Chapter 739 Meteorological Weapons, Doomsday Collision!Ask for a monthly ticket
Zhao Min saw the group of White Tigers rushing, jumping, and charging without risking their lives, and felt chills in his heart. Hearing Lu Zhangke's suggestion, Rumeng woke up and said, "Okay! Let's retreat temporarily."

Hearing the humming of the Mongolian horn, Ah Si and the others who were fighting Shi Guodong at the bottom of the sea almost vomited blood.

I was about to suppress Shi Guodong and others, so why did Zhao Min retreat?
Could it be that the wolf pupil team is so fierce when fighting on the sea?

Hou Xiaobai, who was commanding remotely from behind, broke his fan again in a rage.

No one could have imagined that once Shi Guodong surrendered, he would be so determined to follow Du Yu against him.

Shi Guodong looked at his brother's corpse floating in the sea, and wanted to cry but had no tears.

These cyborgs of the Ah Si team fought desperately, like fanatical militants, and they couldn't stop it even if they wanted to.

He was filled with remorse.

Ever since he decided to fight against Du Yu, the nightmare for himself and the White Tigers began.

Now there is only half of his life left, and it depends on whether Du Yu is willing to save his dog's life.

How did you get to this point?

Du Yu looked at Zhao Min's flagship, which kept whining and blew the retreat horn, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Now that we have defeated Zhao Min, we must beat the dog in the water and kill the enemy!
He waved.

The battleship of the wolf pupil team set sail again, chasing after it fiercely.

Shi Guodong pleaded behind Du Yu: "Boss Du, I beg you, save the lives of the brothers. This sea battle is all mine."

Du Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Boss Shi. The next battle won't be so fierce. We should chase the poor with Remnant Yong and kill Ah Si and Zhao Min."

After merging with Shi Guodong, Ah Si's team also lost a lot, losing more than a dozen bioengineers.But the victorious wolf pupil team has gained momentum and is relentless, chasing after them frantically.

A look of madness flashed in Ah Si's eyes.

Since he sold his life to Hou Xiaobai and his son, he has already put life and death aside: "Go! Take out the props that the young master gave us, and teach these guys an unforgettable lesson!"

A bald and strong man, who is also a biochemical transformation person, said tremblingly: "Captain, if we use that weather weapon, we will be doomed! How about"

"Bang!" A shot rang out.

Ah Si coldly blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, and said ferociously: "The first rule of the Hou family's dead soldiers is to waver before the battle, and kill without mercy! Who dares to have an opinion?"

The others were silent.

Their lives are in the hands of humans, and Hou Xiaobai can ruin them with a single thought.

Ah Si said with a ferocious face: "Master Hou Xiaobai issued a death order to get Du Yu's head in this world. If we can't do it, we will be thrown into the refining furnace when we go back and recycled. It's better to fight for a big one." !"

His face was crazy, like a gambler eager to lose.

This time, Du Yu's ambush was thought to be a sure thing, but he didn't expect that Du Yu possessed such unfathomable naval combat skills, let alone that Shi Guodong would help Du Yu wholeheartedly, charge desperately, and repel his sneak attack.

"That's right." Hou Xiaobai waved the broken fan cruelly, disregarding his image at all, only seeing bloodthirsty and madness in his eyes: "Use the weather weapon I gave you. It is a real artifact developed by my Hou family. In the group Fighting the world is an unsolvable existence."

Ah Si kills people and establishes his prestige, and there are no dead men anymore. He dared to resist his order, and then took out a small satellite and stood it on the bow.

This small satellite weighs no more than tens of kilograms, but every link is ruthless and rigid, and the whole body is full of the taste of future high technology.

"If you want to die, let's die together." Ah Si laughed wildly, and pressed the launch button of the weather satellite.

Weather satellites, slowly rising.

It was slow at first, then accelerated, and soon accelerated into a comet, shooting directly into the sky from the ground.

Du Yu was at the bow of the ship, directing the pursuit of Zhao Min. Within 20 nautical miles, you must succeed, otherwise the land is dominated by Mongolian cavalry, and you will not be able to pursue it.

Only a sharp hiss was heard, and a comet suddenly appeared in the sky.

"What's that?" Michelle wondered.

Du Yu didn't answer, but his heart was filled with a sense of crisis.

This thing should be launched by the biochemical man, and it should be a deadly prop reserved as a bottom card.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a chill.

This is the weather of dragon and wolf, reminding him that the crisis is down, and he should act quickly.

"The remnants of Shi Guodong, how many people are left?" Du Yu asked Maishela.

Michela is as meticulous as a hair, and after receiving the order, she was very careful. Even if the three teams of adventurers died in battle, she made sure that no one slipped through the net.Hearing the words, he replied: "In the battle just now, 34 people died in the battle. The identities of the deceased have been confirmed, and the facts of death have been confirmed. 21 people from the fourth team were killed, and there are 38 adventurers left in the third team."

She blinked: "Don't worry, your secret will never be leaked into the space."

Du Yu nodded.

In this sea battle against Hou Xiaobai, he didn't use the beauty team, just to hide his strength.

This strength hides one more world, and it can mislead Hou Xiaobai by one more world.It's best to take out the beauty team when the final battle is over, surprise Hou Xiaobai and kill him by surprise.

