Chapter 757 Slaughtering the Ming Cult!Promote the leader! -Third watch for subscription

Du Yu smiled coldly, and looked at Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Wuji who were looking at each other.

Seeing that Yang Xiao was also killed by Cheng Kun, Zhang Wuji was furious and shouted, "Grand Master! How can you help this Cheng Kun villain? He is a great villain."

Song Yuanqiao shouted: "Wuji! You are the one who can't tell the difference between good and evil. These Mingjiao monsters are a nuisance of martial arts. Getting rid of them is the duty of decent people like us. Your grand master is here, turn around quickly."

Zhang Wuji hesitated.

He is inherently indecisive, and is particularly easily swayed by the opinions of others.

Although it is true that Cheng Kun is his mortal enemy, but with Grand Master Zhang Sanfeng on top, how dare he dare to fight Zhang Sanfeng?

Zhang Sanfeng said with a relieved smile: "Wuji. Enmity and killing in the Jianghu is a common thing. Mingjiao people, although they have no ambition to drive out the Tartars, but internal divisions, vendettas and killings are endless, it is not a big deal at all. Although you currently have the Nine Suns Divine Art, you are suffering from the Lacking the teachings of famous teachers, teach martial arts, and follow the grand master and return to the Wudang school. I will teach you Taijiquan and Taiji swordsmanship, and teach you to be the next Wudang master. To comfort the spirit of Cuishan and Susu in the sky. You Would you like to?"

Zhang Wuji glanced at Du Yu with hatred, and said loudly: "No! I and these Mingjiao believers are brothers and sisters. At this moment, Mingjiao is in great trouble. How can I leave them? Betrayal?"

Yang Buhui cried: "Brother Wuji, this Cheng Kun killed his father. You kill him and avenge your father!"

Zhang Wuji roared furiously, and the Nine Suns Divine Art began to work, blasting towards Du Yu.

Zhang Sanfeng sighed softly, rolled the whisk, Zhang Wuji was surrounded by the palm of the whisk, and fainted on the spot.

Although he has the Nine Suns Divine Art, he has not obtained the Great Teleportation of the Universe and the Holy Fire Command martial arts in the original book. He is no match for Zhang Sanfeng at all.

Zhang Sanfeng supported Zhang Wuji, handed it to Song Yuanqiao, waved his hand and said, "Take Wuji back to Wudang Mountain and teach him martial arts. After I die, you will be the second generation head of Wudang, and Zhang Wuji will be the third generation head , can you hear me?"

Song Yuanqiao felt sad, and asked, "Where does the master want to travel? When will he come back? Yuanqiao has little knowledge and low martial arts. How can he take on the important task of being the head of the Wudang School?"

Zhang Sanfeng laughed and said: "I have recently achieved enlightenment, and I will fly away with my elder brother and second brother. You don't need to worry about it, and carry forward the Wudang faction I founded. The important task of expelling the Tartars in the future will fall on you. "

Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou, Yin Liting and the others were taken aback, hugging Zhang Sanfeng's trouser leg, reluctant to part with him, but the master had cultivated the Tao all his life, and it was a great fortune to have a glimpse of the way of heaven at this time, the brothers finally kowtowed to the ground and sent the master ascension to immortality.

At this time, Du Yu watched coldly, Yin Tianzheng, the eagle king with white eyebrows, finally exhausted, was pierced by Ning Zhongze with a sword.

Although Fan Yao's martial arts are excellent, but in the end due to excessive consumption of internal energy in the internal strife, his martial arts has not recovered to half of its full strength, and he is defeated by Shang Xiuxun's sword, and finally commits suicide with a tragic smile.Ask Du Yu to add 3000 villain points to his account again.

Monk Peng Peng Yingyu, Taoist Tieguan Zhang Zhong, Monk Bu Dai could not be less humble with Zhou Dian and Mr. Leng Mian, and were successively defeated by Song Yuzhi, Li Xiuning and others, and Du Yu successively earned 5000 villain points.

Today, Du Yu went on a killing spree on Bright Summit, and already swept away 17000 villain points.

Many strong men of the Ming Cult were wiped out.

The owners of the four banners, Houtu Banner, Jumu Banner, Raging Fire Banner, and Ruijin Banner, looked at Du Yu with grief and indignation, roared in unison, and rushed forward.

Du Yu sighed, and released Haierfa, the star lion.

Haierfa showed great power and killed the four banner owners one by one, and once again credited the owner with 2000 villain points.

At this time, the Mingjiao finally came to an end, and Cheng Kun, played by Du Yu, was completely extinct.

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "You have completed the task of [Subverting the Mingjiao] and completely wiped out the Mingjiao main altar. No Mingjiao believer can escape from birth."

"Due to the high degree of mission completion, you will receive additional villain value rewards in the mission reward link."

Du Yu sighed lightly.

This century-old foundation of the Ming Cult was blown away by the rain and the wind.

Du Yu just remembered that for his [Jianghu Overlord] mission, every time he kills a decent adventurer, he will reward villain points ranging from 500 to 10000 points, so he hurriedly checked the villain value account.

This time the enemy came with a total of more than 170 adventurers, about 30 of whom were directly killed by Du Yu. According to different evaluations of their strength, they successively contributed 16000 villain points to Du Yu.

Speaking of this world, the value of villains seems to be free, very abundant.But what lies behind this is the background that Du Yu wants to fight against the four strong teams with one as ten, and the wolf pupil team!

The reason why Space gave such generous rewards was because it calculated the difficulty of Du Yu's one against four, and believed that it was impossible for Du Yu to complete the kill so easily.

But the space is not counted, Du Yu was able to get the support of his righteous brothers Zhang Sanfeng and Yang Guo, and his strength improved greatly, so the difficulty of completing the task was greatly reduced.

