Chapter 741 Slaughtering Biochemical Humans, Enslaving Shi Guodong
Du Yu completely controlled the celestial phenomena, which was the result of the dual forces of Heshi Jade Seal and his space power.

But since the hurricane is formed, it does not conform to the rules of space if it is not used.

He simply waved his hand.

Under the attention of Maishela and other wolf pupil teams, Shen Luoyan and other beauty teams, Shi Guodong and other white tiger teams, etc., the devastating hurricane, under the command of Du Yu, began to change direction and head towards the location of Zhao Min's fleet. , seemingly slow but actually moving away quickly.

Zhao Min screamed, even the descendants of the Mongolian Golden Family could only scream out of control in the face of such unpredictable heavenly power.

The Mongolian fleet was uprooted by the crazy hurricane, and one after another, they were swept from the sea to the sky as high as a thousand meters by the violent hurricane!

But the solid battleship, in front of the crazy hurricane, in front of the violent force with a wind speed of up to 35 meters per second, was immediately smashed into pieces, turned into ashes, and flew into the sky.

The Mongols, flesh and blood, had already been torn to pieces in the hurricane.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the loyal Ada held down Zhao Min's head and jumped into the sea. The power of the hurricane was also weakened by Du Yu's doomsday judgment interference, and it couldn't reach the level 5 standard. After a burst of madness, Disappearing

There was a torrential rain in the air, which drenched everyone's body, but the fervent enthusiasm of the wolf pupil team did not abate in the slightest.

His team won.

This time, the ability to Kehou Xiaobai's grandson's conspiracy to crush his team really relied entirely on the captain's heaven-defying skills.

Up to now, everyone still hasn't figured out what technique Du Yu used to bring this terrible hurricane natural disaster to the enemy.

Du Yu said solemnly: "Don't be careless. Hou Xiaobai's team is not dead yet. Be careful under the sea."

Only then did everyone wake up from their endless admiration and awe of Du Yu, and under the command of Mai Shela, they began to search for Hou Xiaobai's Ah Si team.

This poor Ah Si didn't even have a name at all. It is estimated that Hou Xiaobai called him by a code name.Everyone simply called him Ah Si, which was a bit human.

Shi Guodong rolled his eyes and winked at Galford: "I am willing to take people down to search for this Si."

He jumped into the sea first.

Galford and the others also jumped down one after another.

Seeing that Du Yu dealt with Hou Xiaobai with such awe-inspiring power, what extravagant hope could Shi Guodong have?
He was already terrified by Du Yu's divine intimidation. Staying for a second longer would be a torment for Shi Guodong.

He didn't have the courage to protest to Du Yu that fighting was used as cannon fodder, and he just wanted to escape, as far away as possible.

This time he finally made up his mind, no matter what, he must return to the space immediately.

Even if he paid the price of the whole body equipment, he had to leave this terrible Du Yu, and leave this terrible world that broke his heart.

Back in the bloody city, even if he sells himself to the boss, it's better than staying by Du Yu's side.

As a space veteran, Shi Guodong knew very well that it was impossible for Du Yu to let his big enemy go.It can be seen from the battle that he is clearly using himself to reduce the loss of the wolf pupil team.

This time, in the battle with the desperadoes Ah Si team, none of the wolf pupil team died, but he paid the lives of more than 30 adventurers.

Du Yu still has to deal with Mingjiao.

How many people can survive in the end?

As soon as he jumped into the sea, he told everyone in the team channel that as long as he left the fighting state, he would return immediately, and don't worry about the equipment.

Galford, San Ye and others also knew that Du Yu could not let them go, so they all chose to jump into the sea and then forced their way back.

"You haven't completed the three tasks yet. If you choose to forcefully return, you need to pay double the penalty."

The space prompt sounded mercilessly.

At the moment when everyone was trying to choose yes, suddenly Wan Hou giggled and appeared on the bottom of the sea.

"I haven't had enough fun, are you leaving?" Houhou Tianmo Dafa said with all his strength, giggling.

Around her, a black hole-like enchantment suddenly appeared!
Everyone was returning, and they were suddenly pulled into a fighting state by Houhou!
Combat status cannot be returned.

Du Yu jumped down lightly, and the ghostly prison roared, interrupting the return process of many people.

Both of them used range attacks, Shi Guodong and others vomited blood and surfaced.

Shi Guodong's face was ashen, and he roared angrily: "Du Yu, stay on the front line! You plan to drive out my three teams of more than 170 adventurers, and kill them all?"

Du Yu said calmly, "I'm not killing you, but saving you, look!"

Du Yu pointed.

Shi Guodong looked, from the bottom of the sea, several floating corpses of adventurers gradually emerged.It turned out that the remnants of the three teams jumped into the sea and fled collectively just now, and they were quite scattered. Even if Du Yu and Houhou had made preparations, they could not interrupt everyone's return.

Therefore, these fish that slipped through the net, thinking that they had escaped a catastrophe, excitedly chose to return by force.

So they turned into dead bodies.

