Chapter 740 Destroy the hurricane, annihilate with a flick of a finger! - Ask for a monthly pass

Unexpectedly, Zhao Min screamed and ordered the elder Xuanming: "Stop him! I don't want to die here."

Although Zhao Min didn't understand the principle of the weather satellite, he saw that Ah Si launched the satellite and caused an abnormal sky phenomenon.The elder Xuanming didn't want to die here even more, and they both rushed towards Ah Si: "Bastard! Stop! Didn't you hear what Princess Shaomin said?"

Ah Si waved his hand coldly.

The dead warrior adventurers in the team jumped up to block the elder Xuanming.

Zhao Min shouted angrily: "Reverse! Reverse!"

The elder Xuanming waved his hands, and Mongolian masters such as Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, and Bada Shenjian rushed to Ah Si to prevent him from launching the weather satellite again.

The ancients revered the sky, and everyone knew that it was very ominous to see Ah Si's strange tricks to interfere with the sky.

Ah Si grinned ferociously, and ordered the soldiers to faithfully carry out Hou Xiaobai's orders, blocking Zhao Min's Mongol masters, and pressed the weather satellite's ascension button again.

Another weather satellite, launched again.

This meteorological weapon is certainly not Chinese cabbage.Even the military of the Great Tang Empire does not have many.Usually, two weather satellites are enough to deal with animal hordes.But Hou Xiaobai avenged his personal revenge publicly and used this thing against Du Yu, which can be said to be his heart.

But after the two weather satellites overlapped, the formation of the tropical cyclone suddenly accelerated!
In the calm sky above the sea, the wind and clouds are surging, forming a large cyclone with a width of tens of kilometers!
If you look down from the sky, the white clouds are gathering towards the center at a very high speed, the air on the sea surface is getting hotter and hotter, and the broken sawdust of the battleship is flying upwards in the warm hot wind.

"This..." Michelle's face changed: "I'm afraid this will form a hurricane with a scale exceeding level 5."

"The superimposition of the two celestial phenomena effects will produce a terrifying effect." Du Yu's face was solemn: "These two meteorological weapons are estimated to be worth more than tens of millions of survival points. Hou Xiaobai used them to deal with our wolf pupil team. He was really afraid that we would not die." .”

As soon as he moved the celestial phenomena.

The power of the Doomsday Judgment is constantly increasing.

An adventurer who knows weather science suddenly said: "The Doomsday Judgment can release a large amount of heat and interfere with the formation and trajectory of tropical cyclones such as typhoons and hurricanes. Boss, you use this skill, it is just right. But unfortunately, two weather weapons The power is too great, and the doomsday judgment is not enough to fight against."

Du Yu's face sank like water.

If this weather weapon cannot be stopped, the four warships will be destroyed.

This hurricane exceeding category 5 can be called a natural disaster.In the face of this devastating storm, he was afraid that his wolf pupil team would suffer heavy losses.

He secretly hated that this Hou Xiaobai would really make trouble.

Everyone could see that this doomsday judgment was gradually being suppressed by the forming tropical hurricane, and it was about to form a devastating blow to the wolf pupil team.

Mai Xue pulled her teeth tightly and shouted: "Otherwise, let's abandon the ship. As long as we jump into the sea, we should be able to avoid a lot of damage from the hurricane."

The adventurer who knew weather science said with a pale face: "It's useless. A level 5 hurricane can already roll up hundreds of tons of seawater, forming a sky phenomenon in which a dragon absorbs water. We will be pulled out of the sea, just like a vacuum cleaner against dust, Then he was thrown thousands of meters into the sky. Even an adventurer's digitalized body can't stop the unpredictability of that day. We are doomed!"

Ah Si's dead face showed a hint of fanaticism.

"Although we will inevitably be destroyed by the hurricane, your wolf pupil team is doomed this time

!The sweeping range of this hurricane is at least 1000 kilometers. (A devastating hurricane in the United States once reached a radius of 1700 kilometers, covering the Atlantic Ocean) Where can you escape? "

Hou Xiaobai held his fan tightly, sat in front of the screen, stared at Du Yu's wolf pupil team with bright eyes, and was gradually covered by the hurricane, nervously waiting for the moment when the wolf pupil team would be destroyed.

"Yes! Come on! For this moment, I spared no expense on money and meteorological weapons, just waiting to see your wonderful look. Don't let me down. Hahaha! After being torn apart by the hurricane, I I will visit you." Hou Xiaobai gritted his teeth and said.

He was humiliated by Du Yu in public, knelt down and called him grandpa, almost wanting to die.

This time finally pushed Du Yu to a desperate situation again.

In the heart of Du Yu's castle, Shen Luoyan's exclamation also sounded: "The only solution now is to use the heart of the castle to form a castle on the sea. Although the heart of the castle will inevitably be destroyed by the hurricane in the end, at least it can sustain Stay for a while. Or, use your angel wings and escape yourself. But"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "I will never abandon the wolf pupil team and run away on my own."

He was clear.

Hou Xiaobai is afraid of him because of his strength.As a strong team in the outer city, the wolf pupil team is naturally one of Du Yu's talismans.If he was completely killed and fled back to the space alone, Du Yu would not be able to continue to fight against Hou Xiaobai.

