Chapter 761 Chief wind media, information transaction! -Third watch for subscription

In this case, this S-level skill [Sunflower Collection] is of great value!
Seeing Fang Kuangsheng's staring eyes, the beauty in red smiled slightly: "Mr. Fang, if you can tell us everything we want to know, this thing is yours. It seems that this thing is worth more than 500 million survival points, right? "

Fang Kuangsheng swallowed a mouthful of spit.

The wolf pupil team can gather the strength of the whole team, go out in one hunt, and get tens of millions of survival points. Du Yu can squeeze out the bones and extract the marrow, and squeeze out 2250 million survival points from the three strong teams, but they are all based on the team. Dozens of hundreds of people gathered together!

For an adventurer, 500 million survival points is definitely a sky-high price!

And this [Sunflower Treasure], an S-level skill, even if someone is willing to pay 500 million, it is still priceless!

Fang Kuangsheng barely held his ground, there was no such thing as a pie in the sky in the space, the beauty in red had an extraordinary interest in the wolf pupil team and Du Yu, so he couldn't help but focus on it carelessly.

It is one thing to criticize and pour cold water, but it is another thing to really fight against the Wolf Tong team and Du Yu.

Although Fang Kuangsheng was crazy, he was not stupid. Du Yu was able to kill four strong teams with one against four.

But this [Sunflower Treasure], in his opinion, is worth more than ten million survival points. Even if you look at the inner city, few people can possess such a high-grade skill.

He swallowed, and said with a smile: "I've always been familiar but not raw. You know the industry of wind media. It's too risky???"

The beautiful girl in red said with beautiful eyes, "I know, so they plan to add another weight to you??"

Fang Kuangsheng's eyeballs almost popped out.

The companions of the two beauties snorted coldly and scoffed at the matter, but did not intend to stop it.

There are not many such beautiful beauties in the outer city.

Fang Kuangsheng finally made up his mind. He had long been displeased with the Wolf Eyes team, so he would like to teach the Wolf Eyes a lesson this time.

"This beauty is so generous." Fang Kuangsheng laughed and said, "I just don't know what information you want?"

The beauty lazily stretched her waist, and proudly exposed her curvaceous bust to Fang Kuangsheng's eyes: "Everything about the Wolf Tong team, especially Du Yu. Including his attributes, combat skills, tactics and secrets Hole card. I want...the most specific!"

Fang Kuangsheng could no longer refuse the proposal of the beauty in red. After a moment of thought, he took out an exquisite communicator.

Don't think that the communicator is like a mobile phone in the later generations, and everyone in the bloody city has one.In fact, Fang Kuangsheng's communicator is far inferior to Du Yu's 5G mobile walkie-talkie. A walkie-talkie for instant messaging within a kilometer.

He dialed a number and said coldly: "I want all the information on the Wolf Pupils and Du Yu. No matter the cost, yes, everything!"

A sweet voice came from the other side: "Okay. 300 million survival points."

Fang Kuangsheng was taken aback, and scolded: "A team in a mere outer city is worth 300 million survival points, are you crazy about money?"

That sweet voice sounded like a 13 or 4-year-old loli, but she was full of determination and sophistication, and said with a sneer, "It's because you're still a wind medium! One against four, killed almost all the strong teams in the outer city, and their value in the black market has soared tenfold! Countless bigwigs in the space, even the bigwigs in the imperial city, are paying attention to them and spend a lot of money to buy them. their intelligence."

Fang Kuangsheng held back his anger and said, "But that's not worth the price. I'm not an exclusive buyout! You can still sell it to others."

The older loli smiled disdainfully: "Fang Kuangsheng, are you going to do this business or not? To be honest, Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team attacked fiercely. This time, the four strong teams that will enter the story of Yitian did not leave a single one alive." ! Killed them all! Do you understand? In this way, what strength news can be spread?"

Fang Kuangsheng nodded, he had already heard about Du Yu's tricky hands.

No ransom, no survival, regardless of the consequences, this kind of crazy behavior is more likely to attract the attention of the big guys in the space than their strength.

He groaned.

This older loli is by no means his subordinate, but the boss of the wind media.

If he is the best wind medium in the outer city of Datang, then the boss of the loli voice is the best wind medium in the entire city, BADGUY.No one has ever seen the true face of this BADGUY, but Fang Kuangsheng never thought that this cute loli in her words was just like that.With BADGUY's black belly that eats people without spitting out their bones and murders and framed him, he even felt a sense of sincerity and fear when facing the big bosses in the inner city.

Then BADGUY snorted coldly: "Don't do it? I'm closing the line!"

Fang Kuangsheng greedily glanced at the [Sunflower Collection] next to the beauty in red, and finally couldn't help but ruthlessly said: "Okay! I've done this business. The transfer has passed? Information!"

