Chapter 756 The Bat King falls, and Yang Xiao is defeated! -Second more please subscribe!
Bat King knew that Guangmingding was at the last moment. If he lost, the people behind him would consume more energy.Thanks to Zhang Wuji's careful treatment, most of his body's insane cold disease healed up. He forcibly extracted a mouthful of true energy, then dodged Houhou's demon belt, and pounced on Houhou like a vampire. His sharp fangs stabbed at Houhou's swan snow neck.

Houhou showed a frightened and terrified expression, and shouted: "How can you be so fierce to others?"

Having said that, Wei Yixiao felt that Wanhou's expression was full of banter and odds.

Zhang Wuji shouted: "Bat King be careful!"

Before Wei Yixiao could react, the Houhou in front of him suddenly split into two, and then into four, transforming into thousands of clones.

Wei Yixiao has experienced battles for a long time, and knows that this is the witch's method. The deadly dance of the demon is enough to make him hallucinate, and at the same time give birth to a deadly warning.He knew that if he didn't respond properly, blood would be splashed on the spot immediately.

The biggest threat to Cheng Kun is his many schemes, and there are so many female masters who are as beautiful as heavenly immortals but as poisonous as snakes and scorpions.The delicate little girl in front of him makes a man's bones weak just looking at her, but she fights so viciously and strangely.

Wei Yixiao forced out a breath of true energy, and rolled in the air to avoid it.At the moment of life and death, his qinggong has never been so swift.

The unpredictable demon belt brushed against Wei Yixiao's ear, and Wan Hou's coquettish voice rang out: "Oh, how could you avoid this trick? I thought you were going to die."

Her tone was sweet, glutinous and soft, enough to make all men in the world numb, but the topic of discussion was killing life and death.Killing is as natural as eating and sleeping in her mouth.The contrast was so great that Wei Yixiao vomited blood.

He hadn't recovered from the recollection of Houhou, and Zhang Wuji shouted again: "Senior Wei! Be careful!"

Bai Yunpiao came biting like a venomous snake, Wei Yixiao couldn't dodge this time, roared angrily, and was pierced by Bai Yunpiao's chest.

Everyone in Mingjiao exclaimed in unison, Wei Yixiao sprayed blood, fell down, and fell to the ground with broken bones and sinews. With an old face, he looked at the demon-like beauty in the sky, and said with dim eyes: "Old. Really old!" gone."

He then closed his eyes.

Du Yu was reminded: "Your beauty, Houhou, killed the Mingjiao Protector——Blue Winged Bat King Wei Yixiao, and you got a reward of 3000 villain points."

"The hatred between you and Mingjiao will continue to rise and become permanent."

Du Yu smiled indifferently, and smiled approvingly at the falling Houhou.

Hou Hou smiled charmingly, took Du Yu's arm and said, "Master, you are not allowed to run away for the merits he has made. You should spend an extra night with him no matter what."

Du Yu touched his nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

What this Houhou likes to do the most is to tease him, the master, in front of all the girls. The faces of the girls behind him are so angry that they embarrass him, and the witch will giggle and laugh.

The White-Browed Eagle King yelled angrily, and strode forward: "What a witch! It's my turn, the White-Browed Eagle King, to avenge Brother Wei! I will teach you Cheng Kun's tricks."

Du Yu said leisurely: "Ying King, you value love and righteousness, and I admire Du Yu very much. I can let you teach Tianying a horse for today's matter. You will take Yin Yewang and Tianyingjiao down the mountain immediately, and I promise you will never Harm. I won't trouble you in the future."

As soon as this remark came out, even Zhao Min was a little surprised.

Among the Mingjiao people, Du Yu had a special affection for the White-browed Eagle King, and he was unwilling to continue to offend Zhang Wuji to the death.

Unexpectedly, the White-Browed Eagle King looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "You got a flamboyant Dai Qisi, and you think that everyone in the Ming Cult is greedy for life and afraid of death? I, the White-Browed Eagle King, swear to live and die with the Ming Cult!"

Du Yu's eyes turned cold: "Then don't blame me for being cruel. The hatred between me, Chengkun, and Mingjiao can only be stopped if one side is completely destroyed."

He waved.

Ning Zhong jumped out of the battle ring, straightened out Quanzhen's long sword, and shouted: "I will fight the Eagle King!"

With Wei Yixiao fighting, the White-browed Eagle King got a bit of a breather, and Zhang Wuji's Nine Suns magic power instilled his inner strength. At this time, he recovered about 6% to 7% of his inner strength. The sharp point is like an eagle's claw, you can break the iron rod at will, and stab Ning Zhongze.

Although the Mingjiao people saw that Ningzhong was just a delicate young woman, how could she be so high even if she had high martial arts?The white-browed Eagle King was saddened by the death of the Bat King, and his skill in this blow had almost reached the peak of his life, and he was about to win his first victory against Cheng Kun.

Who would have thought that Ning Zhong just smiled bravely, after the Quanzhen sword and sword walked around, dragons and phoenixes groaned, Zhao Zhao and Yin Tianzheng's eagle claw grabber collided head-on, without losing the wind in the slightest!
Zhang Wuji, Yang Xiao, and Fan Yao looked at each other in shock.

Where did Cheng Kun get so many beauties with superb martial arts?
Yin Tianzheng is indeed extraordinary in martial arts, grasping with eagle claws, grabbing, turning, tearing, holding, and pointing, all moves are like rushing thunder, containing profound inner strength, even his son Yin Yewang was shocked when he saw it, and he secretly wondered in his heart Father applauds.

