Chapter 732 Yamazaki pops beans!Du Yu's combo! - Ask for a monthly pass

They never imagined.

In Du Yu's hands, one hole card after another, he tore up his originally dominant and absolutely winning battle plan step by step, turning it into the mortal face of today.

First, the masters of both sides singled out.On my own side is Tianyu who owns the Yitian sword, and his swordsmanship is superb, but he doesn't understand it. He meets the real Zhang Sanfeng who is called the hidden BOSS of this world.tragic death.

Then the main forces of the two sides fought, and under the group fight, Yang Guo, Shendiao, and Du Yu came out again, and the master team formed by the opponent was shocked and torn apart.

Finally, Yamazaki and Shi Guodong, led the elite, attacked from both wings, regained the initiative, and crushed the superior wolf pupil team with absolute strength in numbers, but unexpectedly, 20 beautiful but powerful people appeared from the void behind them. The mighty beauties.

Adventurers are familiar with these beauties, and have even coveted them countless times, but no one has ever managed to get their hands on them.

But at this time, they are all for Du Yu.

These beauties have become the watershed in the battle, the winner.

After the long-range group and the auxiliary group were wiped out, there were only more than 80 melee groups left, surrounded by Du Yu, Zhang Sanfeng, Yang Guo, Shendiao and Wolf Tong, and the beauties pressing behind them. It was only a matter of time before the group was wiped out.

Could it be that he was going to die tragically on this deserted and uninhabited Spirit Snake Island?
To be buried here without a name?
Yamazaki Ryuji yelled furiously: "No! I am the noble blood of Yasaki Orochi, how can I lose to a mere Datang adventurer? Let me explode!"

The waistcoat on his body burst open suddenly, revealing a fleshy and demon-like body.

Yamazaki Ryuji's aura suddenly changed.

His weather power is also a wolf, but compared to Du Yu's wolf head, this wolf is more ferocious and full of bloodlust.

Du Yu is crazy, but Yamazaki is ruthless.

Yamazaki Ryuji is actually an adventurer. It was in the world of King of Fighters that he exchanged Yamazaki's blood, so he simply changed his name.He can be seen by Yamazaki Ryuji in the plot entirely because he is more ruthless than Yamazaki and more suitable as the blood heir of Orochi.

After this outbreak, Yamazaki Ryuji's aura suddenly changed, and his combat effectiveness was completely different from before!

Like King of Fighters' popping beans, Yamazaki Ryuji at this time has greatly improved his mobility, attack power, and priority of attack skills.

Furiously, he jumped over the well-defended Li Tang, and jumped into the wolf pupil team.

The target of the attack was still Rourou.

Rourou seems weak, but after she joined the wolf pupil team, her status in the team quickly rose, and she became the leader of the support team.Because her pharmaceutical talent is really extraordinary.

On the one hand, although the research and development of drugs has brought a lot of benefits to the team, on the other hand, as a professional pharmacist, the improvement of the grade and quality of pharmaceuticals by the weather of the jade rabbit is almost as heaven-defying as the weather of the white tiger has improved the power of Shi Guodong!

It is clearly a C-level pill, but after her own preparation, the effect can be raised to CC-level abruptly.It is the same even for advanced drugs such as Class B.

During the battle, Rourou also kept her eyes open and her ears listening to all directions. As long as someone fell down and a pill was used, the critical situation would be greatly improved immediately.

Du Yu was fighting with Shi Guodong, and with a move of diving into the abyss, Shi Guodong took three steps back and vomited blood, but suddenly found that Yamazaki launched another surprise attack, snorted coldly, leaped high, and rushed towards Yamazaki.

After Yamazaki popped the beans, his tactics also changed dramatically.Although Yamazaki was strong before, he always gave people a sinister feeling.Only when it is profitable and sure enough, he will make a decisive move, which will definitely severely damage the wolf pupil team members in front of him.But at this time, he seemed to be possessed by a big snake, his combat power was criss-crossing, the snake whip was mighty and staunch, and it was drawn on the wolf pupil team, the skin was ripped open, and blood flew everywhere.

Before Du Yuren arrived, Yamazaki Ryuuji couldn't breathe easily due to the fierce palm wind, so he raised his head involuntarily.

Witnessing Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng's inhumanity against the sky, he deeply felt this time that he underestimated the Tang martial arts system before, which was a big mistake!

It's not that Tang's martial arts are not good, but that the Tang adventurers he has seen before are at most Shi Guodong's level of martial arts, and most of them are vulnerable three-legged cats.

Facing Du Yu, Zhang Sanfeng, and Yang Guo, the great masters of martial arts, can you deeply feel the heaven-defying and perfect Tang martial arts!
It is a system that is broad and profound, as vast as the sea and as the sky, and boundless!
The biggest feature of this system is that it is endless!
Above martial arts is martial arts, above martial arts is immortal chivalry, and above immortal chivalry is becoming Buddha and immortal!

A martial arts such as the Nine Yin Manual and the Jue of Longevity can be practiced from the beginning of ordinary people, and has been practiced all the way to the Huangcheng District, or even the Zifu District, without falling behind!
The more tempered, the more profound, the more forged, the sharper!
Such an adventurer, in the difficulty of the outer city, can't see how against the sky, but at Du Yu's level, he has surpassed the acme that the so-called Yasaki Orochi and Eight Heroes can achieve!

The skills, bloodlines, skills, and magic of any other civilization are exhausted.