That BADGUY snorted in satisfaction: "You are smart. You will never get the information from me from other places. It is exclusive! You have probably heard about the quality of my products, right?"

Fang Kuangsheng immediately received a bunch of information from the walkie-talkie.

He gave a wry smile, but he felt deeply in his heart.

After skimming through these materials in a hurry, Fang Kuangsheng understood that what BADGUY said was true.Many of these materials are the most secret and core of the wolf pupil team.In the face of Du Yu's entry of six attributes, thirteen field skills and the power of weather, and even the strength of Du Yu's Golden Core stage masters, they are fully revealed.And the main players of the wolf pupil team, such as Maishela, Li Tang, Le Qun, Hu Yijun, Ma Quan, etc., were even kicked out of all their secrets, and their bottom was turned upside down.Even down to more than 8% of the wolf pupil players.

What's even more frightening is that it not only contains the book strength of the wolf pupil team, but also the detailed process of the wolf pupil team using the contradictions between the four teams to wipe out more than 200 adventurers in the world of relying on the sky.Every battle process is detailed as seen with my own eyes. The most valuable thing is the accompanying tactical comments and comments. Several tactical coordination and advantages that the wolf pupil team is used to are displayed one by one, full of convincing Immediate visual sense and scientific authoritative commentary sense.

Compared with other people's information, Fang Kuang felt ashamed when he knew the rumors about the Wolf Eyes team.

They are all wind media, why is there so much difference?

This information is so heavy that it is enough for any strong team to immediately figure out the various trump cards of Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team, and hold their lives in their own hands.

Is the value of a wolf pupil team worth 300 million?
The answer is too cheap.

This BADGUY can become the strongest wind media leader in the entire space, not relying on any powerful means, but the all-pervasive and astonishing intelligence gathering ability.Most of the information in her hands is first-hand information.

But it was precisely because this information was too detailed and specific that Fang Kuangsheng had more doubts.In this Yitian world team battle that shocked Datang, wasn't all the participants killed by Du Yu and the wolf pupil team?Why can there be such a battle report and intelligence that is like seeing it personally and seeing the overall situation?

Judging from Fang Kuangsheng's experience, even ordinary survivors are unable to write such tactically valuable intelligence, because ordinary soldiers are not qualified to hold various important meetings to find out what their own side is. Tactics and the countermeasures of the wolf pupil team, and point out the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, and draw the strengths and weaknesses of the wolf pupil team.

He could hardly bear it, and wanted to speak and ask this Badguy boss, how on earth could he collect information to such an excellent level?
But when the words came to his lips, he finally held back.

In the space, it is taboo to inquire casually.What's more, this kind of intelligence gathering is the skill of their wind media. Who will tell you the truth?
Although 300 million is heartbroken, but after getting this information, I am not afraid that the beauty will accuse her of false information and cheat her cheat books and Chunxiao.

He has no intention of monopolizing the information. In fact, unless the information is exclusively bought out, the destruction mechanism has already been agreed. Except for the wind media, it can only be read by one person, and it will be automatically turned into ashes after reading.Otherwise, once he is allowed to go crazy and resell, wouldn't BADGUY be the world's number one fool?

And with BADGUY's reputation as a black-bellied person, Fang Kuangsheng didn't dare to tell others about it privately. BADGUY never kills people, but those who offend her, without exception, all died tragically at the hands of the enemy. Needless to say, the information of these enemies is provided by BADGUY to his enemies free of charge???
This kind of boss who has mastered space intelligence is the most frightening existence.

Fang Kuangsheng thanked BADGUY, triumphantly, threw the information in front of the beauty in red.

The beauty in red smiled slightly, and was about to pick up the materials, but Fang Kuangsheng took them back, looking at the beauty in red with an evil smile.

"I took out my own professional products, and please use your body to pay for the information, beauty?"

The beauty in red smiled gracefully: "I can judge the value of this information by reading the first few pages. Is it enough for me to take an S-level exercise and then use it for myself???"

Fang Kuangsheng was not afraid of her being a ghost, so he showed her the first few pages.

The beauty in red frowned beautifully, sometimes staring intently, sometimes snorting and laughing, and sometimes thinking carefully.

Fang Kuangsheng poured his own drink, and didn't take the beauty and his two transsexual companions to heart at all.

After the beauty finished watching, she sighed and said, "Good information!"

Fang Kuangsheng laughed dryly and said, "The inspection is correct? Then prepare to pay the bill?"

The beauty raised her head and thought for a long time, then suddenly said: "Can you tell me the source of this information? People are very curious about the ability to collect information so perfectly in space."

Fang Kuangsheng said impatiently: "You haven't paid the payment yet, don't think I will tell you anything."

(End of this chapter)

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