Chapter 753 All the powers fight to the death, Yang Guo is nirvana! -Third watch for subscription

"Why?" Du Yu wondered.

"The difficulty is too high," Li Tang said with a wry smile: "Taking Diablo III as an example, the adventurers of the Tang Dynasty ranked second, which is considered very high. There are still 30% of them who will never come back. The worst thing is the Council The group of black people in the country. Although the individual strengths are scary and they have excellent fighting talents, but because they cannot be united, the final points are tragically at the bottom. 50% of the adventurers are wiped out by the space, and this is not counted in the mission. Lost hands."

"At this time, the inner city is recognized as the number one master. Hussein from Iraq, it was in the Diablo III world competitive team battle that he suddenly emerged. He led the adventurers of the Sultanate and defeated the strong teams of various countries along the way. He won the first place, and got amazing adventures and rewards." Li Tang was fascinated, and finally told an amazing fact: "And one of his apprentices is your old enemy Yakun."

Du Yu's heart was screaming.Yakun himself is awesome enough, even though he was defeated by the Bloody City Gate last time.But his master turned out to be Hussein, the number one expert in the four countries in the inner city!
He felt even more threatened.

Here, Mo and Li Gui should have endured until now because they were defeated miserably without the opportunity to display their talents in the previous battle.

Among the adventurers, there are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers, full of talents.

Even the team that he regards as a broken army can come up with such a lineup.

"The only chance of winning," Maishela said with difficulty, "is that this team lacks recovery supporters. Otherwise, even with Yang Guo's century-old skills, he would not be able to stop more than 30 outlaw adventurers who cooperated with each other in order to survive! Hurry up, with attack against attack, there is only a chance of victory."

Du Yu also looked solemn, looking at Yang Guo.

Yang Guo still had the same disheveled, careless look, waiting for the war to start.

Du Yu gritted his teeth: "Start."

He winked at Michelle.

Mai Shela understood, and immediately led the wolf pupil team to disperse.

If Yang Guo unfortunately died at the hands of these desperadoes, the wolf pupil team would never let a murderer go.

Shi Guodong and the others also knew this, and Mo raised his head and roared angrily, and a ray of light fell from the sky.

That's the Crusader's calling mount professional skill!
Riding on summoned mounts, the Crusader relentlessly pursues enemies with leap attacks and expertly charged across the battlefield.They can blind or immobilize their enemies, ensuring they cannot escape justice.

A crimson flaming horse appeared in the void, and Xi Lulu, carrying Bian Mo in heavy armor, rushed towards Yang Guo like a landslide.

No one expected that Bian Mo, the black knight who claimed to be the most defensive, would launch the attack first.

Yang Guo's expression didn't change, his sleeves fluttered, he rushed towards Bian Mo.

Under Bian Mo's heavy helmet, his eyes were cold, just like the black knight in the Ringwraiths, brandishing his flail, he slammed into Yang Guo.

He summoned the war horse and charged into battle. Wherever he passed, no one could block the power of this assault.

Yang Guo, so what?
The big eagle neighed high-pitched, and was somewhat attracted by the fierce battle, dissatisfied that he couldn't fight on the field.

Yang Guo smiled slightly, his true energy agitated his clothes, when Bian Mo's sledgehammer came down, it flashed past.

Bian Mo only felt that his ribs were hit hard, and he could hardly control himself and fell down.The flaming warhorse Xilulu disappeared into the air.

Mai Shela, Li Tang, Le Qun and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

No one could have imagined that when the opponent's aura reached its peak, Yang Guo would hit the opponent's weakness and knock him down.

This is simply the greatest mockery.

Bian Mo jumped up suddenly, and used a shield attack. The giant black knight's shield slapped Yang Guo.

And "Iron Axe" Li Gui launched the whirlwind like lightning, swung the giant battle ax with both hands, rolled up a black whirlwind, and slashed at Yang Guo.

Yang Guo instantly fell into the front and back attack of two melee masters.If it is hit by any side, it will be reduced to ashes in the stormy offensive of these powerful enemies who are stubbornly resisting.

And Shi Guodong, who performed the last of the White Tiger's three transformations, was not to be outdone, he roared and joined the battle group.

Bian Mo's shield attack, "Iron Axe" Li Gui's Whirlwind Slash, and Shi Guodong's Fuhu Fist all hit Yang Guo at the same time.

The offensive from three sides attacked Yang Guo like a raging wave.

Yang Guo smiled slightly, the clothes were windless and automatic, instantly like a big balloon filled with air.

Just like when he was practicing, his eyes were calm, as if facing the raging sea, he just swung his sword.

In his hand, just like senior Dugu Qiubai, it is just an ordinary wooden sword used for sword training.

The harmless wooden sword slashed at the weapons of the powerful enemies on three sides, like a breeze blowing across the water, leaving no traces.

Bian Mo's shield attack staggered and lost its aim, and hit Shi Guodong's Crouching Tiger Fist.Shi Guodong's fist made Bian Mo's shield shake, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

And "Iron Axe" Li Gui's sharp ax also lost control, cutting several deep marks on Shi Guodong's chest, and blood gushed out.

