Chapter 749 Prohibition Solution, Bihai Chaosheng! -Third watch for subscription

Du Yu went all out and hit the mark of the Kang Jinlong with all his strength at the Jindan stage!
Kang Jinlong hissed and took half a step back.

Du Yu used the method of scattered attacks.It is unthinkable for him to fight against this terrifying 28 Constellation Sword Formation.But if he tried his best to deal with one of Huang Yaoshi's words, if he couldn't beat Huang Yaoshi's one word with all his strength, then he might as well just die on the spot.

Kang Jinlong's marks were very angry, and he rushed again.

Du Yu raised his skills to the extreme, Lingbo took small steps, dodged at the nick of time, then strode towards the outer edge with meteoric strides.

You know, the six beauties of the wolf pupil team are under the attack of the other six golds.With Du Yu's kung fu, but if they can draw a tie, the pressure on these beauties is even greater.

Yilin exclaimed, the monk's robe had been torn by golden sword characters, bloodstains were everywhere, and bones could be seen deep.

Du Yu had to break out of the siege before the golden sword killed these beauties.

But Huang Yaoshi's celestial arts were far superior to Du Yu's imagination.

The trace of the Kang Jinlong reappeared around Du Yu like a ghost, attacking Du Yu.

Du Yu's eyes flashed, it seemed that as long as he was within a certain distance from the golden characters, he would definitely be entangled.

He flipped over in his hand, and the Doomsday Blade was already in his hand.

The space ability is activated!

At the moment when Kang Jinlong's traces rushed towards him, Du Yu had already appeared a hundred meters away, using his super agility at full speed, and rushed to the periphery.

But the golden sword array still didn't give up the pursuit, and rushed towards Du Yu like lightning.

Their task is to kill all humans who dare to pass through the sword-testing pavilion.

This sword-testing pavilion is the only way to enter Huang Yaoshi's cave.

This calligraphy of Huang Yaoshi was the strongest weapon left here before the ascension to guard the cave.

Du Yu charged like lightning, but was still chased by Kang Jinlong's marks.

Huang Yaoshi's celestial technique is powerful and brilliant, simply beyond his imagination.

Du Yu cursed in his heart.

This bastard, old Dongxie, didn't know what medicine he took wrongly.

Even if he has had many adventures in the past hundred years, it is said that it is impossible to cultivate to the realm of the Nascent Soul Stage.

There is no sun and moon in cultivation, no matter how defiant Huang Yaoshi is, he shouldn't be so fierce.

He must have some magical method of cultivating immortals that he doesn't know, so that he has today's skills.

This further strengthened Du Yu's determination to break into Huang Yaoshi's cave.

He unfolded the ladder Yunzong in the air, and in an impossible situation, he abruptly changed direction and jumped to one side.

The trace of the Kang Jinlong, haunted by ghosts, rushed back again.

Du Yu was in a hurry.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!
Suddenly blasted.

The strong golden dragon's marks seemed to have convinced Du Yu, and he pierced Du Yu's chest with a dragon groan.

The two sides had no fancy, big swords and golden horses, and fought hard.

Du Yu vomited blood and flew up.

The mark was dimmed by Du Yu. Obviously, Du Yu's skills are not trivial, and the golden characters written by Huang Yaoshi himself suffered a great loss.

Du Yu continued to grit his teeth and charged, and it was the torch order that shot at the mark again.

The golden sword characters were finally blown away by Du Yu's strike!
Du Yu was injured again, spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew high into the sky.

He finally left the sword-testing pavilion for a distance, and threw himself towards the exquisite abode like a big bird.

There was only a crisp roar, and the golden light on the sword-testing pavilion gradually subsided.

"The ink marks sprinkle peach blossoms while drunk, and the spots on the stone are rosy like clouds. Lang said that Wuling has a beautiful spring, and he has never come here to spread immortals." All 28 gold characters were returned to the calligraphy, and the scroll was put away again and placed on the bamboo table.

Shi Feixuan and other beauties had been driven to a dead end, and they were all relieved when they suddenly saw the golden sword characters withdrawn into the magic weapon.

Du Yu is really good, he can handle this.

Dai Qisi and Xiao Zhao also heaved a sigh of relief.To be honest, I saw hundreds of Persian envoys being killed by this golden sword character.The mother and daughter are already desperate.

Du Yu escaped the catastrophe and almost collapsed on the ground.

Unexpectedly, this Huang Yaoshi was so powerful, he was close to death and almost died.

Without looking back, he rushed to the monastery.

Time is limited, and an hour and a half has passed in the process of exploring and breaking the restrictions.

Du Yu pushed open the half-closed door, finally entered the room, and entered the place where Huang Yaoshi ascended.

In this abode, there is no dust, no mess, even a cup of tea placed on the bamboo table is still steaming, as if the owner has just left and will return at any time.

But Du Yu knew that Huang Yaoshi would not come back until he ascended to the fairy house on Taohua Island.

Du Yu tiptoed in and carefully inspected every item around.

Although Huang Yaoshi is famous all over the world, his life is very simple.In this room, apart from bamboo tables and chairs, there is a bed.On the table was the jade flute that Huang Yaoshi often used.

Du Yu walked into the table, picked up the jade flute, and remembered that he was in the world of divine carvings, and met Huang Yaoshi's joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and he was very sad.

"Don't waste time." Wan Wan jumped into the window and said, "There is still a quarter of an hour, so hurry up and find the fairy thing."

Du Yu smiled wryly and said, "I've been trying to see if I can include this island in the heart of the castle as an auxiliary facility. Unfortunately, I still can't get in. It seems that there is no destiny after all."

