Chapter 752 Yang Guo Exam!Single out the crowd! -Second watch for subscription

"How can we beat this senior Yang Guo?"

Shi Guodong cried out in grief and indignation.

Du Yu laughed: "You have ambition! I said you can go up together. That is more than 30 people, and besiege Yang Guo's second brother together. If you can't beat Yang Guo single-handedly, group fights are not enough? If you can't, you should put your tail between your legs as soon as possible. I will continue to be cannon fodder. After killing the Guangming Cult, I might let you go."

Shi Guodong smiled bitterly and said, "Let us go? Kill Mingjiao's Yang Xiao, Fan Yao, and the Four Great Dharma Kings. As expected, we should be the first to be cannon fodder, right?"

Du Yu smiled and said, "Correct answer! You are my sharpest knife."

Shi Guodong had already expected that Du Yu would not let him go, so he turned his eyes and looked at Yang Guo, with a flash of ruthlessness.

"Okay!" Shi Guodong shouted: "Since Boss Du said what he said, let's take it as evidence. If we, more than 30 adventurers, can join forces to defeat Hero Yang Guo, you have to give the antidote immediately and let us out!"

Du Yu nodded and smiled, "I'll pay the fee now and swear a poisonous oath."

Shi Guodong went back and told Galford, Sanye, Baihu, Tianyanqiu and others that although they didn't know why Du Yu insisted that they gang up on Yang Guo, this was the only way to survive. agree to come down.

For the current plan, there is only one fight!
Each of these adventurers is a capable adventurer who has survived a hundred battles.In many battles, I have seen Yang Guo's shots.Under the ecstasy palm and the ordinary wooden sword, I don't know how many fellow adventurers have been killed, since this time I want to deal with Yang Guo, I need to practice more, cooperate seamlessly, and strive for success in one fell swoop.

Although guys like Shi Guodong are very afraid of Yang Guo's strength.But they still have more than 30 strong players, enough to form a super alliance.Knowing the strength of Yang Guo's hole cards, and cooperating well, killing Yang Guo is a sure thing.

According to general experience, adventurers will pay some price to challenge hidden bosses like Yang Guo in the adventure world, but even if ten people die in Yang Guo's hands, wouldn't the remaining 20 still have a way out?So the morale of these adventurers was high, and the drill began immediately.

Shi Guodong was even more cheeky, and found Du Yu and asked to fight Yang Guo one-on-one after three days.

Yang Guo didn't even think about it, he agreed without hesitation, so straightforward that even Du Yu was surprised.

After Shi Guodong left happily, Du Yu asked Yang Guo: "Think about it with your knees and know that these guys will conduct targeted drills based on your strength in the next three days. That is the most effective means for adventurers to deal with the strong in the plot. No matter how strong The BOSS can't handle the cooperation and practice of the adventurer team, are you really okay?"

Yang Guo waved the wooden sword in his hand calmly, and said with a smile: "They have only practiced for three days, but I am at the bottom of the Valley of Desperation, and I have decades of kung fu. I can practice swords every day. Brother, don't worry, let's see how I do it." Break the enemy."

He lowered his voice and said: "Brother, Yang Guo agrees with your decision very much. No matter how powerful these adventurers are, they cannot be let back to the city. Shi Guodong and the third master all have fierce faces, and they are definitely not people who are willing to be inferior to others. Yang Guo will take care of these troubles for you."

Du Yu finally felt relieved.

What he is most worried about is that Yang Guo's chivalrous heart will be released in the competition.

These adventurers are desperate, like fierce beasts cornered, the most vicious and aggressive, even if they die, they will bite off a few bites of flesh.As long as one fails to deal with it well, even with Yang Guo's strength, it is not easy to win.

Three days passed in a flash.

Shi Guodong organized more than 30 adventurers from the White Tiger Team, Tianyu Team and Yamazaki Team to practice day and night in remote corners.According to Hu Yijun, the scout who monitored them, the content of their drills was not limited to formations, but also various deadly props, and they stopped for meetings from time to time to discuss the most reasonable and deadly attack strategy for each step.

This was what Du Yu was most worried about.

As a social animal, the most terrifying thing about human beings is not pure strength, but intelligence, experience and cooperation.

This is the way for human beings to conquer nature with the spirit of all things.

Yang Guo is alone, two fists are no match for four hands, let alone dealing with so many adventurers who know him well at the same time?
For the first time, he regretted that this battle was too dangerous.It was even more dangerous than Yang Guo's dealing with Team Ah Si.After all Ah Si and others are not familiar with Yang Guo.

Yang Guo, on the other hand, wandered around the Peach Blossom Island all day, leisurely, as if three days later, instead of going to the battlefield to fight with Shi Guodong and others, the teacher would do a demonstration exercise for the students.

Nothing can be stopped, and the moment of decisive battle has come.

More than 30 adventurers including Shi Guodong are ready to fight.

Du Yu originally thought that he had a thorough understanding of these adventurers, but who knew that this formation surprised Du Yu.

