's Dharma landed on Shang Xiuxun with incomparable precision.

Shang Xiuxun had just met, but Yilin was assassinated by a leopard-born bow boy.

This guy deeply hated Yilin for being so ruthless. He supported the medical and auxiliary work of the entire beauty team by himself, and used his strongest hidden skills to pierce Yilin through his heart with an arrow!
Yilin let out a miserable cry and fell backwards.

The young man with a leopard-womb bow is very powerful. He is the strongest attacker in the Tianyu team after Tianyu. At this time, he uses bow fighting and magic arrow shooting at the same time, which is really majestic.

But his end was soon to come.

Fu Junzhuo's long sword pierced the leopard-born bow boy to the pinnacle.The internal strength is abundant, and where the sword edge passes, there is a hissing sound of breaking the wind.

No matter how conceited this leopard-born bow boy was, he didn't dare to use the longbow to directly hit his front, turned to one side of his body, trying to dodge.

But Fu Junyu's long sword also followed, piercing here.And the last come first, it seems that the young man's whereabouts have already been determined.

The leopard-born bow boy really has incredible skills.Under the circumstance that it was absolutely impossible to escape, he was just an old tree blooming, and he jumped up strangely around the leopard bow. At the same time, the leopard bow turned up, preparing to give Fu Junyu a killer move in the air!
The long arrow is wound up, the spiked arrow is cold, and the murderous intent is shaking!
But at this moment, a frightened figure pierced out of the void like a flying fairy!
It turned out to be Fu Junqiang!

The youngest of the three sisters, the most beautiful of the beauties!
But at this time, Fu Junqiang's beautiful face was not at all coquettish, only clear, as clear as ice for thousands of years!

The leopard-born bow boy shouted, his agility broke through a hundred, otherwise it would be impossible for him to be one against ten against the heavens among so many strong beauties, but the three sisters Fu Junzhuo, Fu Junyu and Fu Junqiang cooperated seamlessly, and with Yi Jianzhi This technique has already predicted all the boy's reactions!
Just like three national players playing against a master, every move has a deep meaning, no matter how strong this peerless master is, he can't beat this deadly game of every step and every move!

Fu Junqiang is the ultimate move to kill!

A young boy with a leopard womb was pierced by Fu Junqiang with a sword!
He yelled, and on his handsome face, the fierce look of dying flashed past.

Archery is activated!
Fu Junqiang was about to be cut off by a bowstring like a blade, cutting off his beautiful snow neck like a swan!

A black lightning flashed, and a strange figure appeared from the void, pulling away Fu Junqiang who couldn't dodge!
The bowstring of the leopard-born bow boy fell into the air, and he looked desperately at the back of the pad that was pulled by the dying, and disappeared into the air.

His body sprayed out a cloud of blood and fell from the air.

In front of his eyes, the thrilling fierce fight when he saw Tianyu for the first time echoed.

Although Tian Yu is full of evil spirits, once he gets his approval, he is a reliable captain.

He still remembered that Tianyu once told him that he wanted to rise to Zifu District within 15 worlds, and challenge the Legendary Zhaixing Pavilion, which absolutely no one can pass through.

Zhaxing Pavilion.

The boy's hands stretched high towards the sky, trying to catch the stars all over the sky from the clear blue sky.

"Puff" "Puff!"

The two long swords of Fu Junzhuo and Fu Junyu pierced through the front and back chest of the leopard fetus bow boy from the front and back at the same time, piercing the boy to death in the sword cluster.

The young boy with bow in the leopard fetus, with bright red blood flowing out from the corner of his mouth, died with regret.

In space, this is the most normal fate for adventurers.

A strong man will eventually die on the battlefield, and the general will inevitably die immediately.

The illusory Star Picking Pavilion is destined not to be touched by ordinary adventurers.

The big man with the magic pestle is fighting the intruding divine sculpture on the front line.His weapon was cut off by the Yitian sword, and at this moment he was holding a spare mace and swung it violently.The divine eagles were also conceited of their divine power, neighing high-pitched, one man and one eagle really killed fiercely.

When the big man turned his head, he saw the tragic death of the leopard-born bow boy in the formation of Yijian, and suddenly became furious.

"Ahhh! Shall I rub you!" His muscles, like a demon god, swelled with steel and iron.

Shen Diao was also taken aback by his burning aura, and couldn't help taking a step back.

The big man swung his mace furiously.

Ma Quan, the deputy captain of the scout team of the wolf pupil team, was leading the scout team to charge from the flank, but he was hit by the mace that the big man ran away, hitting his shoulder, and his right shoulder was immediately shattered and fractured.

