Chapter 758 Wolf Eyes Dividends, Du Yu Discusses! -Four more subscriptions

After thinking for a while, Du Yu stretched out his hand to Zhou Zhiruo: "Miss Zhou, would you like to go on an adventure in another world with me?"

Zhou Zhiruo was going to refuse at first, but seeing Zhang Sanfeng and the Condor Hero Yang Guo were planning to go to another world with Master Cheng Kun.At this time, Du Yu took off his mask again, regained his true appearance, and changed from a bald old man with a white beard to a young man.The beautiful head of the Emei Sect, with a trembling heart, immediately put aside the poisonous oath that Juejue Shitai made her swear on her deathbed, and gritted her teeth: "I am willing"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Zhiruo's pretty face became hot. She said that it was equivalent to expressing her love to Du in public.

There is no way, Du Yu's miraculous skills and gentleness along the way have already conquered the heart of this beautiful woman with a beautiful heart, and she couldn't help but fall in love with her.

Du Yu took Zhou Zhiruo's tender little hand, and said to Dai Qisi: "You will control the Mingjiao from now on. I have a chance, so I will naturally come back to see you and Xiao Zhao."

With affection in her beautiful eyes, Dai Qisi twisted her snake's waist, walked to Du Yu's side charmingly, and said with a breath, "Xiao Zhao and I are waiting for you here."

Du Yu looked at the beautiful contact lenses of this charming beauty, and his heart skipped a beat.

This mother-daughter style, I still have to come back to enjoy it after all.

(cough cough, **you understand)
After everything was over, Zhao Min took the lead to leave, and Master Shaolin Kongwen and others followed suit.

Zhang Sanfeng said: "Brother, you and I have to leave, how should we deal with this Mongolian Tartar?"

Du Yu glanced at the crowd, and laughed loudly: "I have secretly handed over the weapons and treasures of Peach Blossom Island, and Wu Mu's suicide note to Zhu Yuanzhang, an altar master at the Fengyang branch of Mingjiao. He has a good brother Xu Da , Chang Yuchun and others are worthy of great responsibility. Although this little weapon treasure may not be able to play a big role in the anti-Yuan plan, but at least it can speed up the fall of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and restore our Han family as soon as possible."

He originally intended to do this by himself, but time was tight, and he had the energy to practice more exercises, so that he could have a higher starting point after returning to the space.

"The rest of our time in this world is more than half a year. During this half year, everyone should practice diligently. I have a hunch that what Shi Guodong said, the world competition mode in the next world will become a real bloodbath."

Du Yu sighed.

In this team battle, for the sake of survival and confidentiality, he went on a killing spree, killing Shi Guodong's White Tiger Team, Tianyu's Tianyu Aoshi Team, Yamazaki's Dongying Team, and Hou Xiaobai's Asi Team.Although Du Yu received an extremely rich return, the bloody key and villain value alone made Du Yu a fortune, but it also sowed disasters.

That is the plot of the four-nation team battle in the next world.

According to Li Tang, the world competition mode is a competition among four countries, and each country dispatches 100 adventurers to enter the adventure world.Competitive competitions are divided into major events and divided into stages, similar to the preliminaries and rematch of the Olympic Games. The team whose points are at the bottom of this stage will have a proportion, and the players with the bottom points will be wiped out!

Last time, 50% of the members of the Parliamentary National Athletic Team, which was at the bottom of the list, were wiped out by the space!

This bloody scene made everyone, including Du Yu, shudder.

The problem is that although the wolf pupil team is strong, the quota of 100 people is drawn from the outer cities of various countries based on the evaluation of spatial strength.Shi Guodong, Shan Qi, Tian Yu and others, although their conduct is despicable, they are also powerful players in the Tang Dynasty after all.They died tragically and fell like rain. Only the wolf pupil team and the bladeless team remained among the strong teams in the outer city of the Tang Dynasty. With such a lineup, it is somewhat powerless to deal with the other three kingdoms adventurers with strong soldiers and horses.

The wolf pupil team must seize all the time to improve their strength, so as to save their lives in future battles.

Michelle, Li Tang, Le Qun and others, of course, also understand the joints.

The weaker the team, the more disadvantaged it will be in the world competition mode.

In every link, there are places that will be obliterated in proportion, making the weak team weaker and less able to compete with the strong team for the next round.

Du Yu couldn't control other factors, but the wolf pupil team was a trump card in Du Yu's hands.If he wants to achieve good results in the next world, he must get strong support from the team.The most ideal result is that a large proportion of the remaining 40 people of the wolf pupil team can be selected for the Datang representative team. In the 100-member alliance, they will occupy a relatively majority, control the right to speak of the Datang representative team, and control their own destiny hands.

Mai Shela and Li Tang understood, and immediately ordered the wolf pupil team to start organizing the drill plan.

There is still more than half a year of plot time before the challenging, bloody and exciting world competitive team battle, plus one month of space, if the training ground is used, it is equivalent to a year and a half. We must race against time and step up the training team.

