Chapter 760 Space Sensation, Mysterious Beauty - Subscribe

Mai Shela and other wolf pupil team proudly held their heads up, and walked towards Wolf Castle under the envious and fearful eyes of passers-by around.

Who doesn't want their power to be the best in the space?
Passers-by pointed and talked all the way.

"Look, the wolf pupil team is back!"

"Didn't I hear that Boss Shi, Boss Yamazaki, and that genius Tianyu didn't like the wolf pupil team, so they followed them and planned to kill the wolf pupils in this world? What happened?"

"Boss Shi? You're talking about old Huang Li! There have been rumors in the space a few days ago that Shi Guodong's White Tiger Team, Yamazaki Ryuji's Dongying Team, and Tianyu's Tianyu Aoshi Team are all participating in this largest-scale competition in the outer city." In the team battle, it was wiped out and became the prey of the wolf pupil team!"

"Ah? Doesn't that mean that the wolf pupil team killed more than 100 people?"
"There should be more than 170 people! They were all killed. None of them escaped back! This wolf pupil team???"

"It's really ruthless!"

"They are so cruel! Generally, if you defeat your opponent in a team battle, you will allow your opponent to pay a ransom and escape, right?"

"It's like killing people."

In the eyes of everyone who gathered around to watch, there was a trace of undisguised fear and fear.

If we talk about the previous wolf pupil team, although the treatment is excellent, it feels like a potential stock showing the atmosphere of a strong team.

But since this bloody team battle, with the corpses of Shi Guodong, Yamazaki Ryuji, Tianyu and others like mountains and blood flowing like rivers, the wolf pupil team's illustrious reputation has shocked the outer city at once!
Become the well-deserved king of Datang Outer City!
"I also heard that in addition to these four teams, even Hou Xiaobai's fearsome team of dead soldiers chased them in. Looking at the posture of the wolf pupil team, Hou Xiaobai also suffered a big loss!" The man said vividly, As if seeing it in person.

"Hou Xiaobai? Is that the Hou Xiaobai who recently held the position of head arrester but stayed in the East China Sea and never returned?"

"That's right! I heard that Mr. Yihou was so domineering that he was so angry that he ran to the East China Sea and never came back. The reason is that in the last world, he lost a bet with Du Yu, the boss of the wolf pupil team and the director of the space programmer. Standing upside down at the gate of the city, kneeling down and kowtow to call grandpa. I was there at the time, that was wonderful???"

"This Du Yu is almost out of the limelight now. He should be the strongest person in the outer city of Datang, right?"

"Not necessarily." Someone sneered and said, "A lot of strong people don't even bother to be as vigorous as Du Yu. They usually hide very deeply. Only upstarts like Du Yu who have no background can succeed in one day. .”

"Keep your voice down." Another person persuaded: "If you don't see this erupting local tyrant, don't provoke others. Have a look at the Wolf Fort over there? It's majestic and magnificent, as high as the city wall. It was built with the emperor's permission! It's the emperor In front of the proud celebrity???"

"Red man?" The man sneered: "Our emperor is the most suspicious. How could he agree with a certain team to build the castle as high as the city wall? It is clear that he has been uneasy and ready to get rid of this The harbinger of the wolf pupil team. It's ridiculous that Du Yu doesn't know good and bad, thinking that the emperor trusts him. Hmph! He knows too little about the rules of this bloody city!"

A beautiful woman in bright clothes, with a furious horse in fresh clothes, looked coldly at the wolf pupil team passing by. Hearing this person's comments, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said delicately: "This righteous man should be a madman of the Tang Dynasty. Fang Mingshi, who is famous for his life, seems to have profound insights, so I wonder if we can have a detailed chat with the little girl?"

The man who coldly satirized the wolf pupil team was just a mad student with the appearance of a scholar. He had some space experience and had worked hard for a long time, but by accident, he was always unable to enter the strong team.He applied for the Wolves team several times, but was also rejected by the picky Michelle and others, so he held a grudge and always spread bad words about the Wolves team.

Fang Mingshi was extremely impatient to be interrupted.Time is precious in space, who wants to chat with strangers?But when he turned his head and was about to reprimand angrily, he opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it again.

It turns out that this beauty, although her expression is indifferent, but her peerless face, almost makes any man in the world excited, straight nose bridge, small cherry lips, pink and white Qiong nose, slightly thick black eyebrows, matched with a pair of cut water autumn Eyes, glanced over coldly, this crazy soul has been hooked away.

This celebrity is by no means a beginner who has just entered the space, otherwise he would not hang out in the outer city.The more he looked at this beauty, the more evil and seductive she became. The straight nose bridge and slightly thick black eyebrows gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.This beauty is by no means as weak as she looks on the surface, but she is very ambitious and wild.

But men are cheap bones, the more difficult to conquer an ambitious beauty, the easier it is to arouse men's desire to conquer.

He coughed, "If it's someone else, even if you spend thousands of survival points, it's hard to buy me a crazy conversation or a pot of wine, but if it's a young lady, I'm willing to accompany you, and I even ask to be a host."

The beauty smiled cleverly at Laixi, smiled lightly, turned the horse's head, and slowly walked aside.

