Chapter 754 The holy knife sacrifice, Tianyanqiu's decision! -Four more subscriptions

Tianyanqiu's laughter stopped abruptly, and he said desolately: "He may not be a good person, or even act evil, but we have known more than a dozen worlds and traveled along the way. We share everything, information, treasure, survival point and even life."

She suddenly pulled out a Japanese sword from her hand, and as soon as it was unsheathed, the sword emitted endless dazzling light!
Mai Shela, who knows the goods, called out in a low voice: "Could it be that this is the famous sword that can protect the lover's resurrection in the legend, the holy memory Bajingxia pill?"

Tian Yanqiu's beautiful eyes were sad, but he still smiled: "That's right! This is from the world of the real soul samurai, and it is the sacred object that Amakusa Shiro Shizhen and his lover Tianji prayed before the gods. That day Kusa Shiro was in Shimabara When the Battle of the Castle was defeated and Tianji was hunted down by Fumo Kojiro and others with Tianji, Tianji resolutely committed suicide with this knife in order not to drag her lover down. Amakusa Shiro, who could have escaped, also turned around and hugged Tianji Ji, let Fuma Kojiro take away, danced the oily coir raincoat dance, and was burned alive. The day after his death, he was automatically resurrected under the magic power of the holy memory of Bajingxiawan. This is the origin of this knife. Its only function is to revive my lover—Tianyu! And possess the powerful strength of the demon world!"
Yang Guo was taken aback.This day's infatuation of Yan Qiu really suits the heart of this infatuated seed, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand and shouting: "Don't!"

But Tianyan's autumn intention has been decided, and he resolutely stabbed the holy and engraved Bajingxia pill into his chest!
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, blood gushed out from Tianyan Qiu's chest, quickly staining Tianyan Qiu's white skirt red.

She fell to the ground with a pale face, and gradually closed her eyes: "Tianyu, if there is an afterlife, we will always be friends (this is the famous saying of Amakusa Shiro)."

On the holy engraved Bajingxia pill, a dazzling light suddenly appeared, and disappeared in place in an instant.

It turned out that this knife had no attack power at all, it was just a wishing knife.

With no way out, Tian Yanqiu would rather commit suicide in exchange for Tianyu's resurrection.

This scene dilutes the joy of Yang Guo's successful promotion, everyone looks at the corpses all over the place, and they only feel heavy in their hearts.

Du Yu sighed, "Bury them all."

Michelle choked up.

She is used to killing and making decisions, and it is not uncommon to see massacres of adventurers a hundred times more tragic than this, but that day, at the last moment, the unexpected self-sacrifice made Michelle feel sympathetic as a woman Of course.

I don't know what's so good about that day's language, that he can catch this Tianyanqiu, who has been bickering with him, so blue-eyed, that he even took his life to save him.

Even evil people have loyal lovers.

She glanced at Du Yu, not knowing whether it was bitterness or sweetness in her heart.

Du Yu sighed, walked down, patted Yang Guo who was distracted, and said, "This matter is Tian Yanqiu's personal decision, and has nothing to do with you. How do you feel?"

Yang Guo lost his mind and said, "Oh, such an infatuated woman is rare. I felt a fire in my chest just now, it must be a success."

He suddenly received a space prompt: "You killed a team of 32 adventurers in a fair decisive battle. The opponent's overall strength rating surpassed yours. You have received an invitation to enter the bloody city! Do you accept it?"

Yang Guo took a deep breath.Entering the bloody city, like Huang Yaoshi, can gain endless time to explore the way of heaven, of course, as long as he can continue to complete the tasks to survive.

"You became a space adventurer."

"You have a new weather power."

"Your weather power is: Phoenix Nirvana!"
"Four Meteorological Capabilities of Phoenix Nirvana:
1. [Advancing against the current], the current HP is 75%, the damage is 150%, the attack rate is doubled; the current HP is 1%, the damage is 50%, the attack rate is doubled; the current HP is 200%, the damage is 2%, The retaliation rate is 25 times, the lower the life value, the faster the speed.

2 [West Furious Roaring], when attacking, it emits a howling sound, which can stop enemies in a wide range and cause sonic damage.

3 [Song of Furious Waves], can ignore all gain effects and weather effects of the enemy when fighting.The effect is 1 minute.

4 [Tianxiao Nilang], after being hit by the enemy's attack, you can immediately use your own martial arts to perform a counterattack, and the hit is guaranteed. "

Du Yu was stunned by the meteorological power of the phoenix's nirvana.

Yang Guo also smiled, and the atmosphere of Tian Yanqiu's suicide was greatly diluted.

Du Yu cheered up and said: "In this way, our three brothers will gather together in the space! The three brothers are united, and their strength can cut through gold. Who dares to stop us?"

Before the words finished, Yang Guo received another spatial reminder.

"After the space test, you showed amazing combat power in the battle with 33 adventurers from the outer city just now. The space has revised your combat power evaluation. You will participate in the subsequent adventures as an adventurer from the inner city. This book After the world, you will be teleported directly to the inner city."

"Damn it!" Du Yu was furious. In this way, he would not be able to fight side by side with Yang Guo until he completed the inner city challenge?What are you doing?
Yang Guo looked at it indifferently: "Brother, don't mind. Anyway, in the bloody city, we can still fight side by side. As for the adventure space, as a villain, you are a lone ranger, and you don't often team up with others, so it's okay."

