Chapter 742 Persia chases and kills, justice saves the Dragon King! -Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch

Dai Qisi's complexion changed drastically, a look of fear flashed past, and even Yingying knelt down before Du Yu.

Du Yu never hardened his heart towards beauties, he smiled wryly and helped Dai Qisi up: "Why is this madam?"

Dai Qisi's beautiful eyes were full of tears, and when she touched Du Yu's big hand, Du Yu felt that this Zishan Dragon King, who was named the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world, was as soft as boneless and as slippery as jade, so he couldn't help but feel his heart flutter.

Dai Qisi sighed: "Since Master Cheng Kun is well aware of Dai Qisi's situation, and time is running out, I will not talk nonsense. I was originally one of the saints of the Persian General Altar of the Zoroastrian Cult, and I lived overseas. At this time, the last saint in the main altar passed away, and sent people to search for Zhongtu, and wanted to take me back. But I was married and gave birth to a daughter, and if I was caught, I would only die. Since I can't beat you, I can't make it up The thing of sin, I only ask Master Cheng Kun for one thing. Take Xiao Zhao away and fly far away, don't let this child fall into the hands of the envoy of the main altar, even if Dai Qisi goes to hell, she will be grateful!"

Before Du Yu could speak, Xiao Zhao burst into tears, but he heard that the Persian envoys were coming here to search.

With tears in her beautiful eyes, Dai Qisi bowed deeply to Du Yu.At this moment, all thoughts in her heart were lost, only to save her daughter Xiao Zhao, she took a deep look at Xiao Zhao, and said with tears in her eyes: "My poor child, mother will go!"

Her purple phantom suddenly flew towards the dense forest beside her, her skillful movements were astounding.

While Dai Qisi flew away, she took the initiative to demonstrate to the messenger in Persian.

Du Yu felt pity in his heart.

This Zishan Dragon King has never been a good man and a believer in her life. From her breaking with Mingjiao, slaughtering Hu Qingniu for Mr. Yinye, plotting against Xie Xun for revenge, etc., it can be seen that this woman is determined to achieve her goal and has a personality of vengeance. .Even her biological daughter, Xiao Zhao, only saw her once in two or three years, and sent her to the Mingjiao Guangming Peak with all her heart to steal the Great Teleportation of the Universe. She was by no means a gentle mother.

But at this moment, when the catastrophe is approaching, in order to protect Xiao Zhao, she would rather speak out to lure the enemy by herself, but she is affectionate and motherly.

Those Persian envoys who flew around immediately recognized Dai Qisi's Persian language, and flew towards Dai Qisi's purple phantom from different directions.

Xiao Zhao cried and threw herself into Du Yu's arms: "Master Cheng Kun, please, save mother."

Du Yu's soft jade was fragrant and warm, and he embraced him full of emotion.

Dai Qisi, subjectively, imagined that she would never hand over the Dragon Saber or Qian Kun Da Nuo, and might even use Xiao Zhao's body as a threat to coerce her to agree to some conditions, so she talked to herself and categorically seduced her. enemy.

In fact, Du Yu had already transferred the universe to Xiao Zhao, and let her save Dai Qisi.

He comforted Xiao Zhao with gentle words: "Xiao Zhao won't cry, uncle will save your mother."

Xiao Zhao smiled through tears, and nodded with tears in his eyes. Du Yu's heart was broken by that cute look.

This little beauty, who has been homeless since she was a child, has never lived a stable life, and was fostered by her mother in other people's homes, but still has no regrets for her mother. She is really a kind girl.

Regardless of whether he can take Xiao Zhao away in this world, Du Yu does not want Xiao Zhao to be left alone and suffer in this world.

Du Yu glanced coldly at the Persian envoys who were flying towards Dai Qisi from different directions like big birds, launched Lingbo microsteps, and chased them all the way.

Myshera's voice came from the direction of the wolf pupil team: "It seems that an unknown foreigner has been found in the woods, do we need to dispatch?"

Du Yu shook his head and said, "No need, you just need to take Xiao Zhao away, and the wolf pupil team will take good care of her. I'll go back as soon as I go."

He rose into the sky.

Dai Qisi's martial arts is actually not very good, even the Zishan Dragon King who is named the head of the four protectors in the Ming Cult, is also a master of the Ming Cult, because they love her beauty, they take the initiative to give way.

At this time, facing the Persian envoys coming from all directions, Dai Qisi could only groan in her heart, but her daughter Xiao Zhao was around, if she could not lure these envoys further away, she hoped that the villain would become Kun , showing kindness, took Xiao Zhao away, and Xiao Zhao could not avoid the tragic fate of being burned at the stake with her.

Although she had never been able to treat her daughter well in her whole life, Dai Qisi always wanted her daughter to live when she was dying.

She raised her skills to the extreme, stopped making a sound, turned into a group of purple shadows, and flew towards the cliffs on the beach.

She had already detected the lineup of messengers who came to hunt this time.The Fire Worship Sect is almost fully mobilized this time. In addition to the three envoys with the highest martial arts: Miaofeng Envoy, Liuyun Envoy, and Huiyue Envoy, there are also the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings under the head of the Persian Chief Sect. The Four Great Rescue Dharma Kings.The Twelve Jewel Tree Kings are Great Sage, Wisdom, Ever Victory, Fire Control, Diligence, Equality, Confidence, Suppression of Evil, Uprightness, Merit, Concentricity, and Judgment.Such a lineup can be described as unprecedented in the history of Mingjiao.