"You don't know how to read!" Several people angrily reprimanded.

"Idiot, that's Yang Guo's move. Hurry up." Shi Guodong roared angrily.

Only he understood that Yang Guo had already used the wooden sword to cut through the ribs and knees of the three of them, causing the three of them to attack, contradicting himself.

He was horrified.

The attack power of the three of them is also well-known in the outer city.

When he met Yang Guo, he was tied up and couldn't exert his due power at all.

Could it be that Yang Guo is really a god?

Like a big bird, Yang Guo rushed to the depths of the White Tigers camp.

Galford's ninja dog, Bobby, came up with a ferocious bite, and the ninja knife also pierced Yang Guo's neck soulfully.

Nikaido Benimaru's Lightning Fist also attacked Yang Guo.

Yang Guo's ecstasy palm blasted Nikaido high into the air, the Lightning Fist lost its support in the air, and Zila disappeared in a flash. The ninja dog was killed in the air and thrown out.

In the final analysis, this adventurer was not Galford, but someone who took advantage of his reputation and practiced kung fu like a decent one.

That Bobby Ninja Dog is naturally not a genuine product, but a counterfeit one.

Yang Guo's center of gravity shifted lightly, his figure was like a beauty waving her hands, but his fist hit heavily on the chest of the adventurer in Nikaido.

The tall and thin adventurer, who was as thin as a hemp stick, but with sinister eyes, spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and flew backwards.

Xiao Longnv smiled and said: "27 forms of beauty boxing. Wen Jungu wine. Use it well."

Yang Guo is not in a hurry, and everyone's demeanor is fully displayed.

Shi Guodong roared furiously: "You are all dead? Hurry up! If he doesn't die, we will all die!"

When more than 30 adventurers heard the words, they all showed the aura of desperadoes and rushed towards Yang Guo without fear of death.

All kinds of gorgeous attacks besieged Yang Guo.

Yang Guo was not afraid, with a leisurely expression, he ecstasy his palm and wooden sword, and faced Shi Guodong, Bian Mo, San Ye, Li Gui, Galford and others with hideous faces.

a quarter of an hour later

Bian Mo, the most tenacious of life, uttered the sound of drinking, but covered his neck, and fell to the sky unwillingly, falling into the dust, his legs and feet were still twitching, but his life was rapidly moving away from this body.

Even the Templar Army with the strongest defense and vitality can only last so far.

On the ground, there were more than 30 corpses of the enemy lying here and there.

These once confident adventurers ended up dead on the ground, blood spattered five steps, and died tragically in the hand of Yang Guo's ecstasy and ordinary wooden sword.

Yang Guo stood with his hands behind his back.He only has one left arm, the right arm is broken, and the sleeves are empty, but he has an endlessly suave and comfortable demeanor, looking at the only survivor on the field.

The girl in white was Tian Yanqiu.

Only she is still alive.

Shi Guodong died tragically in the 3rd minute. His heart veins were directly broken by the palm force of the ecstasy palm. His eyes were very frightened and wide open. He couldn't believe his fate, and it ended here.

Tianyanqiu hasn't used a skill since the battle started.I just watched quietly, watching the more than 30 adventurers besiege Yang Guo, with various formations, various props, and all kinds of fearlessness, but in the end they were blown by Yang Guo's face, breaking them one by one, and then using peerless martial arts, one by one. I was shocked to death.

She is like a little white flower in a violent storm, powerless and heartless, no matter how she fights against the violent environment around her, she can only let the destiny decide her fate.

Yang Guo's eyes finally fell on Tian Yanqiu.

He knew that Du Yu would never let any adventurer who knew about the wolf pupil team and his secret information live in this world.

For any adventurer, returning to space, the secret of Du Yu's Beauty Wolf Pupil team will no longer be a secret.

It is said that in the bloody city, under the prying eyes of those powerful bosses, if all the secrets are leaked, Du Yu's life and the wolf pupil team will be in absolute danger.

Therefore, the fate of the girl in white was decided accordingly.

She must die.

Yang Guo walked towards the girl in white who claimed to have heavenly eyes.

The girl in white still didn't resist, as if the two predictions had exhausted all her strength, and she was no longer able to fight anyone.

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, waiting for the arrival of fate.

Du Yu sighed, stopped Yang Guo and said, "Second Brother, stop."

Yang Guo let out a long breath.

To be honest, with his kind heart, it is no problem to kill those stubborn enemies and decide fate with martial arts, but it is really difficult for him to attack such a little white flower girl.Yang Guo had no choice but to act against his heart because of his brotherly loyalty, and when Du Yu told him to stop, he naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

Tianyan Qiumei's eyes were clear, and she looked at Du Yu.

Du Yu sighed, "I'll give you one more chance. Just join my wolf pupil team and you'll survive, okay?"

Tianyanqiu suddenly laughed.

Judging from her appearance, she looked like a high school girl, shy and sweet, full of youthful fantasy and romance, but when she laughed at this moment, she was sharp and crazy, and the contrast was astonishing.

Michela couldn't hold back her breath and said: "In space, winning or losing is a common thing. This time the fault is on the Tianyu team, and Tianyu is not a good person, why bother to be loyal to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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