Seeing the horrific corpse, Shi Guodong was stunned for a while, full of horror and said: "What kind of poison did you give us?"

He wouldn't be so naive as to think that Du Yu is still lying to him now, because the bloody facts let Shi Guodong and others understand that Du Yu's words that you don't want to escape the poison are true.

Before Du Yu could speak, Li Mochou's beautiful figure appeared on the sea. She was stepping on a piece of broken wood, but she floated up and down like a fairy, and said leisurely like a Guanyin, "The poison is indeed prepared by me." The poison of seven insects and seven flowers, but unfortunately, I added an absolutely non-toxic medicine in it. The effect is that as long as you are more than a certain distance from my master, you will die immediately. So the master kindly advises you, don't take it. Forcibly returning, and coming down to save people. You are really biting Lu Dongbin, and you don't know good people."

Shi Guodong and the others stared blankly, almost blown away.

You are researching such a vicious medicine, and you still say that we don't know how to flatter, and we are looking for a dead end?

But this also completely cut off the escape route back to the space, and the remaining 30 people have completely sold their lives to Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled very kindly: "Everyone, don't despair. They are all adventurers, and I will not kill them all. As long as you continue to help me fight, I will let you go in the end."

Shi Guodong drifted with the tide, like a walking corpse, completely speechless and expressionless.

Continue to help me fight?

This kid is clearly using us as cannon fodder to continue to make ample profit in this world.

But who dares to complain?
Looking at the rising and falling corpses of their companions around them, the hearts of all the strong men from the three teams became numb.

Who made himself close his eyes and fight against this vicious and terrifying Du Yu?

If there is still a chance to choose, I will definitely not be stupid again.

At this moment, Michela suddenly shouted: "I found the trace of Ah Si and the others."

Du Yu immediately ordered: "Loyal dogs, no, it's adventurers, hurry up!"

Shi Guodong and the others vented their anger on Ah Si and the others again, and went to sea to hunt down these dead adventurers.

Ah Si and the others were blown to pieces by the hurricane. Many people died tragically in the hurricane, and were torn into pieces, scattered everywhere.

But there are still a few players, like Ah Si who defy the sky and survive tenaciously.

However, Shi Guodong and the Langtong team scoured the bottom of the sea carefully, and finally these dead adventurers were picked out one by one, and then they were tied up and thrown onto the boat.

A total of 11 dead warrior adventurers were captured alive by the wolf pupil team.

Du Yu lazily waved his hand.

Under Michela's assignment, the adventurers who made great achievements in several battles in the wolf pupil team came out collectively, and ruthlessly aimed at the vital points of the dead adventurers.

Ah Si and the others knelt on the ground, like prisoners waiting to be executed.But in their eyes, there is not much nostalgia for the world, but a sense of fatigue and relief.

This body is nothing but a cage in which the soul is imprisoned, and being killed is nothing but the release of the soul.

Finally, I don't have to look at Hou Xiaobai's face anymore.




The sound of various hot and cold weapons entering the flesh came and went.


The 11 corpses that lost their lives all fell on Class A, and the yellow culture fluid and internal organs slowly flowed out, completely staining Class A.The air was filled with the strange smell of blood, engine oil, and culture fluid, which was disgusting.

"Mother!" Shan Wanjing hid in Du Yu's arms in fright when she saw such a disgusting and cruel scene on the Piaoxiang.Du Yu smiled and stroked her hair.

Du Yu never felt that he was cruel.

As a space adventurer, there are only two ways to kill and be killed.

Either, it is my companion, or, it is my enemy.

Companions, I will risk my life to save them, but enemies, I will never show mercy.

His cold gaze swept towards Shi Guodong and the others.

Shi Guodong was shocked by such a tragic scene of massacre, and his mind was disturbed.Although he has seen similar scenes in the past, they were all for the sake of fish and meat. Now, the Ah Si team has been completely wiped out, and his good days will not last long.

He suddenly looked forward to, can this Du Yu stay in this world for two more days?
Don't say that Shi Guodong is not a man enough, ants are greedy for life, let alone he was once a master?

Seeing Ah Si's face still smiling strangely after his death, Shi Guodong felt tormented.

The murderous Langtong team members took down the bloody key floating on the corpses of Ah Si and the others, and opened the treasure with happy faces.Killing people to seize treasures and devouring weather are the rewards given to them by the team for fighting bravely.

The wolf pupil team members who missed the chance to kill, glanced at Shi Guodong, Sanye, Baihu, Galford and others maliciously, while chasing those proud winners in twos and threes, trying to get a share of the bloody key soup.

Shi Guodong and the others were even more concerned.

In the eyes of the wolf pupil team, he and others are just lambs to be slaughtered, right?

But Shi Guodong and the others had no choice but to face the marking of Mai Shela and the others.

If you can't escape, you have to accept your fate.

Du Yu's gaze was like a torch, still scanning around on the sea.

"Who are you looking for?" Zhou Zhiruo wondered.

Du Yu smiled: "The Mongolian Princess Zhao Min should still be around. Finding her will save a lot of trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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