Chapter 748 Sword Testing Pavilion!Constellation Sword Formation! -Second watch for subscription

The Persian envoy rushed forward, yelling.

Du Yu smiled lightly: "Since this place is dangerous, we might as well move on."

He pulled Xiao Zhao up and was about to jump out of the pavilion.

But the concubine Xuan Sekong flicked her sword, Lingkong stopped Du Yu, and shouted softly: "No! Look!"

The 28 characters on the ink treasure turned out to be golden!
One by one, they jumped out of the rice paper hanging scrolls vividly, and faintly issued the sound of swords and dragons in the air.

The sharpness between the ticking strokes actually drew peerless sharp long swords, spinning in the air, aiming at Du Yu and the Persian intruders.

What's even more strange is that this Huang Yaoshi is proficient in the art of dunjia, even the supernatural power of drawing calligraphy as a sword. The 28 characters secretly form a sword array, which corresponds to the 28 stars in the sky. Every seven golden sword characters form a sword array, which is divided into the positions of Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu. Surrounded by others.

Huang Yaoshi's voice also followed: "This is the 28 Constellation Sword Formation. If you can pass, the old man will recognize your kung fu, and you can enter the room."

Du Yu raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, this sword-testing pavilion also has powerful restrictions.

This calligraphy is the supernatural power of the sword, which is exactly the means of the sword fairy.

Huang Laoxie is really evil.

Before he had time to think about it, he pulled Xiao Zhao up and broke through again.

In terms of realm, Huang Yaoshi's restraint is stronger than his Golden Core Stage, so he can't help but prevent him from escaping.

Fortunately, there are these Persian envoys as universal cannon fodder.Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Du Yu to break through the 28 Constellation Sword Formation.

He used the Longevity Jue with all his strength, and cooperated with the fairy and witch Shi Feixuan and Wan Wan, and launched a surprise attack on the Qinglong Sword Formation in the east.

Someone broke through the barrier, which immediately triggered the Western White Tiger, Northern Xuanwu, and Southern Suzaku three formations, and the remaining 21 golden sword characters, shining golden light, stabbed everyone in the sword-testing pavilion.

The poor Persian envoy once again used Du Yu as a shield.Wherever the golden sword letter passed, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and human heads rolled around.Even the Persian Three Envoys with the highest martial arts and the Eight Great Treasure Tree Kings could not stop this terrifying fairy family trick.

The Persian envoy finally showed a fearful expression.

Even if the leader of the Mingjiao General Altar was here, forcing them with a sword, they would never stay in this murderous place for a moment longer.

It's not that they haven't seen killing and massacre, but this place is completely different from the world they know.Human life is like nothing, and the death is inexplicable. Only a ray of light passed by, and the head and stump fell to the ground.

The treasure tree kings such as palming fire, diligent cultivation, confidence, suppressing evil, integrity, meritorious deeds, unity of heart, and juming shouted in unison and fled in all directions. There is no fighting spirit at all, and as for those ordinary Persian warriors, they are even more aggressive.

28 golden sword characters collided vertically and horizontally, and the surrounding area of ​​the sword-testing pavilion suddenly became a purgatory on earth.

The Persians suffered heavy casualties, with splattered limbs and blood everywhere, the dead joined each other, and the corpses piled up like mountains.

The Persians were scared out of their wits, but they couldn't escape the massacre of these 28 golden sword characters.On the contrary, the Huiyue envoy, when a "ink" character flew towards him and was about to cut off the head, he unintentionally used the holy fire token to block it.

This sacred fire order is extremely strong, it is made of meteoric iron from the sky, mixed with Western fine gold, it is absolutely extraordinary, it unexpectedly "dang fire", blocked the golden sword characters, and saved the life of Huiyue envoy.

The three Persian envoys were overjoyed and used the holy fire to attack from all directions, barely blocking several attacks.But even so, under the mad attack and massacre of the golden sword characters, the Persians were also killed and injured countless times, only two treasure tree kings and three messengers were left, and the ground was full of dead and seriously injured people.

But the tragic death of these Persian cannon fodder is by no means ineffective.Even if it was the method of the Xian family, after killing so many people, the golden sword characters began to become dull, and the speed also slowed down.

Du Yu took his concubine Xuan and Hou Hou to block from left to right, trying to create a sword formation in the sword-testing pavilion, but on the seat of the Eastern Azure Dragon, the seven characters of "Mohen Chengzui Sprinkling Peach Blossoms" moved around and surrounded Du Yu and others. around.No matter how Du Yu tried his best, he couldn't make a breakthrough.

Seeing that the Persians were dead and wounded, and he hadn't been able to break out of the formation, Du Yu was also anxious for a while.

If the 28 golden sword characters are encircled, unless he can immediately break through the Jindan stage and reach the Nascent Soul stage, he will be doomed.

But in the heart of Du Yu's castle, Ning Zhong suddenly said: "I think these seven big characters are somewhat similar to the Big Dipper array learned from Wang Chongyang's Quanzhen sword Niubi. Now that you can't get out anyway, it's better to be a dead horse. Live horse doctor. How about giving it a try?"

Du Yu was overjoyed, and immediately called out Ning Zhongze, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Yilin, four beauties who were familiar with the Big Dipper array, together with Shi Feixuan and Wan Wan, they formed the Big Dipper array.

This formation was obtained in the world of the Condor God, and after continuous training with the wolf pupil team, the proficiency and level at this time have been raised to the third floor.

Although Shi Feixuan and Houhou were not familiar with the sword formation, but with Wang Yuyan pointing at the side and Du Yu in the middle coordinating, they seemed to be in good shape and would not mess up their positions.

