Chapter 747 Make a big fuss on Peach Blossom Island and forcefully break through the ban! - One more subscription
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This Peach Blossom Island can be described as full of fairy spirit and outstanding people. No wonder there can be such astonishingly talented and romantic figures like Huang Yaoshi and Huang Rong, and even a true fairy who ascends during the day.

But how should Du Yu overcome the restriction of the fairy mountain and obtain the most concerned treasure of the fairy family?
This difficulty has already surpassed the difficulty of the martial arts world of Yitian Tulong.Du Yu can be sure that even if the ten strongest men in the world at this time come together, they will not be able to break the restriction set by Huang Yaoshi, who became a fairy a hundred years ago.

Du Yu put his mind to one side!
Since there are only two hours, then simply make a big havoc in the heavenly palace!
For him, these weapons and wealth are simply scraps of copper and iron, and he dismisses them.

All Du Yu cared about was cultivating immortality and becoming a god.

That is the strongest guarantee of space strength and status.

To be able to ascend, Huang Yaoshi's realm has at least reached the realm of Nascent Soul Transformation God mentioned in the formula of longevity.It is a level higher than Du Yu's Zhujin Dan state at this time.

This should not be surprising.A hundred years ago in the world of divine carvings, Huang Yaoshi had been the five masters of the two Huashan sword debates, and his martial arts were good fortune.Du Yu has learned his methods well.

After the heartbroken daughter and son-in-law died for the country, Huang Yaoshi realized that it is not impossible to practice soaring to daylight in a hundred years.

Thinking of his interaction with Huang Yaoshi in the third world, Du Yu suddenly felt a sense of a century.

I don't know, can I meet this Huang Yaoshi again in the bloody city?

Is the otherworldly fairy world mentioned in his message a bloody city?
At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Hundreds of Persian envoys blocked Du Yu in the Qingyin Cave.

Seeing Du Yu standing still, they smiled grimly.

Du Yu sneered in his heart.

If it weren't for my Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber, you would have died tragically in the peach blossom formation in the first level, how can you survive until now?
A treasure tree king, proud of himself, is the most powerful ever-victorious treasure tree king. He said with a grinning grin: "Boy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you come here. This matter has nothing to do with you." Relationship. Dai Qisi and her evil seed, where are you hiding? Why don’t you hand them over quickly? I will leave you the whole body.”

Du Yu's eyes flashed.

Since they decided to forcibly break into Huang Yaoshi's immortal family's ban, these Persians happened to be used as cannon fodder.

He laughed unfathomably, which completely angered the treasure tree kings.

As soon as the Changsheng Treasure Tree King waved his hand, three Persian envoys rushed towards Du Yu with sharp blades in their hands.

Du Yu's great teleportation of the universe is done!
The three envoys were unbalanced by the forward area for no apparent reason, and rushed towards the seemingly empty, but in fact heavily restricted, entrance of the Qingyin Cave!

Du Yu forcibly broke through the battle of Peach Blossom Island, and this is the beginning!
The three envoys, who were beaten to the entrance of the cave, were furiously turning around when they heard a tearing sound.

An envoy turned around in panic, but saw the most terrifying thing in the world!

The two companions behind him were torn apart by bolts of lightning.

The broken body, like fragments after an explosion, was torn apart and scattered around.

This voiceless cave immediately became a slaughterhouse of flesh and blood, the entrance of the cave was smeared with brains and blood, and the stumps were bloody.

Du Yu felt a chill in his heart.

This unlucky old Dongxie, soaring after ascension, actually left such a terrible restriction on his family!

It's really evil, even a fairy is so evil.

The tragic death of the Persian envoy immediately frightened the treasure tree kings out of their wits.

But Du Yu's eyes flashed.

This fairy family's restriction is like any energy body in the world, every time it attacks, it will consume energy.

The so-called conservation of energy, since it bombards the human body with such great power, the energy consumption must not be small.

Using the longevity formula, he concentrated on his eyes, and he could see that the originally strong restraining air at the entrance of the cave had become much thinner.

Du Yu let out a long laugh, and kicked the surviving Persian envoy towards the entrance of the forbidden cave.

As soon as the Persian envoy fell out of the cave, he was mercilessly attacked by the ban, stepped into the footsteps of his two companions, and turned into bloody stumps.

Seeing the restriction, Du Yu became thinner.

He moved Tianshan Zhemei to grab it empty-handed, one in each hand, grabbed the two Persian envoys, and threw them towards the restraint.

The two Persian envoys immediately turned into flesh and blood, but the ban finally dissipated into the air with bursts of overwhelmed tearing sounds.

Du Yu let out a long laugh, and rushed out, finally stepping into Huang Yaoshi's Ascension Front Cave.

The Persians were terrified at first, and then furious.

Naturally, they didn't understand the power of cultivating immortals in Zhongtu, they just felt that Du Yu took advantage of others' surprise and killed their five companions.

If Du Yu wanted to get rid of these Persians, he would have disappeared long ago.But he was also happy to take these Persians as a means to deal with Huang Yaoshi's restraint, and walked ahead in a leisurely manner, letting the Persians yell and catch up.

Since Huang Yaoshi is known as Dongxie, his method is definitely not limited to the trivial work of Qingyin's cave entrance. There should be more powerful restrictions ahead, which need cannon fodder to break.

Du Yu rejoiced that he was really a good man with good rewards.If it wasn't for the good intentions to come to rescue Xiao Zhao's mother, Dai Qisi, how could he hug left and right, and how could he find Peach Blossom Island and bring so much cannon fodder for him to break the restriction?