In the sky, a group of red fire clouds suddenly formed.

The Huoshaoyun is like the arrival of the doomsday fire rain, and it continues to accelerate to form, and the sky is completely dyed, blood-red.

"Is this a weather weapon?" In the heart of the spatial castle, the well-informed Wang Yuyan cried out.

She was familiar with all kinds of weapon books in space, and found matching records.

"It's indeed a weather weapon. It's a weather weapon that creates a huge storm on the sea." Wang Yuyan read from the encyclopedia: "But the weather weapon is very expensive. The Tang military's inventory is also very scarce, and it is used to deal with the beast tide. How could it be here? Appear?"

A icy coldness flashed in Du Yu's eyes.

It must be Hou Xiaobai who stole the weapons in the army and used them against himself.

It must be illegal to use this thing in the plot world.

Caesar and other programmers, if only they still have energy, they will definitely get all the stolen goods this time, catch him and kill Ah Si and others.

But Caesar and others have no energy.

Du Yu resolutely held up the Doomsday Blade.

In this space, he has not used the skill of the Doomsday Judgment.

Since the opponent uses weather weapons, I'm not polite.

The meteorological weapons of the two sides collide, who is more powerful?
With a roar, bursts of dazzling light flashed on the Doomsday Blade, and then rushed to the sky.

In the sky, the Huoshao cloud formed again.

Doomsday, pouring down.

The target is Ah Si Zhao Min's fleet fleeing ahead.

Princess Zhao Min screamed, even if she is the princess and is in charge of the world, she has never seen such a devastating situation.

But on the surface of the sea, the meteorological weapon also formed a tenth-level powerful tropical cyclone, followed by a violent storm. Tornadoes and storms turned this sea area into a sea of ​​death.

The ancients at this time, seeing any of these situations, would call it a vision from heaven.This time, the two visions collided together!
The tenth-level tropical storm formed a storm that destroyed everything, and the doomsday judgment in the sky formed a meteor shower that washed away the world.

Half sea water, half flame.

Half is storm, half is fire.

Not to mention that Zhao Min has never seen this kind of vision, even adventurers, who has seen it?
Shi Guodong's face turned pale when he saw Du Yu's casual wave of his hand, which had the power to destroy heaven and earth.

He felt more and more how lucky he was to be able to stand on the bow of the ship alive.

Although I have heard Du Yu use this doomsday judgment to deal with others in the space, but I always feel that it is an exaggeration.How can it be so powerful?
Only after being there, did he feel that Du Yu was a little bolder and threw the Doomsday Judgment on his own team.I'm afraid that my more than 170 mouths will be smashed into meat sauce, burned into a barbecue, or the kind that is scorched when the fire is too high.

He tremblingly said: "Thank you, Brother Du, for not killing me."

Du Yu was watching the coming storm in front of him, and said coldly: "Oh, you are too weak. I don't think it is necessary to use this doomsday judgment to deal with you, and you need to spend 100 million survival points. No, it's just right. A weather weapon against Ah Si."

Shi Guodong was in a mess suddenly, his face was full of cows.

It turns out that because we think our three teams are too weak, there is no need to use 100 million survival points to recharge

Fuck, none of our three teams are worth 100 survival points?
Shi Guodong was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Deadly showers of meteors and fire fell on the fleeing Mongolian battleships, and only one battleship was seen, which was cut off by the middle and sank to the bottom of the sea.

In fact, Du Yu's idea was to use this heaven-defying technique of doomsday judgment to wipe out the Mongolian army in one fell swoop during the confrontation with King Ruyang's Mongolian army.

If it's just to deal with Zhao Min's fleet, it's a bit overkill, and it's a sledgehammer.

But at this time Hou Xiaobai actually used a meteorological weapon, and he had to use it as a countermeasure.

Doomsday and tropical storms are constantly competing in the sky, on the sea and under the sea.

Doomsday is constantly interfering with the formation of tropical storms.

Meteorological weapons, in order to play a role, must also obey the basic meteorological laws, and it is impossible to create them out of thin air.For example, if this tropical storm satellite is launched over the desert, it will be ten times more powerful, and there is no way to trigger a tropical cyclone to form a storm of this scale.

The reason why Du Yu used Doomsday Judgment was to use high-temperature doomsday fire rain to destroy the conditions for the formation of tropical storms. Anyway, this Doomsday Judgment will not harm his own troops, and it can interfere as much as it can.

The Doomsday Judgment sucked a lot of heat from the air, formed a rain of fire, and then poured it down. The basic conditions for the formation of a tropical storm were disturbed, and their power was reduced unconsciously.

Hou Xiaobai was so angry that he jumped up and down, hysterical and furious: "Si! Are you eating shit? Fire me another tropical storm weapon. I want this ship to be destroyed!"

Ah Si completely obeyed Hou Xiaobai's orders, took out a weather satellite again, and was about to launch it into space.

 Thank you, dear, ok, so cold ice, Wuma here, Dongshao Qiankun, volt002, Tianjinghuntian Baojian, if you aw, rising sun, keirai, pink monkey, ☆昜渁han☆, etc. Give generously!Today is the fifth watch of the old pig!On the last day, the monthly ticket is doubled, please ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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