But Datang's martial arts are nonexistent!
Only in the martial arts system of the Tang Dynasty, humans and immortals, gods, demons, and Buddhas are actually equal, and there is no absolute bondage or imprisonment.As long as people continue to practice, they can finally see the way of heaven!
It's a pity that he, Ryuji Yamazaki, understood it too late.

He could only grit his teeth tightly and try to fight his way out of this desperate situation.

If he was able to return to the bloody city alive, he would suggest that the top management of the Black Dragon Association should spare no effort to obtain Datang's skills, and start to promote them among the adventurers in Japan.

Compared with the Tang Dynasty's martial arts, Shinto, ninjutsu, and swordsmanship, which were born and bred in Dongying, are easy to learn and even have an equal or even advantage in the early stage, but they are definitely not comparable in terms of development prospects and breadth and depth!

Yamazaki's snake whip lashed towards Du Yu fiercely.

At this time, his combat strength increased greatly, and his ferocity became fierce. The snake whip hissed and snaked in the air, biting towards Du Yu's neck like a poisonous snake that chooses someone to bite.

Du Yu's eyes were cold, and the Longevity Jue martial arts were running suddenly, as if stepping on an invisible springboard in the void, he changed direction again and jumped up!

Song Yuanqiao, Yin Liting and others who were rushing to kill all exclaimed at the same time: "Tiyun Zong!"

Zhang Sanfeng was surprised when he saw Du Yu's Ti Yunzong, and he laughed loudly: "Brother is really talented. I just improved Ti Yunzong's kung fu a little bit, and I was able to master it." Such a high level!"

Although the words were plain, the astonishment in Zhang Sanfeng's heart was beyond words!
On the boat sailing all the way, Du Yu once asked himself about Wudang Lai Yunzong's kung fu.Of course, he knew everything without saying anything, and passed on the unique skill of Ti Yunzong invented by himself to his eldest brother.But at that time, I also thought that even if the elder brother is a genius, it took decades for Ti Yunzong to practice to the highest level, and even if the elder brother holds Buddha's feet temporarily, it will take several years to become proficient.

Who would have thought that almost a few days later, the elder brother would have already displayed this Ladder Cloud Zong, with profound skills and smooth movements, not under the influence of decades of intensive research!
Zhang Sanfeng really admired Du Yu in his heart.

He no longer dared to think that he was a grand master, and he had to be respectful and respectful when serving his elder brother in the future, hoping that his elder brother would improve him a lot, so that he could get a glimpse of the way of heaven as soon as possible.

How did he know that Du Yu was able to train Ti Yunzong to this profound top-level realm within a few days, relying on blowing up the Bright Peak and earning a lot of villain points!
You must know that Du Yu originally had a 50% villain value exchange discount for exercises brought by the top-level Yijinjing, and he also practiced the Great Teleportation that can speed up the practice of all worldly exercises.Although Ti Yunzong, as a B-level light skill, has a unique advantage of flipping and moving in the air (simply speaking, it is equivalent to a second big jump in the air), but Du Yu only spent 12000 points to exchange it to the tenth level. value.

Level 10 Ti Yunzong brought Du Yu not only the freedom to fly in the air, the ability to move and jump, but also the deadly trump card to surprise the enemy.

Ti Yunzong, who was exchanged to the top level, also became Du Yu's 12th skill slot.In the gate of the Scarlet City, Du Yu expanded the skill slots to 14 in one go, 2 more than the others, which became his unique advantage in expanding his strength in an all-round way.

Yamazaki was caught by Du Yu's ladder cloud, jumped over the snake whip suddenly, and was about to perform another ultimate move, but was turned around in the air by Du Yu, and his feet had already kicked Yamazaki's shoulder heavily!
Yamazaki roared, Du Yu's shoulders were already kicked by Du Yu's innate qi, his shoulder blades were smashed, and he flew backwards.

Du Yu finally defeated Yamazaki Ryuji who was popping beans with his Wudang Lai Yunzong's top-level kung fu. He landed like a big bird, stomped violently on the ground, and rushed out like an angry lion!
He was so fast that he rushed to the side of Yamazaki who was about to land!

Yamazaki looked at Du Yu in horror.

One move, Dragon Elephant Ban Ruogong, hit his sternum as he was about to land!

Yamazaki howled miserably, and Du Yu's face was sprayed with blood.

Du Yu was full of the heroic pleasure of killing a person in ten steps, he laughed and flew up with one kick.

This kick, which contained innate qi, kicked Yamazaki Ryuji's waist and eyes hard!

There was only a crackling sound, and Yamazaki's lumbar spine was broken by Du Yu's kick.

Du Yu used his attack skill "Antelope Arriving at Fan" again. He rushed out like lightning, and added another blow, which slammed into Yamazaki Ryuji's ribs.

Ryuji Yamazaki screamed strangely, his ribs shattered and pierced into the internal organs, causing hemorrhage from the internal organs.

He knew that it was the moment of life and death, so he fell to the ground forcefully regardless of serious injuries, and the heavy leather shoes drew deep grooves on the ground.

Yamazaki barely stopped the flying posture, and with a furious snake whip, he lashed towards Du Yu.

His speed was faster at this time, as if the more serious his injuries, the more furious he was, and the stronger his combat effectiveness.

Du Yu was hit by Yamazaki's desperate blow, wrapped around his neck, and flew towards Yamazaki Ryuji.

With a roar, Yamazaki killed Du Yu with a blow to the head!
(End of this chapter)

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