The biggest feature of this Tiangang Big Dipper Formation is that it can integrate the 7 people in the sword formation to achieve internal force transmission. With this sword formation, the Quanzhen Seven can face invincible enemies.The 7 members of the wolf pupil team are all strong with superb internal strength.Among them, the most powerful players of the beauty team are gathered. Under the Western Tantric Kungfu that chains internal forces, Ruo Shifeixuan, Wan Wan, Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze and Yilin six people will pass all their internal forces on. Du Yu, for him to deal with the golden sword.

Du Yu's spirit was greatly lifted, and he unfolded the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, and fought with Mo Hen's seven golden sword characters of Chengzui Sprinkling Peach Blossom with all his strength.

The seven sword characters Mohen Chengzui sprinkling peach blossoms, the stars move, coincident with the seven constellations of Jiaomu Jiao, Kang Jinlong, Ditu Raccoon, Fangri Rabbit, Xinyue Fox, Tail Fire Tiger, and Jishui Leopard in the east, sweeping the sky and covering the earth .The weirdness of its changes can be called extreme good fortune, which is dizzying.

Du Yu's Tiangang Big Dipper Formation was actually an excellent sword formation developed by Wang Chongyang for his seven best disciples with all his talents, and later evolved into the treasure of the Quanzhen Sect.As long as you encounter a strong enemy, you will lay down this formation.

Du Yu had killed the Seven Masters of the Quanzhen back then, and only then had he gathered the essence of the formation of the Big Dipper Formation of the Tiangang. Today, when he unleashes it, the power is really extraordinary.

But when Li Mochou's life-threatening Fuchen met the character Sa which represented the Jishui Leopard, Fuchen's ponytail was chopped off by the golden sword character.

Li Mochou's face was pale, and she shouted: "Our weapons can't stop these golden sword characters! This is not something that the outer city can resist."

Du Yu's face sank like water.

He also knew that this trip would be extremely difficult, so he wanted to forcefully break into Huang Yaoshi's mansion and seize the secret treasure of cultivating immortality, are you kidding me?

However, there is no turning back when the bow is opened, and it is too late to regret it.

It was still Dai Qisi who had sharp eyes, and after discovering the secret of Huiyue envoys resisting the golden characters, she shouted: "Their holy fire order is extraordinary, you can borrow it."

Hou Hou giggled, waved the sky demon with a white cloud, wrapped Huiyue Envoy's hands, the holy fire token fell to the ground, and was kicked towards Du Yu by Dai Qisi.

Du Yu held the sacred fire token, which happened to represent the mark of Kang Jinlong, and rushed towards him like a golden dragon, but was blocked by his hands with the sacred fire token, and with a sound of fire, he left angrily.

This sacred fire order is neither gold nor iron, but it is very useful.

Du Yu let out a long laugh, and made persistent efforts, getting both the holy fire tokens of Liuyun envoy and Miaofeng envoy, and he and Shi Feixuan were a pair.

Du Yu, Shi Feixuan, and Houhou held the holy fire order, and finally they were able to resist the attack of the golden sword characters, while Xiaolongnv's gentleman sword and Ningzhongze's Quanzhen sword were also not ordinary.Du Yu distributed the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber to Li Mochou and Yilin, and the wolf pupil team stabilized their position.

After losing the torch order, the Persians could no longer withstand the siege of the three golden sword characters.Not long after, the three Persian envoys and the last treasure tree king died tragically under the attack of the golden sword characters with a look of despair.

The sword array of Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu ruthlessly wreaked havoc on the corpses of hundreds of Persians. If anyone was found alive, panting, or twitching, they would go up and make up for it.

The Persians were wiped out.

As for the 21 golden sword characters, the golden light has dropped slightly, but they unscrupulously surrounded Du Yu and others who were still struggling to find the flaws in the Azure Dragon Sword Formation.

Dai Qisi hugged Xiao Zhao, looked at the golden sword characters approaching every step of the way, and shouted: "It's too late!"

Looking at the terrified beauties around him, Du Yu forced himself to calm down.

It is worthy of being an immortal means of ascension in the Nascent Soul stage.

Huang Yaoshi's golden sword array is so powerful that it is simply staggering.

Hundreds of Persian expert envoys were wiped out by them.

Looking at the energy of the golden sword characters, I'm afraid that it can kill at least ten thousand people before it loses its energy and is abolished.

Although the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation can faintly restrain the Azure Dragon Sword Formation, it is not enough.Huang Yaoshi was pedantic about heaven and man, and if he was talking about formations and formations, even Du Yu couldn't catch up with him.The Tiangang Big Dipper Formation can ensure that Du Yu and others are undefeated at this time, it is already fortunate.

The three sword formations in the back had already surrounded them, exuding majestic and cold sword cries, like the footsteps of a god of death.

Seeing that everyone here is going to be unlucky, Du Yu broke his heart.

When a person dies, a bird turns to the sky, and if he dies late, he will have no filial son!
With a wave of his hand, the Tiangang Beidou formation changed accordingly.

Shi Feixuan, Wanhou, Ning Zhongze, Li Mochou, Xiaolongnv, and Yilin rushed to the six directions respectively.

The six golden sword characters chased after him without hesitation, but the sword array dispersed.

With a roar, Du Yu rushed to the last word of the sword with the holy fire order in his hand.

If his guess is correct, with Huang Yaoshi's ego, once someone can break through the sword formation, the 28 Constellation Sword Formation will be broken.

He used the lives of hundreds of people in Persia as cannon fodder, betting the fate of the wolf pupil team, and what he wanted was to create the only chance to break through.

Even if it takes his own life, he will not hesitate.

The only remaining character is the character "hen" which represents Dongfang Kang Jinlong.

When it discovered Du Yu's attempt to break out of the siege, it charged forward with a dragon cry, intending to tear Du Yu to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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