This White Tiger team actually hides an excellent MT.His equipment resembles the Templars of Diablo III.Holding a black knight's large shield in his hand, and a thick temple flail in the other hand, the flail was still stained with blood, with an indifferent expression, standing in front of the team.

And the adventurers of the White Tiger Team, who obviously showed off their combat skills as a barbarian throwing axe, changed into a dark Sanyadu mountain barbarian's immortal suit today, standing in front of the team equally majestic.

Beside him, Shi Guodong was all dressed up, with a gloomy expression on his face.And the melee fighters such as the white tiger also have the best melee equipment in their bodies, neatly arranged in front.

Du Yu, Maishela and the others looked down upon seeing this.

After so many battles, the survivors still hide such a powerful melee adventurer!
That MT's aura is as deep as a mountain, very calm, and it looks like the main force of the main selection who has experienced countless bloody storms, and the barbarian strongman even raised a huge two-handed axe, grinning grinningly, rubbing the axe with a whetstone , sparks flew everywhere, two arms thicker than other people's thighs, blue veins protruding like earthworms, strong and powerful, it is very difficult to mess with.

Du Yu couldn't help feeling worried about the outcome of this battle.

Shi Guodong even had a smug smile on his face. He strode forward and said proudly: "Boss Du, you underestimate the level of hidden strength of adventurers. Which space strong team does not have two hidden cards? We don't want to fight with them either. You have so much enmity, as long as you let us go, how about canceling today's confrontation with Yang Guo and Hero Yang?"

Behind him, more than 30 adventurers stepped forward together, with great momentum!

This team not only has the strong protection of the MT Temple Army, but also has melee assault forces such as Shi Guodong and the barbarians, as well as powerful melee cannon fodder such as the White Tiger Lord, as well as Galford, Nikaido Benimaru, etc. It is suitable for linking troops from far and near, and there are several long-range shooters who are watching for long-range.

The most notable thing is the mysterious white-clothed girl of the Tianyu team, Tianyanqiu, who floats in the office like a ghost.She has successfully predicted Du Yu's plan twice, and her own strength is also highly valued by Shi Guodong. She doesn't know what cards are waiting for Yang Guo.

Du Yu also hesitated in his heart.

This lineup is definitely comparable to Ah Si's team, killing them all should give them the privilege of entering the space.But the difficulty is also surprisingly high.

He wavered for a moment, should he save Yang Guo and prevent him from taking such a big risk to fight with so many strong men?

Yang Guo walked out leisurely holding his sword.The big eagle looks like a human being, following behind him, his appearance makes people laugh.

Seeing this imposing team of adventurers, Yang Guofeng glanced lightly: "Oh, are you all here? Let's start then?"

Shi Guodong's eyes were stern: "Even if you are Yang Guo, you are courting death."

With a loud roar, he spurted out with momentum all over his body, and a huge white tiger appeared behind Shi Guodong.

"The white tiger has changed three times, and the last one!" Shi Guodong's mouth showed a smirk: "The tiger roars all over the world. Ask Daxia Yang for advice!"

With this momentum, even Li Tang's face became serious: "As expected of the boss in the outer city, if he fights me one-on-one in this state, I will defend with all my strength, but I won't be able to survive 50 moves."

Michelle asked, "So how is MT compared to you?"

Li Tang smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth: "We missed our point. I didn't expect that the famous dark ronin MT "Black Knight" Bian Mo and "Iron Axe" Li Gui secretly joined the White Tiger Team. I used to see them every time. , I always feel a little familiar, but I can't confirm their identities. The knight's shield on Bian Mo's face is called An Ye. "Iron Axe" Li Gui is also a master of ax attacks, and he is very extraordinary. These two guys became famous in a battle , in the last Diablo [-] world competitive team battle, he even led the adventure team in the outer city of Tang Dynasty and rushed into the third act! Although they lost to the Sudan team in the end, they finally completed all the Templars and Barbarians. Occupational trial task, become the first person to pass the professional trial in the outer city. This is an astronomical record, and no one can break it so far."

"Professional trials?"

"In some worlds, a certain profession can be certified. Diablo III is one of them. After completing a series of tasks, you can get a professional title. Not only will the professional skill slots increase, but the power of professional-specific skills can also be enhanced. The profession of this guy Bian Mo The direction of strengthening combat skills is shield attack. Li Gui uses ax skills such as whirlwind." Li Tang looked at Bian Mo, with a fierce fighting intent in his eyes.Mai Shela and Du Yu looked at each other, guessing that Li Tang probably suffered from Bian Mo's shield attack and Li Gui's axe in the arena.

"The world competitive team battle of Assassination Three?" Du Yu chewed, and suddenly remembered that Shi Guodong also mentioned this term: "Isn't it said that it will be held in the next world?"

"Yes!" As a veteran, Li Tang is very familiar with this: "The world competitive team battle is a higher level existence beyond the national competitive team battle. Except for the bloody city gate, only in this mode, the adventurers of the four countries It is equivalent to the existence of space Olympics or championships. And the rewards for the final winners are also extremely generous. But many people would rather look instead than participate.”

(End of this chapter)

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