Ma Quan is also a brave general. As the deputy captain of the scout team, his agility and assassination are both strong.With a dodge, he dodged another attack, and dodged into the close body of the big man with the subduing magic pestle. The sharp B-level weapon dagger in his hand pierced the big man several times quickly, blood gushing like a fountain.

But the big man didn't realize it, and frantically swung the mace, fighting with Ma Quan.

The divine eagle saw the opportunity, and made a high-pitched neigh, which shocked the surrounding enemies. The slender and sharp beak pierced the big man's eyes like a knife!
The big man screamed wildly, his left eye had been pecked blind by the divine eagle, and the divine eagle's sharp claws flew up, ripping open his intestines.

Ma Quan endured the severe pain and stabbed the big man's throat with a knife.

The big man screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

When the battle reached this level, both sides lost a lot of possessions, completely red-eyed, and lost their minds.

Either you die or I die!

"Touch!" There was a crisp gunshot.

The big man's head, like a broken watermelon, was splashed and shattered, with brains flying all over the place.

His [Flying Pig] stunt was immediately interrupted and cancelled.

The hegemonic state was broken, and the big man fell on his back.

Brain gurgled out from the broken skull and flowed all over the ground.

Ma Quan saved his life and looked back gratefully.

With a stern face, Michelle unloaded and loaded the bullet: "Don't be careless."

Ma Quan nodded, and took out the US military field bandages exchanged at the Bloody City Gate from the team's public space, but was surprised to find that there was only the last one left.

He remembered that at the beginning of the war, the US military field bandages were still full.

It can be seen that the battle was fierce, and the team's strategic reserve had been exhausted in just ten minutes.

He put on a bandage, gritted his teeth and rushed to the core of the enemy.

There, Yamazaki Ryuji and Shi Guodong, with the last strength of the top three teams, started a desperate fight with the wolf pupil team.

This is a contest of blood and fire for adventurers.

Every negligence will be exchanged for the most severe punishment death.

Every cooperation is to take away the most precious life of the enemy.

Superb combat skills, hidden skills, extraordinary attributes, exquisite coordination, desperate bloody battles, desperate fights, and bloody tragic deaths are staged simultaneously in this dense battlefield.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, wherever it passed, the enemies were all broken and scattered.

He knew that his teammates and the beauties were all risking death at any time under the hail of bullets, fighting bloody battles with these stubborn enemies.

Du Yu was very anxious.

But he had to calm down, forcing himself to remain absolutely calm.

The more this kind of large-scale battlefield like a human meat grinder, the more the commander needs to be absolutely calm, even ignoring the coldness of his own sacrifice!
Otherwise, he will face more losses and sacrifices.

Fortunately, under the command of Shen Luoyan, Shi Feixuan, Houhou, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou and other beauties have successfully broken through the enemy's long-range and auxiliary teams, entered the enemy's core, and killed the enemy Human assistant adventurer.

Judging from the scene, the enemy's supporters have been killed and injured.The Beauty Wolf pupil team has successfully completed the mission of the fatal blow, and is approaching the enemy's powerful forward line, forming a front and rear pincer attack with itself.

The victory of the wolf pupil team and myself this time is precisely due to the villain attribute of this wolf Gu Xikuang!

I have the villain attribute that can subdue and summon the heroine of the plot. As an absolute core secret, even Michelle and the wolf pupil team don't know about it.This top-secret advantage was fully revealed in the bloody battle to determine the ownership of the outer city!

Looking at the frightened and desperate expressions of Yamazaki Ryuji and Shi Guodong, it is clear that they have no idea that they have such a powerful beauty team.

In fact, Du Yu owns the wolf pupil team and the beauty team, two top teams in the outer city.One light and one dark.The top three teams only counted the obvious, but they didn't know the Beauty and Raiders that Du Yu could summon from the void at any time.

This hole card determines the outcome of this war.

After the supporters were basically wiped out, the top three teams could no longer get enough gains.Minor injuries died, serious injuries worsened, and they could only wait for death.And the strengthening of attributes, halos, etc., all disappear with the passage of time.

As for the wolf pupil team, they can still get the buffs from Yilin, Rourou and other supporters. The wounded continue to recover their lives and are pulled back from the brink of death. At least their morale has been well encouraged.

Come and go, the outcome has been decided.

What's more, the joining of the three masters, Zhang Sanfeng, Yang Guo, and Shendiao, caught Shi Guodong and Yamazaki Ryuji off guard. Under the joint attack of the three masters, even the most experienced and well-equipped defenders could not resist. They rolled up or flew away one after another, and the defensive position was opened, and the warriors of the wolf pupil team who followed took advantage of the gap to enter and charged violently.

The battle has entered the final stage.

Yamazaki Ryuji and Shi Guodong were indeed full of despair in their hearts at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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