It was a super-strong camp that made Dai Qisi desperate, even if she relied on the power of the Mingjiao people, it would be difficult to resist.Besides, it is Yang Xiao who is in power at the Mingjiao at this time, whether he will stand up for Dai Qisi, who broke the door and went out to teach, when Cheng Kun and the imperial court are looking around, it is still doubtful.Moreover, with Dai Qisi's arrogance, she would not bother to give in to Yang Xiao's ilk, otherwise she would not have broken with the Ming Cult people and caused such a deadlock.

On land, facing this terrifying lineup, even with Dai Qisi's wit, she felt deeply irresistible and could only run to the sea.

She is good at sailing, and knows the Binghuo Island where Xie Xun once hid. Since there is no way out in Middle Earth, she can sail to Binghuo Island again for refuge.

No one knew the location of Binghuo Island. Even Zhang Wuji, the only one who had been there and survived, was only 5 or 6 years old at the time, so he couldn't remember the exact location.

As long as you get there, the Persian envoy is very capable, and you can't find yourself.

As expected, Dai Qisi was clever, and quickly swept to the place where the boat was hidden, and she had already set sail for the sea in a short time.

She is worthy of being an expert in sailing. Although there is only one person, she sailed the flat boat with high sails and extremely fast speed like a galloping horse.

The Persian envoys skimmed to the seaside, saw Dai Qisi sailing away quickly, but they didn't look very depressed. They babbled a few words in Persian, then walked to the other side of the bank, pushed out the ferry boat, and sailed to the sea.

Du Yu also chased to the shore, and frowned when he saw Dai Qisi leave.

Dai Qisi still finds out the enemy is unknown.

The Persians, who were able to travel thousands of miles to the Middle Earth, were most powerful not in land warfare, but in sea navigation.

Their fleet is just offshore.

With a glance, Du Yu saw that the three leaders, Miaofengshi, Liuyunshi, and Huiyueshi, were all wearing loose white robes, two of them were very tall, and the one on the left was a woman.The three of them stood with their backs to the moon, and they couldn't see their faces clearly, but each of them had a figure of flame embroidered on the corner of their white robes.

He is a member of the Ming religion.The three of them raised their hands high, each holding a two-foot-long black card, which should be the sacred fire order, engraved with the peerless martial arts left by the old man Huo Shan in the mountain.

He sighed, summoned the Fragrance, and sailed to the far sea.

As expected, Dai Qisi is the best sailing expert in Yitian, and a windsurfing board was forced out of the speed of the clipper by her.But no matter how fast the Clippers are, their tonnage is there, and they are far inferior to Poster's ocean-going warships.

Several large ships sent by Post, with full sails, speeded up and pursued Dai Qisi.

Du Yu's Piaoxiang followed closely behind.

Thanks to Elizabeth, who is good at navigating, she passively increased the speed of the ship, and the Piaoxiang, a huge ocean-going ship that is the treasure of the Dongming School, gradually narrowed the distance between the two sides.

Dai Qisi, the Persian ship and the Fragrance formed a chain of chasing each other, constantly accelerating.

Du Yu was looking far and wide, when suddenly a cute little head popped out from the wooden box beside him, who else could it be if it wasn't Xiao Zhao?
Du Yu was taken aback, didn't he tell Xiao Zhao to wait in the woods for Mai Shela to rescue him?Why didn't he know it, sneaked into the Piaoxiang and came up.

Xiao Zhao jumped out with a smile, and looked at Dai Qisi who was sailing at high speed in the distance, her clear and beautiful eyes flashed bursts of worry.

Du Yu knew that she cared about her mother, so she stopped talking.

Xiao Zhao grabbed Du Yu's arm and said, "Master Cheng Kun, you must be able to defeat those Persian envoys, right?"

Du Yu shook his head and smiled wryly, saying that he was not sure, but victory was certain.

This time he helped Xiao Zhao, it was purely an extra intervention.

At this moment, the Persian warship ahead suddenly fired.

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, artillery technology was also introduced to Arabia and Persia with the Yuan army's several westward expeditions. Of course, it was very backward. In most cases, it could only be used as a deterrent.

This cannonball was no exception, the target was dozens of feet away from Dai Qisi.

However, the soaring water splashed by the solid bullet made Dai Qisi's boat staggered even more when it was hit by the water waves, and it was difficult to increase the speed of the boat.

In the final analysis, Dai Qisi's boat is an offshore boat and a river and lake boat, with a flat bottom and flat head, which is not conducive to ocean sailing. When it is hit by a high tide, it will be a little bit unbearable.

Xiao Zhao saw that after passing the cannon, the mother's boat became more difficult to navigate, and was about to be overtaken by the big ship of the Persian envoy, and looked at Du Yu with pleading eyes.

In this girl's heart, only Master Cheng Kun can save her mother.

Du Yu took a deep breath and suddenly jumped up from the bow.

If it is as expected, Dai Qisi will be unlucky.

He jumped into the sea like a fish, ready to swim to the Persian envoy's boat and rescue Dai Qisi.

Who would have thought that Dai Qisi's sailing skills were really extraordinary, and she even sailed with wind and sails, almost staggering, and sailed to the far sea.

Du Yu's speed did not decrease, and he continued to swim.

Shark's water skills and proficiency in water skills make him not much slower than Persian ships.

When the Persians saw that Dai Qisi's ship was barely sailing despite the drastic drop in speed, they shouted angrily and immediately loaded their cannonballs.

Like a candle in the wind, Dai Qisi looked back at Du Yu and Xiao Zhao sadly, waiting for the verdict of the merciless fate.

 The fifth update is over, and I implore everyone to subscribe, monthly pass and reward support!

(End of this chapter)

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