Fang Kuang gave a sinister smile.It was precisely because of his bad reputation that Michelle rejected his application because of his extraordinary strength.It is enough to have Du Yu in the wolf pupil team, there is no need for such "talents".

Fang Kuangsheng waved his fan, three steps at a time, and followed the beauty to the distance.

Beside the first floor, which is famous for its space, the beauty got off her horse and walked slowly into the restaurant.Fang Kuangsheng pretended to be a celebrity, and followed suit.

He wanted to show off in front of the beauties, and ordered a table of expensive wine and food to show how successful he was in the outer city and his extraordinary strength.The beauty was patient, and after listening to his nonsense for a long time, she said coldly: "Mr. Fang, I know that you have a good literary talent, but what I want to inquire about is information on that kid Du Yu, do you have any?"

Fang Kuang was speechless for a while.

Among the crowd, he showed the posture of knowing Du Yu so well, but in order to pretend to be arrogant, he spoke amazingly, but in fact, he didn't know much about Du Yu's team.

Seeing Fang Kuangsheng hesitating for a while, the beauty frowned, and scolded coquettishly: "So you don't know that wolf pupil team."

Fang Kuangsheng was helpless, rolled his eyes, and had no choice but to pick up some things that Du Yu made vigorously and everyone knew.

The beauty listened with gusto, covering her mouth with a chuckle from time to time, her beauty caused Fang Kuangsheng, who was used to the space to create beauties, to lose his composure.

Fang Kuangsheng was about to search his guts and tell this beauty about Du Yu's hearsay in the form of a story, but suddenly there were two puzzled guys sitting around him.

Fang Kuangsheng was furious immediately.

Although he is not the leader of the team, he has been in the outer city for a long time, has a very wide network of contacts, and has his own capital and strength, otherwise he would not dare to curse the wolf pupil team that has just returned from a big victory in public.On the first floor, who dares to disturb her to pick up girls without her permission?
But seeing these two guys, Fang Kuangsheng couldn't help being taken aback.

It turned out that these two guys were full of evil spirits, but their necks were as smooth as jade, and they looked like sissies, which made Fang Kuang feel sick.

They are simply ??? eunuchs.

Even scarier than their looks is their attire.Both of them were dressed in red, willow and green clothes, and they were gorgeous, like flowers attracting bees, waves and butterflies, for fear that people would ignore their "beauty".

One of them held a Longquan sword, while the other had a calm expression.

This Fang Kuangsheng cried out bad luck in his heart, and he didn't know where the two monsters came from.

He said in a deep voice: "Two friends, do you know who dies the fastest in the space?"

One of them squeezed the orchid finger, and said in a tone that made Fang Kuang's hair stand on end, "I really don't know who dies the fastest?"

Fang Kuangsheng suddenly suppressed his anger in his heart, and said with a sneer, "It's just an uninvited guest. I don't know what to do if I come uninvited!"

The beauty looked at Fang Kuangsheng with great interest, fiddled with the tea in front of her, and said calmly: "Mr. Fang, don't make a fuss, these two are my friends. We are here to learn about Du Yu and the wolf pupil team. "

When Fang Kuangsheng heard that these two men and women were friends of this beauty, he secretly called it bad luck, and that tonight's meal would be ruined, but he had no choice but to make a gesture: "Then add two sets of bowls and chopsticks. "

Another man, neither man nor woman, sneered: "You claim to be the most popular information dealer in the outer city, but you only know about this well-known rumor. Don't you laugh your ass off?"

That Fang Kuangsheng's face changed drastically, he waved his fan, and stood up abruptly.

On the surface, he is an ordinary adventurer in the outer city who is doing well but never showing off. He is a little famous and not publicized, but his actual identity is the best wind matchmaker in the outer city!
The so-called wind media are intelligence brokers whose profession is to sell information.They can connect various strong teams, assassin teams, imperial courts and underground organizations, with three teachings and nine streams, all-encompassing.

This Kuangsheng's identity must not be exposed, otherwise not only will there be no business in the future, but it will also provoke the vendetta of some secret and dark transaction sufferers before, and the disaster of killing him will be imminent.

He never imagined that these two dead monsters would reveal his secret identity with just one word.

The beauty smiled softly, took out a treasure, and put it on the table.

That Fang Kuangsheng was about to show a fierce look in his eyes, find a familiar team, kill the two monsters, and forcefully fuck the beauty, but he couldn't help but be attracted by the treasure that the beauty brought out, so he sat down and let out a little surprise.

That treasure is surprisingly a strange book that is famous in all dimensions.

"Sunflower Treasure"!
An S-level exercise book.

Although this technique has long been famous all over the world in the bloody city, there are even rumors that after a certain person got some of the fragments, he did not hesitate to pay the price of his little brother, and his strength jumped greatly, from cannon fodder to evildoer, but this technique There is no doubt that the law is of great value.

Although there are strong side effects, there are a lot of frustrated people in the space.Their little brother is also not destined to be used by top-quality beauties, so it is not unacceptable to cut them off in order to ascend to the sky.Besides, there are a lot of wonderful props and strange people in the space, which can make you regenerate from broken limbs, and cutting into pieces is not a problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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