Time was limited, so Du Yu went straight to Huang Yaoshi's abode, where there should be things left by Huang Yaoshi's immortals.

The Persians followed like a pack of hounds chasing a cunning fox.

Beside Du Yu, Shi Feixuan and Wanwan, two beauties with the highest level of cultivation, appeared at the same time.

Concubine Shixuan frowned and said: "The aura of the fairy world is very strong here, and it is the cave left by a powerful immortal cultivator. But be careful and restrict it!"

She said that at this time, Du Yu already felt her feet were locked by something, unable to move.

Although he couldn't say the name of this restriction, he also knew that it must be the method of the immortal family. All the exercises were concentrated on his legs and he tried to pull it out.

It was Huang Yaoshi's pedantic knowledge of Heaven and Man's mechanism [Qimen Golden Lock Formation] that caught Du Yu.

Since the people who came by were warned not to step forward and cross the thunder pool, the prohibition here is no longer polite, and it is extremely powerful.

Seeing that Du Yu was in a critical situation, Hou Hou giggled, took out the demon dancing posture of bravely breaking through the ban in the bamboo forest, and flew up, and the white clouds wrapped around Du Yu's waist, and he suddenly pulled up.

Du Yu's body exercises also followed suit.

Of course, his realm is not comparable to that of Huang Yaoshi.But after all, Jindanqi is also a strong person who has achieved success in cultivating immortals, and the formula of longevity is the secret of Taoism, which can be called a treasure-level exercise.Du Yu and Hou Hou jumped up at the same time, and unexpectedly got rid of the trap of Qimen Golden Lock Formation.

How could the Persian envoy who was chasing after him know so well?Shouting and rushing forward.


There's no after that.

The Qimen Golden Lock Formation is running at full capacity.

The Wisdom Treasure Tree King, relying on his own knowledge of some profound formations, actually broke into the formation, walked a few steps, turned around and grinned: "I think this middle-earth formation is nothing more than that."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was hit by a stone flying like a snap of his fingers, his brains were cracked and he died tragically on the spot.

Huang Yaoshi's skill from a hundred years ago has already reached the level of the gods. After being promoted to the fairy world, the level is even more unfathomable, at least not something these Persian treasure tree kings can resist.

Du Yu and Wanwan, relying on the treasure tree kings to attract the attention and energy of the Qimen Golden Lock Formation, charged with all their strength.

Although he doesn't know the subtlety of the formation, but the Longevity Art is concentrated in the eyes, and he can see where the immortal energy is strong, and avoid it, but he can guess it almost exactly.In addition to these unlucky treasure tree kings, who kept helping him step on the thunder, using their lives and souls as cannon fodder, Du Yu went deeper and deeper without any danger.

The Persians finally understood that this was not a game they could play, and they wanted to quit.After all, they were not fools. The successive tragic deaths of their companions made the King of the Treasure Trees terrified, and they gestured to return to the beach.

But just at this time, Du Yu, Wan Hou, and Shi Feixuan landed on the sword-testing pavilion opposite, and the golden lock formation of the strange gate collapsed without attack.All formations, although extremely powerful, will lose their effectiveness once they are breached.

The Persian was hesitating whether to continue chasing him, but he saw Dai Qisi leading Xiao Zhao, fleeing all the way in the direction of Du Yu, passing by in a hurry.

The Equal Tree King said angrily: "This Dai Qisi is really daring. If we can't catch her back, I'm afraid that even if she returns to the main altar alive, this crime is not small!"

Everyone feels sorry for each other.The main altar of Mingjiao has strict rules and regulations. It is by no means brotherly and easy-to-talk like Mingjiao in the Central Plains. Even if the leader dislikes his subordinates, he can't do anything to the guardians and altar masters without going through the holy fire to open the altar and the canonical punishment.At the main altar of Mingjiao, but the leader has the final say.

This time I went to China as an envoy, traveling thousands of miles to look for Dai Qisi.If he returns in vain, and even loses his troops, the old man may be beheaded to kill all of his unworthy treasure tree kings in a fit of rage.

Everyone was heartbroken.

At this time, there were still hundreds of Persian envoys, surrounding Cheng Kun and Dai Qisi, they could hardly fly.

Envoy Miaofeng waved his hand, Envoy Huiyue and Envoy Liuyun rushed forward together to arrest Du Yu.

Du Yu grabbed Zishan Dragon King's slender waist and galloped away.

This sword-testing pavilion is the place where Huang Yaoshi used to test swords and practice martial arts. On the pavilion, there is still a pair of ink treasures written by Huang Yaoshi himself: "The ink marks are sprinkled with peach blossoms when drunk, and the patterns on the stone are like rosy clouds. Lang said Wuling The spring scenery is good, I have never been here in Panxiancha."

Huang Yaoshi is the number one genius in the world.Not only in martial arts and swordsmanship, but also in rhythm and poetry, they are also very profound.Even this calligraphy is ingenious and unique.These 28 characters are written heartily, flamboyant and phoenix-dancing, with a strong character, and the sharp strokes in them also contain the endless sharpness of kendo.Xiao Zhao's skill was a bit weak, after a few glances, he found it very glaring, so he avoided it.

Du Yu landed lightly in the sword-testing pavilion, looked around, but found nothing unusual, let alone any mechanism restrictions.

Concubine Shixuan frowned and said, "How do I feel, the 28 characters on this calligraphy are dangerous no matter how you look at it, and there is always a heavy feeling of the coming of heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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