Hou Xiaobai laughed wildly and said: "Run away. You just run away. I see if you escape by yourself, who will dare to follow you in the future. But with these burdens, you will never be able to escape my weather weapon."

The eyes of Mai Shela and others were all focused on Du Yu.

Michelle said tremblingly: "Captain, we all know that you have angel wings, you can go. I don't blame you at all."

Li Tang said in a deep voice: "Let's jump into the sea and see if this meteorological weapon is as indestructible as the legend says. I don't believe that the [-]-meter-deep sea can't stop the power of this hurricane."

Le Qun was the last to join the team, and seeing Du Yu's calm face, he couldn't help being surprised and admired.

Putting aside his strength, Du Yu's leadership alone made him heartbroken.

He obviously has angel wings that can fly thousands of miles away and can avoid disasters, but he took the initiative to stay and face the terrifying celestial phenomenon with his team members.

This kind of righteousness is the spiritual pillar of adventurers.

Never give up, never give up.

The wolf pupil team members had tears in their eyes.

Du Yu said indifferently: "Just a mere celestial phenomenon, you want to conquer my wolf pupil team?"

In front of his chest, a ray of light shines out!

That is the light of the legendary Heshi jade seal.

This Heshibi Jade Seal was pieced together by Du Yu from the Bloody City Gate and the Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty through untold hardships.Normally, I can't see any abnormality in it, but today I encountered a catastrophe, and I saw the dazzling and magnificent He's Bi!

He's Bi actually emitted a bright light.

Of course, other than Du Yu, no one else could see it.But from the soft light on Du Yu's body, I can feel from the bottom of my heart that Du Yu's extraordinary momentum is like a real dragon descending from the sky, and a king coming to the world!

Coupled with Du Yu's act of loyalty in a dangerous situation, and he was never alone. For a while, not only the more than 40 adventurers of the wolf pupil team felt the trembling and admiration of their souls from the bottom of their hearts. Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng felt deep admiration for their elder brother Du Yu.

The biggest function of this jade seal is that it allows the owner to passively possess the aura of destiny, and the people around him will unconsciously feel infected and inspired by him.This is also the real reason why the emperor wanted to find this object at all costs.Second, it can greatly increase the user's skill priority!

What Du Yu used with He's Bi is precisely its function of increasing priority!

The reason why his Doomsday Judgment was suppressed by two superimposed weather weapons was nothing more than the priority of skills, which was surpassed by the weather weapon developed with all the efforts of the whole country.

Although the Doomsday Judgment can be called a miracle, the meteorological weapon is a military weapon developed by the Tang Empire to deal with the beast tide. The level of the two sides is actually higher than the latter.What's more, Hou Xiaobai was afraid that Du Yu would not die, so he superimposed the two precious weather weapons in one breath, creating a superimposed tidal effect and exerting more pressure on Du Yu.

As long as the priority of the Doomsday Judgment is raised above the weather weapon, the destructive hurricane can be suppressed in turn.

With a smile on his lips, Du Yu flew higher and higher.

The magical power contained in He's Bi gave him the possibility to raise a certain skill to a higher priority.

He waved lightly.

The power of spatial rules began to surge into the Heshi Jade Seal.

The Heshi Jade Seal was shining brightly, and the Doomsday Blade in Du Yu's hand was even more dazzling, making it hard to look at.

The Doomsday Judgment and the Hurricane of Destruction, which are fiercely confronting the air and the sea, have finally reversed their offensive and defensive momentum.

The red burning clouds gradually suppressed the swirling black clouds, dyeing the entire sky red.

The violent hurricane was gradually replaced by fiery wind, no longer spinning wildly, but pressing downward.

The sky is getting colder and the temperature is getting hotter.

The conditions for forming a hurricane are being withdrawn one by one, and the tropical hurricane that has been brewing for a long time and is about to erupt is slowly dissipating.

"Long live our captain!" Michelle cheered and couldn't help shouting such a provocative slogan.

In space, adventurers are more wild and free, but they also worship the strong.

The wolf pupil team suddenly fell into madness.Li Tang, Le Qun, Hu Yijun, Ma Quan and others shouted Du Yu's name excitedly.

Even Shi Guodong and others from the White Tiger Team, who were in the same boat, couldn't help but yelled, and they didn't want to be ignorant and die tragically in the destructive hurricane.

No one can keep calm, everyone is yelling, trying to vent the excitement and passion in the heart of the near-death.

Ah Si stared dumbfounded at Du Yu in the air, completely confused about what moves this man used to control such a large-scale celestial phenomenon.

These are two meteorological weapon satellites, the terrible sky phenomenon caused by them.If used in space warfare, it can destroy an army of adventurers or a city.

Although Hou Xiaobai couldn't see the light of He's Jade Seal, he saw Du Yu soaring high, and when he saw Du Yu raised his hand, he dissolved the tropical hurricane he painstakingly created into invisible, his eyes almost went wide come out.

Isn't this Nima too mysterious?

Is he a god?
When this thought came out, Hou Xiaobai was taken aback by himself.

Really, Du Yu will break through the killing situation every time he painstakingly creates, and Hou Xiaobai can't help but think otherwise.

That's a full two weather satellites!
Not an ordinary weapon.

Even if Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team can't be killed, Hou Xiaobai doesn't know what method to use to destroy this person!
(End of this chapter)

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