Chapter 738 Pressing Shi Guodong hard, cannon fodder has no limit! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

If it enters the brain and heart, it will have a fatal effect.

Sure enough, Ah Si and the others couldn't bear the life and death talisman wandering around in their bodies, and the pain of thousands of ants gnawing their bones, they all gave up the task of chiseling the Shenpiaoxiang under the sea and swam like on the surface of the sea.

Du Yu sneered, and rushed towards Ah Si like a swimming fish.

Zhang Sanfeng's true energy was swept away, like a sword fairy in the sea, stabbing a Hou Xiaobai adventurer with ease.

And Yang Guo was even more powerful, the palm of Despairing Soul under the water had already hit a biochemically modified person.

This biochemical transformation of people is also extremely powerful.The body sunken strangely, like an inflatable doll that was suddenly deflated. The Depressed Soul Palm could have hit, but it landed in the empty space.

The biochemically modified person smiled charmingly, and said in the public channel: "Our body has long been completely modified, filled with 85% biochemical culture fluid, soaked in internal organs and supporting alloy bones, and it is invulnerable to all poisons. , and can perform all kinds of anti-joint skills that ordinary humans cannot do, and survive all kinds of extremely harsh environments. In terms of survivability, you are no match for me.”

Du Yu said coldly: "That's right! You are no longer human beings. You are just walking dead with the name of an adventurer!"

Yang Guo's one-armed sleeve bulged, and it slammed heavily on the soft and boneless biochemically modified human, causing the latter to roll over in the sea.

Du Yu took out an outdated underwater speargun, and without even aiming, he fired a speargun suddenly.

Although the body of the biochemically modified person is soft and boneless, even if Yang Guo's attack is full of true energy, it will not hurt him much, but Du Yu's attack with an elite weapon such as a spear gun is what he fears the most!

He screamed, but because Yang Guo couldn't dodge it with his internal strength, he was pierced by Du Yu's speargun.

Then, a large mass of yellow biochemical culture fluid suddenly gushed out of the sea, accompanied by the man's panic-stricken shout: "No! There's an oil leak. My culture fluid! Hurry up and save me!"

Du Yu laughed loudly: "I didn't expect my outdated speargun to still be effective."

He drew out the Doomsday Blade and stabbed Ah Si who was rushing like a high-speed torpedo.

Shi Guodong and the others also jumped down to the surface of the sea one after another, fighting with Ah Si and the others.

But Shi Guodong's idea was to work without any effort, to preserve his strength, sit and watch the wolf pupil team and Hou Xiaobai team, fight until the sky is dark and the sky is dark, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

It's a pity that with Du Yu around, their calculations are doomed to fail.

On the three main warships, Du Yu dispatched the main force of the Wolf Eye Team, including Mai Shela, to monitor the White Tiger Team and others, forcing them to charge forward in the side-to-side battle.Here in the battle of Piaoxiang, he only brought Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and a few wolf pupils to resist Ah Si and the others.However, Shi Guodong's remnant troops were divided into four parts, and it was difficult to contact them if they wanted to rebel.Shi Guodong himself was ordered by Du Yu to follow him to the sea to join the war.

At this time, the sea was shouting and shaking, and the three battleships of the wolf pupil team, blessed by the sea god's sacrifice, were extremely fast. Under the order, they jumped up reluctantly and acted as cannon fodder for the wolf pupil team, fighting with the Mongolian soldiers.

The wolf pupil team had already received Du Yu's instructions, and they were not in a hurry to make a move, but were monitoring the remaining adventurers who had surrendered.As long as anyone escapes or refuses to contribute, four or five weapons will be stabbed into the body at once, obliterated and kicked into the raging sea.

In this way, the 70 or so adventurers had to become the vanguard of the wolf pupil team in the battle with the Mongols, even if they wanted to rebel, it would be difficult to complete.

In desperation, they could only be angry and unwilling, braved the rain of Mongol arrows, jumped onto the enemy ship, slashed and killed, hoping to defeat the Mongolian navy as soon as possible and kill a bloody road.

Who made them the losers of the war?
Galford was attacking a Mongolian warship. The shadow avatar consisted of 8 phantoms, but 7 of them were shot through by the rain of arrows in the air, and the main body was also attacked, but at least he rushed up with his brothers, and started a crazy massacre , while yelling at Shi Guodong in the team channel: "Is there anything you can do? Now Du Yu is using us as cannon fodder."

"Du Yu was ready to fight at sea as soon as he came up. Dividing us into four is simply to use us." Shi Guodong felt bitter, punched a biochemical man from the fourth team and shouted: "Can you gather brothers together?"

"No!" Galford was full of bitterness. The wolf pupil team broke up all the teams. The people he led were very mixed. There were adventurers in the three teams, and the wolf pupil team's supervisor was watching, ready to stab in the back at any time. knife.To surrender and escape, one must take great risks.

As a result, he had no choice but to ask for more blessings, and was willing to bleed and sacrifice for Du Yu.

Seeing the remnants of the White Tigers and others, and having to fight for her own team, Michelle showed a happy smile.