Ning Zhongze was not in a hurry, and his sword moves changed from fierce to strong and soft. Although he was suppressed by Yin Tianzheng for a while, as long as Yin Tianzheng was strong and his internal energy was exhausted, it was time for Ning Zhongze to show his skills.

The two sides fought fast, fighting more than a hundred moves in an instant.

Fan Yao couldn't bear it, jumped out of the battle circle, and shouted: "Cheng Kun, you traitor! I'll show you how to do it."

Du Yu pouted.

Shang Xiuxun jumped off the battlefield.

Seeing this graceful and long-legged beauty, even Fan Yao, who had been indifferent for more than ten years, felt amazed.

But once Shang Xiuxun started the Merchant Swordsmanship, his sword energy was overwhelming and his skills were profound, which was enough to make Fan Yao feel miserable.He was originally good at swordsmanship, otherwise he would not have been selected by Zhao Min to learn the sword moves of the six sects and teach them to himself.

But Shang Xiuxun is obviously only a twenty-year-old beauty, but she uses the sword so sophisticatedly and exquisitely, which makes Fan Yao complain endlessly.

Shan Wanjing was proud and arrogant, she jumped up and challenged everyone in the Ming Cult: "Who dares to fight my Princess Dongming?"

Among the five scattered people, the cold-faced Mr. Lengqian has the highest martial arts. Hearing this, he jumped off the battlefield and fought with Shan Wanjing.

Li Xiuning, Song Yuzhi, Dugufeng, Fu Junqiang and other beauties also couldn't hold back and jumped off the stage.

Monk Peng Peng Yingyu, Taoist Tieguan Zhang Zhong, Monk Budai and Zhou Dian all jumped out of the arena one after another, fighting against the four beauties, and a big battle broke out.

Shen Luoyan leaned on Du Yu's shoulder, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she said with a smile: "These beauties' sword skills are so advanced, you can't imagine it?"

Du Yu smiled wryly, "Do you usually practice swords?"

Shen Luoyan pursed her lips and said, "You are usually so busy, and you have so many beauties and sisters to fill up the harem. We have nothing to do, except to spend time in Peach Blossom Island, Penglai Fairyland, Piaoxiang, Pegasus Ranch and Swallow Pier. Among them, traveling in groups and playing in mountains and rivers means that everyone will learn martial arts together and improve each other. Of course, as time goes by, martial arts will improve quickly. Shi Feixuan, Ning Zhongze, and Xiaolongnv, the three masters of swordsmanship, have already My own swordsmanship, passed on to all the sisters, and I have no self-preservation. Hee hee, this battle, the sisters finally gave you a surprise."

Du Yu was moved.

After he tamed these beauties one by one, he didn't have extra villain value, and he could subsidize them to improve their martial arts.But the beauties practiced in pairs on their own, and their martial arts improved, which actually exceeded his imagination.

Not only can Song Yuzhi, Dugufeng, Shang Xiuxun and other strong opponents have the upper hand in front of the five scattered people, even Li Xiuning, who is weaker in martial arts, can suppress Zhou Dian, so that this crazy guy can see it by yelling. To their daily hard work.

Zhang Wuji's eyes were deep, and as he walked off the court step by step, there was endless hatred in his eyes: "Cheng Kun! The grievances and grievances between you and me will be counted together today."

Du Yu was about to leave the stage, but Zhang Sanfeng beside him waved his whisk: "Brother, leave Wuji to me."

Du Yu knew that Zhang Sanfeng loved Zhang Wuji very much and had deep expectations, so he nodded and turned to Yang Xiao: "Yang Xiao! Everyone in Mingjiao is risking their lives, so you won't just sit back and watch. Why don't we practice."

Yang Xiao looked at the Mingjiao people, who fell into a disadvantage in front of these superb martial arts and beautiful female masters, and felt anxious. Cheng Kun, as the first villain and the instigator, was willing to speak out to challenge, which is the best.

He immediately jumped off the field and shouted: "My Mingjiao's grievances and grievances will be settled with you."

Without further ado, Du Yu struck with his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Yang Xiao made a great move in the universe, and tried his best to unload the Dragon Subduing Kungfu.

But how could Du Yu put Yang Xiao in his eyes?
He dodges Yang Xiao's flick of the finger with small steps, and bounces back the second move of flick of the finger.

A trace of surprise flashed in Yang Xiao's eyes, and he avoided it.

Yang Xiao's shoulder was instantly crushed by Du Yu's iron palm, and he stepped back in pain.

At this time, Du Yu's kung fu skills and vision were extremely high, he had already seen through Yang Xiao's trick to lure the enemy, but he was so bold, he let out a long roar, and pressed him away.

Yang Xiao reluctantly hit the most beautiful blow with the butterfly step, but was dodged by Du Yu. He was horrified, and was about to change his tactics, but Du Yu approached him and laughed: "In the next life, I will fight with others again." Against the enemy, don't use this move with too many flaws!"

Du Yu shouted angrily, and with a move of Dragon Elephant Ban Ruogong, he smashed it in front of Yang Xiao!

Yang Xiao's life and death were at stake, and he raised his arms high, trying to escape the catastrophe.

But Du Yu's strength invaded Yang Xiao's meridians like a spiral.

Yang Xiao barely supported Du Yu's iron palm, but spit out blood and flew out.

He broke a pillar and fell into the dust of flying sawdust, glaring at the Ming Cult's enemy "Cheng Kun".

Yang Buhui ran out from behind, hugged his father, and burst into tears.

Yang Xiao finally died out of breath.

Du Yu got a space prompt: "You killed the left envoy of Mingjiao Guangming and the temporary director of education Yang Xiao, and you have been rewarded with 3000 villain points."

This massacre allowed Du Yu to continuously gain valuable villain value.

(End of this chapter)

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