Du Yu did not cherish his own broom, and took out all the exercises below C level that were treasured in the Shishui Pavilion for everyone in the team to choose.He will only provide higher-level B-level exercises to his confidantes such as Mai Shela, Li Tang, Rourou, and Hu Yijun.

For such a generous donation, Myshela and the Wolf Eyes team were overwhelmed with gratitude.

Because the secret exercises in the space are very precious, there is a limit on the number of times they can be read.The more advanced the skill, the less the number of readings.A D-level exercise can be read repeatedly by about 5 people, while a C-level exercise can only be used by 4 people, B-level exercise for 3 people, A-level exercise for two people, S-level exercise for one person .Some advanced exercises even appear in scrolls, which can only be used by one person, and after reading them once, they will disappear.This is the space's mechanism to control the proliferation of high-level martial arts.

The C-level skills collected by the captain were actually provided to the team members, which made the wolf pupil team very grateful.Michelle immediately formulated a policy to define the opportunity to read these exercises as team benefits, and distribute them to the most heroic fighters according to the contribution of this team battle.At the same time, 170 bloody keys were distributed.With these keys, Du Yu sent Elizabeth, who was extremely lucky, to open the treasure chest and obtained more than 200 pieces of various equipment and weapons, all of which were the essence of the slain adventurers.

Elizabeth's unfavorable luck caused the adventurers of the wolf pupil team to exclaim repeatedly, and some even pointed out the most precious weapons and props in each key based on the opponent's information collected by the team, and exploded all the good things that the opponent relied on to become famous. out!
Then there is the big distribution of joy.

The strength of the wolf pupil team has been greatly improved.

Mai Shela is holding two pieces of shining armor, one is the fist glove [Fist of Thunder] that was stripped from Shi Guodong's body, it is one of the green suits that broke out in the inner city's difficult Diablo III world, even In the inner city, it can be regarded as a top-level armor.This boxing glove provides precious attributes that increase agility by 25 points and critical strike chance by 12%. It can also provide up to 100 points of basic protection, and there are four hidden bonus attributes after the set is assembled.

And the other one is one of the enhanced exoskeleton AMP components [Iron Maiden Arm] that exploded from the plot of [Edge of Tomorrow], and the evaluation is also extremely high.This thing belongs to a humble melee adventurer.It can provide up to 40% active block success rate and 20% passive block success rate.Once the block is successful, the damage will be immune.

Michela stuffed these two treasures into Du Yu's arms, cursing and saying: "These bastards loot the good things when they see them. I ordered them to put out all the trophies one by one, and then picked the best one." I'll bring you the two precious pieces. Otherwise, you won't be able to leave one of them, it's shameful."

Du Yu looked at these two items with great interest, but finally handed them back to Maishela.

Michelle said in amazement: "Why, you don't like it? I'll look for it again."

Du Yu smiled: "Would you be surprised if I told you that I still have at least 60 attributes in the two worlds without any distribution?"

Michelle was really taken aback.

Fighting in the precarious space, the adventurers will allocate almost every point of bonus attribute to the body immediately, even if the chance of survival is increased by 0.1%, it is good.But this boss still has the harvest of the two worlds, which has not been distributed.This shows what?
This shows that he still has unlimited potential to tap, and the difficulty of this world does not allow him to use his strategic reserves at all.

Michelle didn't know what to say.

Du Yu smiled: "I don't want to show off, but I just want to say that these treasures and props are of course an important condition to increase the chance of survival. But if you put your life on these foreign objects, it will eventually damage your pursuit of the way of heaven." , the way to self-improvement. Look at Yang Guo, he only used ordinary wooden swords, and Zhang Sanfeng also abandoned Wudang real martial arts swords and used ordinary iron swords. Kung fu practiced to the depths, flying flowers and leaves, can hurt people. These I don’t need props for the time being, let’s use them for the wolf pupil team.”

Mai Shela looked up at Du Yu in a daze.

She only felt that on Du Yu's face, when it came to the hope of pursuing the way of heaven, the self-confidence on Du Yu's face was enough to make any little boy feel gloomy!

Man, that's it.

Even Michelle couldn't help but feel flustered.

Du Yu wasn't pretending to be aggressive, and wasn't suitable for these high-level equipment. What he was wearing at this time was still the soft hedgehog armor he got when he first entered the space.

He is indeed on the way of pursuing the way of heaven, going further and further.

For Chinese kung fu, the deeper you practice, the more you can understand why ancient chivalrous men did not wear heavy armor, ride horses, and become like western knights, turning into tin cans and moving castles.

Because what they pursue is the echo between the individual and the way of heaven, the unity of heaven and man.

Take that glove [Running Thunder Fist] as an example. The power of this thing is really extraordinary. The 25 points of agility have already increased the attack speed and action efficiency of the owner, not to mention the precious 12% critical strike chance?
Presumably, after Shi Guodong got this object, he was also ecstatic, and he always regarded it as his life and stayed with him.

But in the end, this thing was exploded from his icy corpse and became the wolf pupil team's spoils of war.

With this thing, the power of Shi Guodong's boxing skills has greatly increased, and he can always smash other people's heads, so what motivation does he have to keep sharpening his boxing skills?

(End of this chapter)

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