It turned out that the boss had already figured out how to deal with these guys, that is, let them exhaust their last energy and life in the battle with Ah Si.

The so-called simmering frogs, sausages cut with a knife.


You will be counted first, and you will be allowed to surrender.

Then give poison, reasonable and reasonable.

Then divide it into several teams, break it up and use it, and send people to monitor it, which is reasonable.

Then to fight a naval battle with the enemy, it is doomed to fight on its own, and it is reasonable to fight to the death.

After a series of reasonable and reasonable events, more than 70 adventurers with different ambitions and unique skills unknowingly became the cannon fodder forward of the wolf pupil team. People risk their lives to fight.

They did not dare to surrender and rebel, because that would lead to a pincer attack from the front and rear at the same time, and they would die faster than anyone else.

I can only grit my teeth and persist, hoping that the battle will end as soon as possible.

Du Yu's battle in the sea was even more daring.

Using only himself, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, he firmly controlled Shi Guodong and a dozen rebellious adventurers, forcing them to fight with him.

As long as Shi Guodong showed a slight intention to retreat, Du Yu decisively led Zhang Sanfeng and Yang Guo to retreat further, leaving Shi Guodong and others behind, allowing Ah Si and others to attack wildly.

Ah Si didn't know the situation of Shi Guodong and others, as long as anyone who stood in his way was an enemy, he would be killed without mercy.

These biochemically modified people have long lost human emotions, and their attacks are extremely crazy, which can be called hysterical.

Shi Guodong and the others also tried to make peace with Ah Si and the others in secret, but to no avail, a particularly crazy biochemical adventurer shot and killed an accomplice of the White Tiger Team one after another, making Shi Guodong and the third master furious.

These crazy killing machines only know how to execute Hou Xiaobai's orders, and they will never be flexible.

In order to save their lives, Shi Guodong and others had no choice but to fight Ah Si and others.

The ferocious moves of Ah Si and the others emerged one after another, many of which even made Du Yu amazed.

Hou Xiaobai and his son brought the terrorist-terrorists to the extreme.

These biochemically modified humans who have no emotional lines and even ignore their own lives are the most chilling killing machines.

The most extreme guy, even when the enemy has severely injured himself, the culture fluid has flowed out in large quantities, and the treatment is hopeless, he will start the self-explosion process and die together with the enemy.

The muffled hum and explosion resounded through the underwater world under the Piaoxiang.

Du Yu poked his head out from the bottom of the sea, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng also poked their heads out, and took a deep breath.

The brutal battle between Shi Guodong and Ah Si and the others made the two well-informed masters feel chills in their hearts.

It really deserves to be a crazy bloody city that can cultivate such a pure assassin team with the purpose of killing people.

Fortunately, Du Yu insisted on not bringing down the main force of the wolf pupil team. Instead, the recovered Shi Guodong and others acted as the first wave of cannon fodder.

Shi Guodong's frightened and angry voice came from the space channel: "I said Du Yu! You are too insidious. This Ah Si team is so crazy, how can we let us deal with it alone? I have already killed 7 brothers, let me tell you If you don't send troops to rescue, I will surrender."

Du Yu smiled contemptuously: "You are a defeated general, are you qualified to negotiate terms with me? To tell you the truth, the poison of seven flowers and seven insects you have taken contains my special poison ingredients. If it is not for my unique solution Medicine, even if you find an immortal, it can’t save you! Check your Nimen acupoint, do you feel faint pain? Without my antidote, you will die from poison in 30 minutes.”

Shi Guodong cried out in despair: "You're lying. I used the special equipment of the Black Dragon Society, and I couldn't detect any other poisonous ingredients at all."

Du Yu smiled coldly: "No? That's good. You can join the enemy now and see if you die? I'm not afraid to tell you that the level of poison research of my wolf pupil team has already surpassed that of the Black Dragon Society."

Shi Guodong told himself that this was Du Yu's conspiracy, a few words of blackmail, but Du Yu was always cunning and cunning.If he said that his poison had no foreshadowing, even he didn't believe it.

He was poisoned by a strange poison, and was divided and monitored by Du Yu. Even if he was furious, he had no choice but to roar in grief and anger, and with the few remaining brothers, turned over and rushed into the sea to deal with Hou Xiaobai's team.

He will vent all his anger on Ah Si and the others.

Du Yu looked around the battlefield, the battle had entered its final stage.

The three warships that received the full blessing of the Sea God increased their offensive and defensive battles by 20%. Under the desperate charge of the adventurers of the White Tiger Team, they managed to kill the Mongols led by Zhao Min. Their heads rolled around, blood spattered, and countless corpses were left.

Zhao Min himself was astonished, why Cheng Kun, surrounded by so many top fighters who were desperate to fight, unexpectedly came to a salty fish to turn around, and it was a big whirlpool in the sea, and it was invincible in a boarding battle.

One after another, the Mongolian warships caught fire and were broken by the wolf pupil team.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Lu Zhangke suggested: "Princess, this time I really underestimated that villain Cheng Kun. Why don't we retreat temporarily, and when we get to the shore, we will order the army of King Runan, and it won't be too late to attack these gangsters again. ah."

(End of this chapter)

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