Chapter 759 Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, Rejuvenate!Please subscribe
Humans are always lazy animals, as long as they have enough fist strength, why should they practice so hard?

Shi Guodong's tragedy was thus planted.

But Du Yu only relied on two fists, although it seemed that he had one less powerful glove than Shi Guodong.

But he cultivated deeply.

One Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, one level of refinement, will increase the damage equivalent to the entire internal force value!Based on Du Yu's current internal strength, that's at least 150 points!
And the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms can at least make Du Yu improve ten levels.

How much does it hurt each time?

Can a glove offset this huge gap in strength?

That is to say, compared with the extensive and profound Chinese martial arts with no upper limit, the advantages of mere foreign objects are no longer in Du Yu's eyes.

Of course, he will not deliberately avoid good equipment for the sake of pretending to be aggressive. If he has the right equipment, he will still accept it.Even if you don't need it, just put it in the space, and if you encounter a strong enemy, you can install it immediately.

These two pieces of equipment are really not in the eye of the eye.

Mai Shela was confused by Du Yu's domineering words, and only felt that Du Yu had a pure manly aura rushing toward her face.

She couldn't help herself, fell into Du Yu's arms, bit Du Yu's earlobe and said in a low voice: "Do you know, just say this to you, I want you right now!"

Du Yu smiled wryly: "Just relying on these two pieces of equipment, as the price for my unspoken rules, isn't it good?"

Maishela's beautiful eyes were burning with desire, she pulled Du Yu up and walked away.

When Du Yu came back, the team assignment ended.

Although Du Yu didn't want these equipments, it didn't mean his beauties didn't need them. More than 20 gorgeous beauties picked and picked among more than 200 pieces of equipment that exploded, just like the women of later generations who went shopping, pocketing a large number of the most powerful equipment.

After Du Yu's beauties were selected, it was the turn of Maishela and the captains of each team to reward meritorious service, and distribute the equipment one by one in the form of bidding according to demand and merit value.The rest are placed in the team's public repository for future use.

In the following six months, Du Yu and the beauties experienced another period of beautiful and peaceful days.

Although the Ming Cult has gone through this disastrous defeat, its folk foundation still exists. Du Yu also knows that it is impossible to truly uproot this religion that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Dai Qisi is a pawn for him to control the Ming Cult.

A few months later, Zhu Yuanzhang of Haozhou led an uprising, with Xu Da, Chang Yuchun and other Mingjiao generals under his command.What caught Runan King by surprise was that the Yuan Dynasty clearly promulgated the military prohibition order, confiscating all weapons in the Central Plains, and even the kitchen knives had to be shared by several families. Buy food and war horses.

This time, it was out of control.King Ruyang led Wang Baobao and Zhao Min to attack, but failed to extinguish them.

Then, Chen Youliang, the beggar gang, revolted in the Huguang area. With the help of the strength of the beggar gang, he responded with hundreds of thousands of people and gathered tens of thousands of people within a few months.

And Dai Qisi, the leader of the Ming Cult, called the Ming Cult followers with the Holy Fire Order, and led the crowd to revolt in the west.

The vitality of the Yuan Dynasty is exhausted.

But Du Yu didn't have time to see the fall of the Yuan Dynasty.

It's time for him to come back.

When Du Yu joined hands with Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng and walked into the void, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and Zhou Zhiruo, three newcomers to the bloody city, looked at the reward scene with great curiosity.

Never had such a fantastic experience in their lives.

A space prompt sounded: "Your task of [Subverting Mingjiao] is completed. You destroyed Mingjiao, captured the Guangming Peak, and killed the members of Guangmingjiao. You also controlled Mingjiao through Dai Qisi. The mission completion rate is 90%. Mission difficulty factor: 4. Basic reward attribute points: 4. Reward attribute value is 14 points."

"[Old Monk's Color Heart] Subdue at least one heroine such as Zhou Zhiruo, Zhao Min, Xiao Zhao, etc., and reward the villain with 2000 points. The completion rate is 100%, and the reward attribute value is 2 points."

"[Overlord of the Jianghu] You killed four decent adventurers from the team and became the overlord of the Jianghu. The task completion rate is 90%, the task difficulty factor is 4, and the basic reward point is 4. The reward attribute value is 14 points."

In total, Du Yu received 30 attribute value rewards in this world, plus the 38 points accumulated in the previous world, for a total of 68 points.

This is a coveted wealth, but Du Yu is calm and calm, and has no intention of rushing to allocate attributes.

A ray of light descended from the sky, covering Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.

"Discover the story adventurers who have newly entered the city!"

"Initialization of data"

"Strength Evaluation"

"Strength evaluation is the process of assessing his current strength vertically and horizontally according to the characters in the plot, his attributes, skills, experience, and past records when he entered the city, and classifying it into the corresponding difficulty process."

This light, like X-rays, slowly filtered through the bodies of Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.

"Comprehensive evaluation results, Yang Guo, space number 087490, country, Datang people, strength evaluation, inner city difficulty. Weather, Phoenix Nirvana."