Xiao Longnu and Ning Zhong were also very anxious.After finally entering Baoshan, but returning empty-handed, this feeling is heart-wrenching.

"As far as I know, every fairy's cave has a general restriction." Shi Fei Xuanman said: "Have you tried to find this restriction?"

Du Yu sighed.

If he had a definite teacher of cultivating immortals, he would naturally know where the restrictions were.But how powerful are the methods of the Xian family?Just a calligraphy and painting in Huang Yaoshi's handwriting can save him from death, and hiding the prohibition in one place at will can make it difficult for him to find it.How can I find it at this moment?
Wang Yuyan also came out to make suggestions: "From the perspective of the formation, this house is the core of the entire island, and it is undoubtedly Huang Yaoshi's residence. If you want to talk about the general prohibition of the formation, it should be here without a doubt."

"That is to say" Shi Fei Xuan's beautiful eyes lit up: "There must be something wrong in this room!"

Xiao Longnu, Li Mochou and Ning Zhong also got excited.They had all met Huang Yaoshi before, and knew Huang Yaoshi's habits best, so they began to look around.

Du Yu was so blessed that he cast his eyes on the jade flute in his hand!
"This Huang Yaoshi is known as one Xiao, one sword and one god's palm. This Xiao is his beloved, and he would take it out to play a song from time to time, praying for his dead wife. Why didn't he fly away and take it away, but stayed here instead?"

Du Yu picked up the jade flute and fiddled with it.

But Yuxiao herself can't tell anything unusual.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and two hours away, there was not much left.

Peach Blossom Island is about to soar up and disappear into the original plane.The life and death of Du Yu and others are about to go to waste.

Shi Feixuan and Wanhou looked at each other: "Since we can't find any clues, we might as well go back. This place is about to sink or ascend, it's too dangerous."

Du Yu nodded, reluctantly put Yu Xiao down.

But at this moment, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the Dragon Pearl of the East China Sea, and remembered Huang Yaoshi's message: "In addition, when I was at the Pearl of the East China Sea, I heard the sea tide falling and comprehended the song of the blue sea tide. You, for the purpose of expelling the Tartars."

This sentence, placed in Huang Yaoshi's entire post, is a bit redundant, just like a certain internet writer cheating on the number of words.Huang Yaoshi has always had a free and easy personality, why did he explain his intention of teaching Bi Haichao Shengqu?
This is simply a suspicion that is trying to cover up.

He picked up the jade flute, and played it lightly according to the Bihai Chaosheng song taught by Huang Yaoshi.

With the internal strength of the immortal family, he played this song of blue sea tide, it was really extraordinary, melodious and far-reaching.Pharmacist Dongxihuang is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, medicine, divination, soldiers, and formations. This song "The Song of the Blue Sea Tide" created by him seems to imitate the sound of the sea tide on the surface, but in fact it contains extremely high Deadly martial arts, if you listen unsuspectingly, you will surely die.The Blue Sea Chao Sheng Song is divided into nine sections: the vast blue sea, dark turbulence and sheer flow, raging torrents, white waves and even peaks, wind and clouds flying, demons making waves, icebergs melting into water, hot sea like boiling, and water like a mirror.

At this time, Du Yu's internal strength was much stronger than that of Huang Yaoshi back then, and the song of the blue sea tide spread far and wide across Peach Blossom Island and into the sea.

The calm East China Sea then gently rippled, one big wave after another, hitting the Taohuayu and the East China Sea Dragon Pearl, who were like dragons picking up pearls.

Many beauties are listening leisurely and fascinated, as if they are in the calm sea under the moonlight, the moonlight is like silver, the sea is like scales, the tide is rising darkly, the calm contains the impermanence of heaven

Concubine Shixuan sighed: "Although I couldn't find the Lizhu of the East China Sea, but I was able to hear such sounds of nature, it's worth the trip."

She was feeling emotional, but Hou Hou looked shocked, pointing to Tao Huayu outside the window, and said in astonishment: "Look! That Donghai Dragon Ball, unexpectedly"

All the beauties looked up.

The Dragon Ball of the East China Sea, which was high on the cliff, was washed down to the top of Peach Blossom Yujue under the waves of high tide, emitting a dazzling light, illuminating the entire Peach Blossom Island with fairy lights all over the place!
"It's so beautiful." Shang Xiuxun's beautiful eyes were blurred, looking at the land of Peach Blossom Island illuminated by the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea.

"It's really a fairyland on earth, a paradise of idyllic beauty," the little dragon girl also felt in her heart, and her jade hand couldn't help pulling Du Yu up.

All women are emotional.

The abnormality of this Peach Blossom Island is really beautiful, giving all the beauties a great spiritual impact and shock.

"The restriction in the fairy world should be lifted, right?" Shen Luoyan was the first to react from the beautiful scenery.

"Unexpectedly, that Huang Yaoshi worked so hard to put the method of lifting the ban on the fairy world, in the name of the opening chapter, on the engraving of the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea. If it weren't for Du Yu's carefulness, he discovered the abnormality of this jade flute, and he used his peerless innate innocence Qi, blow this jade flute, trigger the sea tide, touch the forbidden dragon ball switch, we really don't want to take down this fairy island." Li Mochou was worried.

"This series of coincidences is the result of intelligence, strength and chance." Shi Feixuan's beautiful eyes looked at Du Yu: "This is why I said that Du Yu is a man of great fortune. He always can Take us to create impossible miracles."

(End of this chapter)

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