Chapter 755 The Final Battle!Cheng Kun Tu Ming! - One more subscription
Zhou Dian and others, having received Zhang Wuji's favor, pondered for a while and said, "We agree to support Zhang Jiaozhu."

Yang Xiao looked at the green-winged bat king Wei Yixiao: "Your cold illness was also cured by Zhang Wuji, don't you know how to repay your kindness?"

Wei Yixiao looked at Zishan Dragon King in a dilemma, then at Yang Xiao, and sighed: "It's really hard for me to make a decision."

Dai Qisi said coldly: "Yang Xiao, don't use your tongue. Even if Zhang Wuji is kind to everyone, but that small favor can fight against the will of the leader Yang and the holy fire order?"

Yang Xiao rolled his eyes: "In this way, even if our Mingjiao leader is not world-class in martial arts, he must be powerful. You have the Holy Fire Order, and Zhang Wuji is supported by everyone. If you can defeat Zhang Wuji one-on-one, the position of leader It's yours. But if Zhang Wuji can defeat you, he must immediately present the torch order and support Zhang Jiaozhu, okay?"

He is well aware of Zhang Wuji's Nine Suns magical skills and martial arts. Although Dai Qisi is the guardian dragon king, except for water skills, her kung fu is mediocre, and she is by no means Zhang Wuji's opponent.

Dai Qisi snorted coldly: "As a senior, how can I fight against a junior like Zhang Wuji? How about a duel between you and me, Yang Xiao?"

Yang Xiao's eyes were cold, his murderous intent was strong, and he shouted: "I can't ask for it!"

Zishan Dragon King and Yang Xiao immediately confronted each other.

Yang Xiao's posture is chic, and he should have the absolute upper hand, but after a few moves, the blood on his face faded, and he shouted: "Stop! What kind of martial arts are you doing?"

Zishan Dragon King giggled: "Can't you see? I'm a big shift in the universe!"

As soon as these words came out, Mingjiao was shocked up and down.

You must know that the great shift of the universe is a kung fu that can only be practiced by the leader of the Mingjiao. Let alone practicing it, even peeking is a capital offense.

This Dai Qisi, before sitting on the leader, will the world move?

Yang Xiao said angrily, "This is a capital crime for you."

Dai Qisi sneered coldly: "Since I hold the teachings of the leader of Yang and the order of the holy fire, I am the leader. After practicing the Great Teleportation of the Universe, why not? Besides, my kung fu was taught by the Persian envoy. Not to mention What's the problem. But Yang Xiao, you also have the kung fu to move the universe. But it's a real capital crime!"

When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

Yang Xiao yelled: "Master Yang taught me some superficial kung fu for the great movement of the universe when he was in Japan."

Dai Qisi yelled: "Shut up! If you are not the leader, you can't learn how to move the universe. How can the leader of Yang not know this canon? It is clearly you! After the death of leader Yang, take advantage of the power of Guangming left to regent, secretly enter the secret passage of the forbidden area, He secretly took out the mind method of moving the heaven and earth on the body of the leader of the Yang sect, and practiced it. Is that right?"

Yang Xiao is really speechless.

His Great Teleportation of the Universe was really taught by Yang Dingtian.

But Dai Qisi blamed him, and he had no witnesses. This is really yellow mud in his crotch, and it's not shit or shit.

Now, even Yin Tianzheng and Wu Sanren, who had always supported him, looked unnatural.

Yang Xiao gritted his teeth and shouted: "See the real chapter in your hand."

Dai Qisi sneered, and fought Yang Xiao again.Fan Yao rushed towards the five scattered people, Yin Tianzheng and Wei Yixiao fought again.The Ruijin Banner, Raging Fire Banner, Flood Banner, Houtu Banner, and Jumu Banner were also beaten to pieces.

The entire Ming Cult has become a life-and-death enemy, and scars are constantly increasing on both sides.

The two sides were fighting inextricably, and suddenly heard a long laugh.

It turned out to be Chen Youliang, who led the disciples of the Beggar Clan into the Guangming Peak, and the defense was broken.

Hundreds of disciples of the beggar gang, armed with dog-beating sticks, formed a dog-killing formation and threatened them.

Chen Youliang said with a sullen face: "My leader, Shi Huolong, was unfortunately killed by Zhu Yuanzhang, the head of Fengyang main altar of your Mingjiao. This blood debt should be paid back."

The people of the Ming Cult fought together, and no one dared to relax. Seeing Chen Youliang coming, Yin Ye Wang sneered: "The mere beggar gang has long been out of control, and dare to come to die?"

He brought everyone from the Skyhawk Sect to kill Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang's martial arts were almost the same as Yin Yewang's, and his manpower was similar to that of the Sky Eagle Sect, and they started fighting immediately.

It can be seen from this that the Ming Cult has a deep foundation, even in the middle of a civil war, even if a single army is divided, the Beggar Clan may not be able to destroy it.

Just when everyone was fighting together, Zhao Min led Xuan Ming and other masters, and rushed in in one fell swoop.

Zhang Wuji saw that Mingjiao was really at a critical juncture, and with great magic power, he jumped up and attacked the two elders Xuanming.

At this time, his skill has improved greatly, and his palm is full of power, and the two elders, Xuanming and Xuanming, can't beat him in both fights.

On the contrary, Zhao Min sat down with a smile, and sipped tea among a group of fighting martial arts masters.

She looked at ease on the surface, but she was secretly surprised in her heart.

It has not been a day for the imperial court to deal with Mingjiao.

But today, the civil strife in the Ming Cult has killed the sky and the earth, and everything is the work of Cheng Kun.

With the help of Dai Qisi and a sacred fire order, he turned his hands into clouds and rain, causing the Ming Cult to split and fight among themselves.