"Comprehensive evaluation results, Zhang Sanfeng, space number 094387, country, Datang people, strength evaluation, difficulty of outer city. Weather, Tai Chi sword."

"The privilege of entering the city's plot characters, you can freely choose your age and appearance. Have you changed?"

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng looked at each other, the surprise in their eyes was self-evident.

It can actually change the appearance and age, which means that the two of them can rejuvenate!
And because of the adventurer's digitalized body, this rejuvenation is not a skin graft, but a real rejuvenation from the body.

Du Yu and the others stared at Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, witnessing this spatial miracle.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng were originally a hundred years old. When the light swept away, Yang Guo had returned to the 40-year-old appearance of the Condor Hero in his heyday, while Zhang Sanfeng had returned to his youthful appearance in Zhang Junbao's era.

This made Du Yu smile.

It seems that the two people's memories of the best years are frozen at that time.

Speaking of the intersection of the two, it was Guo Xiang.If this girl appeared in the space, what kind of love triangle would there be between Yang Guo, whom she was infatuated with, and Zhang Sanfeng, who was infatuated with her?

Du Yu couldn't help laughing.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng looked at each other, and walked excitedly towards elder brother Du Yu.

The two of them really didn't expect that they would be able to reunite with their elder brother alive, and they would really rejuvenate and return to their prime!

At this time, there are two strong men who obviously possess hundred-year-old skills, but one is suave and suave, with fluttering sleeves, and the other is mature, elegant and handsome. How can one see their aging appearance?
Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng walked up to Du Yu's side, looked at each other, and bowed down to Du Yu: "Brother, please accept the bow from the second and third brothers!"

Du Yu asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng said sincerely: "Brother, we brothers, I am sincerely grateful to you for giving us a second life, to be reborn together. Since then, our brothers have embarked on a new adventure journey. We take care of each other, and we are in the same robe as our son, and we will make this life together. Space, make him turn upside down!"

Yang Guo was fearless, he was nicknamed Xi Kuang, and when he heard Du Yu talking about all kinds of powerful enemies in space along the way, he was already furious.At this time, he is extremely powerful, both civil and military, witty and clever, how can he let Hou Xiaobai and his ilk do evil tricks against elder brother Du Yu?
And although Zhang Sanfeng is steady and clumsy at ordinary times, he is not afraid of things, otherwise he would not be able to establish a sect and create the most brilliant page in Chinese martial arts.At this time, he looked like Zhang Junbao's little fresh meat, but his brows naturally showed the arrogance of a master, full of confidence in the brothers joining forces and making troubles in the space.

Du Yu was moved.

He helped Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng up, and said with a long laugh: "Second brother and third brother, brothers unite as one, their benefits cut through gold! Don't go to other places, live in the headquarters of my wolf pupil team!"

In the city, high-difficulty adventurers can freely enter the low-level adventurer area, but not vice versa, and they have to pay a high stay fee.This is to prevent low-level adventurers from enjoying the various facility benefits of high-level adventurers in advance.

As an adventurer in the inner city, Yang Guo has no problem staying in Wolf Castle. The only inconvenience is that every time he enters the adventure world or uses the facilities in the inner city, he needs to walk a long way.But for the master Yang Guo, is this a problem?

When Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng followed Du Yu and arrived in front of Wolf Fort, they were stunned.

In the bloody city in space, they are still very used to it.Because the bloody city is indistinguishable from the ancient big cities in terms of scale and organizational layout except for its vast size.Layers of giant towers and city walls divide the city into outer city, inner city, imperial city, purple mansion and other areas.The dotted and boundless Jingshi houses are cut into neat squares by the broad Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qinglong, Baihu Streets and hundreds of wide streets, like a huge chessboard, with chess patterns and squares. During the block's residential arrangement.

Seen from a high altitude, the bloody city really looks like an endless chessboard. However, who can win the game with pride until the end depends on the level and strength of the players from all walks of life.

However, each of these residences is like a subject, succumbing to the layers of the city walls, worshiping in front of the majestic height of the imperial city in fear, just like worshiping the emperor of the empire.

But the only exception is the Wolf Castle in the outer city, which is as high as the city wall!

After a huge investment of 3000 million survival points and several months of construction, Wolf Fort was already magnificent at this time, with a length and width of several kilometers, covering an area of ​​tens of hectares, and the height was as high as the city wall. It's really majestic and majestic.

Compared with Wolfsburg, the gathering place of other strong teams is like a small building and a big manor, there is no comparison at all.

"Domineering!" Not long after Yang Guo entered the space, he learned all kinds of fashionable vocabulary, which shows that this Western madman quickly found his young mental age, got rid of the mentality of a centenarian, and yearned for the excitement and adventure of new things.

"Big brother is really extraordinary." Zhang Sanfeng also smiled.

 感谢夜色泯的10128打赏,感谢黑光半醉的1888打赏,感谢好冷的冰1176打赏!感谢天晶浑天宝鉴、volt002、巫马此间、lhf861、书友141113141927922、丹蒂斯 、hggfjhg等大大的热情支持。

(End of this chapter)

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