And the four hostile teams of adventurers were even more constrained by each other, creating good opportunities for Du Yu to defeat them one by one.

Du Yu was contemplating, but Chen Youliang came out of the crowd and flattered him: "Master, your old man is really amazing. Today, you have completely uprooted the Ming religion. It is really a great merit. I think that in the world, who would dare not respect you?" What about the old man? As the leader of the Beggar Clan, on behalf of the whole Beggar Clan, I respectfully welcome Master as the leader of the martial arts alliance."

Although Zhang Sanfeng despises Chen Youliang's sycophant, he also smiled and said, "Brother is indeed, at this moment, he is the only leader in the world. I, Zhang Sanfeng, propose on behalf of the Wudang faction that my brother should be the leader of the martial arts alliance."

Zhao Min suddenly saw that Du Yu had so many women with strong martial arts skills, but he felt jealous, and he didn't dare to turn his face around to frame him. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "The little girl also agrees, Master Cheng Kun, on behalf of the imperial court, I canonize Cheng Kun Grandmaster is the leader of the martial arts alliance."

Zhou Zhiruo, who was standing behind Du Yu, bowed respectfully and said, "As the head of the Emei Sect, the little girl, on behalf of the Emei Sect, agrees that Master Cheng Kun will be the leader of the martial arts alliance."

Zishan Dragon King Dai Qisi held the holy torch and said with winking eyes like silk: "On behalf of the Mingjiao people, I would like to thank Master Cheng Kun, the leader of the martial arts, for eliminating the rebellion for my Mingjiao. , Congratulations to Master Cheng Kun, the leader of the martial arts alliance."

At the same time, Du Yu was reminded that because Mingjiao had killed all the members of the Mingjiao, Mingjiao Dai Qisi became the leader, and the hatred between Mingjiao and him was canceled and became a close relationship.

Master Shaolin Kongwen and others who came afterward saw that almost all schools in the martial arts succumbed to Du Yu, especially the most powerful Wudang sect and the imperial court, and they all agreed to make him the leader of the martial arts alliance.Cold sweat dripped from his bald head. Although this Cheng Kun had a treacherous and vicious personality, he was born in Shaolin and still bore the title of "Yuanzhen". He sighed, clasped his hands together and said, "I am from the Shaolin sect, so I have no objection."

The Kongtong faction, Huashan faction, and Kunlun faction, due to the tragic death of the leader, were unable to vote and express their views, and were automatically invalidated.

Du Yu received a reminder from the space: "You have been recognized by various martial arts sects and the imperial court, and you have become the overlord of the Jianghu. You will reward the villain with 10000 points!"

Du Yu defeated Miejue Shitai, got the Yitian Sword, and got 8000 points. After the battle of Guangmingding, he had accumulated 47680 villain points. He killed Xie Xun and got the Dragon Sword, and got a total of 10000 points. He surrendered the Zishan Dragon King Dai Qisi got another 3000 points, killed the adventurer to get 16000 villain points, slaughtered all the bright and strong, brought 19000 points, and the leader of the rivers and lakes got 10000 points, and got more than 113680 villain points in total!
This is a number of unprecedented horror.

It is also a feature of the team battle world.

Big risk, big reward.

But Du Yu also spent a lot of money. First, he spent 12000 points to exchange Fu Junzhuo and other six beauties. He spent 12000 points to upgrade Tiyun Zong. He spent 20000 points to buy Peach Blossom Island. The biggest expense was what Du Yu didn’t expect. of!
That is, the cost of supporting 20 beauties, appearing frequently, and participating in team battles has reached an astonishing 21430 points.

It's not surprising.The main reason is that this team battle required Du Yu to go all out every time. Even Wang Yuyan and A Zhu, who were not good at melee combat, were called out to serve as manpower. As the tide increases, the cost of supporting operations per unit time increases even more.

If you do business and make a fortune, you also need capital, don’t you?
Du Yu really didn't know if he didn't look at it, and his heart turned cold when he saw it.

Fortunately, the villain points earned by investing hard and crazy, still greatly exceeded the capital invested, leaving 48250 villain points.

Du Yu smiled with satisfaction, how should these villain values ​​be allocated to improve combat power?
In addition, the 38 attribute points from the previous world and the attribute points obtained from this world are also a huge wealth, how should they be distributed?

Du Yu seemed like a local tyrant who exploded overnight, looking at the villain points and attribute points he had earned so hard, in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, the next step comes with a reminder: "You still have [Old Monk's Sexual Heart] task that has not been completed. Please choose one of the heroines in the following plots to take away. Zhou Zhiruo, over a hundred favors, Xiao Zhao, over a hundred favors, Dai Qi Si, the favorability is over a hundred."

Du Yu had no plan to take Zhao Min back in this world, and he hesitated for a while when faced with the three beauties who were smiling and beautifying.

Zhou Zhiruo has practiced the Nine Yin Manual, her strength has greatly increased, and there is no such thing as the crash in the original book, which leads to a drastic change in personality, vicious and vicious, and she is still the gentle and beautiful girl.She has excellent looks and good sword skills, so she should be a good companion.In the future, entering the harem and getting along with other women should be harmonious.

As for Xiaozhao, she has a beautiful appearance, is still small in description, and has a gentle personality. She is a peerless beauty, the best candidate for lolicon and sister-in-law. In the future, she will be more considerate and caring when she wears a maid outfit. She is a lovely person who serves daily life little bird.

And Dai Qisi, Dragon King of Zishan, is full of exotic beauties, and has the amorous feelings of mature beauties.This female city mansion has a set of strategies.I also practiced the Great Teleportation of the Universe, and my martial arts are not bad.

Who should I choose, take risks on my own, and enrich the harem?

(End of this chapter)

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