This person is really a disaster to the court.

After overthrowing Mingjiao, the rest is to deal with him.

Yang Xiao, Zhang Wuji, Dai Qisi, the Mingjiao people, the beggar gang and the imperial court forces fought for each other.

Finally, it came to the end of the battle.

There are corpses everywhere, and there are very few masters who can stand up.

The members of the Ming Cult can be said to be powerful in battle. Even in the face of internal strife, beggar gangs, and court forces, they are still alive and kicking, killing a mess.

In the end, in the main altar of the Ming Cult, there were only Zishan Dragon King Dai Qisi, Guangming Left Envoy Yang Xiao, Right Envoy Fan Yao, Green Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao, White-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng, King Yin Ye, Wu Sanren, Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min, and Xuan Xuan. There are only a few people including the second elder Ming, and they are still confronting each other.

As for those minions with ordinary martial arts, they all died in the battle.

Even the remaining masters are already unable to stand firmly, their internal strength is exhausted, and their steps are vain.

Yang Xiao put his hands on the wound on his chest, gasped and said, "Daikis, this is the result you want."

Zhang Wuji's eyes were blurred with tears, he really didn't want to see so many people slaughtered like this.

Dai Qisi looked around.She kept urging her men Mingjiao to rush forward and kill these rebels. At this time, only Fan Yao and Wei Yixiao were left on her side, and they were all dead.

Only Zhao Min met Dai Qisi's eyes and smiled for her.

Dai Qisi smiled and said: "This time the excitement is over, I will invite a real expert."

She bowed and said, "Respectfully invite Master Cheng Kun to come to the Bright Summit."

Yang Xiao spat out a big mouthful of blood, and said angrily, "Daikis, you really are a traitor!"

Zhao Min's pretty face was frosty, and she looked at Du Yu who was striding in.

Sure enough, he was playing tricks behind his back.

Fan Yao and Wei Yixiao heard that Dai Qisi said that the person behind her was actually Cheng Kun, the enemy of the Ming Cult, and they were really shocked and angry, but at this moment, everyone had no internal strength and could only watch Then Du Yu walked in.

The only exception is Zhang Wuji.

He practiced Nine Suns Divine Kungfu with great success, and he was really powerful. When he saw Cheng Kun, the enemy who killed his adoptive father Xie Xun, come in, when the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Du Yu strolled in the courtyard, dodging Zhang Wuji's palm, and greeted the Ming Cultists around him: "Everyone, are you safe? I, Cheng Kun, are here again."

Yang Xiao yelled furiously: "Cheng Kun! If you are a hero, don't use tricks and tricks, and fight us fairly!"

Du Yu nodded: "Okay! So I will fight fairly."

Fan Yao said indignantly, "You sent Dai Qisi, an undercover agent, to enter the interior of our Ming Cult and cause internal strife and division. What kind of hero are you?"

Zhao Min laughed dumbly and said: "Master Ku Toutuo, you seem to have forgotten that you also started as an undercover agent and worked in my Ruyang Palace for more than ten years. Fortunately, you still have the face to laugh at Master Cheng Kun."

Fan Yao's face was livid, but he couldn't refute.As an undercover agent, Zhao Min has been tricked a lot. Now that the retribution is coming quickly, it is his turn to teach.

Du Yu smiled coldly: "I don't care too much about myself. You all lost your combat power today. If it is based on my current skill?"

He glanced at the house, and swung out the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms with all his strength, hitting the main beam.

With the power of his punch, the main beam that was hugged by the thick two people was broken from it!

Everyone in the Ming Cult was shocked and rushed out one after another.

This magnificent meeting hall collapsed suddenly, and the sky was full of dust.

Mingjiao masters looked at each other.

This is the Mingjiao meeting hall, spacious and bright, tens of meters high and [-] meters wide, the girder is made of century-old iron and copper mountain wood, stronger than steel, even if all the masters present, even if they have all the skills, there will be no one It can break the main beam with one punch.

This Cheng Kun actually has such profound skills.

Yang Xiao and Fan Yao looked at each other with bitterness in their mouths, knowing that they had encountered a serious crisis this time.

My own Mingjiao fell into the scheme of splitting the family, continued internal strife, and encountered a peerless and powerful enemy, so it is no wonder that it will decline to this point.

Zhou Dian and the others shouted angrily: "It's all your fault, the protectors of the Dharma, fighting for power and profit. How about it now? When someone calls, you don't have the energy to defend the teaching."

Yang Xiao's face was livid and he shouted: "Even if Your Excellency's magical skills are better than ours, we will not accept it!"

Zhang Wuji's eyes spit fire even more: "Cheng Kun, you and I cannot live together!"

Du Yu smiled lightly: "Very good. Since you are not convinced today, if I kill you, I won't be able to win by force. How about this, I will not fight, but I will pick some female disciples and challenge you one-on-one. As long as you beat my female disciples Disciple, you can go down the mountain alive. Whoever wins will leave. I will never stop you. How?"

Yang Xiao, Fan Yao, Yin Tianzheng and others looked at each other.

Now that's all there is to it.

Even if one person gets out alive, there is hope of revenge, which is better than dying here.

Wei Yixiao gritted his teeth and said, "My old bat comes first!"

He jumped out.

On Du Yu's side, Wan Wan smiled coquettishly.

This witch has tasted the sweetness of heaven, and she refuses to let go of any opportunity to improve her strength easily.

Wei Yixiao spread his blue-winged bat wings, screamed, and flew into the sky.

Wan Wan's beautiful eyes were clear, and they floated into the air, and the demon belt stabbed at the flying Bat King.

The aerial battle between the two exploded in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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