Finally it was Du Yu's turn to be overwhelmed.Poor villain attributes.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng's strength evaluation has not yet triggered the space adjustment evaluation, and he was forced to teleport to the inner city, so he can stay in the wolf pupil team and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but Du Yu probably missed the edge.He reminded Zhang Sanfeng: "In the future, you have to be more cautious in your actions. Don't do such a big thing as the second brother who slaughtered more than 30 adventurers in one fell swoop. You will be blamed if the space is not adjusted."

Zhang Sanfeng was amazed at Yang Guo: "I am completely convinced in this battle. Big Brother and Second Brother, your kung fu is indeed superior to mine. It's ridiculous that a year ago I thought I was lonely as a master and invincible in this world."

At this time, suddenly a flying jade pigeon landed on Du Yu's shoulder.

Du Yu knew that this was a letter from Zishan Dragon King.This jade flying pigeon was the tool he gave Dai Qisi to use for communication.

In Zishan Dragon King's letter, there was only one sentence: "In three days, the decisive battle will be at Bright Summit."

The news was inexplicable, but Du Yu knew that Zishan Dragon King would lead the Mingjiao forces under her command to a decisive battle with Zhang Wuji and Yang Xiao on the Bright Peak.

Of course Du Yu would not miss this opportunity to make a profit.

"Notify the Beggar Gang and Zhao Min that they are going to go up to the dilapidated Guangming Peak for the second time to destroy the Ming Cult"

At noon on the third day, on top of Guangming Peak.

Yang Xiao vs. Fan Yao, Eagle King vs. Bat King, the two groups of masters fought inextricably.

Yinyewang, Wusanren, Houtu Banner, Jumu Banner and other master disciples all stood on the side of the Bright Peak, but behind Dai Qisi there were three banners of the Five Elements Banner, and there were quite a few of them.

Zhang Wuji was sweating profusely, waved his hands and said, "Everyone, stop beating. Stop!"

Dai Qisi said coldly: "Zhang Wuji, although you belonged to my Ming Cult, you also inherited the title of the Golden Retriever Lion King because of Xie Xun's adopted son. However, you have only recently joined the Cult, so what qualifications do you have to mediate this incident?" Great war? In the name of the Holy Fire Order, I order you to join our camp immediately!"

While dealing with Fan Yao's swordsmanship, Yang Xiao shouted, "Daikis, do you think I, Yang Xiao, don't know your real identity? You are one of the murderers who killed the Golden Retriever Lion King, and even the villain Cheng Kun Your mistress! This holy fire order was given to you by Cheng Kun, and it is clearly a sinner who split my Ming religion. The spies I planted in the beggar gang have already found out the truth!"

The characters in the plot are not fools, and Yang Xiao is the best choice regardless of martial arts and intelligence.

Dai Qisi suddenly returned with the torch order, which made him extremely suspicious, so he did not surrender the right to teach.

After the split of the Ming Cult, Yang Xiao did not hesitate to investigate Dai Qisi's truth everywhere.

His mind was so sharp that he actually found out the truth about Dai Qisi, Xie Xun and Du Yu through the spies of the beggar gang.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Fan Yao and Bat King stopped one after another, looked at Dai Qisi, and said in astonishment: "Master, is this true? You and Cheng Kun"

Dai Qisi was startled, but fortunately, the Persian envoy had already been killed by Du Yu and himself and others, so even if Yang Xiao had some clues, there was no proof.She giggled and said, "Yang Xiao! You occupied the Bright Summit of the Ming Cult and usurped the position of leader, but you dared to bite back and say that I was a sinner for colluding with Cheng Kun. Well, you show the evidence!"

All eyes focused on Yang Xiao again.

Yang Xiao said bitterly: "The Persian envoy traveled thousands of miles to the middle land, but was killed by you and Cheng Kun on the sea. If I had evidence, I would have found your door! But the holy fire order is absolutely true. It is indeed the envoys of the Mingjiao General Altar who brought them to China."

Dai Qisi laughed loudly: "It's ridiculous. If it's really people from the main altar and holding the holy fire order, with their numbers and martial arts, how can I, a mere woman, beat them and kill them all? This holy fire order It was me who was on an uninhabited island overseas and had no intention of finding it. If you, Yang Xiao, want to be the leader, you can do it, but why do you want to bite me Dai Qisi like this?"

Fan Yao said angrily: "Yang Xiao, I respect you for decades of life and death for the Ming Cult, but Master Yang has a last order to take back the holy fire order to be the leader. Dai Qisi is the dragon king who protects the religion, the head of the four great kings, and also has the holy fire." Ling, I think you should lead the crowd to surrender as soon as possible, so that everyone can talk."

Yang Xiao looked up to the sky and sighed: "It's a pity that no one knows Cheng Kun's traitor. My Mingjiao died today at the hands of Cheng Kun Shuzi!"

He looked at Zhang Wuji and said: "I propose, I am willing to abdicate, but Zhang Wuji is a new star in my Ming Cult, and should be the leader. Eagle King, do you agree?"

White-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng was taken aback, but Zhang Wuji was his grandson and close relative, so he naturally agreed with him.

King Yin Ye led the disciples of the Sky Eagle Sect, and they agreed in unison: "We will support Zhang Dajiao."

Yang Xiao said in a deep voice: "The golden-haired lion king Xie Xun was killed by Cheng Kun on Spirit Snake Island. As Zhang Wuji's adoptive father, he naturally agrees with Zhang Wuji. As the left envoy of the light, I also agree with Zhang Wuji. What about Wu Sanren?"

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(End of this chapter)

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